I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 205 I Feel More Comfortable

Chapter 205 I Feel More Comfortable

Spirit world.

Chen Lun's room was blurry, and the furnishings inside seemed to be covered with a light blue mosaic.

He sat on the chair, looked at the three scrolls in his hands, and smiled on his slightly tired face.

'It's really exhausting...It's my limit to copy three copies in one go. '

Chen Lun casually threw out a scroll, and it unfolded itself in mid-air, and immediately a giant white python with the thickness of thighs jumped out, snapping forward and biting.

With a bang, the desk shattered and the wall opened.

The white python turned around and split its head, blooming like a flower bud, into five white snakes with thick arms of different lengths, they were like the five fingers of a palm.

The five white snakes frantically attacked everything around them, destroying all the furnishings in the room, and finally disappeared.

Chen Lun frowned slightly.

'This scroll is equivalent to my full-strength punch with the "Snake Body Incarnation" alone... but it is divided into two parts of the attack, first for the giant python to bite, and then split into five small snakes to attack chaotically. '

He shook his head somewhat disappointed.

For him, the power is too small, and it is laborious and cost-effective.

Even if dozens of scrolls were thrown out at the same time, it was still not as good as a single blow when he entered the "limit state".

But he thought about it.

'It's really not much use for me, but it can be reserved for team members...or even sold to players? '

Chen Lun is not arrogant, but the fact is that at this stage, he punches with all his strength, and I am afraid that the Transcendent who is also [Sequence 7] would not dare to take it hard.

When encountering an ordinary [Sequence 8] Transcendent, with this punch, he will either die or be injured.

He looked at the two scrolls in his hand, and he already had a plan.

Jack Manor.

The little white cat, Bibb, is taking a nap on the sofa.

It suddenly raised its head vigilantly, its pupils dilated suddenly, its ears drooped, and its back arched furiously.


I saw a big white cat a few circles bigger than its size, slowly pacing over, and then lightly jumped onto the coffee table, staring at it with emerald green vertical pupils.

The little white cat trembled and dared not move.

The big white cat meowed twice, and the little white cat stopped trembling, looked at it with some doubts, then jumped over tentatively, and sniffed at the other party.

Bibb seemed to recognize who it was and nuzzled his head affectionately.

There was a thoughtful flash in the eyes of the big white cat.

"Wow! What a cute big white cat!"

Then a female voice came.

The two white cats, one big and one small, turned their heads to look at the coffee table, and saw Connie looking at them in surprise.Beside her, stood Floy, Noah and Golov.

Connie walked quickly to the coffee table, picked up the big white cat, and stroked it happily.

"It must be boring for Bib to live alone in the manor, and now he finally has companions! Is this a stray cat nearby, or did it run away from another family...?"

She said with some doubts.

"Those don't matter, what matters is whether it's a male cat or a female cat..."

Golov said.

"Perhaps they could be paired?"

Connie seemed to think it made sense, and was about to lift up the big white cat to see the sex.

Then the big white cat spoke:

"Golof, you have made a good idea...why let you try it."


Connie was startled, and subconsciously threw the big white cat out of her arms.

Unexpectedly, the big white cat was very agile, and landed calmly, unscathed.

"Regiment... Mr. Regiment Leader?!"

Hearing that familiar voice, Golov's eyes widened. After he regained his composure, he wiped his sweat desperately.

"Um, I was just joking, ha... ha."

Everyone was very surprised, it turned out that the big white cat was Mr. Jack.

Floy stepped forward, bent down, and gently hugged the big white cat.

"Mr. Jack, why did you become a cat?"

Noah was a little curious.

"I'm just studying magic, don't make a fuss..."

Leaning lazily in Floyd's arms, Chen Lun spoke.

Connie on the side showed an embarrassed expression, she just threw Mr. Jack out.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jack, I didn't mean to..."


Chen Lun shook his head and continued:

"Go and do your work, as long as Floye stays, I have something to explain."

"Yes, Mr. Jack."

The other three looked at each other, nodded and left, the surprise on their faces had not completely dissipated, while Floyd stood still.

She turned around, carried the big white cat to the courtyard, and then sat on the swing.This swing was nailed here by Chen Lun himself, and Floyd often rests on it.

She didn't speak, and seemed to be silently waiting for Chen Lun to speak.

The big white cat took out a black spar.

"This is an extraordinary thing called 'Dragon Stone'. Let's see if it can be used and forged some weird things... If it is useful, I will find a way to get some back later."

"it is good."

Floy took it and nodded slightly.

The big white cat then took out another scroll of parchment.

"This is a magic scroll that I copied with my own hands. It can release a giant python. Its power is about the same as my full blow. Take it, maybe it will be useful when... Well, I will see it later when I am free. Copy a few copies for you."

