Great warships

Chapter 881 The Future of Frunze

Chapter 881 The Future of Frunze

Nicholas' eyes brightened: "Okay."

In the dock, a huge warship is under construction. Due to the use of advanced construction technology, the progress is very fast. The first half has already taken shape. Looking at the huge hull, Nicholas is filled with emotion.

"This warship probably has a displacement of [-] tons?"

"That's right, it's fully loaded with more than [-] tons." Qin Tao said: "Now you can see its structure from here. The upper part is the hangar, and the lower part is the dock. This kind of warship can not only take off and land vertical fighter jets, but also carry amphibious ships. combat equipment."

"Amphibious operations?" Nicholas opened his eyes wide: "This warship can perform amphibious operations?"

"That's right, although we claim that this is an aircraft carrier, in fact, it is more accurately positioned as an amphibious assault ship." Qin Tao said: "Back then, during the Vietnam War, the Americans discovered that if they wanted to land in Vietnam, they had to obtain Do it outside the coastline of [-] kilometers, otherwise the warship will take great risks. In this case, they need a large warship with a straight deck, with helicopters on it, and hovercraft and amphibious vehicles on the bottom. This was born A brand new amphibious assault ship."

The amphibious assault ship was really invented by the Americans, and it is the main force of their marine corps.

"That's right, this special ship is indeed needed, but unfortunately, our navy does not have similar ships." Nicholas said with emotion.

They lack everything, and amphibious assault ships, more specifically, none at all.

Now they only have a dozen tank landing ships on hand, the models are 1171 and 775, both of which have a displacement of more than 4000 tons. They belong to the warships designed and built by the Red Empire Seven in the 80s.On the whole, it is similar to the tank landing ship such as Dongfang 072.

The Red Empire is a traditional land country, without the need for maritime hegemony, and without the awareness of amphibious landings. After all, when needed, the rolling armored torrent can be pushed across directly. They have a lot of inland river landing ships, but unfortunately they can't go to sea. use.

However, after the separation, Da Mao found that he had this need, but only had the need, and did not have the strength to build it, so he could only wait for the opportunity.

Now, looking at the warship in front of him, Nicholas was moved.

"This warship is really good." Nicholas said, "It would be great if we also have this kind of warship."

"There will definitely be some in the future." Qin Tao said: "In the past few years, your economy has gradually recovered, and the energy market is also good. In the future, you will definitely build such a powerful amphibious assault ship, but..."

"But what?"

"However, today's amphibious assault ships must be equipped with vertical take-off and landing fighter jets to exert their maximum power." Qin Tao said: "You used to only have the Yak-38, but unfortunately the problem of ablation of the deck cannot be solved, and it is no longer produced. , if you buy it from us, the price is too expensive, and you probably won’t be able to buy it. Without vertical take-off and landing fighter jets, this combat capability will drop a lot.”

Nicholas frowned.

Yes, to purchase a piece of equipment, you must have a lot of supporting equipment to exert its combat effectiveness. Even if you purchase this kind of amphibious assault ship, you can't do it without fighter jets.

What about the helicopter?

See which amphibious assault ship has only helicopters?Either carry the Sea Harrier, or carry the Eastern J-31A or the vertical take-off and landing fighter that the United States is developing.If there are only helicopters, the combat capability will be reduced by more than half.

"Helicopters are too weak, and you don't have such models of jets. It would be a good compromise." Qin Tao's eyes suddenly lit up: "I suddenly thought, I heard that our Mili Design Bureau has a Mi- 30, like the American Osprey, is a good tilt-rotor aircraft, and if you develop this type of aircraft, you can also make the amphibious assault ship play its power."


"Yes, the U.S. Marine Corps is purchasing a large number of Ospreys. The maximum take-off weight of this thing is close to [-] tons. It can transport a large amount of personnel and equipment, and it can also be equipped with weapons to attack the ground. Its combat effectiveness is much higher than that of helicopters. The technology The difficulty is also low, and you can fully support the Miri Design Bureau in working on this kind of aircraft."

support?Where does our navy have funds!Nicholas' face was ugly: "Qin, our navy doesn't have that much money!"

"No funds? This is indeed a problem. How about I fool the relevant departments in our country and jointly design with your Mili Design Bureau?" Qin Tao said: "If this kind of aircraft is produced, there will be demand in our country , will definitely purchase, and our Mingzhou Group Transportation Company can also purchase a batch."

"Really? That's really great!" Nicholas was very satisfied: "Okay, then do as you said. After I go back, I will contact the Miri Design Bureau and let the people from the Miri Design Bureau come over." , and get in touch with you."

come over?Qin Tao nodded: "Of course, I will take them to our relevant departments to fool our leaders, and maybe we can get a scientific research funding."

If you go to the door, you may have to be questioned by the Miri Design Bureau and other people in Moscow, but if the other party takes the initiative to come to the door to ask for cooperation, then there will be no such situation. Your side is completely passive and has to pay for the other party. If they work together, then various cooperation agreements will be more beneficial to their own side.

