Chapter 447

The next day, early morning!
After everyone had breakfast, they all sat in front of their computers and geared up, ready to show off their skills today.

Zhou Chao walked out of the room, clapped his hands and said, "Let me tell you about the arrangements for this morning!"

Everyone focused their attention on Zhou Chao.

"The only task this morning is to raise money! Do your best to raise money, and don't do anything else until 01:30 in the afternoon."

"Boss, are we not suppressing?"

"No, today is the most critical day. Everyone should prick up their ears, get up to speed, and listen to all my instructions clearly. This is related to whether you will enjoy yourself or run around every day after returning to China. It depends on today. Is there any information!"

"Yes!" The deafening roar echoed in the room, and even Todd and the others outside were curious.

At nine o'clock, when the stock market opened, everyone started to act.

670 billion, ten times leverage, a total of 700 billion, soon someone discovered the changes in the stock market, and retail investors threw away their stocks in order to protect themselves.

The operation of only eating but not vomiting has attracted the attention of many people. Many industry elites, teams, and companies have begun to investigate. For a while, the situation is unpredictable, and everyone is paying attention.

"Boss, 1000 billion has been raised!"

"Continue!" Zhou Chao said with his eyes closed.

"2000 billion!"

"3000 billion!"

"Boss doesn't have any odd stocks to buy now!"

"Short the other two indices. Gu Chen contacted the brokerage to see if anyone else is willing to bet against them. I have bought all the put options on the stock market. I will act immediately!" Zhou Chao opened his eyes and looked at his watch. His information node is only two hours old.

Gu Chen didn't delay at all, he acted immediately, and soon got another gambling agreement from several brokerages in Chase. For a while, many people knew that there were big bookmakers shorting the index, and many empty sellers who wanted to end the game could only watch sighed.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and everyone's nerves collapsed. Even Zhou Chao felt his palms were soaked in sweat. The time soon came to 02:30. Seeing that the time had come, Zhou Chao immediately stood up. up.

"Attention everyone, the Dow Jones Index is all smashed for me, throw out all the stocks in your hand, and knock down the Dow Jones Index for me." Zhou Chao shouted excitedly.

"Yes!" The traders' faces were also full of excitement, and they all knew that the decisive battle had begun.

For a while, the stock market was back and forth, and soon all the stocks in Zhou Chao's hands were thrown out, and soon someone took over. After Zhou Chao and the others finished selling the stocks in their hands, it had been 10 minutes, and Zhou Chao was also nervous When I got up, it was only 1 minute away from the time node given by the system.

Time passed quickly, Zhou Chao looked at the data on the computer, and his breathing became a lot faster.

"Dropped, dropped, the Dow Jones Index fell off a cliff!" Gu Chen exclaimed excitedly.

The time was exactly 42:[-] in the afternoon.

"All personnel follow my instructions and terminate all contracts after 4 minutes."

"Boss, why don't we take a look again, the Dow Jones index may have a big drop!" Gu Chen said loudly.

Zhou Chao's eyes turned cold, he looked at Gu Chen and said, "Follow my instructions, if you don't know how to do it, let someone else come."

The look in Gu Chen's eyes looking at Zhou Chao felt as if it had been frozen for an instant, and it was Qingchen who pushed him twice before he came back to his senses, and quickly said: "Understood, boss."

Zhou Chao gave Chen Chen a look and asked him to stand behind Gu Chen to supervise his operation, and if something happened at that time, he could directly make up for it.

Concentrating on looking at the time in their hands, everyone held their breath, for fear that one of their breaths would affect their next operation.

When the time came to 46 minutes, Zhou Chao shouted loudly: "End all contracts, immediately, and then change hands to do long!"

All the traders were stunned for a moment, but the early morning roar from the side brought everyone back to their senses, and they immediately moved.

"What are you doing in a daze, move immediately!"

The traders who came back to their senses threw out the contracts in their hands one after another, and they were quickly eaten by many companies. If they didn't eat it, it would only make the index continue to fall.

In less than a minute, everyone settled all the contracts and gambling agreements in their hands, and everyone's mouth grew wide when they saw the numbers on their accounts.

"Don't stand still, go long immediately. You don't need leverage." Zhou Chao thought about it and decided not to use leverage. After all, the funds in each account have reached more than 600 billion.

Zhou Chao took a look just now. The Dow Jones Index dropped by more than 1000 points, a full quarter. This situation only lasted for less than 6 minutes. Now the index has begun to climb upwards. The stock value disappeared within 9000 minutes, and of course most of it had already entered Zhou Chao's bag.

"Boss, the other two indexes can't be thrown away now." Chen Chen walked to Zhou Chao's side excitedly and said.

"What's the situation with those two indexes now!" At this time, Zhou Chao's face was relaxed, but his fingers were beating unconsciously.

"It's already dropped by three percent."

Zhou Chao pondered for a moment, then said, "Throw it all away!"

