I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 243 The Adventures of Philip

Chapter 243 The Adventures of Philip
"Is the Polaris done already..."

Chen Lun was sitting on the sofa in the living room of the villa, took a sip of milk, and focused his attention on the fairyland.

He was secretly observing the fifty players in the lakeside hut from a bird's-eye view.

'The upper limit of the number of players that could be loaded was only 10, but after I was promoted to the middle sequence, this upper limit has been increased...Now it can maintain 50 people in Wonderland at the same time. '

Chen Lun thought about it.

'The number is still too small, but there is no way... I can only wait for my sequence to be promoted, and the follow-up Wonderland can take on more players. '

He then linked his attention to the statue of Maggie by the "Lake Gazing", sensing that the sanity value stored inside was rapidly increasing at a rate of 48 points per minute.

The reason why it is not 50 points is because maintaining a fairyland also requires sanity points.

After exploring this mechanism for so long, Chen Lun has also found some rules.If there is no living person in the fairyland, it is actually in a process of "evolution" by itself, but it will not consume any sanity.

However, once someone exists in the fairyland, regardless of whether they interact with the environment or not, the sanity value of the reserve will be consumed.

And this kind of consumption does not increase according to the increase in the number of people, but the "active" area.In other words, the fifty players concentrated in the lakeside hut area only "activated" this area, so the consumption was very small, only 2 points of sanity per minute.

If a player enters the Forest of Nature or the small town of Kazite, the consumption will change from 4 points per minute to 6 points per minute.

Overall, Chen Lun is very satisfied with the current situation.

"According to the current situation, at least a few thousand sanity points can be obtained from these players today..."

At this moment, Chen Lun suddenly discovered something and let out a light surprise.

He turned his eyes to the other side, but his face suddenly turned black.

I saw that in the lakeside hut area, some players left and some newcomers came in and out, having a great time.

Some people were fighting in the fighting area on the lawn, and some people were chatting on the ground, laughing constantly. Dongyang and others surrounded the statue of Jack, exchanging some items.

However, there are a few daring female players who are doing their hands and feet on the Jack statue.

Especially Su Keying and her good best friend Wei Yin, the two of them are in front of each other, presenting a situation of two sides sandwiching each other.

Su Keying poked around on the statue's face, and even tentatively put her hand on its chest, as if she wanted to measure the size of the muscles.

Wei Yin slapped the statue's butt vigorously, giggling every time he slapped it, and muttering strange words such as "plaything" and "your male god".

Dongyang and the others showed a look of disgust, and quickly walked a few steps away.

Chen Lun sighed in his heart, and put his hand on his forehead.

'I'm so stupid... I naively thought that players would admire this statue. These guys are fun people with no bottom line. '

The reason he asked Connie to find someone to customize the statue was not only to create a medium for releasing tasks and exchanging items, but also a little bit of other careful thinking, that is, to let players look up at the statue every time they enter the lakeside hut. own image.

But now it seems that the ending is a bit off.

'Forget it... just provide them with a check-in point, take photos with the statue and do spoofs, which can be regarded as increasing team cohesion. '

Chen Lun shook his head, comforting himself.

He continued to observe the "mission hall" he had created.

I don't know if Howard's incarnation was too powerful. After being killed by Oscar, the power was completely absorbed by the [Jingzhe] bookmark. "Philip's Adventures in Wonderland" is more closely connected with the bookmark.

Players spend money at the statue, and Chen Lun can obtain those currencies in real time.

'what……? '

He also noticed that he had left on the statue of Jack, and all the "black crystal series consumables" in the redemption catalog had been sold out.

'It seems that this thing is still very popular. '

Chen Lun nodded secretly.

Lake house.

Wei Yin hugged the neck of "Mr. Jack" from the back of the statue, leaned against its face, made a scissors hand, and made a grimace.

"Ke Ying, did you take a screenshot?"

"Yeah... It's all done. I'll go to post-production after I'm offline, and then post it to the group for other Jimeis to see."

Su Keying smiled and gestured that there was no problem.

Only then did Weiyin reluctantly get off "Mr. Jack".

"These 'black crystal bullets' are new products from the circus. They feel very easy to use, and the power of the musket has been raised by more than one level."

Dong Yang on the side said, stuffing the small steel ball inlaid with black crystals into the musket.

