Chapter 165 Black Messenger! (two in one)

Chen Lun noticed that these "refugee" players were only wearing their own linen robes and carrying all kinds of broken copper and iron in their hands.

They should have all rushed to Emerald Town from the "novice village" in the outskirts.

After observing silently for a while, he found that these players had already formed a team, in groups of three or four, and were heading in one direction.

Chen Lun hid in the dark and followed them all the time to see what the gang of buddies wanted to do.

Along the way, he saw that the town was very bleak, and every house was closed.

The streets are full of rubbish, blood-stained cloth strips and worn-out clothes.

The breeze rolled, with a little fishy smell, making people sick.

There were some Moon Church monks in black robes, expressionless and taciturn, carrying sacks containing corpses, walking all the way, turning a blind eye to the "refugees" player group.

The players soon came to the west side of the town, which has been isolated with wooden fences, and many soldiers wearing leather armor and iron helmets are guarding here with short swords in hand.

Seeing the players coming, the leader of a soldier captain seemed very happy.

He said something, and with a bang, he opened the fence and let the group of players enter the block behind the fence.

There was a beast-like roar and a strange humming sound from the other end, as if someone was whispering some kind of nursery rhyme.The strong stench and bloody smell rushed out from the fence, causing the soldiers outside to cover their noses and retreat.

After a few urgings, dozens of players poured in through the narrow fence gate with excitement on their faces, and arrived at the back block.

With a bang, the fence door was closed again.

Chen Lun took out the [Star Veil] to put on himself, and walked out of the shadows slowly.

It was only then that the soldiers noticed that a well-dressed gentleman had appeared in front of them at some point, and everyone couldn't help being startled.

"What happened to the block behind the fence? Why did you let the group of people go in?"

Chen Lun asked aloud.

The shell necklace on his chest shimmered, making the leader of the soldier captain slightly taken aback.

"Oh, sir, that's the plague zone... the inhabitants have been infected with the plague and turned into bloodthirsty lunatics.

The chief issued an order to clean up the epidemic area.The group of people just now were recruits who had just been recruited. They volunteered and chose to enter the epidemic area to wipe out the plague patients. "

Chen Lun nodded silently.

'This is a novice task...'

Two months ago, through the news Maggie brought back, he already knew some information about the plague.

Among the three diseases, the core and most terrifying is the "Red Dance Disease".

People infected with this disease seem to be under some kind of curse, and they will unconsciously attract other people, smiling and dancing with joy, the scene is very strange.

"They hardly ever stop, they dance until they die... most often with a broken leg bone, and then they squirm and die. All the while, the dancers will scream, laugh or cry, and some will hum singing strange songs."

These are Maggie's original words.

"If you look at them and refuse to join in the dance, you will be subjected to violence...they will eat you up and be bloodthirsty.

However, this kind of disease, after being infected, more than [-] hours means that the spirituality is annihilated, leaving only a mad body. "

Chen Lun hypnotized the soldier squad leader, intending to let him open the fence gate, and then go in to have a look.

But right now.

Bang! !

There was a loud noise, and the wooden fence suddenly trembled violently.

I don't know what happened behind, there were screams and strange laughter.

The soldiers drew their daggers as if they were facing an enemy, and stood ready for battle.

Crash - clang! !
There was another tremor, and the wooden fence was overthrown with a loud crash.

Chen Lun looked up and saw a dozen or so residents with crazy faces, holding rusty and bloody kitchen knives, rakes or sickles in their hands, chasing and killing the players who entered earlier.

The sick residents, dressed in tattered robes or suits, were filthy.There is always an unnatural smile on his face, a strange grin in his mouth, or singing inaudible raving songs.

Raising his hand and waving his weapon, blood splattered everywhere, and the players screamed and disappeared into white light.

After killing all the players, these disease lunatics did not stop there.

Several of them were holding hands, humming an unexplainable weird melody, turning around in circles, and dancing.Other disease lunatics slashed at the soldiers with kitchen knives and sickles.

They laughed sharply, as if cutting people was something fun and interesting.

"Ah! Ahhh!!"

A soldier without a helmet screamed.

