Shenhao starts to sign in from the canteen

Chapter 550 Pretending to be aggressive, please see clearly!

Chapter 550 Pretending to be aggressive, please see clearly!
The next day Zhou Chao slept until [-] noon before he got up from the bed in a daze.

After a simple wash, I feel refreshed a lot.

After sleeping for more than ten hours, I also made up for the lack of sleep yesterday, and the whole person returned to the best state.

Looking at the handsome young man in the mirror, I couldn't help giving myself a full score.

As soon as he came out of the bedroom, he heard the sound of ping-pong-pong from downstairs. Zhou Chao frowned slightly, leaned on the railing and looked down, only to see a faint figure flashing past the kitchen.

"Come here again in the early morning?" He muttered something in his mouth, and walked downstairs.

Just when Zhou Chao was wondering who it was, he saw Lin Wu walking out of the kitchen wearing an apron and holding a kitchen knife.

"Hey, boss, you're up, I'm not the one who made you rest!" Lin Wu said a little embarrassedly, and he also knew that he was making a lot of noise in the kitchen.

"It's nothing, why are you here, don't spend much time with your daughter-in-law!"

Zhou Chao poured himself a glass of water and asked while drinking.

Hearing this, Lin Wu looked at Zhou Chao with some complaints, but didn't say a word!
Zhou Chao looked at it for a while and felt a little nervous.

"Don't look at me with such eyes, you don't want to say it's because of my problem!" Zhou Chao scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Last night when Li Qian and I were watching a movie, we received a call from Mr. Ling who scolded me.

Said boss, you haven't rested for two consecutive days, let me supervise you!No, I went to the supermarket early in the morning to buy some ingredients! "

Zhou Chao looked in the direction of the kitchen, and saw that the two pots in the kitchen were steaming.

"It won't happen next time, don't worry!"

Lin Wu glanced at Zhou Chao resentfully, nodded, then turned and walked into the kitchen.

Zhou Chao smiled and walked into the kitchen.

Looking at the boiling casserole, Zhou Chao asked curiously, "Lin Wu, what are you doing?"

"I stewed a casserole of braised pork and saffron and wolfberry pork ribs soup. Originally, Mr. Ling asked me to stew some supplements, so that the boss can make up for it, but I know those!"

"Why do you stew that stuff, I'm in great shape now!" Zhou Chao patted his chest as he said.

Lin Wu shook his head helplessly. He could have lived a happy two-person world today, but it was shattered like this.

Although I was a little frustrated, who told Zhou Chao to be his own boss?

"Boss, go and take a rest first, I can cook two more dishes and then I can eat!"

"Let's do it together, it will be done in a few clicks!" Zhou Chao started to move his hands after speaking.

Soon three dishes and one soup were presented in front of the two of them, and the two of them didn't pay too much attention, and started eating after filling a bowl of rice for themselves.

Zhou Chao looked at the casserole braised pork on the table full of appetite, decisively picked up a lump, and stuffed it directly into his mouth, as a result, a faint bitter taste hit instantly.

The whole face was wrinkled into one piece.

"Boss, isn't it delicious?" Lin Wu asked tentatively.

Zhou Chao swallowed the braised pork directly, and said, "You will know after you taste it!"

Lin Wu fed it directly into his mouth, and immediately spit the braised pork into the bowl, "How can it be so bitter!"

"Your sugar color is quite popular, but it's a bit too much!" Zhou Chao joked with a smile.

"Boss, I didn't expect it to be so hard. I felt pretty good when I did it!" Lin Wu said with a wry smile.

"It's okay, don't you have other dishes, just eat some, and then go out for a stroll and exercise."

Lin Wu brought the braised pork back to the kitchen, and the two of them ate the remaining dishes.

After eating, the two packed up and went out.

The weather in Shanghai today is clear and clear. Although the sun is shining in the sky, it is only around [-] degrees, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

As soon as he came to the garage, Zhou Chao saw a Bentley Accord and a Maserati parked in his parking space.

"This Bentley hasn't been washed for a while, it's piled up with a lot of dust!"

