The heavens begin with thieves

Chapter 141 Yanmen rushes to kill ten thousand formations, Murong poisons ten thousand soldiers!

Chapter 141 Yanmen rushed to kill a hundred thousand formations, and Murong poisoned a million soldiers!

Chapter 140 Yanmen rushed to kill a hundred thousand formations, and Murong poisoned a million soldiers!

Outside the Yanmen Pass, on the Great Desert of Saibei, at this moment hundreds of thousands of Khitan troops gathered, Yelu Hongji looked excited.

"Warriors of Daliao, under the severe drought last year, the grain harvest in our Liao Kingdom was not good."

"In the Song Dynasty, there are ten thousand hectares of fertile land, rich soil and water, and a large grain output. If our Daliao wants to survive."

"Then go grab it!"

"If the Great Song Dynasty is unbearable, I and the other warriors of the Great Liao Dynasty can be a hundred!"

"Today, the king personally led the army to break through the Yanmen Pass to grab food and women. Warriors, are you confident?"



"Okay. The army is moving out!"

The morale is available, Yelu Hongji is very satisfied.

This time, we will unite with Xixia to attack Song Dynasty together. At that time, both sides will attack together, and Song Dynasty will not be able to stop it at all.

As for the rule of centimeters in the agreement, Yelu Hongji didn't take it to heart at all.

The mere Xixia is no match for Daliao at all.

After all, Xixia has a vast territory and few people, and its combat effectiveness is average, even worse than that of Song Dynasty. As long as it wins Song Dynasty, it will take a few years of training.

Xixia is at your fingertips!

On the city wall of Yanmen Pass, after Li Huaian arranged all the defensive armaments, he saw that not far away was the place where the Daliao army camp was stationed.

My heart was so heavy that I couldn't breathe.

Previously, although Khitan and Song Dynasty had some collisions, they were all small collisions, unlike the hundreds of thousands of troops directly approaching the city now.

And the troops that can be allocated in their own hands are only [-].

Relying on the defense of the city, if the imperial court does not send additional reinforcements, Yanmen Pass will not be able to defend for at most one month.

At that time, the Daliao army will drive straight in and divide the troops to fight, and there is no way to fight.

Destruction of the country will not result in the destruction of the country, but the cession of land and compensation is inevitable.

"General, I don't know if we can go back alive this time."

A partial general beside him saw that Daliao was already organizing a vanguard below, and his heart was very heavy.

"Soldiers, shrouded in horse leather, dying on the battlefield is the best destination."

Li Huai'an said with a straight expression on his face.

"But my wife, children and mother are still waiting for me to go back..."

"Wife, children, old mother, have you ever thought about how the countless ordinary people in the Great Song Dynasty will deal with themselves if this Daliao Dynasty breaks through the Yanmen Pass?"

"How do their wives, children and mothers survive?"

"The soldiers of the Liao Dynasty were so brutal that they burned, killed and looted for three days when they entered the city. How can we Han people deal with themselves?"

"Wang Han, you are a fifth-rank lieutenant general with a generous salary, not to mention the other ways, the money you received, how has your family been doing these years?"

"Beautiful clothing and fine food, even if it is enough to live, what about those ordinary people?"

"It is said that today's government is not the queen mother. The new policy promulgated by the government for a year is no less than an extra life for us warriors and ordinary people."

"In Yanmen Pass, close to the Hebei Mansion, the garrison can dispatch a hundred thousand troops at will, and the hinterland can also be dispatched. What are you afraid of?"

As he spoke, Li Huai'an looked around, not just to Wang Han.

"Since you joined the army and defended your family and country, it would be an honor to die on the battlefield. Besides, will the officials let me fight alone?"

"The military newspaper has reported that within half a month, there will be a large army coming. In just half a month, I will wait for [-] soldiers, and we will not be able to defend the city?"

"Soldiers, do you have the confidence to join me with this general to guard this Yanmen Pass, guard our Great Song Pass, and guard our central Han people!"


"it is good!"

"Everyone, the Liao army has just assembled today, and it is estimated that the vanguard will be organized to attack the city tomorrow."

"You wait for a good rest today, and give me enough energy tomorrow."



Liu Bizhi led the [-]th Battalion of Shenwu Army, after traveling day and night, they arrived near Yanmen Pass in about three days.

Looking at Xiongguan not far away, Liu Bizhi stopped the cavalry.

His eyes narrowed.

"Three days ago, a letter was sent that hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses gathered in Daliao. Now I am afraid that the vanguard army has begun to attack the city."

"General, there is probably one more day before we can reach Yanmen Pass, so we have enough time."

The soldiers persuaded him, but Liu Bizhi's eyes flickered.

There are only 5000 of them, although all of them are the best of the best.

But defending the city directly on the city wall can't highlight the strength of this martial arts army at all.

Only under the impact of the military formation can the strength of the Shenwu Army be brought into full play.

And combined with the terrain of Yanmen Pass, between the mountain passes, except for a ten-foot-wide official road, the rest are cliffs.

