Shenhao starts to sign in from the canteen

Chapter 509 What a Big Gold Mine!

Chapter 509 What a Big Gold Mine!

Even Abdul and Ilya, who have eaten all kinds of delicacies from all over the world, are under Zhou Chao's culinary skills at this time.

Seeing the two wolfing down their food, Zhou Chao couldn't help but shook his head. Fortunately, there were no outsiders here. If others saw these two young and old looking like this, they would definitely make headlines in various countries.

Zhou Chao couldn't help thinking of a headline, "Shocked, two world-renowned seniors are devouring Huaxia Cuisine regardless of their own image. Is this a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Chao himself laughed, and Zhou Chao's laughter stopped the two who were concentrating on cooking.

"Zhou, what are you smirking at? Don't eat it, we'll eat it all later." Abdul looked at Zhou Chao with some doubts, and he didn't know why he was smirking there. Could it be that he was thinking of beautiful women.

"Sorry, I just thought of something and started eating." Zhou Chao picked up the chopsticks in front of him and ate.

For a moment, the three of them competed for each other, and the dishes on the table were eaten up at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon the three of them looked satisfied, leaning on the chairs and stroking their slightly protruding stomachs.

"Zhou, your craftsmanship is really amazing. Even the chefs in my family are completely different from you." Abdul leaned on the chair with a happy expression, and said with some emotion .You must know that the chefs in my family are famous chefs in the world, but compared with Zhou Chao's cooking skills, they are not at the same level at all.

"That's right, Zhou, how did you practice your cooking skills? How come you are so good!" Even Biya couldn't help feeling how good Zhou Chao's cooking skills are. For the second generation of their status, shouldn't they Do you want to learn all kinds of financial, psychological, strategy and other knowledge?How did you learn to cook?

Having said that, Abdul and Ibia glanced at each other.His eyes were full of doubts, especially Abdul, who knew that Zhou Chao was also a world-class expert in gambling. After all, he had seen how Zhou Chao used sacks to store money before.

"Let's go, I'm wondering what else you can't do!"

Zhou Cao said with a light smile, "I don't know too many things, such as having children."

Abdul and Ibia both laughed when they heard this. After all, it is very pleasant to be friends with a humorous person.

"We're full with wine and food, shall we sip our food?"

"Okay, exercise, I'm a bit full from eating today."

Immediately, the three of them got up and walked outside. As soon as they walked out of the gate of the villa, they saw that several tables had already been set up on the open air.Many bodyguards are eating happily.

In particular, Lev and Agev were drinking a bottle of vodka each, while talking about their recent experiences.

Seeing the three of Zhou Chao coming out of the villa, all the bodyguards put down the tableware in their hands and stood up one after another.

Seeing this posture, Zhou Chao quickly waved his hands and said: "You all sit down and continue eating. Let's stroll around and digest food."

Hearing Zhou Chao's words, Lev, Lin Wu and their bodyguards all sat down, only the bodyguards of Abdul and Ibia stood still without any movement.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhou glanced at the two people next to him, and motioned to the two of them to stand up and talk, it is impossible to stand like this all the time.

"You all sit down and continue eating, don't worry about us." In the end, Ibia stood up.

Agefu and others heard that there was no ink stain, so they sat down quickly.

The three of them walked through the open space and came to the shore of Lake Baikal. Although the weather was sunny today, people still couldn't help feeling a chill from the wind blowing on them. Maybe it was the severe winter in Siberia.

"Hey, if we come here next month, we won't have such good weather." Ibia said with some emotion. You must know that the winter in Siberia will officially start from next month, and it will snow every day. become the norm.

Zhou Chao asked curiously, "Will Lake Baikal freeze?"

"Yes, and the ice is still very thick, and you can still drive on it in some places."

The three of them walked slowly along the lakeside.Abdul suddenly pointed to the distance and said, "Look, there is a yacht there. If my yacht is here, we can still go fishing in the afternoon."

Zhou Chao and Ibia looked in the direction of Abdul's finger, and sure enough, there was a medium-sized yacht sailing on Lake Baikal in the distance.

