I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 129 The Great Harvest

Chapter 129 Great Harvest (Two in One)

Viscount Pompeii sent away several "friends" from the aristocratic circle.

He returned to the hall on the first floor of the villa, sat on the sofa, with a little tired face on his face.

Rebecca came to her father, took his arm, and said softly:

"Dad, are we really moving out?"

The Viscount smiled slightly and turned to look at his daughter.

"Oh no, we won't move... just let them toss around, a bunch of scared cowards. Our family has lived in Amber City for decades, and we're used to it."

Mrs. Pompey took a hot towel from the maid at this time, walked slowly behind the sofa, and gently wiped her husband's cheeks.

"Thank you."

The Viscount leaned on the sofa enjoying himself, glanced at his wife, and said with a smile.

Madame Pompey responded with a smile.

"I don't know how Mr. Jack is doing now..."

Rebecca pouted, and gently touched the silver snake earrings on her ears.

"Don't worry, Rebecca, Mr. Jack will be fine... I have already received news from my old friend that his arrest warrant has been revoked."

"Ah, really?! This is so good!"

Rebecca Xin likes to hoo.

After experiencing the art exhibition, their admiration for Mr. Jack was more thorough, because he not only saved his own family, but also saved countless other people.

This also proved that the previous arrest was a kind of slander against him.

Mr. Jack is indeed a great man.

Rebecca's eyes were full of twinkling stars.

He must be an angel sent by Mother Moonlight!

He is Rebecca's most admired knight!
At this moment, Butler Binoz came quickly with a newspaper in his hands.

"Your Excellency, please read the newspaper."

Viscount Pompeii took it and spread out the newspaper. Rebecca and Mrs. Pompeii also looked at it, and everyone had expressions of surprise on their faces.

The headline on the cover is——

"The filth behind the Red Apple Church in Amber City! The 'Black Messenger' sent punishment for the gods!"

In the photo, it is the entrance of the Red Apple Church, and the mess in the courtyard can be vaguely seen.A black-haired young man spread his wings behind his back and soared into the sky.

Many onlookers were also photographed in the frame. In the corner, there were five unremarkable young men and women.They all showed shock, one of the square-faced men was picking his nose, and the other horse-faced man had a ferocious expression. Judging from the shape of his mouth, he seemed to be saying a strange syllable "cao".

Chen Lun put down the newspaper.

There was a strange expression on his face.

"Why is the group of Polaris players also photographed..."

He shook his head slightly and got up from the chair.

In the past two days, he has moved back to the original Jack Manor with Floyd and Connie.

I searched the Red Apple Church and got a huge sum of money, so I naturally had spare money to start a "family business".With a wave of his hand, Chen Lun directly spent more than 300 pounds to buy the entire manor, intending to make it his residence.

Meng Na dispatched her men to return all the machinery and tools confiscated before, and even gave some compensation.

This made Chen Lun quite satisfied.

He walked to the window, looked at Connie who was busy below, and the artisans who had been called back, and smiled.

"Things are going well..."

In the past two days, he has learned about some changes in Amber City through the information from the small animals and the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

The shelter has transferred a group of new personnel from surrounding towns to supplement the lack of strength in Amber City.

The Red Apple Church was exposed to some suspected fraud, murder and illegal sacrifices. It can be seen that Mona should be behind the scenes.But Chen Lun knew that these would not shake their foundation at all, at most they would just ruin their reputation.

The Trisul Empire is so big, Amber City is just a corner.

But it's not completely useless. At the very least, Chen Lun can develop here with peace of mind, and he doesn't have to worry about being constrained by the Red Apple Church in a short period of time.

In addition, he is not optimistic about the measures to seal the shelter.

After the public beta in the future, when more and more extraordinary people gradually appear as the players level up, this method of sealing will become extremely weak.

Of course, at that time, the empire will have more appropriate and more radical countermeasures.


Chen Lun let out a long breath.

"Next, there is still a lot to do."

Last evening, he suddenly and inexplicably triggered a task.

[C-level mission: Circus! 】

Mission description: Following the failure of the extraordinary organization "Circus" in the painting exhibition kidnapping case, after the tragic death of the group leader, the remaining members lurk in Amber City, waiting for opportunities to launch new activities.

Finding them, and stopping them, might be a good way to boost your reputation.

Mission rewards: 7000 experience points, 15 gold pounds, 1 regional reputation and [mysterious book of conspiracy faction]*1
"I'm really drowsy and sent a pillow."