It is not conducive to attacking, so at this moment, even if it takes human life, there is no way to break through the Yanmen Pass.

With a plan in mind, Liu Bizhi lightly said: "I will rest here today. Let's take a detour tomorrow, pass through Datong, use Yanshan Mountain to cross the Sanggan River, go directly behind, and sneak attack the Liao army's back camp!"

"This, it can't be done, General. In this way, the time has been delayed by at least half a month. The garrison of Yanmen Pass is [-]. We have already delayed it by a few days. Counting the [-] days of great effort, if Daliao does not care about the price... ..."

"It's okay, the officials have already ordered [-] Tokyo Imperial Guards to move out, and it is estimated that they will reach Yanmen Pass in seven days."

"If it succeeds this time, our Shenwu Army will not be called Shenwu Army if we don't cut off tens of thousands of heads when we attack the camp."

"Slash through from the back camp, directly to the front camp, and give him a hard blow to Daliao!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Bizhi looked at the guards beside him: "I will ask you once, are you afraid of death?"

"fear death?"

The few people looked at each other and smiled: "General, what kind of dirty words are you talking about? We waited for the martial arts army, bestowed by the national teacher, and killed [-] miles in half a year, rolling [-] heads. What army can compete with us? "

"I also fought against the Daliao. Even before, I killed a few heads of Daliao warriors. Now that I have such strength, under the charge of the four battalions, ten thousand heads are nothing. I can kill them all by myself. Twenty!"

"This battle, my Shenwu Army will win!"

"Haha, that's right, the Shenwu Army must win, and the Song Dynasty must win!"



One day later, outside Yanmen Pass.

The vanguard of the Daliao army assembled, and Yelu Hongji beat the drums himself.

The horn players around him are all masters of Daliao.


The sound of the rhinoceros horn was low, but thick, and a savage and murderous air permeated the entire Yanmen Pass in an instant.

"Soldiers, let me conquer the Yanmen Pass. The first one to reach the pass will be rewarded ten thousand gold and one hundred households will be sealed off!"


In an instant, a torrent, like a mountain torrent, instantly crossed the official road near the cliff, and countless arrows instantly turned into raindrops, falling on the Yanmen tower.

Holding the long sword in his hand, Li Huai'an stared closely at the vanguard that was rushing from below.

No arrows were ordered.

The soldiers of the Song Dynasty are not as powerful as the archers of the nomadic people of the Daliao Dynasty, so they have to be closer to fifty steps to shoot arrows, which has the greatest lethality.

"Masters, prepare."



Countless arrows covered the sky and covered the ground in an instant, and fell on the vanguard of Daliao in an instant. Immediately, countless people couldn't afford it, and blood instantly stained the ground.

"All martial arts heroes, this general has only one mission for you. You don't have to worry about military affairs. Just watch over the tower for this general. If someone climbs the tower, kill him immediately!"


Qiao Feng was also among them, guarding the city wall within ten meters.

They don't do anything about military affairs, but killing those who climbed the stairs is no problem.

After finishing the order, Li Huaian went down the city wall, and five thousand old soldiers had gathered below, all of them brave and skilled fighters, this is the foundation of the frontier army.

"Everyone, follow me out of the city, anyone who dares to approach the city gate, kill!"


Following the issuance of orders one after another, countless armaments were activated instantly, and the outside of Yanmen Pass instantly became a meat grinder.

Countless howls shook hundreds of miles.

When soldiers meet each other, the white knife goes in and the red knife goes out.

Live standing up, die upside down!
Ye Wuqiu sat on the cloud, watching the countless ants-like armies fighting below, the sky was dyed blood red.

Looking at it with both eyes, it is even more terrifying that the evil spirit of blood permeates the void, which is extremely terrifying.

"The national war is really amazing!"

He did not intervene in the war. If he intervened in this battle, it would change the flavor.

Moreover, before the growth of the Song Dynasty, the army must be baptized with blood to grow.

"Then Liu Bizhi is quite thoughtful. It seems that the Yanmen Gate has been defended, and he can still deal a heavy blow to Daliao."

Then Ye Wuqiu left directly.

The matter of Yanmen Pass is almost over, so the Hexi Corridor is the top priority.

After all, if Murong Fu fails, hundreds of thousands of Western Xia troops will directly cross Hexi and head straight for Tokyo, so it will be impossible to do nothing.

There are only [-] soldiers in the Hexi Corridor, and the battle line is extremely long. If something goes wrong, it will be completely over.

"I hope Murong Fu won't lose his mind."

But at this moment Murong Fu turned into Li Zongyan and sat in the military tent, watching the Xixia General assign tasks, but thinking about how to poison him.

The poison he took from Ye Wuqiu was mixed poison, six-winged centipede plus a large amount of ancient poison, as long as it was placed in a drinking place, the hundreds of thousands of troops would be no problem at all.

But the problem is, how to poison, these hundreds of thousands of troops are all near the Yellow River and stationed near Lanzhou.

Isn't it nonsense to poison yellow?

