I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 159 Stray bullets from history

Chapter 159 Stray bullets from history

Follow Siebert into this training room.

Chen Lun felt his eyes light up.

As Siebert said, the club's only open-air training room is quite spacious inside.Looking up, thick glass replaces the ceiling and is set quite high.

The sunlight shines down from the sky and passes through the glass, making the whole training room extremely bright.

At this time, there were seven or eight people in the training room, doing their own training. Several of them were teachers of the fighting class, guiding in a low voice.

"Mr. Wood, this is Mr. Jack who just joined the club. He is also very interested in swordsmanship."

Siebert said to a middle-aged man with short hair.

The short-haired man waved the two-handed sword in his hand, whistling, and after a few rounds of slashing, he stopped holding the heavy sword with his outer elbow.

Wood directly grabbed the blade with his hand, stood it up, and leaned against himself.Because he was wearing leather gloves, this kind of unedged two-handed sword could not hurt his fingers.


He said something indifferent.

"Hey, Mr. Jack, if you want to learn swordsmanship, I recommend Mr. Wood to you... He graduated from Trisul Royal Academy, studied swordsmanship, and once won the Gold Medal of Swordsmanship in Amber City."

Siebert introduced Chen Lun.

"That's really amazing."

Chen Lun laughed.

"Let me compete with Mr. Wood first, Mr. Jack, how about you take a good look at it?"

Siebert suggested.

Chen Lun nodded.

"I look forward to your performance, Mr. Siebert."

"it is good!"

Siebert drank some wine, his cheeks flushed, and he looked a little excited.

He carried his long sword, put on the helmet protector, and said to his swordsmanship teacher Wood:

"Mr. Wood, let's start."

"Be careful, Mr. Siebert."

Wu Yigao was bold and did not take any precautions.

With a kick from his toes, there was a bang, and the two-handed sword was raised from the ground, held by his arms, facing Siebert like a spear.


Siebert stepped forward, stabbing out the long sword in his hand.

But in the next second, he was parried by Wood's two-handed sword, and immediately deflected, with a clang, sparks overflowed.

Wood directly grabbed the blade of the two-handed sword with his hands, and hit Siebert with the hilt upside down, like a warhammer.

This made Siebert a little surprised. In his panic, he didn't know what to do. In the end, he just raised his sword with both hands to block.


Sibert's hands were numb, and he almost couldn't hold the sword.

Wood took a step forward, then rushed into Siebert's body within a week and put his two-handed sword on his shoulders.

"Huh... aha, I lost."

Siebert admitted defeat frankly and gave a wry smile.

"It seems that the gap between me and Mr. Wood is still so big. I lost before I used the trick I just learned."

"Mr. Siebert's physical fitness is not as good as mine, and his skills are still very rusty. It's normal to lose...you still need to keep working hard."

Wood slowly retracted the two-handed sword, and then said.

Chen Lun nodded secretly, this Wood's skills are very skilled, and indeed he has enough attainments in swordsmanship.

In fact, this kind of two-handed sword is a battlefield weapon, used for charging and breaking through, and it is not suitable for single combat in this kind of venue.So it can also be seen from this aspect that Wood's strength is indeed very strong.

Unfortunately, he is just a mortal.

No matter how good your sword skills are, you are no different from other people when you face an extraordinary person.

"Mr. Jack, do you want to play too?"

Siebert took off his protective helmet and handed over his long sword with a smile.

He thought about it, and then said:

"If you think Mr. Wood is too strong, you can also compete with me. There are various types of weapons on the shelf over there, and you can choose at will."

Chen Lun shook his head.

"No need, Mr. Siebert, I don't really like this kind of battle."

"It's just a casual discussion. There are protective gear here, which won't hurt you...and you come to the club, don't you want to experience a 'killing battle' for yourself?"

Siebert looked puzzled.

"Sir, with me here, you can rest assured that no one will be injured."

Wood added on the sidelines, his tone steady and reassuring.

Chen Lun shook his head again and declined with a smile on his face.

"No, I'm just here for a visit."

"Well, Mr. Jack . . . but it's such a pity."

Siebert shrugged and retracted the long sword with a look of regret.

Wood on the side was slightly taken aback, then shook his head.

He felt that the black-haired young man was unwilling to fight in person because he was overly cautious, even to the point of cowardice, and he couldn't help feeling a little contempt for him.

As a man, how can you be so cowardly.

Bang! !

Suddenly there was a gunshot in everyone's ears.

They all turned their heads to look, and saw a middle-aged man with yellow-brown long hair, holding a musket in his hand, aiming at a target directly in front of him.

Gunpowder smoke billowed from the muzzle.

"Hahaha...! Happy!"

The long-haired man slowly reloaded the musket in his hand and laughed loudly.

