Chapter 69 Bai Ling
Chapter 69 Ghost

"This is a drop of blood. I don't know what you need the blood for, but for Chi Dan's sake, I gave it to you."

The dragon's head swung lightly, and Ye Wuqiu was excited. With the dragon's blood in his hand, his way to take off would be completed soon. Maybe this thing could make his life longer.

"Thank you Dragon God."

"Well, but if you want to do something for me, then it will be to your advantage."

This made Ye Wuqiu's heart sink. This Baijiao is so powerful, why does he let himself do things?
"Don't think about it, I'm trapped in Zhelong Mountain, and I need something to break the formation of Zhelong Mountain, otherwise this world will not be able to trap me..."

Is Zhelong Mountain a large array of trapped dragons?
Ye Wuqiu was surprised, there is no record in the original book?
Moreover, this Zhelong Mountain is considered a big formation, with the strength of this Baijiao, it shouldn't be difficult to get out, right?
"Dragon God, please speak bluntly, if I can do it, I will never refuse."

Although he had some doubts in his heart, this white flood dragon was obviously good, so he probably wouldn't harm him.

Furthermore, this dragon is originally the totem of Huaxia. Although it is a step behind, it is still of the same family.

"My name is Bai Ling, and I am formed from the ancient water spirit of Shuiling. Zhelong Mountain is a natural formation. Back then, the old man Xianwang would use meteorites from outside the sky to coincide with the terrain of Zhelong Mountain to trap me. In this mountain, it is wishful thinking to use my water dragon spirit body to make it immortal."

"Your trip should be for the purpose of presenting the king's tomb, right?"

"That's right, the Muchen Bead in the king's tomb is the key to my friend's family breaking the curse."

"Hehe, Muchen Zhu, it's interesting. Xian Wang's tomb is not so easy to break into, but looking at those of you today, you can't stop you from waiting."

"If you find the corpse of Mr. Xian Wang, give me two kicks to relieve my anger."

"Also, after going out this time, you are going to Changbai Mountain. There is something behind the bronze gate that can break through the formation of Longshan Mountain. Remember, this is very important!"

Changbai Mountain, Bronze Gate.

Here again, how many secrets are hidden here?

The Zhang family has guarded the bronze gate for generations, and Wang Zanghai also knows the secret behind the bronze gate. It has been passed down for thousands of years, but it is still a mystery.

With a decision in mind, Ye Wuqiu picked up the bronze pendant, took out the jade bottle and put the dragon's blood into the bottle, then cupped his hands and said: "I remember, Venerable Bai Ling, Ye must go to the bronze gate once in his lifetime. , Break through the Zhelong Mountain formation."


The aura dissipated, and Bai Jiao disappeared in front of his eyes. Ye Wuqiu held the thing in his hand, calmed down, looked at the unconscious Chen Yulou, picked it up and rushed down the mountain.

Having obtained the dragon's blood in this trip, the next step is to find a place to start tattooing myself.

He has always had the image of a weak chicken, making himself a weak person among the group, even with this secret technique of refining evil spirits.

The strength of the whole body is not weak, but it is not magical.

Chen Yulou's divine eyes are what he wants.


Inside the firewood room, Ye Wuqiu gently put Chen Yulou aside, then left a letter, picked up the package and left directly.

He had already chosen the place for the tattoo, so isn't the White Flood Dragon Deep Pool the best place?
According to Bai Jiao's guardianship, is there a safer place in this world than here?
As for the letter, he asked Chen Yulou to wait for him. After all, this tattoo is not a trivial matter.

One can imagine the risks involved in the blood essence of the white flood dragon, which is already in the body of a flood dragon.

Therefore, Ye Wuqiu also attaches great importance to it.

Holding a torch, the tent was set up, and then the oil lamp was lit, and a series of tattoo objects were prepared.

He began to meditate calmly, just waiting for the best time.

It needs to be successful once, after all, the essence and blood of this white flood dragon can't be obtained casually.

Soon, with peace in his heart, Ye Wuqiu Gujing calmly began to prepare the blood ink.

The blue dragon blood essence poured into the ink cartridge will give a burst of fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed when they smell it.

Soon, every plant of medicinal material was ground into powder and Ye Wuqiu poured it into it. The azure blue blood slowly turned into light blue, but the fragrance was even stronger.

Bai Ling, who was shrouded in white light in the deep pool, suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes reflected what Ye Wuqiu was doing at the moment.

"What is this kid doing?"

As the screen turned, Ye Wuqiu began to take off his shirt, shirtless, and his lean muscles were trembling slightly at the moment.

This is to activate Qi and blood in advance.

If you tattoo yourself, in addition to tattooing on your legs, you can only tattoo on your chest.

A bronze mirror, which I took from Doma's house.

Following the fire, Ye Wuqiu began to draw sketches on himself.

For a tattoo artist, it is not difficult to draw a draft, but within an hour, there is a dragon coiled on the chest, the dragon's mouth is facing the sky, and the dragon's eyes are close to the heart.


He exhaled lightly, and then calmed down his trembling hands.

Start to hold the tattoo needle, tap the spirit ink, no more hesitation, look at the portrait in the bronze mirror, and go down with the first needle in an instant!
Slowly inhaling a breath of cold air, Ye Wuqiu felt as if he had sucked a mouthful of ice slag into his mouth.

This white flood dragon is said to have the body of water spirit, but the body of water spirit is also divided into attributes. Isn't this one Han is familiar with?

Sensing that his body was frozen, Ye Wuqiu could only desperately use the method of refining evil spirits to activate his qi and blood, but it was undoubtedly a drop in the bucket.

But after ten or so stitches, the hand speed has slowed down completely.

Looking at this scene, Bai Ling murmured: "It looks a bit like a witch clan, that's all, help people to the end."

Speaking of that, a divine light burst out from the huge dragon's eyes, and entered Ye Wuqiu's body in an instant.

The qi and blood that had froze instantly burst out at a hundred times the speed, and he didn't feel any weakness yet.

"Thank you, my lord!"

Knowing that it was Bai Jiao's attack, Ye Wuqiu began to tattoo himself with peace of mind.

I heard that the pain of tattooing was terrifying to Chen Yulou and the others, but it was nothing compared to the pain when the evil spirit entered the body.

The tattoo needle in his hand rose and fell quickly on his chest, a trace of blood left along the angle between the chest muscles, and the pants were already wet.

But Ye Wuqiu didn't dare to relax at all. He started tattooing from the tail of the dragon, which was relatively simple, and also to adapt to the process.

The most important part is the faucet and the finishing touch!
If the finishing touch fails, this tattoo can be declared a failure. Although it can improve a lot of strength, it is incomparable to the strength inherited from a good tattoo.

Take Chen Yulou as an example, if the Nuqing chicken tattoo fails, the pair of tricks will definitely not be as miraculous as it is today.

The needle in his hand rose and fell, the blood and ink continued to decrease, and Ye Wuqiu's mentality became more and more stable.

This tattoo has not been successful yet, and I can already feel changes in my body. I don't know if it is due to the burst of qi and blood, or the power of the blood ink itself.

Soon, when Longmu was left, Ye Wuqiu took a deep breath.

Bai Ling's eyes were serious: "Is it going to happen?"

Outside, there was no wind, and under the night, a dark cloud began to cover the moon above.

(End of this chapter)

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