Shenhao starts to sign in from the canteen

Chapter 504 First kill on the ranch!

Early the next morning, Zhou Chao discovered that the outside was already covered with snow, and the whole Yinrkutsk was dyed white.

"Boss, the weather here is really weird. It was fine yesterday. Why did it snow as soon as I woke up?" Lin Wu couldn't help shivering while speaking.

"After all, this is Siberia, and it's almost October now. The weather must be getting colder, which is normal." Zhou Chao had already put on the down jacket he bought yesterday while speaking.

"It feels more comfortable in China. It's really too cold here. Fortunately, the hotel has heating."

"It's okay at this time, it's not very cold. If you wait until winter, you will know what it is really cold." Zhou Chao knew before that the temperature in Yinrkutsk began to drop slowly in October. , The lowest temperature in winter can reach minus 10 degrees.

Lin Wu looked at Zhou Chao pitifully and said, "Boss, I don't want to stay here for a long time. Let's finish our work and go back."

Just when Zhou Chao was about to speak, he heard a soft knock on the hotel door.

Lin Wu quickly walked over to open the door, and Lev's sturdy figure suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

"Boss, good morning." Lev said respectfully in his not-so-fluent Chinese, but the voice from his sturdy mouth made Zhou Chao feel his ears buzzing.

Zhou Chao nodded lightly, "Come in."

Lev strode in, holding a brown paper bag in his hand. "Boss, this is a little food I bought on the way, you guys will deal with it."

Zhou Chao was also not polite, took the brown paper bag, opened it, and found some roast meat bread and hot milk inside.

"Everyone, come and sit down, take a simple bite, and cook something delicious when we arrive at the farm at noon." Zhou Chao waved to Lin Wu and the others, and ate a big loaf by himself.

After tasting a few mouthfuls, Zhou Chao felt that the bread was really good. Compared to the taste, it was even better than many of the bread sold in the domestic market.

After breakfast, Zhou Chao and the others did not delay too much in the hotel, so they packed their luggage, got on the Hummer that had been waiting at the door for a long time, and set off towards the small town of Listvyanka.

Due to the light snow weather, we drove very slowly along the way.The road from Yinrkutsk to the small town of Listvyanka runs along the river, adding some beautiful scenery to the journey.

Listvyanka is only a few tens of kilometers away from the city of Yinrkutsk, due to the snow.It took about an hour and a half to reach the town.

The small town of Listvyanka has a small population of just over 2 people. There are two hospitals, four schools and various leisure places in this small town. There are tens of millions of tourists here every year. , so the supporting facilities in the town are quite complete.

By the time Zhou Chao and the others arrived in the town, the snow had stopped and even the sky had cleared up.

"Boss seems to be a good omen. As soon as we arrived outside the town, it stopped snowing." Lin Wu said excitedly.

Zhou Chao glanced sideways at Lin Wu and said with a smile: "I didn't see it, you will be flattering anytime soon."

Lin Wu's originally happy face froze instantly.

Zhou Chao didn't care either, and simply took a look at the buildings in the town, planning to wait for two days before visiting again, so he asked Lev to inform the car in front to drive directly to the ranch.

The ranch is not very far from the small town of Listvyan, only a few kilometers away, about 10 minutes away, Zhou Chao and his party came to the ranch.

Zhou Chao looked at the eye-catching sign on the gate of the ranch and said softly: "Qingquan Ranch."

The entire ranch is about 2 mu, about the size of 3 standard basketball courts and 186 football fields. As for how big it is, Zhou Chao doesn’t have a specific concept in mind. After all, there are mountains, waters, and grasslands.

Zhou Chao took a brief look at his ranch. It was close to the shore of Lake Baikal. The entire ranch looked like only three or four exquisite wooden houses and one villa. It seemed that they had been built before, and there was a blur in the distance. You can also see some wooden buildings.

Just as I was about to go in, I saw three or four young men coming out of the gate of the ranch.

"Hello, this is a private ranch, no visits are allowed!" A young man from Huaguo who seemed to be the leader said loudly.

Zhou Chao glanced sideways at Lin Wu, and Lin Wu got out of the car knowingly and walked towards them and walked over.

The leading man looked at Lin Wu's familiar face who was approaching.He frowned slightly, and called out uncertainly: "Brother Wu?"

"Well, I'm Lin Wu. You were sent by Mr. Ling from China? What's your name?"

"Hello, Brother Wu. My name is Chen Nan. Our team was recently sent by Mr. Ling to be responsible for the safety of the ranch. Is the boss here?" The leading man asked excitedly, but he knew that Lin Wu had been following Boss, since Lin Wu appeared here, it means that the boss is also here.

