I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 218 The Power of Portraits

Chapter 218 The Power of Portraits (Ask for a Monthly Ticket!)


The monk flew into a rage.

The player holding the donation box was also stunned.

At this moment, there were bursts of gunshots, clanging of swords, fighting and shouting from outside the hall.

The believers in the hall felt a little scared, and they couldn't help but prostrate on the ground, praying more devoutly and hard, hoping to obtain the protection of Madame Rose.

The monk glanced coldly at the man in the black hat. The latter was sitting on the wooden chair in the first row with his legs crossed, looking at ease, and even took out a book and read it quietly.

"Go out and see what's going on!"

The monk commanded the guards of the players around him in a cold voice.


The player put down the donation box, glanced at Jack twice, and then ran out the door.

But a player from the same guild rushed into the hall first. He was covered in blood and looked panic-stricken.

"Those guys are chasing after them from Bingnuo Town! They have already entered the outer courtyard of the church!"


The down-and-out residents of the small town began to tremble in panic, their heads stuck to the floor, and they confessed the wrong things they had done.

The middle-aged monk didn't know exactly what happened, but he could roughly understand that someone attacked the church after hearing what the player said.

"You! Go and inform Father O'Connell! By the way, call the other two monks! Heavy armored guards go out with me!"

The cultivator immediately issued orders, and the guards of the players named responded, turned around and ran inside.

Four heavily armored guards followed the monk and left the hall together.

In the outer courtyard of the church at this time.

Dongyang brought the players under his command and killed them in. The player guards of the guild who lost their name couldn't resist at all, and nearly a hundred muskets beat them to pieces.

"You blasphemers! How dare you!"

A loud shout sounded.

The middle-aged monk led four guards in heavy armor and came out of the hall. After seeing the chaotic scene, he was furious.

"Little boss is here!"

Goutoujin shouted.

"Well done! Brothers shoot!"

Dongyang waved his hand.

Many players standing behind immediately raised their hands, aimed at the middle-aged monk and pulled the trigger.

There was a crackling sound, the flames shot out, and the bullets were like a storm.

When the monk was being aimed at by nearly a hundred muskets, he felt his hair stand on end. He immediately commanded four heavily armored guards to stand in front of him like a metal wall.

Jingling...! !

The densely packed small steel balls splashed over, making countless dents on the body of the heavily armored guard and splashing sparks.

The steps where the monk was standing were plowed by the storm of bullets, and the broken stones flew horizontally, collapsed and ground flat, but the four heavily armored guards were only slightly injured, and the monk was unscathed.

"The musket has limited effect on this heavy armored monster!"

Goutoujin has some experience in this, he opened his mouth to remind.

Just at this moment, the sound of dense and heavy footsteps came.

Da da da……!
The other two monks of the church also brought more than [-] heavy armored guards and surrounded them from both sides of the church hall.They are holding spears and halberds, and each of them is tall and big, full of oppression.

"Fuck! There are so many armored monsters!"

Forgetting Wuji was taken aback, and the other players with guns were also very nervous.Although the incident of attacking the church made them feel very exciting, this was the first time they had personally experienced such a scene.

Langton, the vice president of Lost Name, led the players under his command, and walked around outside the church from nowhere, closing the door and beating dogs, blocking Dongyang and the others from their retreat.

Almost all of them were holding two rotten hounds, and at a glance, they were all fluttering red cloth.

"Good guy... this is troublesome!"

The centaur looked at enemies on all sides and wiped his sweat.

Dongyang, Chenxi and the others also had serious expressions on their faces.

They have long expected that this hidden B-level main mission will not be that simple.I didn't expect such a terrifying power to be hidden in the church branch here!

This is going to be a tough battle!
"—Chen Xi, Gou Tou Jin and Wang Wang Wuji, your two guilds are responsible for dealing with the enemies behind, deal with them as soon as possible, and break out!"

Dongyang spoke and directed in the chat room.

