Shenhao starts to sign in from the canteen

Chapter 454 Changes in Hometown

Chapter 454 Changes in Hometown

When I returned to the hotel, I opened four rooms, and each found a room to rest for a while. In the evening, Zhou Chao slaughtered a few people. Although the money was not much, only a few hundred thousand, it was still counted. Earn money from your own hotel.

Hotel door!

"Young Master Zhou, don't you really want to stay here for one night?"

"No, you guys take your time, I'll go back first, it just so happens that I'm not in Wenxuan and Tie Cong can continue discussing the previous topic!" Zhou Chao looked at the two with a smile on his face.

"Ah!" Zhou Chao's words made Shicong and Wenxuan look at each other embarrassedly.

"Okay, I'll go back first!" Zhou Chao got into his car after speaking, and the driver arranged by the hotel drove away from the hotel.

Watching Zhou Chao's car leave, Tie Cong turned his head to look at the two of them, showed a naughty smile and said, "Let's discuss about the ball!"

Qin Nu and Wen Xuan looked at each other, smiled and nodded.

It was already past 8 o'clock in the evening when we got home, and as soon as we entered the room, we saw Jiang Li nestled on the sofa watching TV, chatting with a mobile phone in his hand.

"Brother Chao, you're back!" Jiang Li looked at Zhou Chao who had just entered the room, and quickly sat up from the sofa.

"Why don't you go to the bedroom and lie down on the sofa, and don't watch the TV!" Zhou Chao rubbed Jiang Li's little head affectionately, and the soft hair gave him a very comfortable feeling.

"Don't touch my head, if I'm bald, I won't bite you to death!" Jiang Li said viciously, baring his teeth.

Seeing Jiang Li's cute appearance, Zhou Chao laughed directly.

"Brother Chao, you still laugh at me, didn't you read the message your sister sent you?"

Hearing what Jiang Li said, Zhou Chao was stunned for a moment, and quickly took out his phone to look at it. In order to prevent being disturbed, Zhou Chao always set his phone to the do not disturb mode, so if he is not using the phone, he does not know that someone sent him a message.

After opening a few videos from Guo R&D, what came into view was a mountain range that was burning. Zhou Chao took a closer look and found that it was the Beishan Mountain across the river from Guo Yan’s home. Then he looked down at Guo R&D’s information. Only then did I find out that not only Beishan but also Daliangshan had a wildfire, and the fire was so fierce that half of the sky turned red.

Zhou Chao frowned and dialed Guo Yan directly.

The phone rang for a long time before Guo Yan answered it.

As soon as the phone was connected, I heard a noisy voice from the opposite side, and I could faintly hear it coming from the phone: "Aunt Zhou, the water in the canteen has been emptied, and all the food is packed, we can go !"

Zhou Chao heard the voice very familiar, but he didn't hear it too clearly, and then he said: "Xiao Yan, where are you now, and what are the videos you sent me!"

"Brother, I'm at your canteen. Me, brother Ming, and my parents are all there. We're loading the water and some food from the canteen into the car, and we're going to send them to Beishan!"

"What's the situation now, tell me quickly!"

"Recently, the weather in the entire foggy city is too hot. I don't know what happened. In the evening, Daliang Mountain suddenly ignited. Because the weather was too hot recently, the fire spread quickly and burned a lot. All together, several fire brigades from Fuzhou have already rushed to Daliang Mountain, and Beishan suddenly ignited again at night, and now there is a shortage of manpower on Beishan, and we are now preparing to go to Beishan to provide support."

As a native of Fuzhou, how can Zhou Chao not understand Daliang Mountain and Beishan Mountain, especially Daliang Mountain as the tail of Guanmian Mountain Range, which creates its unique geographical advantage and is close to the urban area of ​​Fuzhou. A little carelessness will cause the wildfire to spread , while Beishan and Fuzhou City across the river are basically bamboo and pine trees. Coupled with the scorching heat, a little spark may cause a large-scale mountain fire, and now Beishan has already burned. stand up.

"What are you doing as a girl, just stay at home honestly!" Zhou Chao's tone became a bit harsh when he heard that Guo Yan was going to help.

"No, brother, I have been admitted to the National Defense University now, and I am now more or less a reserve. How can I hide behind at this time? Didn't you always teach me to be a person who contributes to the country? Well, now is the time for me to contribute, bro, I’ll hang up first, I’m very busy here!” After speaking, Guo Yan hung up the phone before Zhou Chao could speak.

Looking at the phone that was hung up in his hand, Zhou Chao cursed with a smile: "This little girl has more and more her own ideas now."

After all, Zhou Chao’s face turned serious. It’s night in Fuzhou, coupled with the rapid spread of the mountain fire and the current high temperature, it can be said that it is quite difficult to put out the fire. It is a lie to say that you are not worried.

Zhou Chao immediately called Lei Mingtang. After all, Guo Yan is with him now, so he can only take care of him.