Lin Wu nodded with a smile and said, "The boss is in the car behind, please open the door, they are all of us."

Chen Nan glanced at the convoy, then called his subordinates to immediately open the gate of the ranch, and the convoy drove into the ranch immediately.

Looking at the burly man who got off the car, who seemed to be carrying weapons, Chen Nan couldn't help sighing in his heart: "I didn't expect the boss to be so powerful in foreign countries."

When Zhou Chao got off the car, Chen Nan walked up quickly, "Hi, boss!"

Zhou Chao also heard the conversation between the two just now, and nodded lightly, "Come in, it's cold outside."

Chen Nan hurriedly led Zhou Chao towards the villa, "Boss, this villa was built later, and President Ling specially arranged it before."

Upon hearing that the villa was arranged in the early morning, Zhou Chao glanced at Chen Nan beside him in surprise, "Hey, I didn't expect that the villa was built with such care in the early morning."

"Boss, this villa is a custom-made all-steel structure, so the construction is very fast. It took about half a month and it has already been decorated. Boss, please come inside." Chen Nan opened the door of the villa, slightly bowed his right hand Make a gesture of please in the air.

Walking into the house, Zhou Chao discovered that the style of the house is very characteristic of Mao Xiongguo. The first floor of the whole house has an area of ​​two to three hundred square meters, and the hall occupies almost 70 square meters. What attracts Zhou Chao’s attention most is the fireplace.

There are 2 bedrooms on the second floor of the villa, the largest master bedroom is about 4 square meters, and the other three bedrooms are only 80 square meters.But each bedroom has its own bathroom, and there is also a bathtub for taking a bath.

Turning around, Zhou Chao looked up and down the villa, "Is there any place to live in the other wooden houses of Chen Nan? Take Lin Wu, Lev and the others to settle down the people below. .”

"Boss, don't worry, there are not many things here, just the most places to live." Immediately, Chengnan led Lev and others to several other wooden houses.

When Zhou Chao came down from the bedroom, he found that the fireplace in the hall was already raging, adding some warmth to the whole room. Zhou Chao took off his down jacket and sat on the seat next to the fireplace.

"Boss, drink some black tea to warm up your body." Chen Nan came out from the kitchen with a big pot of tea.

Zhou Chao took a cup of black tea and took a sip, feeling his whole body warmed up from inside to outside, "Thank you for your hard work, let me tell you about the situation of this ranch."

"The boss has a total of 6 local employees in the entire ranch. We have about 5000 mu of ranch, and the mountainous area occupies a full 13 mu. In addition, the place where we live now and the farm and ranch have 000 mu. The rest 1000 mu is Lake Baikal in front of our ranch.

At present, the ranch does not breed any animals, so I asked all the local employees to go back to rest. "Chen Nan briefly reported the situation of the entire ranch.

Zhou Chao nodded slightly when he heard the words. He also knew that his entire pasture was a horizontal rectangle, so the area of ​​the pasture next to Lake Baikal was very small.

Although most of the entire pasture is occupied by mountain forests, Zhou Chao knows that the real value is in the mountains and forests. After all, the previous gold mine is within the range of his pasture.

Just as Zhou Chao was deep in thought, several wolves howled from afar, and Zhou Chao came back to his senses instantly, "Do some wild animals often come here to visit?"

"Well, sometimes some animals come to where we live, but never a wolf."

As soon as Chen Nan spoke, he saw Luo Linwu and Lev running in quickly. Lev was still holding a sniper rifle in his hand. Zhou Chao could tell at a glance that the sniper rifle in Lev's hand was Mao Xiongguo. "Twilight".

Twilight's full name is SVLK-14S, which Mao Xiongguo specially built for special forces. The purpose is to achieve precise strikes in harsh environments, especially in the dark. The barrel length is 90 cm, weighs 18 catties, and uses 408 caliber rifle ammunition , the muzzle velocity is 900 meters per second, and the maximum range is 4200 meters. It uses Kelaf carbon composite material, which can be used in high-temperature tropical areas and low-temperature areas.

Lev also noticed that the eyes of Zhou Chao and the others were focused on his hands, "Boss, do you want to try it?" Lev said and handed the sniper rifle in his hand to Zhou Chao.

"Of course I want to try." For men, the hobbies in this life are nothing more than three things: money, guns, and women.

Zhou Chao also played with sniper rifles before, but they were all for shooting targets, but now he has the opportunity to shoot animals, which feels completely different.