Standing beside him was a thin man who seemed to be a teacher like Wood.

"It's 4418 in the solar calendar, and it's the age of muskets. What's the use of training these fighting and sword skills?!"

The long-haired man said loudly.

"These are old techniques that should be eliminated. They are outdated combat techniques. The new era should be ruled by muskets!"

Wood frowned, and walked towards him with two-handed swords.

"Hey! Are you making trouble on purpose?! Sir?"

He shouted in a deep voice.

A figure stood in front of him, it was the thin man.

"Wood, this is my student and my guest... What do you want to do?"

Said the skinny man.

With a cold face, Wood asked:
"Student? Marlowe, your class is to teach people to shoot guns? How could I not know... Are you sure you work in the 'Foil Fighting Club'?"

"Oh, I'm just teaching Mr. Ford's fighting steps and dodging skills, and the club has no rules, you can't practice guns here..."

The thin man named Marlo shrugged.

"Hey, I know him, Ford...he's the manager of the new Firepower Shooting Club on the next block!"

Siebert looked at the long-haired man with a familiar look, but suddenly he thought of something and said.

Hearing his words, everyone's eyes on Ford changed.

"It looks like you came here on purpose, Mr. Ford?"

Wood said coldly.

"Oh, don't get me wrong... I'm just stating a fact."

Ford brushed his long yellow-brown hair, and patted the musket in his hand lightly.

"How about we have a contest? Let's see who is the final winner...?
I happen to be here too, recommending 'Firepower Shooting Club' to everyone!There are various types of muskets, and veterans who have been on the battlefield as instructors! "


Wood cursed angrily.

This behavior of grabbing business in public is extremely annoying.He couldn't bear it anymore, and put a hand on the shoulder of Marlowe, who was also the teacher of the course.

"Marlowe, Mr. Charles has extended a helping hand to you and me when we were down. Is that how you repay him?"

Wood asked in a low voice.

Marlowe's face changed slightly, but soon turned cold again.

"No one thinks they make too much money, Wood...you won't understand."

"You guy..."

Wood glared at him.

"Okay! I agree to your invitation to fight!"

He turned his head suddenly and shouted at Ford, the long-haired man.

Ford sneered, turned the musket in his hand twice, and pointed at Wood.

"I admire your courage! But I don't want to go to jail for killing people..."

He pulled out a piece of paper.

"I have already signed this waiver agreement, if you have the guts to sign it too."

Wood narrowed his eyes slightly.

For the other party to do this, it was obviously calculated in advance.Deliberately provoking and then stabbing someone to make a name for that shooting club.

But Wood did not choose to give in.

His character is like this, he will not back down on the spot.If it wasn't for his character, he wouldn't have been kicked out of the army, or even thrown into the street.

Wood strode forward, accepted the agreement expressionlessly, and signed his name on it.

"Okay! Now that's the case, let's start!"

Ford folded the agreement, put it in his arms, and said loudly.

The two stood back seven or eight meters, which was in accordance with the rules in the fighting arena.If the distance is further increased, it will be an irreparable disadvantage for Wood.

Everyone focused their attention on the two of them, as if they were all excited and inexplicably excited because they were about to see blood.

A few people went out at some unknown time and spread the news, more and more people came here and squeezed into the open-air training room.

Chen Lun stood beside Siebert, watching from the outside of the circle.

'You can be said to be a fool, or you can be said to be a brave man...'

This is his evaluation of Wood.

Wood has replaced the two-handed sword in his hand with a long sword, ready to go all out.

A fog of chaos flashed in Chen Lun's eyes.

After [divination], coupled with his own prediction and deduction, he has roughly seen the result of the battle - the man named Ford will be decapitated by a sword, but in the end Wood will also die from lead poisoning.


The battle has begun!
Everyone exclaimed, and Wood rushed over first, his speed was very fast, like a vigorous cheetah.In the process, he held his sword in both hands, held high in front of his eyes.

Bang! !

A shot goes off!
Just this moment.

Wood seemed to feel that his mind was enlightened, and everything was destined. He raised the long sword in his hand and slashed forward.

Chong——! !

With a crisp sound, sparks shot out, and the shot lead bullet was cut in half by his sword.

The stray bullet made a sound of piercing through the air, and shot straight at Chen Lun's eyebrows!

'No, this is not the result of my divination...! '

An idea came to Chen Lun's mind.

Chen Lun raised his silver cane and waved it lightly.

The cane swiped across a semicircle, knocking half of the buckshot into the air without any mistakes, and then put it down as if nothing had happened.

Everything happened between lightning and flint.

Except for Siebert standing beside him, no one noticed anything unusual.

"J... Mr. Jack?!"

Siebert's eyes widened.

 Thank you for your reward~
  There are monthly tickets for other beauties, thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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