"Boss, I haven't driven this car very much. The sports cars I use are all in Junzhou Huating. They were driven here when I lived here last time. It's been a while."

Lin Wu quickly explained.

"Just drive it, and go out to wash the car by the way, and when I go to the company tomorrow, I will tell him to throw it to the early morning for public use!"

After Zhou Chao finished speaking, he sat on it, and Lin Wu hurried back to his car and took out the Bentley key.

Soon the two drove out of Tangchen Yipin and headed straight for Lujiazui.

I randomly found a car wash near Lujiazui that looked quite tall, and chose a big cleaning of the interior, which was going to be given to the staff all the time. After that, the two left on the road.

"Boss, where are we going now?"

"Let's go for a stroll, there's nothing to do anyway, and the weather is good today!"

Lin Wu also stopped talking, and just walked aimlessly beside Zhou Chao.

Soon the two arrived at the foot of the Oriental Pearl Tower, randomly found an empty chair and sat down.

"Ah, it's been a long time since I basked in the sun leisurely!"

Hearing Zhou Chao's exclamation, Lin Wu on the side was stunned, and complained silently in his heart: "Isn't it just a few days of playing in Ludao and Dong'ao Island? Why has it been so long?"

Zhou Chao had a panoramic view of Lin Wu's expression, fixed his eyes on Lin Wu and said, "I feel that you have me in your heart!"

"No, boss, I have absolutely no meaning!" Lin Wu's head shook like a rattle.

Just when Zhou Chao was about to talk about Lin Wu, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

He took it out and saw that the caller ID was Mr. Wang.

"Hey, Mr. Wang, what's the matter?"

"Didn't bother you to play?" Wang Lao said with a little lightness in his words.

"Hey, I want to play too, but it's a pity that there are too many things to do. No, I returned to Shanghai after finishing the Zhuhai Air Show. The company still has a lot of things waiting for me to deal with!"

Zhou Chao is not ambiguous at all when he sells miserably. After all, only crying children have milk.

Wang Lao on the other end of the phone twitched his mouth when he heard Zhou Chao's words. If he hadn't known Zhou Chao a little bit, he would really have believed his words.

"Okay, okay, I know you have worked hard, I called you today because I have something to tell you!"

"Old Wang, tell me!" Hearing that he had something to say, Zhou Chao suddenly became serious.

"The incident in the oil field was a bit unpleasant before. I just wanted to ask you what your plans are. By the way, your pets will arrive in two days. Lin Wu should tell you about this matter!"

"Well, Lin Wu told me about the pet, and I will arrange it as soon as possible.

"As for the oil field, I've already made arrangements. I'm going to mine it myself. I've always heard that the water in this line is relatively deep. I'm going to try to see how deep it is!"

After Zhou Chao finished speaking, Mr. Wang didn't speak immediately. For a while, there was no other sound on the phone except for the breathing of both parties.

After about five or six seconds, Old Wang's voice came.

"Okay, if you have any questions, please let me know at any time! In addition, the matter of your foreign mine has been resolved, and you will receive the information soon."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wang!" Zhou Chao thanked.

In this matter, I really have to thank Mr. Wang, otherwise I would have to spend a lot of energy.

Although it can be solved by yourself, it can save one thing and one less thing.

The two exchanged simple greetings for a while, and Mr. Wang hung up the phone because of something urgent.

Sure enough, as soon as he hung up the phone, Li Wei called within 2 minutes. Just as Mr. Wang said before, he was here to report on the mine.

Zhou Chao repeatedly asked Li Wei to pay attention and pay attention. After all, Africa is not as good as California, and the situation there is not always chaotic.

Although not afraid of trouble, but also do not want to cause trouble.

At the same time, it also explained that Li Weihe handed over the dozens of mines in the early morning.

After talking about these things, Zhou Chao also became entangled.

"Lin Wu, you said that when the animals are brought over, where will I put them? Buy a zoo?"

"Boss, you are rich and willful, so you can do whatever you want!"

Zhou Chao glanced at Lin Wu angrily, "Hmph, not bad, I'm always saying such unconstructive things now!"