Taking the sniper rifle from Lev's hand, Zhou Chao carefully played with it for a while, then got up and walked out of the house, and Lin Wu's men hurriedly followed.

Zhou Chao took a sniper rifle and ran quickly towards the edge of the ranch residential area. The howling of wolves just came from this direction. Since the snow had just fallen, everyone didn't run very fast, and Chen Nan followed behind. I didn't pay attention and fell a somersault.

"Boss, run slowly, be careful." Lin Wu shouted from behind.

Lev and Chen Nan never thought that the boss's physical strength would be so good, and he was holding a sniper rifle in his hand, so they didn't catch up with Zhou Chao's footsteps.

"Has the boss practiced before? Why can't my physique still keep up with his steps?" Lev asked, looking at Lin Wu beside him in disbelief.

"Don't underestimate the boss. The boss is proficient in everything. To put it bluntly, don't look at you. You may fight with the boss, but you still can't beat him." Lin Wu remembered the time when he practiced fighting with Zhou Chao before. At that time, I was still pressed and beaten.

Hearing this, Lev's eyes flashed a strange light, and he whispered: "If you have a chance, you can practice with the boss."

Soon Zhou Chao stopped, and Lin Wu and the others also came behind Zhou Chao.

I saw a few gray wolves looming in the woods 200 meters away.

Zhou Chao immediately raised the sniper rifle in his hand, only to hear a few slaps, and several wolves not far away fell down in response, dyeing the whole land red.

Seeing Zhou Chao's pistol technique, Lev and the others behind him opened their eyes wide, as if they couldn't believe it.

"Old boss, why are you so good at marksmanship? Even the friends I know don't have such good marksmanship." Lev said in shock.

"Lev, you are making friends out of nothing, is it true that the boss's marksmanship is much better than yours!" Lin Wu said jokingly.

Lev, who had been exposed, smiled awkwardly.

But at this time Zhou Chao was playing with the sniper rifle in his hand, muttering to himself: "It's really good, it's really a good gun."

"Boss, if you like it, I'll give it to you."

"Hahaha, I've accepted the intention, and I've also accepted the gun. When the time comes, Lin Wu, you can directly transfer the money to Li Fu. It should be as much as you want. We also have lunch at noon. Go and drag these wolves away." Go back and peel and grill." Zhou Chao smiled and patted Lev's thick-legged arm, and walked towards the villa with a gun on his shoulder.

Lin Wu and the three dragged two wolves in their hands, and followed Zhou Chao towards the villa. Fortunately, the weather was cold enough, and the wolf blood froze quickly.

Soon Lin Wu and Lev staged a show for him in front of Zhou Chao, how to quickly pull the wolf's skin, only to see the knives in the hands of the two quickly slashed across the wolf. After a while, a complete wolf The skin was peeled off by two people.

Zhou Chao couldn't help applauding the two of them. "Good job, hurry up and get rid of the remaining 4 wolves. By the way, do you have any other ingredients for Chen Nan? Bring them all to the kitchen. Let you have a taste of my cooking today."

"Boss, I still have some beef and mutton. I'll arrange for someone to bring it to the kitchen right away. If you need anything else, I'll go to the town to buy it right away." Although Zhou Chao's cooking skills are not known, the boss has spoken. What else can I say, I immediately arranged for someone to deliver the ingredients to the kitchen.

"Today you have a lucky meal!" Lin Wu said happily to the two of them.

Lev and Chen Nan frowned slightly: "Could it be that the boss's cooking skills are also very good?"

Lin Wu looked at the two of them pretending to be mysterious, "Haha, you will find out later."

At this time, Zhou Chao had already come to the kitchen, looked at the kitchen full of seasonings, nodded with satisfaction, and then got busy.

Three of the six wolves were roasted, mainly on three grills, and the remaining three were all cooked by Zhou Chao.

After Zhou Chao had been busy in the kitchen for more than an hour, the outside of the kitchen was already full of people, especially Lev and Chen Nan, who stood at the door of the kitchen like door gods and looked at the busy Zhou Cao, swallowing from time to time. saliva.

Lin Wu was leisurely admiring everyone with a cup of black tea as if he wanted to see a joke.

"Okay, come in and serve the dishes, you can eat!" Following Zhou Chao's voice, a group of people rushed into the kitchen, and one of them came out with a large bowl of vegetables smiling.

If Zhou Chao was not still here, Lin Wu believed that these people would have eaten up the basin, especially Lev and others whose eyeballs were about to fall into the basin.

Fortunately, the dining table is a long table, which can seat about 20 people. Looking at the eager eyes of everyone, Zhou Chao smiled and said, "Let's start."

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