I can't say too much about this matter, these are enough, and then there is another big event about the Damao Navy.

"Qin, Moscow has decided to renovate the Admiral Lazaev first. This warship will be towed by our tugboat and will be repaired here on your side."

Their tugboat came here, not only to tow away the 22350, but also to tow the Type 1144 cruiser!
The name of the Admiral Lazaev is not familiar to everyone, but everyone knows the name of the past, and it is the Frunze!
This warship started construction in 78, was launched in 81, and entered service in 84. When it was in service, it traveled all the way to the east, and there was a confrontation in the eastern waters.

After the collapse of the Red Empire, the condition of this warship was also not good. It started lying in the port in 94, and it was officially retired in 97.

Now, the old man is also worried about Dongfang's modification capabilities, and he is reluctant to send the latest Nasimov over for modification, so he simply uses the Frunze for experiments first.

"Before coming here, the nuclear reactor of this warship has been cut and taken out as a whole. This is the only thing I can do to help you. Next, it is up to you to revive this warship." Nicholas said .

The biggest problem with the Kirov-class cruisers is the power system. Because of the unreliability of nuclear power, or because of the brutal operation of the sailors, the nuclear power system suffered early wear and tear, and eventually all of them were scrapped. Fortunately, there are auxiliary power systems on this cruiser Boiler power can give the warship the power to move forward in the event of an accident with nuclear power, so that it will not lie down.

At the beginning, Mingzhou Group proposed to install two [-]MW gas turbines, which was approved by Lao Maozi.

In order to raise funds for the renovation, Lao Maozi also agreed to exchange it with the export of wood. Now, the amount of wood exported is about 3000 to [-] million US dollars, which is still far away from the required renovation cost. However, Lao Maozi can't wait anymore and has to start .

How can they only have 22350 frigates?They still have to have [-] tons of warships!
"Of course no problem, have you decided on the modification plan?"

"At present, the cost of the arsenal ship is the lowest. We use this warship as a warship carrying weapons, and then rely on the 22350 data link to transmit information and launch attacks." Nicholas said: "Of course, this It's just an initial idea, and the final transformation will have to wait until 22350 completes the outfitting. However, if the gas turbine transformation can be completed now, at least this kind of warship can be revived, even if other weapons and equipment are not changed. Undertake the task."

If the power system is not strong enough, it will be completely lying down. If the power is restored, at least it can sail and deter the enemy. Now they can't wait to restore the Kirov-class cruiser to a state where it can move.Even if you continue to use the outdated equipment, it can still have a strong deterrent effect.

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, as long as it is dragged over, we will immediately transform it. Although our large dock is still occupied, we can use our floating dock."

Nicholas nodded: "Based on the principle of minimal changes, we believe that the engine should be placed in the original position of the steam turbine cabin, so that although complicated piping needs to be arranged, it can avoid major conflicts. If it is installed under the bridge, then Too many compartments need to be cut, and the warship loses its combat capability."

Qin Tao's suggestion at the beginning was to arrange the engine under the bridge and push it with electricity. This is a major change. After all, the engine was not originally placed under the bridge, and this was done only to take care of the position of the chimney.

But now, Lao Maozi still decides to do it as simple as possible. It is no problem to extend the flue. Anyway, they already have a boiler and a flue, so just expand the size.

Although all-electric propulsion sounds very good, but after the Mingzhou Group finished, the whole warship has changed a lot, and it has to continue to be rebuilt. Now, if there is no money, the rest will not change, and the power system can be changed. Continue to serve.

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, follow your ideas."

"In this way, we can also save a lot of reconstruction funds. After all, you don't need to dismantle the reactor, you don't need to use electric propulsion, you just need to plug in the gas turbine and reduction gear box, change the flue, etc., so , can you make it cheaper for us?"

Facing Nicholas' request, Qin Tao shook his head and refused on the spot: "Of course it's impossible. The renovation funds cannot be changed. If you change the plan, we have to waste more time and energy. It would be good if we didn't increase the funds for you." gone."

Nicholas' face is a bit ugly, isn't it?
"Nicolas, you have changed. You are no longer the Nicholas I knew before, but I haven't changed. I still hope to follow our old rules."

Nicholas was overjoyed. Yes, he had indeed changed. Why did he always consider the interests of the navy instead of his own?

According to the previous rules, wouldn't it be good for the saved money to go into his own pocket?Anyway, it’s just some rotten wood, and it was mined by Mingzhou Group itself. They don’t need to pay anything, and they can get a warship with a refitted power system for nothing. Being able to cash out those rotten logs and put them in your own pocket is a blessing in heaven.

"Yes, I have changed, Qin, you are right, let's follow our previous rules." Nicholas nodded.

He didn't come alone, he was accompanied by many people, but now the two of them are playing charades, and others absolutely don't know what he means by that.

