I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 117 Gallery of Bones - Part XNUMX

Chapter 117 Gallery of Bones - Part [-]


Beckman's paintbrush touched the oil painting a little, and immediately stretched out his index finger, which burst into dazzling brilliance.

The entire gallery was brightly illuminated, and a shadow appeared on the ceiling, which was particularly eye-catching.


The man in the tuxedo cursed under his breath.

The group of shadows moved quickly, along the ceiling and walls, and headed out of the gallery.

"Where is the soul going? Go to sleep quickly..."

Roderick's deep voice sounded.

The speed of the shadow gradually slowed down and finally stopped.Roderick raised his right arm high, pointing his fingers emitting black light at the shadow. The latter was trembling and twisting, as if struggling and resisting.


Mona pulled out her own revolver and slid the magazine.

She wiped her other hand on her waist, and a golden bullet appeared between her fingers, and then quickly pressed and loaded the bullet, and raised the revolver to aim at the shadow.

On the badge on her chest, a pair of cat's eyes appeared, and Meng Na's eyes flashed a purple halo.

Bang! !

A golden flame burst out from the muzzle of the revolver, and the bullet streaked across a golden light, like sunlight shining into the shadows and hitting the shadows on the wall.


A scream resounded through the gallery.

The man in the tuxedo in the shadows fell straight down and hit the ground with a bang.

In his left chest atrium, there was a penetrating wound the size of a baby's fist. The wound seemed to have been burned by high temperature, and it was charred and charred.

The tuxedo collapsed to the ground, twisting and struggling.

"Nice job, Mona."

Roderick gave a calm compliment, but the latter didn't respond, and kept his gun away.

The paintbrush in Beckman's hand was getting faster and faster, and finally a black oil paint was drawn, dragging a long shadow on the painting.In this shadow, countless pairs of malicious eyes suddenly opened.

"The power of the conspiracy really makes one's hair stand on end. I named this masterpiece "Peeping"...It's great. Of all the paintings, I like this one the most!"

Beckman stopped his paintbrush, announcing the completion with a look of excitement.

The man in the tuxedo stopped struggling and stood still like a statue.When the painting was completed, his spirituality was completely drained, leaving only a dead body.

"Are we saved?"

"Oh the sun, thank you so much!"

The guests suddenly felt grateful for their survival after the catastrophe, and thanked Beckman, Roderick and other shelter staff.Some of them understand the mysterious field, and some are seeing it for the first time today, but the whole is in a state of shock.

Noah's clenched fists slowly loosened, and he sighed dejectedly.

Floyd silently withdrew from the crowd, walked slowly to the place where the corpses of the circus members disappeared, and bent down to pick up the "small objects" that had fallen out on the ground.

"These are very important to him..."

She thought to herself, silently picking up all the small objects in the blind spot where no one noticed.

Not one left.

It seemed that the matter had come to an end, and someone remembered the weirdness of this art exhibition and was going to ask Beckman about it.

Roderick organized investigators to appease the guests, while Beckman on the side had a strange expression on his face.

Puff -! !

Everyone's eyes widened and they saw a terrifying scene.

The face of a lady in the front was even spattered with blood.

Commissioner Roderick's chest was pierced by a black shadow-like paintbrush. His face showed disbelief, and he turned his head to look at the maddened Beckman.


The lady screamed.

Beckman turned his head and raised his hand to slap.

With a bang, the entire head of the lady was smashed into pulverized blood, the sound stopped abruptly, and her body fell straight.


Beckman pulled out his blood-stained palm, stretched out an index finger and put it in front of his mouth.

Everyone suddenly realized that they could no longer make any sound and opened their mouths.

"You...you're crazy, Beckman."

Roderick clutched his chest, tried his best to delay the injury with black light, and squinted his eyes to look at the other party.

"It still needs more, you can also be a very good work, Mr. Commissioner..."

Beckman looked around for a week, seeing everyone's terrified expressions.

"Everyone present can become a member of the painting."

Panic began to boil.

Only then did all the guests suddenly realize that the most terrifying behind-the-scenes manipulator is the gallery owner Beckman.Not only does he act as a double agent, but he also wants to take both sides and kill everyone.

This is a lunatic!
After recovering from the shock just now, the investigators raised their guns and shot at Beckman.

Bang bang bang bang bang...! !

Behind Beckman's mind came the oil painting "Peeping" that he had just painted. He was covered in black shadows and swallowed the bullet without causing any waves.

The oil painting on the back of the head switched to "Pupil in the Painting". With a glance, the investigators fell down one after another clutching their hearts like straw in the autumn wind.


Roderick scolded angrily, raised his hand and released a wave of black light.

Beckman smiled, and the painting in the back of his head switched again, this time it became "The Deserter".I saw the corner of his mouth split open, opened his mouth and swallowed it, and directly ate the black light wave.

Immediately afterwards, Black smoke rose from Beckman's body, and his momentum increased.

"Death is also a delicacy."

Beckman's deep laughter echoed.

With his laughter, the entire gallery began to change drastically. The wall coverings, carpets, and decorations "melted" one after another, as if the skin had been peeled off, exposing the underlying blood vessels, muscles, and bones...

The entire gallery suddenly became a hell made of flesh and bones!

A pungent blood filled the air, and everyone fell into extreme fear!
Beckman gently raised his hand, and a giant easel rose from the ground. He picked up the brush and began to paint.Soon, under the terrified eyes of everyone, Viscount Picot, Councilor Lawson, Countess Bradley and some well-known figures all froze, their eyes were empty, and they fell down expressionlessly.

On the bloody wall, their portraits slowly emerged, lifelike.

Everyone opened their mouths and shouted, but there was no sound.

Some people cried bitterly, some broke down and roared, but it was all like a silent drama.

Silent hell, deathly silence.

"Mr. Beckman! This is a stain on art! You are just a murderer who uses art as an excuse, a poor person who is immersed in himself!"

Noah finally couldn't bear the suffering, defeated himself, and stood up bravely.

He opened his mouth silently, but everyone could feel his anger and reprimand.

They suddenly felt ashamed. In the past, this ugly and fat rich man was the object of their disdain and contempt.

But now, the other party is the only one who dares to stand up.

Under Noah's anger, his figure became even bigger, and his fat began to shrink, turning into bulging muscles.He strode forward, raised his fist and threw it at Beckman.

Beckman raised a hand and received the menacing punch with a smile.

The next moment, Noah was shocked to find that his body was out of control and was frozen in place.

"What a nice model, Mr. Noah... I said that there is one of your works here, of course you did it yourself."

Beckman said, turning the easel in front of him upside down.

Everyone could see clearly that there was a strong and tall figure on the canvas, maintaining a posture of punching.Exactly the same as Noah, like looking in a mirror.

"I've already thought of the name, it's——"The Shy Brave."

Noah suddenly felt that his spirituality was passing away, and his body became weaker and weaker.

Just when Noah thought he was going to completely turn into an oil painting and die, a burst of silver smoke floated in the Gallery of Bones.

"Beckman! Let go of my brother!"

A cold female voice appeared.

 Thank you beauty——

  3 monthly passes for slikdj!2 monthly tickets for Indus Leaf and Sparrow, Lingmo Hanqianyu, King of All, Xia Mo Qingcheng, Xiao Ni and Bengkai Destiny!
  There are also recommended tickets from other beauties!

  Praise to all of you!

(End of this chapter)

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