The phone was connected before it rang twice, and a loud voice called out: "Brother Chao!"

"Lei Zi, show me Guo Yan, don't let her go to the front line, do you hear me?"

"Brother, don't worry, if we say that we are the ones in Wudu who rushed to the front line, how could we let Xiaoyan and the girls go up, I'll watch, don't worry!" Lei Mingtang assured .

"Well, I'll be back as soon as possible!"

Lei Mingtang was stunned by Zhou Chao's words, and then he said: "Brother Chao, what are you doing back here, we will put out the mountain fire when you come back!"


"How about this, I'll transfer some money to you, help me buy some supplies and send them up, and if you have any needs, call me anytime!" Zhou Chao also figured it out, and the soonest he can get back to Fuzhou is tomorrow. Things have happened, and the mountain fire may have been extinguished by then.

"Brother Chao, forget about the money, I still have a little money, so you don't have to transfer it to me!"

"No, this is my intention. I can't contribute my strength at the scene, so I can only cheer for you from behind. I will transfer it to you later. You can buy whatever you need at the scene!" Zhou Chao said Just transferred 20 to Lei Mingtang.

"Got it, Brother Chao!" Lei Mingtang didn't refuse, after all, it was Zhou Chao's wish.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Chao's face did not relax, he always felt that his heart was hanging and not at ease!

"Brother Chao, don't worry, it's fine!" Jiang Li said, looking at Zhou Chao seriously.

"Well, I see, you are tired after going out with your mother all day today, go to rest first, and be careful of the baby in your stomach!" Zhou Chao also showed a smile on his serious face.

"Brother Chao, what about you?"

"I'll go to bed later, I'll pay attention to what's going on in Fuzhou!"

Jiang Li also knew that Zhou Chao was also very anxious now, so he nodded and walked upstairs.

When Jiang Li went upstairs, Zhou Chao quickly turned on his mobile phone and began to pay attention. Relevant information also appeared on the scarf and a certain sound. Zhou Chao's heart was also pulled when he saw the messages. After all, it was his hometown. , When difficulties arise, I can't do my part, and that feeling is really uncomfortable.

Soon Zhou Chao found that his circle of friends began to swipe the screen, it was all about Daliangshan and Beishan, and at the same time, many volunteers emerged, watching the busy figures in the video, all contributing With my own strength, I collected flashlights, ice cubes, water, and food. As long as it is the supplies needed for fire fighting, I will always spread this information as soon as possible, and I will get feedback soon. The materials were delivered to the front line within a short period of time.

At the same time, the excavators that need to dig the isolation belt also began to gather towards the site from all directions. Many excavator masters who had already been in bed put on their clothes and drove towards the site. I am one of them, contributing my own strength, instead of just worrying through the screen like now.

Time passed by every minute and every second, Zhou Chao sat on the sofa like this, watching the information spread on Moments or the Internet, until the middle of the night, with the decrease of information and the onset of sleepiness, Zhou Chao was already lying down unconsciously. Fell asleep on the couch.

The next day, at eight o'clock in the morning.

"Xiao Li, don't you really ask the boss to get up and eat something?" Aunt Wang looked at Jiang Li beside her and whispered.

"No, let him sleep for a while, you go to rest too, don't be busy for now, so as not to wake him up!" Jiang Li said looking at Zhou Chao lying on the sofa.

Aunt Wang nodded, and walked towards the back gently, while Jiang Li also tiptoedly sat on the sofa, propped his little head with his right hand, and watched the sleeping Zhou Chao gradually fascinated.

Time passed slowly, and the sun shone in through the window, and it happened to shine on Zhou Chao's face. Zhou Chao, who was lying on the sofa, woke up suddenly, sat up from the sofa at once, and quickly picked up the coffee table. mobile phone, only to find that the phone has already run out of power.

"Ali, what happened to the wildfire in Fuzhou!" Zhou Chao asked eagerly looking at Jiang Li who was sitting next to him.

"Brother Chao, don't worry, the mountain fire has been extinguished, and Wudu has dispatched three helicopters to participate in the fire fighting. I read the news that the fire has been extinguished, so don't worry!"

"It's fine if it's gone, it's fine if it's gone!" Zhou Chao murmured, and his whole body became much more relaxed, and he leaned on the sofa.

"Have you contacted Lei Zixiaoyan and the others? Are they all right?"

"It's okay. I sent San Gu a message in the morning, only to find out that Xiao Yan ran with Lei Zi all night last night, buying and transporting supplies all over the city, and now she is asleep at home. Don't worry!" Jiang Jiang Li also didn't expect Guo Yan to struggle all night.

Zhou Chao nodded when he heard the words, stood up from the sofa and said, "I'm going to take a shower first, and I'm going to sleep for a while!"

Seeing that Zhou Chao relaxed a lot, Jiang Li also smiled, knowing that a stone in his heart had fallen.

(End of this chapter)

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