Floy took it with a faint smile on her face.

"Thank you."

Her hand gently stroked the big white cat's body. The latter first showed surprise eyes, then closed his eyes, lay in her arms, and snored involuntarily.

Floy bent slightly, put her head close to the big white cat's ear, and said softly:
"Did you enjoy Connie's touch just now...?"

The big white cat slightly opened one eyelid, and glanced at the beautiful face so close:

"Well, not really."


Floy nodded, seeming to believe his words very much.

"It's more comfortable for me to touch."

After dinner.

In the sofa area of ​​the living room, three men from the circus were sitting.

No, to be precise, it was the two men plus an ugly black cat, because Chen Lun had already performed the transfiguration technique on Golov at this time.

"Mr. Jack, Golov..."

Noah spoke softly.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen, I'm just testing."

Chen Lun was staring at the black cat intently. He stretched out his silver cane and pointed at it gently.

"Continue to deform."

The white smoke drifted away, and the ugly black cat became a toad again.

The toad became a mouse again.


When Golov returned to his original appearance, he was slumped on the sofa. He was covered in sweat, and he didn't know whether he was tired or frightened.

"Golov, how does it feel to be an animal?"

Chen Lun asked aloud.

Golov let out a sigh of relief. According to the matters explained by the head of the group, he thought for a while and replied:

"I feel that I can still think and move freely, but I can't speak human words, and I can't exert extraordinary power... It's like being banned."

Chen Lun nodded to express his understanding.

'It seems that transfiguration can indeed be used as a means of control...but it needs to be judged by weight, and it may not be so easy to take effect on the strong. '

"Thank you, Golov."

Chen Lun comforted him.

Golov immediately sat up straight, shaking his head and waving his hands.

"No, no, it's not hard at all, Mr. Captain!"

"Oh, that's fine."

Chen Lun chuckled, and couldn't help making Golov wipe away his sweat.

"Noah, I need you to do something for me too."

He turned to Noah again.

"Is...does it make me an animal too?"

Noah stammered.

"Oh no, Golov has tested it, I'm talking about something else."

Noah breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:
"Mr. Jack, please."

"In the next period of time, you try to use [Gallery of Bones] to draw some portraits for the members of the team...the kind that can temporarily retain a part of the extraordinary power."

Noah instantly understood what Chen Lun meant, and nodded with a smile.

"Yes, no problem, Mr. Jack."

On the outskirts of Amber City.

A village gate.

The two figures slowly left the village.

"Akbin, have you finished your work? I really don't want to waste any more time."

Drinking a cigarette dangling from his mouth, he said impatiently.

"Well... all the preliminary work has been completed, as long as the sick person recovers on his own, my 'vaccination ceremony' will be considered a success."

In the crow mask on Akbin's face, there was a buzzing sound.

"So now, we can finally go and execute the mission of the club?"

Drinker sighed and glanced at him.

"Well, let's go."

Akbin said.

"Go straight into the inner city from the spirit world, where the current controller of the circus lives... catch him and take him away for interrogation."

The two stepped out, directly entered the spirit world, and disappeared.

After a while.

They have come to the spirit world area where Amber City is located, and they can see the fuzzy and fluctuating outline of the worldly city from their vision.

The two were planning to move on, but at this moment, they turned their heads in unison.

I saw a group of more than a dozen extraordinary people in black windbreakers rushing towards this side quickly.They are menacing, and the visitors are not good.

"It's the Asylum's 'Executioner Squad' . . . to get you, Akbin."

Drink said, with a hint of schadenfreude in his tone.

Akbin snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice:
"Leave the spirit world first, and after getting rid of them in this world, we will find a way to reunite."

Without waiting for Drink's answer, Akbin left the spirit world by himself.

Drink sneered, glanced at the executioner squad that was getting closer, and also chose to avoid it, followed Akbin's footsteps, and disappeared into the spirit world.

The executioner team had already seen the duo of Drink and Akbin from a distance, but they didn't chase after them immediately.

"Captain Talleyrand, that was the wanted plague messenger 'Akbin Korver' just now... What should we do?"

asked a young female executioner.

The man named Talleyrand was a middle-aged uncle, his short brown hair stood up in the rushing wind.

"Our main goal this time is to encircle and suppress the black knight Byers... The executioner team that was responsible for capturing Akbin before has been wiped out by the Byers group."

Talleyrand's voice was hoarse.

"But after all, if you see it, you can't pretend that nothing happened...Leisili, take the two of you to track down Akbin. Remember, you don't need to do anything, just keep track of the other party's whereabouts."

"Yes, Captain."

The female player answers.

 The character "Talleyrand" is a secondary role for the book friend "Ran Ran Xingbo".

(End of this chapter)

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