Chapter 40
Chapter 40 Disappointment
Ye Wuqiu's words undoubtedly shocked Er Yuehong, her pupils shrank, and she quickly asked, "Poison?"

"Brother Ye, how is this possible? Why is it poisonous? So many doctors have seen it, but they didn't see it. This..."

"It's poison, and this poison is not ordinary. It's a poison that most people don't even know about. We are colleagues. I won't hide some things."

"This poison was brought out of the tomb!"

A piece of tiles fell outside, instantly attracting the two's attention, Er Yuehong went out to have a look, Chen Pi stood outside with a pale complexion.

"Chen Pi!"


The girl knew Er Yuehong was angry as soon as she heard Er Yuehong's tone, so she stood up resisting the pain: "Second Master, Chen Pi is kind, don't be angry."

"Chen Pi, come in quickly."

Ye Wuqiu can only say that the girl is indeed gentle and has a very good temperament, who knows how much better than Honggu.

There were four people in the room, the girl looked at Ye Wuqiu, and smiled gently: "Brother Ye, tell me, what kind of poison is this, can it be cured?"

Everyone looked at Ye Wuqiu expectantly, but Ye Wuqiu shook his head.

"I don't know the exact name of this poison, but some people in Zixiling were poisoned, and after death, it was found that this kind of poison was specifically aimed at the lungs."

"The lungs belong to metal, and the five elements generate and restrain each other. Presumably the poison belongs to the fire element. Fire restrains metal, so Madam coughs frequently. When the poison goes further, she will cough up blood and finally die."

After Ye Wuqiu finished speaking, he stopped talking. This person who was poisoned and unloaded from the mountains was indeed able to pass, but he lied to Er Yuehong about the autopsy.

The toxin that affects the lungs is fire, the lungs are metal, and the centipede bead in my hand is earth, and the earth produces metal, which can just enhance the function of the lungs.

Although it can only suppress the toxin, it can at least give this girl a chance to live for a few more years.

Hearing Ye Wuqiu's words, Er Yuehong felt very uncomfortable, but more happy.

After all, this is the first time someone has found out the cause of the disease. As long as the cause is found out, there is a chance to cure the girl.

"Brother Ye, thank you very much!"

"Can you cure this toxin?"

The three pairs of eyes looked at Ye Wuqiu with wide eyes, wanting to draw the word "can be saved" from his mouth.

But Ye Wuqiu shook his head: "I can't do anything about this poison, but I have a way to suppress this poison, maintain it in the current state, and prevent it from getting worse!"

"Is this true?"

When Er Yuehong got excited, her tone of voice changed, the girl looked at Er Yuehong, then at Chen Pi.

"Second Master, brother Ye must have his own considerations."

"I won't hide and choke anymore. We are all colleagues. I can suppress the poison of your lady, but I can't get rid of it."

"Suppressing the poison for your lady, I will consume a very precious treasure."

As he said that, Ye Wuqiu took out a fist-sized centipede bead from the basket, exuding a cool breath, with a faint light.

"Brother Ye said bluntly, as long as the Hong family has something, I will never refuse!"

"And me, as long as the master can save my teacher's wife, I, Chen Pi, will go through life and death, and I owe three favors to my husband!"

There were tears in Chen Pi's eyes, very sincere, but what if he knew that the poison was poisoned by him accidentally?
Shaking his head, Ye Wuqiu said with a light smile: "Anxin is, I only need three things in the treasure house of the Hong family, and it will be done!"

"Three things, no problem, I agree!"

"That's good. Madame's poison belongs to fire, and her lungs are gold. Fire can suppress gold, which makes her lungs weaker."

"The spirit pearl in my hand is the centipede essence that has been cultivated for thousands of years. It was killed by me at Xiling. Resist poison."

Ye Wuqiu's words made Er Yuehong somewhat unbelievable, a centipede spirit who has practiced for thousands of years?
Beheaded by Xiling?
Aside from other things, how can this thousand-year-old monster be countered by manpower?

But the centipede beads in front of him are not fake, and he is not blind either.

Seeing that the few people were silent, Ye Wuqiu smiled lightly: "Second Master, let's watch."

Speaking of taking out a knife from his leg, and scraping off a layer of powder on the centipede bead, Ye Wuqiu said with a smile: "Madam, drink it with clear water, try it and you will know what I said is true."

Er Yuehong will stop it, what if this thing is also poisonous?
But the girl was determined and moved away Er Yuehong's hand: "Second Master, I want to trust Mr. Ye."

He got up and picked up the teacup, and drank the powder in one gulp.

The powder entered her throat, and a cool feeling went straight to her lungs, which made the girl's mind much clearer.

With a change in the potency of the medicine, the lungs also began to cool down, and I didn't want to cough so much anymore.

With a smile on his face: "Mr. Ye is indeed a trustworthy person. I feel much better. If I take it for a long time, I think I won't cough anymore."

"Since that's the case, presumably the second master Hong should trust me, right?"

Ye Wuqiu looked at Er Yuehong with a light smile, and got the girl's acknowledgment that Er Yuehong was also hearty.

"It's my fault, brother Ye is with me, Chen Pi will take care of your mistress."

In the yard, Er Yuehong clenched her fists, she felt a little excited in her heart, after so many years, the girl's illness finally improved.

"Brother Ye, Hong Family Treasure House, you can choose things with me."

He also secretly said in his heart: "Young girl's poison, we must find out who is poisoning."

The treasure house of the Hong family is also a very secret place. Ye Wuqiu followed Er Yuehong around, and finally came to an attic.

As Er Yuehong pushed open the door, in front of him was an indoor clear pool, and the first smell of it was the smell of mercury.

"Brother Ye was the first outsider to enter the secret library of my Hong family, so I hope Brother Ye will keep it a secret."

Speaking of Er Yuehong stepping on the raised wooden stakes, constantly changing the order of the wooden stakes under her feet, looking at Ye Wuqiu is also dizzy, presumably as long as she makes a wrong step, the mechanism will be triggered.

Following Er Yuehong across the pool, followed by the secret passage, which also has regular footwork, and the next step is the bronze gate, which is also heavily trapped.

After so many flips, it entered the secret treasury of the Hong family.

"My Hong family's secret library can't compare to Xiling. There are only dozens of treasures in it, and the quality must be incomparable to Xiling."

"Brother Ye, just choose, I will never regret it."

The space in front of the secret library is not big, there are only three shelves, and there are a few booths next to it, and a few porcelains are placed on them.

Ye Wuqiu didn't even bother to look at it, and walked directly to the shelf.

There are rows of things, most of which are placed on bronze and porcelain, and a small amount of jade.

But Ye Wuqiu stopped in front of a box.

He smelled a smell of medicine, opened it and saw sawdust in the shape of a unicorn.

"Kirin Scorpion!"

After taking down the box, Ye Wuqiu once again looked like what was left, but after reading it over and over again, Ye Wuqiu didn't know what to choose.

Because there is really nothing, compared with Xiling, this is really nothing!
My previous thinking was still wrong, I always thought that there should be a lot of strange things hidden in the treasures of the tomb robbers, but this Tufuzi is still a Tufuzi, compared with the four sects, it is still a bit inferior, most of them like valuable things .

(End of this chapter)

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