Chen Lun secretly laughed.

The development plan in his heart gradually became clear after this task arrived.

The task has been accepted, but he intends to complete it in another way, that is, to incorporate.Get rid of some heinous people and diehards, and leave some usable people to form their own extraordinary forces.

Then strive to obtain official recognition, so that you can act in an aboveboard manner, so as to achieve your goals.

The empire does adopt a policy of coercive suppression of the extraordinary in the field, but radicals like Roderick do not account for all of them.

Some people in power are more inclined to moderates. They advocate a soft policy and digest these "unstable factors" through inclusion and cooperation.Among them, Meng Na and her backstage belong to this faction.

If this were not the case, organizations such as the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce and the Black Sword Brotherhood would not have existed.

To some extent, this can be regarded as a compromise of the empire.

But Chen Lun knew that to achieve this goal, the process was not easy and some preparations were needed.

"Let's count the spoils first..."

Chen Lun closed the window and drew the curtains.

Then he walked to the table and took out a bunch of items from the grape ring.These are the trophies collected before, and he needs to sort them out.

First he picked up the books he had looted from the Red Apple Church.

Four mysterious books containing extraordinary knowledge, and a sub-professional book.

wow wow...

Chen Lun opened "Blood Brew", and after reading for a while, a prompt box popped up——

[You found a precious book containing sub-professional information and knowledge! 】

[Through reading carefully, you have obtained sub-professional knowledge (complete)! 】


[If the inheritance conditions are not met, is it mandatory to make it your new sub-profession? 】

【warn!Forced inheritance will be penalized by earnings! 】

Chen Lun chose "No".

Then close it, put it down.

"It's right..."

He murmured something.

However, Chen Lun did not intend to force him to take up the job now, because the income penalty would not only reduce the skill points and attribute points acquired by the upgrade, but also increase the experience points required for the upgrade, which was very uneconomical.

He intends to "wash out" the [fisherman] before taking office.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Lun began to check the remaining four mysterious books.

"Sun, moon, flesh and magic..."

Chen Lun flipped through the four books one by one, triggered the prompt above, and collected the extraordinary sequence contained in it.

Among them, [Flesh and Flesh Faction Sequence 9 - Butcher] he already has, so he can only set it aside as an "experience book" and learn it slowly in the future.

The [Sequence 9] of the other three routes were all that he hadn't collected, and they just filled in the gaps.

They are [Sun Faction Sequence 9-Believer], [Moon Faction Sequence 9-Psychic], and [Magic Faction Sequence 9-Scholar].

"There are only two factions of 'Conspiracy' and 'Deep Sea', and I have just gathered the introductory knowledge of ten sequences."

Chen Lun secretly smiled.

After obtaining the corresponding extraordinary knowledge, these three books are still useful, and you can get experience points and points through reading.For the current Chen Lun, although it is not a lot, it cannot be wasted.

In his previous life, he even used a hammer to knock out the last bit of toothpaste, and the fat house happy water had to be boiled to remove the residue on the inner wall, not to mention this precious upgrade resource.

Must be squeezed dry.

He put away the five books, and then prepared to add some to himself.

After the main task is completed, 10 special attribute points and 1 blessing point are obtained, these are top-level resources.

General attribute points cannot improve the four special attributes of charm, insight, will, and luck, and need to be improved with special attribute points and other methods, so the value of special attribute points is extremely high.

Chen Lun added all these 10 points to his will, and his own will is a shortcoming, only a mere 6 points.It affects some weight judgments, and also determines the amount of sanity, and it is becoming more and more important to oneself.

Immediately, Chen Lun thought about it for a while, and decided to add blessing points to [Natural Favor], which is more helpful to him at this stage.After upgrading to one level, the effect is directly doubled.

[Natural Favor LV2 (Blessing)]

Blessing Description: Angel Maggie Milna of the natural faction has watched you and bestowed your blessings.

Blessing effect: [Sequence 9 - Beast Tamer] All skill levels +2, all attributes +2.

"Blessing points are indeed the highest-grade points, and this increase is too great..."

Chen Lun sighed with emotion.

Few players in the previous life could obtain blessings, which basically belonged to the entries only for BOSS and a small number of elite NPCs.As for the exclusive points "blessing points" that can increase the blessing level, it is more difficult to obtain.