His face was hung by the rake, dense scratches were scraped across his head, and a large piece of flesh was torn off, dripping with blood.

The soldiers began to resist, but their morale was low.

They fought and retreated, and they didn't seem to want to get too entangled here.

Chen Lun knew that they were worried about contracting the disease... After all, such a close fight, rusty weapons full of dirt, and someone's blood, it is really easy to be infected.

So far, there is no possibility of cure for the sick, only a dead end.

This is so demoralizing!
Another two soldiers were knocked down by the plague lunatic, but their counterattack failed to stop the other party in the slightest.

The patients didn't seem to feel pain. They were cut with blood by the soldiers' daggers, and they didn't cry out... They still laughed strangely, hummed, and raised their weapons to kill.

The soldiers retreated steadily.

At this time, a large group of "refugees" players came from behind.There were more of them than before, some were just resurrected, some were just arrived in Emerald Town, and they were pulled together to "spawn monsters".

"Scallions! There are monsters ahead!"

"Save those guards, otherwise the position will be lost, and the contribution rate will be deducted!"

"Don't steal monsters! I'll come!"

The players shouted noisily and rushed up in a swarm.

They carried weapons such as iron rods, wooden sticks, and hatchets in their hands. They were almost the same as the local residents who were infected, and they looked like two waves of villagers fighting with weapons.

But soon, the players were hit hard again.

Because they found that their output was really difficult to kill a "resident mob".After the other party contracted the plague, he couldn't help but not collapse, but seemed to be strengthened, and he was beaten seven or eight times, just like a normal person.

Still carrying a machete to chop the players' "melon".

As the players die one by one, the remaining players fall back with the soldiers.

Some people could not help but howl——

"This shit is a 'little monster'?! Several people fought for a long time, but none of them were killed!"

"Isn't this game too difficult?! It's really not for people to play!"

"Gou Ba persuaded him to quit, he left, and went back to the countryside to hunt wild dogs!"

Quite a few of this group of players think that the plague block in this town does not seem to be accessible to them at their current level.So he thought of quitting, and planned to go back to the suburbs to brush up wild beasts and gain experience.

"Ha, it's time for me to perform!"

At this time, a player wearing a fur coat and a wide-brimmed hat stepped forward.

Everyone looked at him, only to see a dagger on his waist, a long gun in both hands, and an ID "Lan Persimmon (God's Love)" on his head.

He seemed to be enjoying the attention of everyone, and he played a handsome gun flower, rushed forward, and fought with those plague lunatics.

After a few ding dings, relying on his equipment advantage, he picked up the kitchen knife in the hand of a lunatic with his spear and stabbed it into the throat of the opponent.

The plague lunatic's face was covered with blood, but he was still grinning grinningly, making Rotten Persimmon's heart shudder.He gritted his teeth and clenched the handle of the gun, and pulled out a sweeping sweep, slashing the neck of the plague lunatic.

Immediately afterwards, he kicked out, and with a bang, he hit the opponent's abdomen, and the latter fell to the ground in response.

He breathed a sigh of relief when the kill prompt popped up, and wiped his sweat with his spear.

"Wow! This buddy bullfrog!"

"Why does his equipment look so familiar?"

"Isn't this the guard outfit of the Red Apple Church! How did you get it?!"

Rotten Persimmon feels the "envious and jealous" eyes of other players, and feels good about himself.He admired his decision more and more, it was so correct.

As a member of God's Love Guild, he was the first batch of players in the public beta, and immediately after going online, he brushed wild monsters in the abandoned farm in the suburbs to upgrade.

According to the official plot, the plague swept through, and people in the suburbs died and fled. Only a few farmers survived, but they still guarded their farms.

At that time, Rotten Persimmon accepted a farmer's task to help clear up the nearby wild beasts and the weird people who got the disease and ran around.

After leveling up to level five and getting some money, he went directly to Emerald Town as planned, and then found a way to join the Red Apple Church.

This process sounds simple, but it is actually very difficult.

As the church of the seven righteous gods, the Red Apple Church is very attractive to players.But if you want to join, it seems that you need to meet some harsh conditions and complete a series of difficult tasks.