Just as Lin Wu was about to explain, he saw Zhou Chao dial out again with the phone in his hand, and he swallowed back the words that just came to his lips.

The call was quickly connected.

"Hello, boss!" A deep voice sounded.

"Tan Mingming, I called today for one thing. I remember that there is a racecourse under the club, right!"

Zhou Tao's call was to Tan Mingming, the person in charge of the Kyoto Golf Club.

"Yes, boss!"

Tan Mingming was just wondering, why did the boss suddenly call and ask about this? Could it be that he wanted to expand the scale of the racecourse?
"It's like this. My friend at Maoxiong gave me some animals. I don't know where to put them for a while, so I plan to build a small zoo in the club."

"The zoo? The boss actually doesn't need to build it on the racecourse side. The club still has a large piece of open land that is not used. It can just be used to build a zoo. The location happens to be at the foot of the mountain!"

Zhou Chao recalled it carefully, it seems that there is such a place that has been vacant all the time!

"Okay, you can arrange it immediately and try to get the zoo out in the next few days!"

"Ah~" Tan Mingming was very surprised, how could it be built in a few days.

But I soon realized that as long as the money is in place and the time is sufficient, it is only a small zoo after all.

"Got it, boss!"

Zhou Chao hung up the phone without saying anything, he believed that Tan Mingming would have a solution.

"Hey, I said I came here for a stroll to relax, but I made three phone calls at once!" Zhou Chao said with some melancholy.

Lin Wu on the side seemed not to hear, staring straight ahead to the left.

Following Lin Wu's line of sight, I saw a group of hot, crisply dressed beauties dancing to the music in the square ahead, and there were a few men next to them holding various equipment, who seemed to be shooting short videos .

A smirk appeared on the corner of Zhou Chao's mouth, he turned on the video recording function of his phone, and said softly, "Lin Wu, are those beauties good-looking?"

"It looks good!" Lin Wu nodded blankly.

But he came back to his senses in an instant, turned his head quickly, and saw Zhou Chao recording the video with his mobile phone.


"Hey, the weather is really nice today. It's been more than an hour since we came out. The car should be washed, let's go!"

Zhou Chao pretended not to see it, got up and left, and walked in the direction he came from.

"Boss, delete what you took just now, I don't want to go back and kneel on the keyboard~" Lin Wu's whole face was like a bitter melon, with a sad expression on his face.

"What did you shoot just now? Why don't I know!"

"Boss, did someone tell you that you are getting more and more slutty!"

"Whoever dares to speak ill of me behind my back, whether Lin Wu is you, will deduct one hundred thousand of your salary!"

"Ah~ Boss! I was wrong!"

The two of them chatted one sentence at a time, and soon came to the previous car wash.

As soon as he walked into the open-air parking lot in front of the car wash, he saw a few men and women standing in front of his Bentley, all of whom looked quite fashionable in their clothes.

One of the men was still holding a mobile phone, and said a few words from time to time, as if he was broadcasting live.

It wasn't until Zhou Chao and the two got closer that they heard what the man said.

"Guys, this is the Bentley Elegant 728 that the host just bought recently. I'm going out for a stroll today, let me show my brothers!"

"Of course, it cost the anchor tens of millions. It's a small amount of money!"

"Thank you Yun Shao for the carnival, brothers, you don't need to pay for gifts, you all know that Lao Niu is not short of money, just for fun!"

"I got tired of the Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and Aston Martins before, so I bought a Bentley!" The self-proclaimed Lao Niu anchor raised the front of the Bentley with his feet when he was excited.

Zhou Chao frowned when he saw it.

"Boss, do you want to stop them!" Lin Wu said with some enthusiasm.

"Don't worry, let's see what happens!"

Zhou Chao waved his hand lightly.

I saw that the old cow became more and more excited as he talked, and finally took out a key from his pocket and opened the car door.

"Guys, see, this is the Bentley key. It looks pretty good, but it's a bit big, so it's not convenient to carry it around."

"Let me show you what it's like inside the car!" After saying that, he was about to get in the car.

"What are you doing?" There was a stern shout, and the movements of Lao Niu and the others stopped instantly.