"—There are three church monks in front, all of them are extraordinary, and there are dozens of heavy armored monsters. The muskets of ordinary players are difficult to deal with. We, the Hall of Heroes, are responsible for holding them back!"



After the brief combat exchange, half of the nearly [-] people separated and rushed towards Langton and the others who were blocking the door.Players raise their loaded muskets and shoot at each other.

Continuous gunshots rang out, but the unknown player, who had been prepared for a long time, took out his round shield to protect his head, chest and abdomen.

Jingle Jingle!

Sawdust flying!

Sporadic steel balls hit the iron-inlaid edge of the round shield, sparking bright sparks!
The players on Chen Xi and Goutoujin were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect that the other party had already found a countermeasure.

"Go! Kill them all!"

"Let the dog go! Let the dog go!!"

Langton laughed loudly, and finally saw the group of people deflated, and he was in a good mood.

Wang Wang...!
A large number of corrupt hounds swarmed in. Chuxi and the players on Shenai's side were bitten and killed seven or eight people before they had time to reload.

"Brothers! It's time to show the power of our 'Hercules Cult'!"

Goutoujin roared.

He took out a needle with his left hand and stabbed it hard in his shoulder.

【Thirsty Blood Needle】!
The task reward given by Mr. Jack can provide a weak physical blood-sucking effect.

Goutoujin held a bottle of crimson potion in his right hand, popped the cork, and drank it with his head up.

Gulu Gulu...!
[Beef Vigorous Bottle]!
It can incarnate into a tauren, increase attributes, and greatly improve the blood recovery effect in a short period of time.


Kotoujin howled angrily, and at the same time released his extraordinary power as [Sequence 9 - Butcher].

In just two breaths, his figure rose high, his muscles swelled, and he became a four-handed tauren with a height of more than three meters, two horns on his head, and two arms on his back!
Not only that, Wang Wang Wuji and the five team members trained by the "Hercules Cult" also followed suit, holding up the potion and drinking it with their heads up, and they all turned into tall tauren!

"Hercules teaches to show its power! Get out of the way!"

The tauren's eyes were red, and he roared to throw away his companions who were blocking the way.

This scene deeply shocked Langton and everyone in the Lost Name Guild.

"This... What the hell are these things?!"

Bang! !

Goutoujin smashed the rotten hound that was rushing towards him with a single punch. With four arms, he moved violently, grabbed the neck of the hound that was about to bite his companion, and threw it casually, knocking down the missing player.

It caused an exclamation.

"Bull... the tauren is rushing over!"

Several hounds pounced on Goutoujin, and after only two bites, he was torn to pieces.The injuries on Goutoujin's body also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if he was an immortal bull monster!
Ji Wang Wuji and his six giant tauren charged in the opposite direction. Those rotten hounds were like toys run over by a bulldozer, flying around and howling.

"Hercules teach invincibility! Tauren are invincible!"

The players of God's Love Guild cheered.

Those players who participated in the Gootoujin and Forgotten Mowgli "Hercules" groups also shouted to cheer for them.

If it weren't for the limited medicines of the two "leaders", they could all turn into tauren and participate in the battle.

"Go to hell! You lost your name!"

Goutoujin raised a player from the unnamed guild with four arms, pulled it violently, and directly staged a torture of "four cows divided into corpses".

The player turned into a white light in the fear of being dismembered. Presumably after being resurrected, this experience will still cause a lot of psychological shadow on him.

"Zhuo! What precious thing is this?! It's so frightening!"

The unnamed players backed away again and again. At this moment, they forgot that the opponent was also a player, as if they were caught in a BOSS battle, and their psychological pressure increased sharply.

Seeing this, Chenxi let out a sigh of relief.

She directed Chuxi's female players to hide behind the tauren and shoot, and then took the opportunity to throw fireballs at the place where the enemies gathered.

The scene was chaotic.

On the other hand, look at the frontal battlefield in Dongyang.


