Chapter 24

Stilton's alienated animal head flew in the air like a rubber ball.

Then it drew an arc, fell into the river next to it with a plop, and disappeared without a trace.

Under the night, there was no more waves.

[You killed Brother Stoulton of the Red Apple Church (possessed by Bishop Newman), and gained 500 experience points]

[Your actions have had a far-reaching impact, and the Red Apple Church will regard you as an enemy and hunt you down! 】

Chen Lun dismissed the eye-catching crimson prompt box.

He walked a few steps to the place where Stilton had fallen before, and bent down to pick up the two things.

[Grade D monster gold goblet]

Item description: The special wine cup made by the Red Apple Church, works in pairs, and has the ability to communicate over long distances.

Pour fresh virgin blood into the cup, and you can communicate with another cup holder through sound transmission, which lasts for [-] hours.

Ah, the bright red craft brew is the fragrance of a virgin, use your soul as a messenger to send my gospel...

Chen Lun frowned slightly as he looked at the golden wine glass.

He squeezed it sharply, and the wine glass in his hand creaked.

Then the huge power seemed to exceed its certain tolerance threshold, and it turned into pieces with a bang.

A [D-rank monster] was destroyed in this way.

"Huh... you hateful thing, you must not keep it!"

The reason why Chen Lun destroyed it was not just because the description of the item was uncomfortable.

It is even more because it came from the Red Apple Church, and it is very likely that it has been tampered with. It would be bad if he was tracked down with this thing.

It didn't have much effect on him in the first place, so it's better to destroy it.

The gold fragments in his hand gradually softened and turned into gold mud.

The color gradually faded and merged into a red ball similar to "meat paste".

[Obtain low-sequence flesh and blood faction mysterious substance]

Chen Lun collected it into the panel, plus the original possession, a total of four copies.

This thing is very precious and useful.

Whether it is making extraordinary items in the future, forging artificial [creepy things], or promoting the sequence path, etc., there are places where it will be useful.

Next, Chen Lun looked at the handle crossbow.

【Greedy Tongue of C-Class Monster】

Item description: An old wooden miniature hand crossbow, easy to carry.

On the side of the crossbow body, sharp tooth-like patterns are engraved, which seems to represent the power of flesh and blood.

No need to reload the crossbow, just pull the trigger to launch a decoy arrow, attracting gluttonous evil spirits from the spirit world to gnaw on the target.

Seems to have come from a benevolent gourmand.

He is passionate about cooking various delicacies to entertain guests.

Until one day, a visitor from afar from the spirit world knocked on his door.

So the gourmet made himself a delicacy and dedicated it to his enjoyment...

Item effect: The person hit by the arrow will temporarily deduct 10% of the upper limit of life, and the upper limit of the effect will be 30%.and fell into a state of extreme hunger.

Item price: Each shot of crossbow arrows will greatly deduct stamina, depending on the situation.

Chen Lun was a little surprised by this [Scary Thing], the quality and effect were surprisingly good, even comparable to some of the more rambunctious [B-Grade Strange Thing].

A hand crossbow with infinite ammo in a sense.

The lethality is astonishing, the higher the opponent's blood volume, the higher the income, it is simply the killer of blood bulls!
What is the price of extracting physical strength, Chen Lun even wanted to shout out that sentence——

Come!Drain me!

Chen Lun pushed the crossbow to his waist, turned around and walked back.

Because of chasing and killing Stilton, he went a little farther, and there are still some remnants of the Red Apple Church that have not been cleaned up.

In order to allow the majority of players to have a better gaming experience after coming to this world, Chen Lun decided to lower the difficulty for them and artificially weaken a wave of version villains.

This fearless spirit of being willing to sacrifice for the players once again made Chen Lun's eyes wet.

"I just don't know how many good things are hidden in the church...?"

"This kind of evil heretics will definitely fish and exploit the neighbors and exploit the common people. I must confiscate all the stolen money they collected!"

The more Chen Lun thought about it, the angrier he became, and he walked faster and faster.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared at the end of the street.


Inside the Red Apple Church.

Prayer room.

Chen Lun quietly stopped beside the female corpse.

He sighed softly, bending over to close his wide eyes.

On a bench behind him was a small box.

It contained the property collected by Chen Lun after he searched the entire church.

In the process of searching, he found some bread and relieved his hunger after eating.

He also killed all the remaining guards and rotten hounds of the church, gaining a lot of experience points.

And Chen Lun found a secret passage leading to the suburbs in a hidden corner.

He guessed that this place was connected to the previous prison.

At this time, there was a dead silence all around, and Chen Lun deposited all the coins in the small box into the panel.

176 gold pounds 684 silver nobility 3455 copper Crowe!
It can be said to be a wave of fat, and Chen Lun accepted it unceremoniously.

boom! !

Chen Lun turned his head abruptly.

There was a fiery air wave and the sound of piercing through the air, and then there was a hole in the prayer platform in front of him, and sawdust flew away.

"Don't move! Shelter investigator! Please cooperate with the investigation!"

Chen Lun turned sideways slightly, and found two young men in white uniforms standing at the door.

They each hold an old-fashioned one-handed flintlock gun, and the gun in one of them has gunpowder smoke rising from the muzzle. It is obvious that he fired the gun just now.

Seeing this, Chen Lun narrowed his eyes, raised his hands and faced the two of them.