The person who spoke was Lin Wu, at this time Zhou Chao and Lin Wu had already walked over.

"Who are you, you are scumbags here!" One of the young men stood in front of the two of them.

"This is my car!" Zhou Chao said, looking at you coldly.

"Your car?" The anchor Lao Niu and the others were stunned.

But Lao Niu soon realized that he was still live broadcasting, if he recognized it at this time and used his own character set, he would completely jump.

The anchor Lao Niu also knew that he couldn't go on like this. He saw that there were already many fans discussing in the live broadcast room. After all, Zhou Chao and the two spoke loudly just now, and the fans in the live broadcast room heard it.

The old cow gritted his teeth and prepared to walk all the way to Hei, "What is your car? This is obviously my car. Didn't you see that the car keys are all in my hand? Brother, did you misread the license plate!"

"That's right, this is what our Brother Niu bought!"

"Brother, you are here to find trouble!"

The two young men next to the anchor Lao Niu walked up to Zhou Chao with a haughty look.

Just when Zhou Chao was about to lose his temper, the owner of the car wash quickly ran over.

"Wait a minute, don't get excited!" The boss looks like a middle-aged man, with a chubby figure that rivals that of a prostitute.

"Brother Lu, why are you here!" Lao Niu took the lead in calling out.

"Lao Niu, turn off the live broadcast first!" Boss Lu said with a serious face.

Seeing this, Lao Niu quickly said a few words in the live broadcast room and turned off the live broadcast.

At this time, Boss Lu walked up to Zhou Chao with his old face licked and said with a smile, "Excuse me, sir, this old cow is my friend. He just wants to see your car and has no other intentions!"

Hearing this, Zhou Chao sneered directly, "Boss, you are not kind to this matter, just expose it if you want to see it!"

"Why, isn't it just a broken Bentley, boy, this is the magic city, listen to your accent from the southwestern side, don't be too arrogant!" The old cow interrupted abruptly, and rolled up the clothes on his arms, leaking out A corner tattoo.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chao burst out laughing, "Please pretend to recognize the person first, and be careful not to kick the iron plate!"

"Brother, to save face, nothing happened. In this way, I will give you an annual card as an apology. Do you think it is okay?"

"What do you think?" Zhou Chao's expression turned cold, he could tell that this boss Lu was probably the boss of this old cow.

Boss Lu's car wash is located in the center of Lujiazui. It can be said to be a prime location. The cars that come here to wash cars are basically luxury cars over a million, such as Ferrari and Lamborghini. Zhou Chao also saw several of them. two.

At this moment, Zhou Chao understood their routine, and used the name of the car wash shop to create countless personalities for his luxury cars.

Boss Lu couldn't figure out Zhou Chao's background for a while, but judging from his young age, he should be a rich second generation.

As for Lin Wu behind Zhou Chao, he decisively ignored him.

"Brother, tell me, how to deal with it!" Boss Lu's tone was also quite low.

"Change to a new car!" Zhou Chao said lightly.

The scene turned cold all of a sudden, Boss Lu, Lao Niu and others all looked at Zhou Chao with incredulous expressions.

"Brother, are you kidding me?"

Zhou Chao glanced at several people, "You look like I'm joking!"

If it wasn't for that kick, Boss Lu, Lao Niu and the others apologized and passed.

But it's too much for you to pretend to be pretending to kick my car. If you can bear it, then he, Zhou, will become someone who can step on anyone.

"Impossible, brother, your lion's mouth is too big!" Boss Lu refused without thinking.

Although I was wrong first, but I haven't reached this point yet.

"Isn't it just a live broadcast next to your car, and I didn't even sit in it!" said the old cow on the side.

Zhou Chao looked at him and said with a smile, "Isn't this a thank you for that kick!"

Boss Lu took a look at Lao Niu, with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and looked at Lao Niu with panic.

"Brother, let's go in and sit and chat, drink tea!"

Zhou Chao shook his head, "You don't need to drink tea, I just ask for a change of car, and don't talk about other things!"

Boss Lu was caught in a dilemma for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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