"That yacht should be a sightseeing yacht in the town. After all, many of the tourists who come here are for Lake Baikal." When Zhou Chao went shopping in the town before, he saw many such boats by the lake. Small and medium yachts.

"Why don't we also build one and go to Lake Baikal in the afternoon." Ibia suddenly suggested.

Zhou Chao and Abdul glanced at each other, and nodded tacitly.

"In the afternoon, we will compete to see who catches the most fish, and the one who catches the fewest will bring us happy." Abdul said with a smirk.

Zhou Chao also understood what he meant by happy, it was nothing more than finding a bunch of beauties to come and play with.

"I don't care, anyway, the two of you will definitely not be able to catch me." Zhou Chao shrugged indifferently.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Chao responded with two fingers in the next second.

"Tch, I don't know who will win."

"that is!"

Zhou Chao didn't talk to him either, but just smiled mysteriously.

After finding something to play in the afternoon, the three of them didn't have the heart to continue walking, so they walked towards the ranch villa.

After returning to the ranch, Zhou Chao immediately arranged for Lev to go to the town to rent a yacht and come back. There is a small pier at the ranch, so there is no need to worry that a few people will not be able to board the boat after a while.

After arranging everything, the three of them sat on the open space, drinking tea leisurely.

Abdul asked with some doubts: "Zhou, I think your pasture is basically empty, and you don't plan to raise any cattle and sheep."

"I've only been here for two or three days, haven't I? After I've dealt with the matter, I will plan this ranch carefully. After all, my ranch can only be regarded as a small ranch, with only about 2 mu of land. "Zhou Chao explained.

With 1 mu and 10 square kilometers, it can only be regarded as a small pasture here. After all, Maoxiong Country is sparsely populated, with a total population of just over [-] million, and most of them are concentrated in the west, while Siberia is in the The eastern part of Maoxiong Country is even more sparsely populated, with an extremely small population. As far as Irkutsk City is concerned, there are only a few hundred thousand people.

If it is in China, maybe the population of a county is larger than that of a city, so one can imagine how big the ranch is here.

"Busy? Is there anything else you need to solve here? Tell me, how can I help you." At this time, Ibia put down the teacup in his hand and looked at Zhou Chao and asked.

Hearing Ibia speak, Zhou Chao secretly laughed in his heart, all of this was in his plan.

Zhou Chao pretended to be hesitant, and was silent for a moment before he said, "To tell the truth, I am here this time mainly to deal with the mines I found in my ranch."

"Mine, what kind of mine needs you, Mr. Zhou, to fly from China to this cold Siberia to deal with it. It can't be a gold mine." Abdul said with a smile.

Abdul just laughed for a while, when he saw Zhou Chao's indifferent expression, his heart skipped a beat, and his face instantly became agitated, "I'll go, Zhou, you really discovered a huge gold mine, right? Otherwise, in your capacity, I wouldn’t have made the trip myself.”

Holding the teacup, Zhou Chao took a sip before saying, "That's right, a huge gold mine was discovered within the scope of my ranch."

As for why he told Abdul and Ibia about the gold mine in his ranch, since he knew Ibia's identity, Zhou Chao had been planning this matter.

You must know that the mining of a gold mine is not a short-term thing, especially this kind of super-large gold mine, the mining time is in units of decades, and the mine is located in Siberia, and every winter is a super cold season. more difficult.

"Super large gold mine! Zhou, have you found out how much the mine reserves are!" Ibia, who was drinking tea leisurely, sat up straight at this time. You must know that the output value of a super large gold mine is endless. .

Zhou Chao smiled very calmly, glanced at the two of them, and then said softly: "Not many, just like the open-pit mine in Eastern Siberia."

"The open-pit mine you are talking about is the Sukhoi Log Gold Deposit!" Ibia lost his composure at all, stood up from his chair, and looked at Zhou Chao in shock.

"Well, that's right!" Zhou Chao nodded lightly.

At this time, Abdul looked puzzled, "What are you two talking about, it confuses me, and what about the Sukhoi log gold deposit that you are talking about in Ibia."

