The heavens begin with thieves

Chapter 103 Leading the way, reincarnation Buddha Cave

Chapter 103 Leading the Way, Revolving in the Buddha Cave (4K)

Chapter One Hundred and Two
Coming down from Bingfeng Peak, a group of people were about to return along the original path, but they met an unexpected person.

On the glacier, Ye Wuqiu and the others prepared to return along the original road. There must be no way to continue this trip.

It's just that with some original information I have, I can't find the ancient capital of the Demon Kingdom at all.

After all, this land of Kunlun is incomparable with Zhelong Mountain in Yunnan.

But what they didn't know was that apart from them at this moment, there was actually another team crossing the Tibetan bone ditch.

Everyone covered their bodies very thickly, but judging from their eyes, they were all full of energy, and it was obvious that they were not easy-going people.

And just less than six miles away from Zanggugou, the two teams met.

Ye Wuqiu immediately became vigilant, and those with guns also loaded their guns.

"Who are you?"

The same was true for the dozen or so people on the opposite side. They loaded all the guns in their hands and pointed at Ye Wuqiu and the others.

The leader was a woman.

"Who are you? What are you doing on this glacier?"

Suddenly a person opposite walked up to the woman and whispered a few words.

The woman motioned for the gun to be lowered.

"It turns out that Mr. Chen is in charge of Xiling, and the Xiawang family is disrespectful and disrespectful."

As she spoke, the woman tore off the windshield cloth on her face, revealing a delicate face, which was not inferior to Xu Yiman's.

"The Wang family?"

Chen Yulou frowned. He had heard of the Wang family, but this family was very mysterious, basically invisible in the secular world.

Ye Wuqiu touched Chen Yulou and said softly: "Could they also come for the tomb of the Demon Kingdom?"

In this way, it is really possible, Chen Yulou said at the moment: "Since we met, it is fate, I don't know what to call you?"

The woman's name is Wang Yuan, and she is one of the core members of the Wang family. This trip is indeed for the tomb of the Demon Kingdom.

And, they have maps in their hands!

Wang Yuan had a smile on her face: "My dear Wang Liumei, I don't know if Mr. Chen is here on the ice field?"

"The ancient capital of the Demon Kingdom!"

Wang Yuan's complexion changed slightly, she took a few steps back calmly, and then.

"You don't have to be so vigilant. You must have come here for the ancient capital of the Demon Kingdom. We have the same goal. Why don't we cooperate?"

Ye Wuqiu stood up and looked at the Wang family's team that had pointed their guns at them.

"If you can find this ice field, we will face each other sooner or later. Are you so confident that you will keep us?"

As he said that, the silver needle in Ye Wuqiu's hand burst out of the air in an instant, and there was no sound of wind, or the sound of wind was hidden in the cold wind.

"If you have confidence, why not try?"

Before Wang Yuan could finish her sentence, she immediately fell to the ground with a gunshot.


Ye Wuqiu instantly turned into an afterimage, and the silver needles in his hand kept flying out instead, as did the flying knife in Honggu's hand.

In just three to five breaths of effort, all the Wang family members were knocked down.

And our own side is unscathed, this is the combat power of Ye Wuqiu and others today, let alone a dozen or so people, even if it is doubled, it will be in vain.

Waking up the fainted Wang Yuan, he looked at her with a half-smile.

Ye Wuqiu looked at the phoenix tattoo flowing out of his neck, and he was convinced that this person was the Wang family.

The Wang family is mysterious and has been chasing the trail of their ancestor Wang Zanghai all their lives.

Specifically, how did he match up with the Zhang family? It should be that the Zhang family is the guard guarding the bronze gate, but Wang Zanghai has entered the bronze gate and knows its secrets. This is the most critical point.

The Wang family's tattoo, which is different from the Zhang family's tattoo, is not unusual. It is mainly aimed at the Zhang family's unicorn tattoo, which looks a little more domineering.

To put it bluntly, it is to catch the popularity of the Zhang family and increase the sense of mystery.

Similarly, in addition to the unicorn tattoo on the main branch of the Zhang family, the Qiongqi tattoo on the collateral line cannot live forever.


The first thing Wang Yuan said when she woke up was to curse at Ye Wuqiu, but Ye Wuqiu was taken aback.

"Shameless, why am I shameless? Did I take off your clothes or slept with you? Don't talk nonsense at such a young age!"

Pointing to the dozen or so people lying in the snow, he said with a smile: "Their life and death are at the moment of our thoughts, and those who can follow you to Kunlun must be the core figures of the Wang family. so lost..."

