The heavens begin with thieves

Chapter 7 The Power of the Angry Chicken

Chapter 7 The Power of Nuqing Chicken

Chapter 7 The Power of Nuqing Chicken
"Wuqiu, let your chicken out!"

Chen Yulou yelled, and the sound echoed in the bottom of the cliff.

Ye Wuqiu felt that Chen Yulou was connoting himself, but he didn't have any evidence. The place was full of poisonous insects. Ye Wuqiu knew it, so he immediately opened the cage of Nuqing Chicken.

Only a high-pitched cock crow was heard, and then the Nuqing chicken flew directly down to the bottom of the cliff, and the fog was instantly dispersed by the cock crow, revealing the palaces below.

"Here, it's really down here, it's always majestic!"

"Always be mighty!!!"

"Always keep your head up!"

The shouts of many Xiling brothers echoed at the bottom of the cliff. At this moment, Chen Yulou felt his blood boil, and he was recognized and praised by many Xiling brothers.

This feeling is the first time I feel sincerely!
It was his father every time before, but this time it is finally my turn!

Chen Yulou was originally a proud person, and this inspiring voice was his greatest affirmation.

Immediately shouted: "Brothers, get off the cliff!"

The palace group under the dispelling fog is in front of you, and the Nuqing chicken landed directly on the eaves. Suddenly, countless poisonous insects and centipedes appeared one after another, and the breath of the Nuqing chicken receded like a tide in an instant!

Chen Yulou landed on the ground with a dull sound, accompanied by the sound like dumpling, all the people who were unloading immediately gathered quickly.

Already using the partridge whistle and the old foreigner who got down from the sky, watching the countless poisonous insects recede, the eyes looking at the Nuqing chicken became more and more eager, which made Ye Wuqiu feel very nervous.

Immediately, he directly hugged the Nuqing chicken and put it in the cage, so as to comfort him for a long time.

The scale of this palace group is not small, but after the collapse, a dark and deep road behind was exposed.

"Wuqiu, send a signal to let Huaguai Maruoshuai and others come down!"

Ye Wuqiu nodded, took out the signal flare from his backpack, pulled the lead wire, a sound piercing the sky sounded, and the signal flare rose into the sky instantly.

Honggu Huaguaima and the others stared closely at the bottom of the cliff, and suddenly a red flashing flare flew out of the cliff with a roar, and a smile appeared on their faces.

"Everyone, get off the cliff!"

Luo Laowai was also a gangster, and he followed the crowd down the mountain. Soon after they came down, Luo Laowai walked up to Chen Yulou, his eyes shining with divine light.

"Take the lead, is this considered successful?"

Chen Yulou patted Luo Laowai's shoulder, and said with a smile, "It should be no big problem."

"Brother Xiling, work!"

Following Chen Yulou's yelling, hundreds of brothers from Xiling immediately began to clean up the palace complex, while Ye Wuqiu walked up to Chen Yulou and said softly.

"Boss, this place should be a side hall, there is a quiet path ahead, shall we go and explore?"

This side hall, in the original TV series, it was not stated whether there was a way to enter the innermost underground palace. In the TV series and even the original book, it was entered into the main hall by means of moving mountains.

Looking at the busy people, Chen Yulou already had some calculations in his heart. Although this side hall was made of good materials, it has collapsed a lot now, and it is not known how many things have been turned into ruins under the collapsed beams. They can be found There shouldn't be many valuable things, so it's not worth mobilizing so many people this time.

"Let's go, Wuqiu, Honggu will follow me to find out if that road will work."

As he said that, he turned his head and looked at the Partridge Whistle who was indifferent to the ruins in front of him, and said with a smile: "Brother Partridge Whistle, there is probably nothing good in this side hall. There is a road in the depths, why don't we go and have a look together?"

Partridge Whistle and the others didn't have any idea about these things at all. They moved the mountain clan all their lives on the way to find Muchen Beads. In order to lift the curse, countless ancestors went to die and buried countless dangerous and abnormal tombs.

"Just as I like, this side hall is the edge of the underground palace at first glance. Looking at the things that the Xiling brothers packed up, this place should be the place where the guards of the underground palace lived."

Chen Yulou wasn't surprised at all. When it came to going down to the tomb, the partridge whistles certainly didn't go down as many as they did. He could naturally see what the partridge whistle could see.

Nodding his head, Ye Wuqiu followed Chen Yulou and his group into the seemingly man-made passage.

There was not a trace of light inside the passage, but Chen Yulou's eyes were emitting a faint light, which did not affect the situation in the cave at all.

Ye Wuqiu did not dare to light a torch in this cave. The entrance of the cave is half a foot high and one foot wide, and only one person can pass through it. Therefore, if a torch is lit, the oxygen in the cave may not be enough. Yeyan, it's best to be a tool man.

Inside the cave, Ye Wuqiu felt a bit stuffy in his chest. The few people in the cave groped forward and backward. The space was extremely narrow, and the distance between them was too close. The carbon dioxide exhaled was breathed in by the people behind. It was chest tightness, and Ye Wuqiu happened to be the second last one.

Behind is Honggu...

"Boss, how far is it? It's been half an hour. According to our footsteps, we have walked at least a hundred feet away. I'm afraid that the passage in this cave is not the entrance to the main palace of the underground palace."

Ye Wuqiu's words made the whole team stop, and Partridge Whistle took over the words: "Mr. Chen, turn your head. Brother Ye's words are not unreasonable. This passage does not seem to lead to the location inside the cave. According to the direction, this place It’s a bit like a location leading to the foot of Pingshan Mountain.”

"And there is no wind flowing in this cave, and the front looks like a dead end."

Chen Yulou breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He wanted to go out a long time ago. This place obviously does not lead to the depths of the underground palace, but he found this place. After all, there must be a step down, right?
"Let's go, turn your head back, and go straight. The air in this cave is getting thinner. Let's get out as soon as possible. It seems that this palace has to find another way out."

It took a long time for everyone to walk out of the cave, and at this moment, Huaguai Ma was already waiting for Chen Yulou and others at the entrance of the cave.

"Take care, the things in this side hall are almost cleaned up, most of them are bottles and cans, not worth much."

"Well, let's go, let the brothers pack it up, and pack it up later."

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. Xiling robs tombs and never leaves empty space, otherwise how will the people of Xiling be fed.

Ye Wuqiu climbed up the cliff with the Nuqing chicken on his back, put down the basket of the Nuqing chicken, and just kicked it.

"You bastard, so heavy!"

Climbing up and down with a load of fifty or sixty catties on his back, Ye Wuqiu was helpless. If it wasn't for the fact that the Angry Chicken was still useful, he would have bled him long ago.

If the six-winged centipede didn't have the Nuqing chicken to fight against it, none of the people present would be opponents.

But seeing Partridge Whistle's eyes twitch, he said hastily, "Brother Ye, why don't I carry this angry chicken?"

He really cared about the chickens, such bloodlines returning to their ancestors, chickens with a trace of phoenix blood, would be extremely helpful for them to go to the grave.

Having seen the power of the method of Yin patterns, Ye Wuqiu naturally wouldn't hand over the angry chicken to the partridge whistle. Chen Yulou just tattooed with some skilled wild raccoons, and the help for a pair of night eyes would be great. It's so big, not to mention the evolution of eyesight, but also a hint of penetration.

Then if this Nuqing Chicken has a tattoo on its body, among other things, at least it is inevitable that it is immune to all poisons. This Nuqing Chicken is the nemesis of all poisons. blood capacity.

After all, the Wang family is the family with the phoenix tattoo, the family with the inheritance of the phoenix blood, the longevity family!

(End of this chapter)

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