As a result, many players have tried the path of "joining the church", but most of them ended in failure.

Rotten Persimmon found another way, took Jack's wanted warrant, and went straight to the church, just in time to meet the new monk again.He used his three-inch tongue, plus some news from inside the guild...

This was a plan he had planned for a long time in advance. He pestered the two "big bosses" who had participated in the internal test - Gou Tou Jin and Wang Wang Wuji, and obtained some information about Jack.

After telling all these to the monks of the Red Apple Church, he successfully attracted the attention of the other party, and Rotten Persimmon was able to join the church.

Although he is only a low-level church guard, he is quite satisfied.Because there was an additional sub-professional entry "Church Guard" on the panel, and a set of serious equipment was also obtained.

With the attribute bonus of the sub-professional and a new set of equipment, Rotten Persimmon opened the distance from other players.This sense of superiority made him enjoy it very much.

Rotten Persimmon even shared his "strategy" in the guild channel, persuading other guild brothers to follow him, so that he could gain a "huge advantage" at the beginning.

His inspiration naturally came from that Mr. Jack.

Since Jack has an enmity with the Red Apple Church, he can use this to gain the church's favor.

Rotten Persimmon has always firmly believed that no matter how powerful this Jack is, he is a villain after all. As the Red Apple Church of the Orthodox Church, he will definitely find his way back!

He only needs to take advantage of the situation to reap enough benefits.

Many guild members were indeed interested by him, including a few cadres. After all, this is a "strategy" that has been practiced and worked.

Only Gou Tou Jin and Wang Wang Wuji were not optimistic about this, and they also hinted tactfully to him that they would stop when they got the benefits, and don't do the "bounty mission" of the Red Apple Church, and don't waste time on Jack.

On the surface, Rotten Persimmon agreed respectfully, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart.

After all, everything has been going smoothly since he created his account...except for his ID.

Thinking of this, Rotten Persimmon felt a pain in the ass.Originally, when creating a character, he planned to use a resounding and domineering ID "Greedy Bite", but at the end it prompted "ID duplicate".

While secretly cursing the guy who snatched the ID, he reluctantly changed it to the abbreviated version of "Greedy", but because of his tongue and quick hands, he finally became a "rotten persimmon"!
Ding Ding!when!

The spear in Rotten Persimmon's hand danced quickly, relying on the length of his hand, flicked away the sickle in the hands of the plague resident, and then ruthlessly pierced several holes in the opponent's chest and abdomen.

Finally, using his spear as a club, he lashes his enemy in the neck, knocks him down, and ends with a shot in the eye socket.

A kill prompt pops up.

He was very happy to see the rich experience rewards.

Picking up the rusty sickle on the ground, he chose to upgrade, and his level increased by one level.Others were quite envious, even those NPC soldiers looked at him with admiration.

"—Lanshi, I have already gathered the brothers near Emerald Town and told them to rush to you as soon as possible... After that, you will temporarily serve as the captain and help to watch."

The president of the God Love Guild, "World People", spoke in the guild channel, and specifically hit him.

Rotten Persimmon was very excited when he saw it, and immediately replied "No problem".

He turned his head and looked around.

The other players retreated very far, and only a very small number of them were willing to rush forward to fight the plague lunatic.Those soldiers had no hope, and they were far away and unwilling to go forward.

"Ha ha--!"

Suddenly there was a sharp laugh.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a red figure jumping out of an old residential building in the epidemic block.

It was a woman with disheveled hair, with a crazy smile on her ashen face, wearing a red robe, holding a sharp knife in her hand, and madly rushing towards the crowd.

Rotten Persimmon frowned, threw an "exploration" over, and then was slightly taken aback.

"Elite monster!"

He suddenly saw that the level of the woman in red was ten levels higher than his. Some attributes showed that the horizontal bar was unknown, and the danger level was orange "very dangerous".

"It's the little boss! Everyone come together!"

Rotten Persimmon shouted.

Hearing his words, other players began to move around.

It seems that this is a secret signal that can ignite the fuse of the player's inner desire.