"Tell me, what do you think?"

Wang Yuan calmed down, now she is a prisoner and can only be manipulated by others, as for revenge?

The Wang family is already somewhat exhausted from dealing with the Zhang family right now, plus the even bigger Xiling?
"Tell me, why are you here, what route?"

"Hehe, after a long time, you don't have a map. If you want a map, let us go. We can cooperate. We only need one thing in the tomb, and you can take the rest!"

Chen Yulou stopped and came up with a slap: "Hey, it's really a face to you!"

"Wuqiu, let's go, this bitch is handed over to me!"

As he said that, the blue-red light in his eyes flickered, pulling him directly into the illusion.

Ye Wuqiu shook his head: "Why bother, it would be nice to talk well, tsk tsk..."

"Not to mention, this girl is pretty good-looking, and her fate is quite tough. It's not bad to be a concubine for this old man..."

Fatty Jin stroked his chin, as if he were a real LSP at the moment.

Not to mention, since this guy saw Huo Shuixian's appearance last time, he has been thinking about young girls all the time. Is he really not afraid of being fucked?

Not long after, Chen Yulou walked over with a smile on his face.

"Okay, let's talk about it, these people just bury 3 people and forget it."

"Don't forget about the rest, leave this woman to the old man, and when the old man goes back to train her, hehe..."

Ye Wuqiu: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Old shameless!
"Okay, as long as you can guarantee that this guy is honest, I will undo the illusion."

Fatty Jin: "...Forget it, let's bury it..."

"No, I'm still useful!"

The woman woke up unexpectedly, and Chen Yulou felt a burst of embarrassment, looking at Wang Yuan: "Can you break free from the illusion?"

At this moment, Wang Yuan still had a look of horror in her eyes. Chen Yulou's ability to manipulate illusion really frightened her.

"I am born with strong mental power, but what I just said is absolutely true. Although you know the map, you certainly don't know the specific route and many corresponding information, but I know it all."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Fatty Jin again: "Don't you want me to be your wife, I am willing, really, I am still a virgin!"

Um, blindfolded!

Hong Gu let out a sound of pooh, then turned her head away, even Xu Yiman felt that this woman was shameless...

However, this is because they have never experienced life and death. If it really comes to this point, who will know what will happen?
"Okay, then follow along, if you dare to be a monster, kill it directly!"


The cold wind howled, and some snow cypresses surviving against the cold wind and heavy snow could still be seen on the ice field. A group of people followed Wang Yuan and moved forward.

As for the elites of the Wang family, no one cares about them, they will die anyway.

"The front is the location of the ancient city recorded in the map, and there is the ruins of the original city of the Demon Kingdom."

Wang Yuan rubbed her hands. Compared with Ye Wuqiu and others, she was obviously an ordinary person with better mental strength and the ability to remember.

Chen Yulou looked over, the ruins of the city under the wind and snow did appear in his eyes, he nodded, indicating that this guy was not lying.

Only then did everyone quicken their pace and rush towards the ancient city. The sky is already turning to the end, and they must stay overnight in the ancient city tonight.

Different from the original book, only the wind and sand mixed with white snow, they came together, but the cold wind howled, stabbing their cheeks like knives.

Not long after, the ancient city was right in front of us, and we could only see some barely visible city walls, plus some dilapidated stone houses, and there was nothing strange about it.

"It seems that most of this ancient city has been buried in the wind and snow. Find a house that can still keep out the wind. That's it for today."

Ye Wuqiu nodded, and entered the ancient city, where there were low houses everywhere, some with only a roof exposed outside.

After searching for a long time, I managed to find a house, but as soon as I entered this house, I felt a little weird.

There is a huge Buddha statue inside, but it looks a bit like a magic Buddha.

On the walls on both sides, there are murals, watching several women blushing.

"Damn, what kind of Buddha is this? This picture is really..."

Ye Wuqiu guessed that this should be the reincarnation Buddhist cave in the original book. Although the plot seems wrong, the murals in front of him cannot be faked.

Once it comes, it will be safe, Ye Wuqiu can only think like this now, and he has no idea about the content of the mural.

After all, as a modern person, I have seen all kinds of teacher's movies, what are the things on these murals?
It's not like the show is finished, it's like a third-grade film. The key point is that some parts of the mural are dilapidated, and there is a hole in the body, which makes it even more boring.

Fatty Jin watched with interest, and made comments with Kunlun from time to time, causing Xu Yiman and Honggu to complain a bit.

"Okay, let's rest here tonight."