Dongyang yelled angrily, and punched the heavily armored guard's chest, making a loud bang.

The heavily armored guard in front of him had a sunken chest and a slight blush from the heat of his fists. Blood oozed from the gap in his helmet and he staggered to the ground.

But in the next second, before he had time to react, one of his arms was "bitten off" by the monk's palm!

Dongyang jumped back to distance himself, clutching his broken arm.

The church monk in front of him looked at him coldly, and a big mouth full of sharp teeth was revealed in the center of the raised palm.The lips and teeth opened and closed, constantly gnawing on his severed arm, bloody and bloody.


The centaur held a long-handled spoon and fought a few moves with a monk. He was punched flying and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

He got up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, before he had time to chat privately in the chat room, he shouted anxiously:

"Vice meeting! We can't stand it anymore! These three monks are all [Sequence 8] Transcendents! Brothers' muskets don't work against those heavy armored monsters!"

Enduring the pain, Dongyang turned his head and roared:
"Brothers of the Hall of Heroes, put on your gloves and use fire! Don't be afraid of accidental injury!"

Then speak in the chat room as fast as possible:

"—I'll take the bomb to exchange lives with the monk!"

The other players were all taken aback.

Vice President, have they been pushed to this extent? !
"—Vice meeting! Don't forget we're on the train and bought a painting from Jack!"

Seeing that Dongyang was about to go up and blew himself up, Kuangbenkuang immediately spoke to remind him.

Dongyang was slightly taken aback.

"Yeah! How did I forget this crop?!"

Boom! !
Countless flames spewed out from the player's gloves, and the dozen or so heavy-armored guards at the front were the first to bear the brunt, covered in orange flames.

The iron armor, which is not afraid of bullets, can't defend against these flames. Under the high temperature, the heavy armor is like a moving oven, suffocating the flesh inside!
"Ah! Ahhhh...!"

The heavy-armored guards let out a dull and miserable wail, and fell to the ground flushed red. The corpses exuded heat waves and white smoke, and there was a smell of cooked meat, which was horrible.

"Hmph! Damn heresy, accept the trial!"

The three monks couldn't stand it anymore, so they shot immediately.

Their physical fitness is amazing, their movements are fast, and they come to the players in a single jump.

In the next second, the players turned their muzzles and glove palms, and bullets and flames hit them.

But the monks waved their hands, and the big mouths in their palms actually inhaled and ate all those flames and bullets, and there was a creepy jingle sound while chewing.

Immediately, the three monks rushed into the player group, and they were about to start a massacre.

"What! Go to hell, you guys!"

Dongyang also got angry, cursed, took out the ten paintings and threw them out.

hum! !

Suddenly there was a rapid and low-pitched tremor in the field.

Ten dark figures sprang out from the portrait, and rushed to the three monks at an extremely fast speed, drawing a series of cold lights.

The three monks were besieged by ten black shadows, and the countless short daggers were like drizzle, and there were endless chirping sounds.

They waved their hands to resist, but they just scattered the black shadows, but there were more and more blood scratches on their bodies.

The time for a few breaths is fleeting.

The ten black shadows dissipated, and the ten oil paintings in mid-air fell weakly, and the faces of Golov and Barton painted on them became blurred.

"You... these damned heretics!!"

The three monks had ugly faces and were panting heavily.

Although his body was covered with scars, he didn't seem to have been seriously injured.

Dongyang and the others felt dissatisfied, but they didn't expect to kill each other.

What they didn't know was that Golov and Barton were just [Sequence 9] Transcendents after all, and the oil painting only preserved a small part of their power.It was thanks to the large number of oil paintings that such injuries could be caused to the three monks of the Red Apple Church.

"I'll help you!"

Chenxi rushed over suddenly.

The battle situation in the rear had been brutally crushed by Kotoujin and the others, and she also freed her hand.Seeing that Dongyang and the others couldn't bear it, Chenxi directly threw out the oil painting that belonged to Floyd.

