I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 11 I won't act in this play

Chapter 11 I won't act in this play

[Kill Priest Will of the Red Apple Church, get 20 experience points]

[Warning: Your behavior will cause the hostility and attention of the Red Apple Church! 】

Chen Lun curled his lips. Anyway, he didn't intend to have a relationship with the Red Apple Church. If he is hostile, he should be hostile.

Instead, he cared more that Will's death only gave 20 experience points.

Really picky!

But there is no way, even if the other party is a monk with a little status in the Red Apple Church, but he is just an ordinary person.

For the mechanism judgment, he is not worth a high price.

[Trigger C-level mission: Mercy]

Mission description: You killed the monk Will of the Red Apple Church, and you must be ready to fight against them.

Will you feel pity in your heart and liberate the imprisoned poor people?

Mission rewards: 500 experience points and 800 copper kro.

After thinking about it, Chen Lun still accepted the task.

Although the reward money was a bit of a stretch, the experience value was just what he needed.

And rescuing those sacrifices is also a blow to the Red Apple Church.

Reward, save, backstab.

It may be a beautiful thing to kill three birds with one stone.

"What's next?"

Froy walked up to Chen Lun, glanced at Will who was on the ground looking up at the starry sky, and then withdrew his gaze and didn't pay any more attention.

"If you kill Will, it won't be long before the guards outside will notice the anomaly, and they will surround the place heavily by then."

Chen Lun slowly put away the diary on the altar, and turned around immediately.

"I dug a hole in the corner of my prison that leads to the outside world, and you escape from there first."

"how about you?"

Floyd was a little puzzled.

"I've got other things to do, and it's easier for you to get out if I have their attention."

Chen Lun squatted down, called a big black mouse in animal language, and instructed it to go outside the basement to have a look.

Soon the big black mouse slipped back and reported the situation with two squeaks.

Chen Lun stood up and looked at Floyd.

"There are only two guards outside now, you can easily sneak past."

Floy stared at him silently for a while, and then said:
"...Okay, then I'll go first."

"Well, be careful yourself."

After Chen Lun finished speaking, he sat down on the altar and began to lower his head to think about the next action.

The map of the prison constructed by the rats and the patrol distribution of the guards slowly emerged in his mind.

"I don't know your name yet, can you tell me?"

Floy's ethereal voice came.

Chen Lun raised his head and found that she was standing at the door looking back at him.

He froze for a moment, then smiled.

"You can call me Chen Lun."

"Well...my name is Floyd."

"I know, that's what they call you."

Floy smiled for the first time, and took one last deep look at the man on the altar before going out.

"You have to be careful too."


After Floyd left, Chen Lun deliberately waited for a while, and the thoughts in his mind gradually became clear.

At this time, footsteps came from the basement door.

Two mustaches walked side by side with another guard, and they pushed open the iron gate carefully.

"Brother Will?"

It was Will's angry face that came into view, blocking their way.

"You two idiots! Didn't you tell you not to come in!?"

The two mustaches were taken aback, and immediately lowered their heads in obedience.

"I'm sorry! Lord Will! We're just because..."

Mustache suddenly realized something was wrong.

The voice of Brother Will in front of him has changed, and... why is his back facing us?
"not good……!"

Before Mustache and his companions could draw their swords, they looked up and saw that Brother Will's body had already fallen on them.

boom! !

The two were staggered by the huge force, and Chen Lun's figure had sprung out from behind the door nimbly.

He stretched out both hands, and his two arms turned into serpents, tightly wrapped around the necks of the two guards.

Mustache and his companion had protruding eyeballs, blushed but could not make a sound, watching their bodies being slowly dragged into the basement.

The basement door slowly closed.

After a while, when the door opened again, a figure in a fur coat and a brim hat came out again.

[Kill the prison guard of the Red Apple Church and gain 10 experience points]

[Kill the prison guard of the Red Apple Church and gain 10 experience points]

The strength of the guard is not strong, perhaps because there is a professional entry of [Prison Guard], so the panel attribute is slightly higher than the current Chen Lun.

But they are still just ordinary people, and they are not enough to look at in front of extraordinary people who have stepped into the mysterious realm.

Chen Lun took out the key chain that he took off from Xiao Huzi just now, and then walked straight to the cell where the sacrificial offering was held.

The keychain is equipped with keys to all the cells in the prison.

On the way, he conveniently opened his own panel, and put all the accumulated experience points of more than 1000 into the main profession [Beast Tamer], which was upgraded by 7 levels in place.


[You got 7 skill points, 7 attribute points]

Then Chen Lun spent 4 skill points to upgrade [Animal Imitation LV1] to the full level of level 5.

Then Chen Lun's panel became as follows——

Name: Chen Lun

Race: Human (eastern part of the continent)

Rating: 11
Experience: 10/190
Life: 180/180
Stamina: 110/130
Sanity: 6/6
Main occupation: [Sequence 9 Beast Tamer LV8] (Fate faction)

Sub-occupation: [Fisherman LV3]

Remaining points: 4 skill points, 9 attribute points
Skills: Quick Eyes LV1 (Passive), Sea Balance LV1 (Passive), Animal Language LV1, Animal Imitation LVMAX, Animal Friends LVMAX (Passive)
Combat power: 17
[Evaluation: You are a newcomer to the mysterious path, and the floor combat power of an extraordinary person, except for the estrous orangutan, maybe no one would like you...]

Chen Lun ignored the comments.

Then nodded with satisfaction.

Just as he passed a corner, another pair of guards came to meet him.

As they approached, one of them turned his head to look at Chen Lun suspiciously, and Chen Lun pulled down his brim hat.

"Hey, wait a minute, man..."

Holding the torch, he walked up to Chen Lun and stood still, while the other put his hand on the hilt of the dagger at his waist.

Chen Lun noticed that the eyes of the two men had been staring at the back of his clean hands, and he immediately understood that the other party was suspicious.

Because he doesn't have that simple red apple tattoo on the back of his hand!
"It's an intruder! Kill him!"

Chen Lun secretly sighed.

He knew that he couldn't hide it for too long, but he didn't expect to be seen through as soon as he went out, but he didn't plan to pass the level by stealth assassination.

The guard drew his sword with a clang, but Chen Lun was even faster, and had already drawn out the standard dagger from his waist and swept across.

A cold light flickered across the throats of the two of them.


Two bright red damage numbers pop up.


Blood spattered, and the burning torch fell to the ground with the guard's body.


The sword that the guard just took out then fell down.

"Hey! What's going on over there!?"

"Come and see!"

There was a loud inquiry at the end of the corner, followed by the sound of dense footsteps coming towards this side.

Chen Lun didn't rush, he just waved his hand, his index finger glowed, and he let out a sharp cry.

Immediately, dozens of hundreds of big black mice sprang out from all directions in the dark corridor, squeaking and crazily rushing forward.

On the mottled wall illuminated by the flames, the shadows of three or four guards who came to support them were thrown to the ground in an instant.

Immediately, accompanied by the sound of rats squeaking and gnawing, there were terrifying screams resounding in the aisle.

——Uh ah ah ah! !

(End of this chapter)

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