After all, these two indexes have dropped by almost [-]% among the data given by the system, and they have eaten up a lot of money, so they don't care about this small profit.

Traders threw away the other two indexes one after another when they heard what Zhou Chao said.

Half an hour later, the Dow Jones Index was about to return to its original state. Seeing that the timing was almost up, Zhou Chao said, "Throw out the stocks in your hand in small quantities. Don't sell too much each time. Let's act!"

The sound of crackling keyboards rang throughout the room, and lasted for almost an hour before it stopped, and every trader slumped on a chair.

At this moment, Qingchen walked over quickly holding a piece of paper, his trembling hands had already betrayed the excitement in his heart at the moment.

"Old... Boss, we're making a big fuss this time!"

"How much is it that excites you so much?" Zhou Chao took the list compiled in Chen Chen's hand with a smile on his face.

"9588 billion!!" Zhou Chao screamed directly, and said in disbelief that according to his expectation, it would be around 5000 billion, but he didn't expect it to double.

"You immediately transfer all these funds to the name of the domestic group and operate them separately, and I will assist you immediately." Zhou Chao knew that if he did not act, his efforts this time might be in vain.

In the early hours of the morning, they understood it instantly, and the two began to act. With Zhou Chao's operation, the funds were quickly divided into hundreds of shares and transferred to his own group. Of course, Zhou Chao also transferred 5000 to his card. 1000 million U.S. dollars, even Jiang Li's card was transferred [-] billion, and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief after all the busy work was over.

The two looked at each other and burst out laughing.

At this time, the traders also recovered. Looking at the funds that had been emptied from the direct account and what the boss said just now, everyone knew that they had waited for someone to make a big fortune.

Zhou Chao clapped his hands and said: "Everyone is resting here today, and they will all return to China early tomorrow morning. I believe you all know it in your heart. The harvest this time can be said to be very important. I hope you can control your mouths."

Seeing everyone excited, Zhou Chao said with a smile: "After returning to China, everyone will receive a bonus of [-] million yuan!"

"Thank you, boss, long live the boss!" Everyone of the traders cheered, and even Gu Chen hugged everyone together regardless of his appearance.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to be deafened by your roaring after cheering." Zhou Chao said helplessly, covering his ears. ,

After hearing Zhou Chao's words, the others calmed down, but the excitement was still on their faces.

"Everyone, go back to your room and rest. Come with me in the early morning." After speaking, he walked into his room.

Seeing this in the early morning, he quickly followed.


"This incident may have a great impact on us in the future. This leather bag company in the Cayman Islands will be canceled immediately after returning. In addition, it is low-key and needs to import materials from abroad. It must be prepared after returning. Someone or a group will launch sanctions against us." Sanctions stood in front of the window and said Dandan.

"Boss, don't worry, I know how to do it."

"Well~ I'll give them a holiday after they go back, as long as they don't go abroad, and Gu Chen should not be placed in an important position."

In the early morning, he was stunned for a moment, and just wanted to intercede for Gu Chen, but when he thought of Zhou Chao's character, he said nothing about work, so he extinguished the thought of interceding.

"Yes, boss!"

"Go and take a break too."

Looking at Zhou Chao standing in front of the window in the early morning, nothing but admiration was in his eyes.

After leaving the room in the early hours of the morning, Zhou Chao took his mobile phone out of the system warehouse. As soon as he turned it on, he saw dozens of messages and calls from Jiang Li, and even the calls of his father-in-law and Mr. Xiao.

"The old man has already called, this little girl must have made things complicated." Zhou Chao felt his brows tighten.

With a long sigh, he called Jiang Li first, after all, his daughter-in-law is the most important.

In the courtyard on the bank of the canal in Kyoto, Jiang Li was anxiously making a call with his mobile phone.

"Brother Chao couldn't get through the phone, and the call in the early morning couldn't get through, but Lin Wu's phone got through, but he was taking care of Shoufu in Shanghai. Brother Chao, where are you doing?"

In the morning, Jiang Li finished his breakfast under the supervision of Aunt Wang. Just as he was about to go out for a walk, he received a message on his mobile phone. At first, he thought it was a scam. Who knew that when he checked the balance of his bank card, his account had an extra 1000 billion U.S. dollars. At that time, Jiang Li was completely frightened, if it wasn't for Aunt Wang who quickly helped her up, she might have sat down on the ground.

When I came back to my senses, I thought of Zhou Chao at the first time, and called him quickly. The phone was indeed turned off, and it was the same when I called Chen Chen. Finally, I thought of Lin Wu. I didn’t know what my boss was doing when I called. , In the end, I had no choice but to call my father. As a result, Jiang and Xiao’s family came all at once. Finally, through the bank’s internal investigation, it was found that the banknote funds were transferred in from abroad. The investigation found that it was a leather bag company. Finally, everyone discussed it. I can wait until I contacted you last week.
"Ding Ding Ding!" The ringing of the phone awakened Jiang Li who was in deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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