A blond blind woman wearing a black cloak emerged, raising a black and purple scythe in her hand, attracting the attention of everyone present.


The monk reminded loudly.

But the sickle had already been swung, and an invisible and sharp edge slashed across, and the three monks stood in place as if struck by lightning.


The three knelt down feebly, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Our souls... have been severely injured!"

Their eyes were red and their faces were covered with blue veins. After their souls were cut, their bodies also suffered inexplicable injuries.

Floy's figure disappeared.

But the three monks were also seriously injured, and their strength was greatly reduced.

Polaris suddenly jumped out at this moment, and his right hand turned into a crocodile head, biting a monk's neck fiercely.


With a kick, his body turned over for several weeks like a crocodile preying on it, directly tearing the monk's body apart.

The other two monks were shocked, but when they wanted to resist, they found that their hands and feet were weak. The next second, Polaris' crocodile bite had struck!

After two shrill screams, Polaris' palm bit off their heads abruptly!
"We actually killed three Transcendents from [Sequence 8]!"

Dongyang, Chenxi and others looked at Polaris whose hands were covered in blood, and felt incredible.

Relying on the oil paintings of the circus, they directly injured the monks of the church, and finally killed them with a surprise attack from the Polaris.This series of cooperation is perfect, which makes other players amazed.

"The oil painting exchanged from Jack is really easy to use!"

The horseman smiled.

He glanced at Polaris, who was holding his head, and cast a blank stare at him.

"Of course, Brother Polaris is also very good!"

The death of the three monks basically declared the end of the battle.Many heavily armored guards are still fighting with the players, but that is just a stubborn resistance.

The raging flames continued, and the entire church seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​hell. Many places had been ignited, but no one was paying attention at the moment, and the fire was getting bigger and bigger.

In the church hall.

The fire has spread inside, and many wooden benches are burning.

But those town residents were indifferent, and they prostrated themselves on the ground to pray, as if the flames burned them alive and were unwilling to leave.

Chen Lun looked at these innocent town residents, sighed, and put down the book in hand.

He stood up slowly, flicked the shell necklace on his chest [Siren's Joyful Song], and whistled.The sound waves of hypnosis dispersed, and the residents of the small town were startled for a moment, and then got up one after another.

"You all leave here through the back door, and then go to the second block ahead, there is an abandoned department store... Someone will settle you there."

Chen Lun's voice echoed in the church hall.

The "department store" he was talking about was actually the residence of the shelter in Youdou Town. Although many people were evacuated due to the plague, it was not a problem to give these ordinary people a place to stay.

These town residents are not all believers of the Red Apple Church. They have lost their place of refuge after suffering from the plague. This church has become their life-saving straw, praying for shelter.

Out of his bottom line, Chen Lun didn't want to see them die here in vain.

"thanks, thanks……!"

The townspeople wept bitterly, not knowing whether Chen Lun in their eyes had become an angel or a god after being hypnotized, and one by one obediently escaped through the back door.

Chen Lun's eyes did not fluctuate, he glanced at them, then turned and left.

In the courtyard at the front door of the church, the fighting was drawing to a close.

The church's rotten hounds and heavy armored guards were killed to only a few sporadic ones, and they were no longer a threat.Lost name guild players also went offline in large numbers because the number of resurrections was exhausted.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Langton planned to pull the remaining team to evacuate.

"Damn the Hall of Heroes! And God's Love and Chu Xi! They openly attacked the Red Apple Church...! How dare you! How dare you!"

At the same time, he really couldn't figure out how Dongyang and the others had the strength to fight against a church in a small town after only two or three months of public testing.

Even the three [Sequence 8] monks died at their hands!

"And what good does it do them! Is their guild's think tank a bunch of idiots?"

Langdon was exhausted physically and mentally, and subconsciously clenched his fists.

