Chapter 79 Huge harvest
"Take me to meet some traders." In the early morning, he took Zhou Chao and others to the meeting room.

"The food and supplies for these few days are all ready," Zhou Chao said to Chen Chen who was beside him as he walked.

"It's all ready, boss, don't worry."

"En." Zhou Chao nodded slightly.

Pushing open the door of the conference room, I saw four men in their 30s chatting.

The few people saw that Chenchen brought people in, so they knew it was the boss who came. Before dawn, they gave some air to them, and they were not too surprised. They were just a little surprised when they saw the boss's appearance. Calmed down.

"Okay, everyone, sit down. Are you ready for the confidentiality agreement in the early morning?" Qingchen took out nine confidentiality agreements from his bag, and gave one copy to each of the eight people including himself and Lin Wu.

Everyone got the agreement, looked at it briefly, and signed it. Everyone was at home, and he would not leak the secret. After all, those present were basically his own people, and the contract was put away in the early morning.

Zhou Chao looked at several traders, "Tell your family members whether you have reported it, and if you have not reported it, call immediately, and you will not be able to contact the outside world for the last two days."

"Boss, we have already told our family members that we will be working overtime recently," said one of the traders.

"Well, all right, hand in your mobile phones, and we'll have a meeting later." Lin Wu quickly collected everyone's mobile phones, but of course Zhou Chao's mobile phone was not collected.

"Okay, just say a few words, just write it down with your head."

"Tonight we will short a certain US stock, and we have raised 11 billion US dollars in funds so far. I hope you will not let me down by then. When you go to the toilet, eat, and sleep, people will follow you. When this matter is over After that, everyone present is 100 million, of course you traders have another bonus, do you understand?"

"Understood, boss." Several traders were already smiling, and even Lin Wu couldn't help laughing when they heard the bonus.

"Everyone rest first, and we have to work hard all night." Zhou Chao turned and left.

At nine o'clock in the evening, because it is winter, the U.S. stock market opens half an hour later than in summer. At this time, the trading room is ready to continue, and the four traders are also waiting for Zhou Chao's order. People have registered more than 4 accounts, which can be called at any time now.

The time passed minute by minute until 9:30.

"Everyone, immediately short Coca-Cola, 20 times leverage, 200 accounts entered from different financial institutions, all put short orders for me" 20 times leverage, almost more than 200 billion, Zhou Chao believes that he will gnaw off Coca-Cola A piece of meat.

For a moment, the entire trading room was filled with crackling sounds.

At this time, the headquarters of Coca-Cola was already busy. Suddenly, a large number of pending orders appeared on the stock market, which caused many retail investors who did not know the truth to sell. For a while, various voices rang out in the trading room.

At the Coca-Cola headquarters at this time, Harris discovered that someone was accumulating a large amount of money in the stock market. As an experienced trader, he quickly understood that there was a big crocodile shorting them, and Harris quickly dialed the phone number of the boss.

"Boss, I need funds. If you don't give me the funds, the company's stock will fall." As Coca-Cola's gold medal trader, Harris now has insufficient funds and urgently needs the company's cash flow support.

"Don't worry, Harris, we have sufficient funds. This is just a small fight, and there will be no troubles first." The president's casual words came, but Harris always had an ominous premonition in his heart.

At this time, there was also a storm on Wall Street, which had just started work, and various investment banks and consortiums moved one after another. After all, such a large amount of money entered the stock market, who would not be tempted, and many empty houses are already ready to go.

Until 0 o'clock in the morning, there are still four hours before the market closes. Zhou Chao has invested 120 billion U.S. dollars through non-stop accumulating, smashing, and re-accumulating. Coca-Cola also urgently transferred 200 billion U.S. dollars to support. The stock price has dropped from the original 55.63 to the current 54.78, which is almost a point drop.

For a while, the two sides had exchanges in the stock market. Until three o'clock in the morning, Coca-Cola was exposed by the media, because Ronaldo pulled Coca-Cola to the bottom with one action in front of many reporters. For a while, a large number of retail investors in the stock market were Throw out the stock in your hand.

Wall Street's investment banks, consortiums and other big short sellers saw their profits, and they also stepped down one after another and began to encircle and suppress Coca-Cola. Suddenly, the entire stock market was in turmoil.

Coca-Cola also issued various announcements and public relations on the Internet.But that didn't help, either, as those empty homes swooped down on Coca-Cola like a flood.

Before the market closed at 04:30 in the morning, Coca-Cola had already fallen by 5.00%. Zhou Chao and the others also threw them all out before the market closed. At this time, everyone was enjoying the fruits of victory.

Zhou Chao raked in nearly 60 billion US dollars this time. The four traders in the trading room were already exhausted, and they all slumped on their chairs. After all, tonight was really exciting.

All the money was remitted to the company's account through different financial institutions. Zhou Chao transferred his principal income, bank loans and interest to his bank card, and the balance reached 130 billion. The company's account There are still more than 320 billion.

Then he clapped his hands and said: "Everyone has worked hard today, go to rest first, and give out rewards during the day tomorrow."

"Yeah..." Everyone was extremely happy. Wang Feng and the others had long since become numb. Seeing that the boss had reaped 60 billion US dollars in less than a day, they were all supported by their strong will.

Zhou Chao's 60 billion US dollars in the stock market this time is converted to almost 380 billion. Now it can be said that it is an investment company with the most liquidity in China.

What Zhou Chao didn't know was that many consortiums and investment banks on Wall Street are now looking for the company that first started shorting Coca-Cola. Although Zhou Chao did it very carefully, some interested people found a clue.

"Boss, the investigation has been clear. This mysterious fund comes from China." Soros nodded after listening to his subordinate's report, and didn't ask any further questions. After all, he had a big fall in the mysterious ancient eastern country.

JPMorgan Bank and Buffett both received similar reports, but in the end they didn't let it go.

Everyone slept until 1:[-] p.m. the next day before waking up. Zhou Chao looked at everyone's expectant eyes without saying anything, and led everyone directly to the conference room.

"In the morning, you should sum up first."

"Okay, boss, this time we have invested a total of 66 billion, and successfully won more than 380 billion, of which the boss's principal is more than 12 billion, excluding the boss's principal, income, loans and interest totaling 130 billion, the accounts now have More than 310 billion."

"Okay, I promised you 100 million each before. Give me the account later, and I will transfer it to you. The second is the bonus of the four of you traders, 500 million each."

"Yeah!" The four traders jumped up, worked hard all night, and found 600 million with tears in their eyes. They would be very happy to change anyone.

Seeing the happy crowd, Zhou Chaoye laughed along with him.

"What's the matter, Lin Wu, just say what you have to say." Zhou Chao looked at Lin Wu who was standing beside him, hesitant to speak.

"Boss, we didn't do anything, isn't this bonus a little..." Zhou Chao interrupted him before he could finish speaking.

"Take it if you tell me, there will be more when the company needs you in the future, so let's settle this matter." Lin Wu didn't say anything after hearing this, but the eyes of Lin Wu and Wang Feng behind were more determined .

After Zhou Chao sent all the money to everyone, seeing the excitement of the crowd, he couldn't help but ordered: "You all forget about today's affairs, I don't want to hear about the ups and downs outside, did you hear that!"

"I heard it." A loud voice echoed in the conference room.

"Hiss, don't you guys know how to keep your voice down?" Zhou Chao pressed his ears.

"Hahahahahaha" everyone in the early morning laughed.

"Let's go, go home." Zhou Chao left the conference room.

(End of this chapter)

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