After Chen Yulou finished speaking, Wang Yuan finished reading the murals and explained: "This is Huanxi Zen. The one enshrined here should be Huanxi Buddha. There is an iron gate over there."

"The six-character mantra of Buddhism is engraved on it. There must be some kind of demon sealed inside. Of course, this is my own understanding."

After finishing speaking, he honestly stayed aside and did not dare to speak, but in his heart he was thinking about how to run away.

Since the beginning of contact, the strength of this group of people has been beyond her expectations.

More than a dozen masters were subdued in an instant, and this strange illusion, plus this group of guys seemed to be very cold-resistant, and they wore much less clothes than themselves, but they didn't feel much coldness.

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan felt a little desperate, she would not have come if she had known...

Ye Wuqiu walked to the front of the iron gate, looked at the six-character mantra engraved on it, and there was a swastika suppression in the middle.

This should be the savage zongzi in the original book, right?

With a burst of energy and blood all over his body, he kicked over in an instant, the iron gate instantly deformed, and then flew into the cave with a bang.

This frightened everyone.

"Wuqiu, what are you doing? Is there something in it?"

Ye Wuqiu said with a light smile: "It's okay, it's said that there are demons sealed inside, I'll go in and have a look, if there are, we'll kill demons and demons, and eliminate harm for the people!"

Ye Gao was so bold that Ye Wuqiu walked in, and then there was a roar from inside the cave.

"Fuck, is there really something in there?"

Chen Yulou's expression became solemn in an instant, and he entered the cave in a few dodges, followed closely by the Kunlun Partridge Whistle.

In the darkness, Ye Wuqiu didn't panic. With the roar just now, Ye Wuqiu concluded that this guy was nothing.

As the footsteps went deep into it, a cave appeared in front of my eyes, and a person with white hair and long hair who was nearly ten feet tall and locked up by iron chains appeared in front of my eyes.

Soon, Chen Yulou and others rushed over, and the torch in Kunlun's hand illuminated the cave.


The stench was stench, and the monster frantically pulled the chain to break free.

However, the iron chain rustled, but it was very tight.

"What is this thing?"

"Isn't it a Kunlun slave?"

Chen Yulou was amazed, and when he got closer, he saw that there was a mask on the face of this thing, which seemed to be made of human skin.

But Ye Wuqiu's eyes flickered, because the Fenglingshu in his mind was shaking constantly, as if there was something important on this monster.

The traces of electricity sparkle in the hand.

"Whatever it is, I struck him with lightning!"

There was a loud bang, lightning flashed, and a miserable but relieved roar sounded in the cave.

The white-haired monster seemed to shrink in an instant, and then slowly dehydrated and shrunk until it became the size of an ordinary person.

Then only the skinny human-shaped skeleton remained, and the mask on its face fell to the ground.

"Is this a person?"

Partridge Whistle looked a little chilly in his heart.

"It's kind of evil, so burn it, so as not to turn into a demon."

Ye Wuqiu picked up the human skin mask that fell from the ground, and Feng Lingshu immediately began to absorb the contents until the human skin looked nothing strange.

"Death Curse!"

The information from the spirit seal book is another spell, to be precise, a spell.

Use the hair or skin of the enemy, then set up the altar, offer three animals, offer incense and kowtow, and curse in your mouth.

Within seven days, this person will be killed by a ghost, and his soul will die.

With a little excitement in his heart, Ye Wuqiu didn't realize that this spell can be cast without mana.

You only need to mix the soul incense with your own blood, and then ignite it. As long as there are ghosts eating the incense, it will naturally be driven, and then kill invisible with a curse.

After leaving the cave, Fatty Jin had already set the abandoned beams and planks on fire.

"Well, what's in there?"

Xu Yiman was quite curious, Chen Yulou smiled and said: "It's nothing, it's just a rice dumpling, it's already been killed."

Surrounded by the bonfire, drinking hot soup, Ye Wuqiu knew that the road ahead might not be easy.

The demon wolf has not been eliminated...

Suddenly, Ye Wuqiu remembered something.

Snow Miller!
That thing is a long white nematode, attached to the body, and the Wang family was left in the snow...

If they are all possessed, a dozen or so people who are like zongzi will be another trouble.

It could have been avoided, but I shook my head and stopped thinking about it too much. After all, it was just a nuisance, and getting rid of it would be nothing more than a big deal.

 It’s annoying. After it’s on the shelves, there are fewer monthly tickets. If you have monthly tickets, you can still vote. Thank you. I have never experienced the lottery draw at the end of the month. I hope to experience it once. Thank you for your support!Thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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