On the magnificent sea, a rusty warship is struggling forward with the help of two large tugboats. For it, this voyage is somewhat special.

At that time, it used to flaunt its power and passed the eastern coastline invincibly. It was so high-spirited back then, but now it has become old. Its front half of the hull is empty because it has realized the vertical launch of all weapons. The first half is full of launching devices, and the bridge begins in the middle. The tall bridge is extremely messy. The various big balls on it, and even the directly exposed arc antenna, are telling its past. A big hole appeared directly on the helicopter deck, which was because the nuclear reactor needed to be cut out.

Now, it can no longer sail by itself, and even the boiler has long since failed, so it can only be carried by the tugboat in front. Its brick-red anti-rust paint deck has faded, and the surface is full of rust, only the huge body is still standing proudly. It seems to be telling the glory of the past.

The giant ship of the red era, the [-]-ton displacement Admiral Razaev, staggered on this refitting trip. I don't know if it is the end of fate, or it will be reborn and reborn!

In front of it, it was towing an ordinary tugboat, which was not very powerful, and thick black smoke was rising from the chimney, and it drove forward with full horsepower.

And in the back, there is a huge red ship strolling in the yard. This giant ship often appears on the world stage. It is the world's most powerful rescue tugboat, the Nikola Chickel!

In the era of the Red Empire, they were not proficient in everything. In terms of ocean-going rescue tugboats, they turned to Finland for help and ordered two R-5757 ocean-going tugboats. With a power of [-] horsepower, it is the tugboat with the largest horsepower in the world.

Now it's in the back, not to tow the huge missile cruiser, but to slow down and brake when needed to avoid hitting the tugboat in front, especially in the event of a storm, its effect will be even greater.

This is the second time it has come to the East. The first time was to tow the Varyag. Although it has been several years, the crew members still remember it. This time, they continued to embark on the road to the East. A witness to a major project.

Dongfang, Mingzhou Group Guest House.

Many reporters had already gathered in the hall. They all came here after hearing the news. The warship that is about to be repaired this time has great significance, even surpassing the 22350 frigate that has been launched. They want to get first-hand news.

"Friends from the press, welcome to Mingzhou." When a voice sounded from the rostrum, they all became excited.

President Qin, President Qin is here!
Mr. Qin has a lot of things to do every day, and he rarely appears in the public eye, but this time he took the initiative to come out, it is really not easy!

"President Qin, the Furlongzhi is heading south all the way, is it from the Mingzhou Group?"

"Mr. Qin, is the Mingzhou Group going to help transform the Fulongzhi?"

"President Qin, why didn't Da Mao reform himself?"

The voice of the question below was noisy and chaotic.

"I know what everyone wants to ask, please don't worry, I will answer in turn." After Qin Tao finished speaking, he glanced down, so these people quickly shut up.

"First of all, the Frunze is already in the past tense. Now, it is called the Admiral Razaev. Don't continue to use the original name of the ship, because it will bring a Cold War mentality."

How shrewd the reporter is, not using the name of the ship in the past means forgetting, which shows that Dongfang no longer cares about the past, but looks to the future.

"As for the transformation of this warship, we only undertake a small amount of work. Specifically, it is the refitting of the power system. Everyone should know that our Dongfang currently has the world's most advanced naval gas turbine with an output power of 1144. Megawatts, there are two such engines, enough to drive a [-]-ton warship to a high speed of [-] knots. Therefore, Da Mao commissioned us to modify the power system of the [-]-type cruiser to revitalize this old ship. As for the other weapon systems on this warship, they were improved by Da Mao himself."

Only modify the power system?
It is understandable to think that the 22350 frigate only built a shell. Da Mao will definitely not purchase oriental products for key weapon systems, otherwise their own domestic military industry will shrink further. In terms of power system, Da Mao really has no Technical reserves, after all, in the era of the Red Empire, their gas turbine production base was in Ermao.

"Aren't you afraid of disrupting regional peace by helping Da Mao transform this warship?" A sharp voice sounded.

"Breaking the peace?" Qin Tao gave the reporter a blank look: "Your question has ulterior motives, and Mingzhou Group will not welcome you in the future! Security, drive him away!"

What the hell, do you still want to come here to cause trouble for me?Don't inquire about the fate of those colleagues in the past!
The reporter was dumbfounded and kicked out for a disagreement?Are you too embarrassing yourself?Seeing two thick and thick security guards stopped him, he became furious: "You have no right to do this, I am an American! Freedom of the press!"

"Freedom? Okay, then have you reported on the civilians who were innocently bombed in 99? Have you reported the current military balance in the Far East? Who is constantly destroying the peace here? We help Da Mao transform a warship, and we will destroy the peace Is it because you are the world’s policeman and no one else has the ability to resist, so there is peace? People like you are distorting the facts in the name of freedom of the press. We hate this kind of people the most, drive them out!”

(End of this chapter)

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