The empire's official transcendental organization, which specializes in housing and suppressing violent institutions that suppress [creepy things] and wild transcendentals.

Chen Lun is very familiar with them.

The number of players who joined this faction in the previous life is the largest.

Because although the shelter is not one of the seven righteous gods, he has the support of the imperial family behind him.

The power is great, and there are many promotion paths and rewards to choose from.

"Just the two of you?"

Chen Lun asked, his tone was like chatting with two old friends.

"Don't try to play tricks, our colleagues are guarding outside, and the team leader is already on his way...

Although you are a transcendent, we have captured countless transcendents with our own hands. If you don't believe me, you can try it. "

One of the investigators said coldly.

"But now you only have two guns, are you sure you can hit me?"

"Why are there always some arrogant people like you who dare to challenge the authority of the shelter..."

The two investigators looked at each other in a subtle way and reached a consensus.

They were going to shoot together and take down the guy in front of them.

But in the next second, they heard a strong but distant noise.

Stars flashed in the eyes of the two of them, and an unspeakable sense of nausea arose spontaneously.

Before he could pull the trigger, he felt a tall figure shrouded in front of him, and the next second there was a sharp pain in his abdomen.

Chen Lun knocked them down with two punches, and picked up the flintlock guns in their hands.

This kind of musket is a black-tech weapon made by the Extraordinary Workshop under the shelter. It can be loaded with ten lead bullets at a time.

Although it is not a [Surprise], it can be popularized by ordinary investigators.

Almost everyone has a hand, and the deterrence is extremely strong.

As long as more than three investigators focus their fire, low-sequence transcendents are still likely to kneel.

After all, the low-level sequence has not yet left the body of flesh and blood, and under the cover of dense firepower, it is almost dead.

five minutes later.

Standing at the door of the church, Chen Lun shook his head slightly as he watched the four investigators lined up on the ground hugging each other in a coma.

Then he moved the female corpse here, took out two gold pounds and placed them on the female corpse's eyelids.

"There's only so much I can do."

He raised his hand and fired a shot at the church door.

Bang! !

The projectile hit the oil pot that had been placed in advance, and sparks exploded, igniting the thatch pile below.

Suddenly, the raging flames rose and gradually engulfed the entire church.

Chen Lun turned and left.

There was a sea of ​​fire behind him.

boom! !

The church that had stood for many years collapsed, and the fire became more and more terrible, like daytime.

Many residents who woke up in the middle of the night hid behind their windows, watching this scene that they have been unforgettable for many years.

Either excited or silent, or shouting to the gods or whispering prayers.

Ralph stood not far from the church, silently stopping.

Several investigators who had been knocked unconscious by Chen Lun had already woken up and stood behind him with their heads down, not daring to make a sound.

"Team leader, do you want to chase? That guy may not have gone far..."


Ralph sneered, turned around and took a sip of his cigar.

The smoke hit the speaking investigator's face, blinding him.

But he didn't dare to really close his eyes, he could only stiffen his eyes, tears streaming down his face.

"Just relying on you guys who acted without authorization?"

After he finished speaking, the scene fell into a moment of silence.

"You should thank her."

Ralph pointed to the female corpse on the ground.

Several investigators looked at each other.

Ralph bent down and picked up the gold coin on the female corpse's eyelid, and put it in his palm, a little lost in thought.

"The reason why he didn't kill you is probably because he hoped that the shelter could give her a decent funeral."

He flicked his fingers, and the coin fell into the hands of one of the investigators.

"Go, find the Church of the Moon, and bury this female corpse...and find her family by the way, and give some compensation."

Ralph rubbed his temples in annoyance.

"Just think of us as helping the Red Apple Church clean up the mess."

"...Yes, team leader."

Ralph threw away the cigar, stomped it out, and looked into the distance.

"It's a miscalculation."


Outside the town bridge.

Sitting in the carriage, Chen Lun took one last look at Emerald Town.

Under the bright sky, the town looked extremely quiet.

[Complete the B-level side mission: Broken Emerald Apple]

[You successfully destroyed the branch of the Red Apple Church in Emerald Town, and obtained the task rewards: 5000 experience points, 20 gold pounds, Froy favorability, [low-sequence flesh and blood faction mysterious substance]*3, and 1 point of regional popularity]

[The Red Apple Church's favorability towards you has decreased, and it will treat you like a bandit, and will hunt you down to the end, endlessly! 】

Chen Lun smiled slightly at the last hint.

This quest is triggered when he sneaks into the Red Apple Church and kills the first guard.

The rewards made him very satisfied, especially the regional popularity among them.

It is equivalent to a prestige, and it takes effect on all NPCs.

Not only the effect similar to the charm value, but also more unexpected benefits.

For example, after joining a faction, some rare items and precious rewards require a certain degree of reputation to be eligible for acquisition.

But relatively, the difficulty of obtaining popularity is also extremely harsh, and ordinary people can't touch it at all.

"Where are we going now?"

Floy sat aside and asked softly.

"Go to the future."

Chen Lun said something jokingly and chuckled.

Then he called out to the carriage:
"Uncle Walsh, let's go!"

"Good sir, as you wish."

 Ladies and gentlemen, I am asking for votes and follow-up reading here.


  Especially follow-up reading is too important for a new book.


  Pill gives you the whole unique skill!Animal Imitation in Dog Form!
  Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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