The heavens begin with thieves

Chapter 77 You can also speak chapters?

Chapter 77 You Can Talk? (Please subscribe!)
Chapter 76 Can you also speak?


The river surged instantly, causing huge waves to hit the canoes directly, causing the three canoes to be overturned in an instant.

As a huge black shadow appeared from the front corner, Ye Wuqiu shouted: "Stand back and leave it to me!"

With the thunder in his hand ready to release, he leaped and stepped on a raised rock beside him in an instant, his eyes fixed on the huge black figure in front of him.

Chen Yulou stopped hesitating at this moment, and shouted: "Hurry up, be careful if you don't want to, just leave if you can't do it!"

"Always keep your head at ease!"

Chen Yulou also knew that he and the others were a burden at the moment, so without any hesitation, he led everyone to swim forward in an instant. The canoe was already overturned by the big waves and turned into pieces.

The shadow in front of him became more and more real, and Ye Ye Wuqiu was dizzy with a sudden roar that pierced his eardrums.

A giant python covered in blue was straddling the river, its tall head resting on the top of the cave, and a pair of blue eyes stared at Ye Wuqiu.



A flash of lightning and thunder exploded across space and landed on the giant python's head in an instant.


The huge tail whipped like a steel whip at the position where Ye Wuqiu was standing with a strong wind, and there was a loud bang, and the gravel on the rock wall splashed everywhere.

Looking again, Ye Wuqiu was hanging on the rock wall with one hand, his eyes were fixed on the green-scaled python, and four or five scales the size of a washbasin had fallen off from the giant python's head, and there was a burnt smell The smell of meat wafted into the cave.

The cyan blood fell on the water as if it didn't cost money, and it was stained cyan.

"Who are you from that white dragon?"


This snake can talk?
Ye Wuqiu was startled, Nima, wouldn't this be another existence similar to Bai Ling?
At that moment, his face became even more dignified, after all, he was the one who did it first...

"You can talk? Do you know Venerable Bai Ling?"

Suddenly, a burst of blue light flashed, and the injury on the top of the python's head recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With a tall head and a pair of green pupils, there is a chill in his eyes, and he panics when he looks at people.

"Bai Ling? So that's her name."

"Thousands of years, you are the first people to break into here."

"According to my mission, you should all be killed."

"Well, keep it, no one has spoken for thousands of years, it's quite lonely..."

"Oh, but this is going against my mission..."

The lantern-sized eyeballs showed confusion, and Ye Wuqiu was blinded by seeing this...

What do you mean?
Is this snake a talker?

"Hey, kid, what's the outside world like now? Tell me quickly, or I'll kill you! Eat it up!"

He didn't dare to relax his vigilance at all in his heart, even holding the bronze pendant with one hand.

"The outside world is colorful now, and it is much more interesting than the thousands of years you have been in this cave."

"Hey, I knew that I shouldn't have agreed to that old bastard back then and guarded this crappy place, hmph!"

As a wave of water hit, the big snake's body circled up, looking down at Ye Wuqiu.

"You came here just to dedicate the tomb of that bastard Wang?"

Ye Wuqiu jumped, stood on a reef, nodded and said: "That's right, that old thing Xianwang has harmed so many people, one of our group has a curse on him, and muchen bead is needed to lift the curse."

"Zhong Chenzhu?"

"Hey, that thing, that's how it is..."

As soon as the voice changed, the green-scaled giant python's eyes flickered, and he asked again: "What is your relationship with that white dragon? Could it be her son? The aura of her body is exactly the same as hers, um, it's just a little weaker... "


"Venerable Bai Ling is my savior."

"Hey, kid, can you take me out? If you take me out, I'll let you go."

While speaking, Ye Wuqiu felt a great longing for the outside world, which made Ye Wuqiu not know what to say for a while.

The records in this original work kill people, the change is so great, it is really 666...

"Can't senior go out? This water hole shouldn't be able to trap senior, right?"

Indeed, if this water hole can trap this giant python, Ye Wuqiu will have the same surname as the author!

The only possibility is that, just like Bai Ling, he was trapped by some scheme used by King Xian.

"Go out, alas, I was a cheap-mouthed person back then, and I promised old man Xian Wang to guard his tomb, and only after he became a fairy can I go out."

As he said that, he raised his tail and scratched his head a few times, and said rather embarrassedly: "That guy said, when he becomes a fairy, he will teach me how to transform into a human form..."

The green-scaled python's brain is not very good, this is Ye Wuqiu's only thought now, this kind of brain can survive until now, it is the snake's fault!
"It's been thousands of years, has King Xian become immortal? Senior, that old thing King Xian is lying to you!"

"No, the old man has a high priest under his command. He has lived for more than 300 years and has used many means. I have seen it with my own eyes. He turned a white wolf into a human body. Although he has a wolf's head on his head, he is still in human form. Ah, it is said that you will pass on your stuff to me when King Xian becomes immortal."


You are so naive!

However, the white wolf turned into a human, why does this sound so familiar?
The wolf general in Eluohai City?

By the way, it's him!

Damn, the world is getting more and more confused, complicated and messy.

Slightly calmed down in his heart, this snake's brain is not very good, it shouldn't be difficult to fool around.

"Then let's not talk about whether or not to sacrifice the king to become an immortal. Senior, since you have kept it for thousands of years, you must have worked hard without credit. Then the old man who sacrificed the king is either dead or a liar to you. Otherwise, why don't you give it to you first?" Deposit?"

"For example, I will give you a part first, at least let you get a leg out, right?"

"If you ask me, the old man Xian Wang must be dead, so why don't we uncover the tomb of Xian Wang together and go to his tomb to see if there is any remains of this thing."

After finishing speaking, the giant green-scaled python fell into deep thought, no matter how he thought about it, he felt that what this kid said was right.

Since the old man Xian Wang asked him to guard the tomb, he has to pay for it, right?
It’s not wrong to give a part of it first, so is it true that Mr. Xian Wang is really dead?

At that moment, a surge of anger rose in the heart of the green-scaled python, and a burst of terrifying blue flames covered its body.

A large amount of water vapor rises in the entire river, and the temperature of the river rises instantly. Ye Wuqiu, who is separated by a few feet away, instantly feels his blood rushing involuntarily.

Immediately shouted: "Senior, please stop, this junior can't stand it!"

His whole body was red, his eyes were red and his neck was thick, all caused by the rush of Qi and blood, coupled with the terrifying high temperature, Ye Wuqiu felt as if he was in a stove right now.

The dense fog flooded the river, and the green-scaled python instantly suppressed the flames, and then sucked in the thick fog that filled the river in one gulp.

"Well, what you said makes sense, but I can only stay within the river, and I can't enter the inner valley. The old guy cast a formation in the river, combined with the power of this mountain range, I can't beat..."

Well, again, like Bai Ling, a big boss who was sacrificed to Wangkeng...

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(End of this chapter)

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