Libya took a deep breath, tried to calm down her excited heart, and said after a while: "The Sukhoi log gold deposit I mentioned just now is a gold mine in the hinterland of Siberia. Due to the long-term temperature around minus four Fifty degrees, so it has not been mined.

According to earlier exploration reports, the Sukhoi Log Gold Deposit is the largest gold mine in the world, with proven reserves of 4000 million ounces. , Once developed, I believe this will have an impact on the total supply of gold, and this deposit accounts for about a quarter of the total unmined gold in Maoxiong Country, Abdullah, you understand my mood now! "

After hearing Ibia's explanation, Abdul's originally calm heart was no longer calm, and he didn't even know when the tea in his hand spilled out.

"My mother-in-law, 4000 million ounces, according to the current international gold price, an ounce is about 1700 US dollars, and the 4000 million ounces is about 6800 billion US dollars!" In the end, even Abdul himself couldn't believe it.

At this time, various thoughts were flickering in Ibia's mind, thinking about taking it directly, after all, it was on his own territory.But soon Ibia rejected this idea. You must know that such a large gold mine must not be hidden, and Zhou Chao dared to tell him publicly, which means that he must have someone to keep.

Abdullah, who was originally very excited, also became quiet at the moment.Glancing at Zhou Chao, who was leisurely drinking tea beside him, he picked up the tea in front of him and continued to drink it.

The scene was surprisingly quiet for a while.

It took a long time to hear Ibia let out a sigh of relief.

"Huh ~ Zhou, this news of yours almost caught me off guard." Ibia said half-jokingly.

The few people present were all understanding people, and they all knew that Ibia was having a psychological struggle just now, and they must have figured it out by now.

"To be honest, I haven't visited the gold mine so far. I don't know if there are so many mineral deposits. If you have someone who detects the mine, you can also introduce it to me. We will go to the field tomorrow. Go see."

The minds of the two people who heard these words also began to come alive, and they vaguely understood that there was something more in Zhou Chao's words.

"Leave this to me. I just happen to have a mineral exploration team under the company. I will call them immediately and ask them to come here tomorrow morning." After Ibia finished speaking, he got up and walked not far away. He took out his cell phone from his pocket and dialed it.

And Abdul on the side also said excitedly: "Zhou, I also have a mineral exploration team. I will call them immediately and ask them to come over overnight."

Before Zhou Chao could speak, he got up and walked not far away. Zhou Chao watched the two of them talking on the phone, one left and one right, with a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth, but it quickly disappeared without a trace.

After about 10 minutes, the two hung up the phones at the same time, and walked towards Zhou Chao with smiles on their faces. It seemed that they had arranged things.

The two of them just sat down and were about to talk when they heard a few shouts coming from the lake. The three of them followed the prestige, and Zhou Chao found that it was Lev who he had sent to rent a yacht in the small town before, standing on the bow of the boat and looking towards them. Man waves for discovery.

"It's Lev and the others who are back, let's go, we'll talk about things later, happiness is the most important thing!" Zhou Chao said with a smile on his face.

Abdul and Ibia nodded when they heard the words. After all, the right to speak is now controlled by Zhou Chao, and even if they are in a hurry, they are not in a hurry.

The three got up and walked towards the pier by the lake. Soon the yacht was on the pier. As soon as they got on the yacht, Zhou Chao called Lev over.

"Lev, are the fishing gear ready?"

"The boss is ready. I went to the town to consult with the old fishermen here. I bought several kinds of fishing rods and baits suitable for fishing here. I also bought some cold-proof supplies and some fruit snacks. some type of."

Zhou Chao glanced at Lev with some surprise. Although he knew that Lev looked rough on the outside and had a lot of work in his heart, he didn't expect that his mind would be so delicate.

"I'm determined!" Zhou Chao patted Lev's arm in relief, and then walked over to Abdul and the two of them.

After Zhou Chao left, Lev walked to Lin Wu's side and said softly, "Brother Wu, thank you for your guidance!"

"It's all for the boss, so don't be so polite with your brothers."

Lev nodded emotionally.

(End of this chapter)

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