Under the puzzled eyes of the soldiers, more than a dozen players rushed forward with the broken copper and iron in their hands, and stood in the united front with Rotten Persimmon.

"Come! Those who are willing to fight the BOSS accept my team invitation, so that the benefits will be shared equally, and the loot can also be distributed by ROLL points...!"

Rotten Persimmon shouted in a hurry, directing the players to besiege the woman in red.

Others are willing to believe him when they see the "God's Love" in brackets above his head.After all, these are members of the three major guilds, so they are more reliable than some casual players.

Standing behind a tree not far away, Chen Lun was standing in the shade, silently watching this scene.

'The red this a deep infection of the disease, causing a mutation? '

There was mist in his eyes, and there was a hint of doubt on his face.

'This group of players is going to suffer, they can't beat them... This strength is already comparable to [Sequence 9] Extraordinary. '

Chen Lun shook his head.

There was a crisp clang.

Rotten Persimmon's spear collided with the woman's sharp knife in red. Originally, he wanted to repeat the same trick and fly the woman's weapon, but he did not expect to encounter huge resistance.

The opponent's strength is really too great!
"Ha ha--!!"

The woman in red raised her not-so-strong arm, just slapped Rotten Persimmon's spear away, and then slashed down.


The wide-brimmed hat on Rotten Persimmon's head was torn off, and his head was cut open, blood and brains splashing out.

【You are dead! 】

His vision went dark, and then he saw this prompt box.

"I really have no brains...why rush to the front."

This is what he thought before he died.

The strongest rotten persimmons in this group of players were all dealt with face to face by the woman in red, and the others were even more powerless to fight back.What's more, there are other plague lunatics on the side, desperately attacking the player.

The alliance of players who were about to besiege the woman in red was wiped out in an instant and fell apart.The soldiers were being slaughtered, and the woman in red was moving too fast for them to escape.

Rotten Persimmon, who had returned from the resurrection, looked at the other players who were cowering, and was furious.

"There is no way to go on like this..."

Rotten Persimmon was very anxious.

This was the first time he encountered elite monsters, if he was allowed to leave like this, he would really be unwilling.

It's a pity that these casual players are just a mob, and they can't command them. Otherwise, if they were replaced by brothers from the God's Love Guild, no matter what, they could kill this woman in red with their lives!

at this time.

A man wearing a black top hat appeared in everyone's sight at some point.

He seemed to be standing by the side from the beginning, but no one noticed him.


Rotten Persimmon was taken aback.

The other players reacted the same way.


The dancer in red swung the sharp knife in her hand, stabbed two more players to death, hacked to death a soldier, and rushed straight to the side where the others gathered.

And this strange man just happened to stand in front of them.

"Who is this man?!"

A player asked.

"do not know!"

Others shook their heads.

In the eyes of everyone, the man gently raised his right hand.

He grabbed the sharp knife swung down by the woman in red.

boom! !

A bright flame spewed out from his palm, and the sharp knife instantly burned red, and immediately turned into molten iron and flowed down.


The man spit out a byte in a deep voice.

He put his two fingers together, and the bright yellow flame was burning, and it turned into a slender and wide-bladed beheading knife in his hand.

boom! !

With a wave of his hand, the flaming beheading knife slashed across, and everything above the neck of the red-clothed woman was covered in flames, instantly turning into coke and soot.

The man turned around, pulled the brim of his hat, and walked slowly towards the players.

The red figure behind him fell to the ground with a plop, without moving.

"Fuck! So handsome!"

"So strong...?! It's a superhuman!"

"What's the background?! Could it be the NPC of the Xinshou Village mentor?!"

All the players looked intently and threw "Investigate" at the man, and then they were stunned.

In the feedback information, there is a series of unknown horizontal lines, and a red to black "extremely fatal".

Only on the top of this man's head, under the "exploration", an ID slowly appeared——

"Black Messenger"!
 The character "Rotten Persimmon" is a set for fans of "Poetry of the Wind"~
  Thanks to the deacon who tipped the line boy waaah~The Crow Poet’s 1500 point reward~
  Thank you very much for your monthly tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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