Feeling his own strengthening, Chen Lun faintly felt that the memory grid of [Animal Imitation] could accommodate the characteristics of an extra extraordinary creature.

"Find a chance to try it, and if you can, replace a feature."

Among the rewards of the main task, there are still 10 points of regional reputation, plus the accumulated 6 points, it has now reached 16 points.

"This will be of great help to my next plan..."

Chen Lun thought secretly.


He exhaled his own panel and checked——

Name: Chen Lun

Race: Human (eastern part of the continent)

Rating: 50
Experience: 80900/1900
Life: 820/820
Stamina: 310/310
Sanity: 25/25
Main occupation: [Sequence 9- Beast Tamer LV10 (MAX)] [Sequence 8- Seer LV20 (MAX)] (Fate faction)

Sub-occupation: [Fisherman LV10 (MAX)] [Recorder LV10 (MAX)]



Regional Popularity: 16
Remaining points: 24 skill points, 0 attribute points, 0 special attribute points, 0 blessing points

Skills: Quick Eyes LV1 (Passive), Sea Balance LV1 (Passive), Animal Language LVMAX, Animal Imitation LVMAX, Animal Friends LVMAX (Passive), Transcription LVMAX, Divination LVMAX, Peeping Eye LVMAX, Spiritual Intuition LVMAX (Passive)
Blessing: Natural Favor LV2, Shining Nova LV1
Combat power: 195
[Evaluation: You have almost reached the end of the low-sequence, and even reached the middle-sequence level in some respects, but you have not yet completed a qualitative change.Hurry up, can you sleep well at this age? 】

Chen Lun nodded with satisfaction.

Then he took out the small package that Floyd had given him.

After counting, there were a total of eight [D-level weird things], and I selected them, and found two that were slightly normal and suitable for my own use.

[D-level monster - black cufflinks]

Item description: A cufflink containing shadow power, with black stripes in appearance, very restrained.

Step lightly, breathe slowly, yes, that's it...

Item Effect: Standing in the shadows can effectively reduce the sense of existence.

Item cost: Wearing it for a long time will cause photophobia symptoms.

[D-level trick - rusty toothpick (disposable consumable)]

Item description: A toothpick that contains shadow power. It looks like a wooden toothpick, but there are spots of rust on the surface, which is very suspicious.When I looked away from it, I could see it bending slightly from the corner of my eye.

Quick, use me to open the door of your sweetheart...

Item effect: Can open most locks (requires weight determination)

Item cost: After using it, you will forget to close the door within [-] hours.

"These two monsters may have miraculous effects in certain scenarios."

Chen Lun put them aside, and packed the other six pieces.Those who didn't like it, either the scope of application is small, or the cost is too high, in short, the cost performance is lower.

"The players are very weak when they first came to this world, and they need an honest, loyal and warm-hearted NPC like me to redeem them and guide them..."

He looked at this bag of "strange things and bits and pieces", and said solemnly:
"Just leave these good things to them."

When the public beta comes, I have to have someone who can get it, not only the "ticket" of the mysterious field - extraordinary knowledge, but also the "extreme equipment", so that the players can't stop.

"The next thing is two heavyweight guys..."

Chen Lun took out that ordinary leather glove, stroked the fine lines on it, and felt happy.

[B-level creepy thing - fireworks in the palm]

Item description: A creation that contains the power of the sun. It was created by the former pope of the Church of the Sun, and it was the work of his youth.Appearance is a tan leather glove, a fearsome weapon forged with extraordinary means.

The prominence dances in the palm of the hand, like the fireworks of the inverted sky.

Item effect: Can release and control extraordinary flames. (The flame does not distinguish between friend and foe, beware of self-immolation.)
Item cost: Consume one's own physical strength and water, which can be overdrawn with vitality.

Chen Lun put it on, snapped his fingers, a small flame ignited at his fingertips, and under his control, the flame turned into a jumping kitten.

The kitten transformed into a dog, a crow, a pangolin, a rhinoceros and other animals, and finally turned into a fire snake, which flew to Chen Lun alive and surrounded it.

The flames dissipated.

 Thank you beauty——

  Book friend 20170404135221008 and 2 monthly tickets that used to be like the evening wind and spring tide!
  With 170104015622257 monthly pass for Yijinren Mu Susu, Shuyou 1, King of Winter, Xingtuanzi, Xiaoguai Tea and Wujian Time!
  There are also recommended tickets from other beauties!

  Praise to all of you!

(End of this chapter)

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