Almost all of the Guild's accumulation in Bingnuo Town and Youdou Town were destroyed in these two attacks.Whether it is the degree of contribution in the church or the level that the members have worked hard to achieve, they all drop.

The dog-headed gold who turned into a tauren was still raging in the crowd. He punched and kicked three times, and directly crushed the bodies of several unnamed players. The round shields in their hands were like paper, and they could be broken with a single poke.

"Why didn't Father Aokang take action! Our people are almost going to be killed off the assembly line!"

Langton took a deep breath in his chest, making him extremely depressed.

at this time.

A figure in a dark red robe descended from the sky, landed in front of the four-handed tauren, and then punched out.

Goutoujin counterattacked with his fist, but unexpectedly, the opponent's punch was far stronger than his own.

After a few rattles, the Goutoujin screamed, and the three arms snapped off in reverse, and flew out backwards.


His tall body even knocked down several companions, causing several fatal injuries to them.

"it hurts……"

The dog-headed golden urn yelled angrily, got up from the ground, and then cruelly folded his arm back, rubbed it a few times, and made him howl in pain again.

The injury is recovering quickly, he also roared:
"Brothers, pay attention! The big monster has appeared! The priest BOSS of the church!!"

The players cast their gazes one after another, and there were constant exclamations.

Dongyang and the others immediately changed their targets and gathered at Goutoujin's side.

"—We're both at level 20, but we still can't find any data about the other party. This must be a mid-sequence transcendent. What should we do?!"

Forgotten Wuji sent a text message.

"—Separate some people to deal with the remaining enemies, and then concentrate on attacking him for a round!"

Dongyang said in a speech.

He took command on the team channel, and Chen Xi and Gou Tou Jin also handed over the command to him.

Soon, fifty or sixty players raised their muskets and aimed at the burly priest Aokang.

"Fear stems from lack of firepower! Shoot me!"

Bang bang bang...! !

Dense small steel balls came all over the sky, Father Aokang was expressionless, and there was infinite anger hidden in his eyes.

He had just reported the situation to the higher-ups in the prayer room, and wasted a little time. He didn't expect that the army was defeated, and he was the only one left with combat power.

"You... these blasphemers! You deserve death!!"

Father O'Connell's body instantly swelled and turned into a huge standing monster.

It was four or five meters high, with a long and narrow skinless face, showing sharp teeth, and covered with black and gray hard long hair.


The sound waves visible to the naked eye spread in all directions, and the small steel balls were scattered, lost power, and fell to the ground one after another.

Dongyang and the others were breathless.

They remembered that in the mixed-cut video about Jack, the bishop monster that appeared was exactly the same as the priest in front of them—[Flesh and Flesh Faction Sequence 7-Ghoul]!
"How do we kill this guy?! This is not what we can fight at this stage!"

The horse man said.

Dongyang and the others opened their mouths, but didn't think of a countermeasure for a while.

The gap in strength is too great, and any command is useless.

"I'll hold him back."

At this time, a not tall figure stood in front of Dongyang and the others.

The players looked at him one after another, with surprise in their eyes.


"You'll be killed if you go up! Let us tauren stand in front!"

The dog-headed golden urn sounded like an urn.

Polaris took a deep breath and shook his head.

His hand secretly touched his bosom, where his two hole cards were hidden, which were the portrait and scroll given to him by Mr. Jack!

No one saw it.

On the top of the burning church, a gentleman in black was holding a silver cane, silently overlooking the scene.

The breeze brushed the hair under the black hat, and the eyes flashed a smile.

"Watch your show, Polaris."

 Thank you for looking at the rudder master who has a personal reward here!A reward of 500 points!20190728020512270 points reward from book friend 500!100 points reward for Chen Yuqi nice, sycamore leaves and sparrows!
  Ask for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month! !
  The radish will adjust for a few more days, and still keep the big chapter single update. I owe four chapters this month, and I will pay it back as soon as I have adjusted it! !

(End of this chapter)

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