Therefore, Murong Fu had a headache, how should this poison be administered!
Even if it is in the kitchen, the poisoned ones must be the firehead army first, which is of no help to the hundreds of thousands of troops.

"Li Zongyan, a batch of supplies will enter Xiping Mansion tomorrow, and you will lead a group of people and cooperate with five thousand elite soldiers to press them back for me."

"This batch of grain is the foundation for us to fight the Great Song Dynasty. If something goes wrong, there is no need for Yipintang to exist."

Murong Fu was sure, this is really a sleepy place to deliver pillows, the place where the army stores food, don't let him approach at all, otherwise he would have been poisoned!
"As ordered!"

In this way, on the second day, Murong Fu followed [-] elite soldiers and led dozens of masters from Yipin Hall to Xiping Mansion.

He didn't know how important this batch of food was until he saw the transported army this time!
The escort was the Yin Family Army of Xixia, the garrison army of Wangcheng, and the total amount of food transported was as high as one million stones!
This is enough to feed hundreds of thousands of troops for more than half a year!

Following this group of troops along the way, he claimed to inspect from beginning to end, dripping a drop of poison on every car.

This thing, the national teacher said, a drop of a hundred can poison a hundred people...

In this way, all the military rations were dosed with medicine, and when they were finally transported to the army, some soldiers began to have diarrhea slowly, and then bleed, and within half a month, nearly ten thousand people died directly!

Murong Fu was so scared that he ran back to Song Dynasty overnight. If the poison was found out, by then...


At this moment, Liu Bizhi also crossed the Sanggan River, looking at the Daliao military camp not far away, his face turned cold.

Covert troops.

"Pass down the order. Today I will rest during the day and give me enough food and drink at night."

"The fourth battalion is divided into four battle formations. I am the leader, and the four lines are parallel. Let me charge and kill the Liao army!"


At night, when Liu Bi went to the Shenwu Army, all of them wore white ribbons on their hands.

Before the army, he drew out his long sword and pointed at the sky and shouted angrily.

"All armies, the Shenwu Army has been established for more than a year. His Majesty personally ordered, the national teacher bestowed the law, half a year of hard training, half a year of fighting, and hundreds of thousands of people built the capital!"

"Today, the opportunity to make great achievements has come. The official family ordered that those who beheaded ten heads will be given ten acres of fertile land, and the official will be promoted to one rank. The army should have the courage to take the head of the enemy and fight their own way!"

"Yes! Kill hundreds of enemies, confer titles and officials, kill!"


The war horse galloped, the heavenly horse stepped into the air, and countless smoke and dust rose up, causing the earth to shake.

The soldiers on the periphery of the two-person barracks felt something was wrong and quickly formed armor shields.

However, under the formation of the battle formation, under the heavy armored horses, countless shields were broken, and each Liao soldier was trampled into flesh.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

A roar pierced the clear moon in the dark night.

However, countless lives were lost under the battle of long knives.

The Shenwu Army is like a butcher without emotion, slashing the long knife in his hand one after another.

It took less than half a quarter of an hour from entering the camp to rushing to kill, and he forcibly smashed through the barracks for a mile.

Inside Yelu Hongji's account, his expression was gloomy.

"I waited for the elite cavalry of the Song Army to emerge from the rear, and within half an hour, they slaughtered nearly 5000 warriors."

"Why can they come out from behind us!"


He kicked over the table, his face was burning with anger.

"Send me the Jurchen war cavalry to resist the group of cavalry. The archers of the Taha tribe are ready to surround and kill them on all sides. This team of cavalry must be left behind for me!"


However, Yelu Hongji's arrangement had no effect at all, and all the soldiers of the Shenwu Army showed no mercy.

Swinging the knife, lifting the knife, all in one go, without even looking at the people behind.

The horses under their crotch all have the blood of Tianma, and they are born connected, and pulling a single horse alone can harden the bloody BMW.

No matter how powerful the Jurchen cavalry is, can they withstand it?After a charge, he fell directly under the cavalry's sword.

Watching more and more soldiers surround them.

Liu Bizhi grinned grimly.

Angrily shouted: "Shenwu Army, hack and kill with all your strength!"


The sound shook the world!

In an instant, the speed of the Shenwu army's slashing increased by another [-]%.

How about beheading [-] as agreed?

However, during this hour of beheading, from the tail camp to the front camp, tens of thousands of people died under the butcher's knife.

Even many troops have been gutted.

And under one hour of swinging the sword, the Shenwu Army didn't suffer any casualties, maybe they were just too tired...

Soon, half an hour later, they completely smashed through the Liao army camp and looked at Yanmen Pass not far away.

Liu Bizhi laughed loudly: "Army, Daliao is nothing more than that, haha..."

"Shenwu army, mighty, mighty in Song Dynasty, mighty in officials!"

"Oh oh oh..."

Above the Yanmen tower, the guard Li Huai'an looked at this scene at this moment, the shock in his eyes could not be added.

Even the leader of the Hundred Thousand Forbidden Army couldn't describe this army at all in his mind.

"All armies, open the city gates and welcome my Great Song Heavenly Army!"

(End of this chapter)

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