Then he aimed at a big tree not far away and pulled the trigger.


A fan-shaped spray of red and black gun flames directly punched the big tree into a big hole, leaving scorched black marks on the surface of the trunk.

Faintly, the beeping of the electric arc can also be heard.

"Hiss... This power is comparable to our use of extraordinary power. A single shot by an ordinary low-sequence extraordinary person is probably enough."

Goutoujin went to the big tree to check it, and said dumbfounded.

Soon, the scars of the big tree recovered in a few breaths, but the purpose of Dongyang and others' test has also been achieved.

"It's true. With this 'black crystal ammunition', we can save a lot of energy. For general battles, a musket loaded with this ammunition is more than sufficient."

Polaris also weighed in on the discussion.

Several male players were more interested in these new equipments. They turned their heads and glanced at Su Keying and the others, only to find that Chenxi and Honey Grapefruit also ran over to take a photo with the statue.

Hey, I don't know what to talk about.

The men of them glanced at each other, and saw speechless expressions on each other's faces.

The next day.

Dongyang and others came to Jack's manor in a group.

Their "Token Upgrading" task has been successfully completed. Yesterday everyone completed the "10-minute stay in a lakeside cabin" requirement for 30 people.

But the upgrade of the Silver Snake Ring needs to be completed by Mr. Jack himself, so they have to make this trip.

Chen Lun met the twenty or so players in the backyard of the villa.

He secretly checked the Sanity Point reserve of Maggie's statue. After yesterday's "drawing", it has accumulated almost 6500 Sanity Points, far exceeding his estimate.

Create a "Awakening Seed" for each player here. According to the consumption of 100 points, the total sanity point required is more than 2000 points. I can still have a lot of surplus, which is considered a big profit.

Since sanity value is no longer a problem.

So what Chen Lun has to do now is to gradually upgrade all the tokens of all the circus players.

This is not something that will happen overnight.

But I believe that after other players learn about the existence of "The Hut by the Lake", they will actively go to Dongyang and the others to meet the mission requirements, and then run to Chen Lun to ask for token upgrades.

'When there are more players in the circus in the future, I only need to sit in the manor to gain sanity points every moment...the more active they are in the lake house, the more gratified I will be. '

Chen Lun thought to himself.

He took the silver snake ring from Dongyang and others, and then used the power of [Jingzhe] on the spot to create new "Jingzhe seeds" and fuse them into the ring.

On the surface, he also pretended to be tired.

But I thought of a funny picture in my heart, that is, the players wanted to enter the "lake house", but found that they couldn't squeeze in.

Because the number of people is limited to 50 people, there is still a queue.

'If that's the case, it's fun, isn't it...'

Chen Lun secretly laughed.

After a while.

He returned the silver snake ring of Dongyang and others, took off his hat and waved his hand.

White smoke rose, and the black hat was transformed into a small immobile hippopotamus by him.

Chen Lun sat down on the back of the little hippo, panting heavily, wiping sweat with a tired expression.

The rest of the players were taken aback by the magic at first, and then expressed their gratitude respectfully.

"Okay, the circus keepsake has been upgraded. In the future, everyone can use it to communicate with other members, and can also perform real-time activities in the 'lake house'..."

Chen Lun waved his hand.

"Thank you, Mr. Jack."

Dongyang took the lead in saluting.

Immediately, these players left with brand new silver snake rings, and only Polaris stayed behind.

"What's the matter, Polaris?"

Chen Lun asked aloud.

Polaris stepped forward, took out a book and handed it over.

"Teacher, I accidentally discovered this yesterday... the work of your enemy, the 'tragic writer' Howard."


Chen Lun took it in surprise.

He looked down and frowned.

Because the book cover is an image of a cartoon character, a very popular and common hero. The blond man is wearing armor and holding a sharp sword, and he is fighting a huge sea monster.

The title of the book is The Adventures of Philip!
Chen Lun resisted the strong urge to browse, took a deep breath, and first said to Polaris:

"Where did you find this book?"

"Teacher, this is a common children's book in bookstores. It is considered a fairy tale and is very popular with children..."

Polaris answered honestly.

Chen Lun frowned.

"I remember that Howard has been included in the 'Empire S-Class Wanted List' by the asylum, why is his book still circulating in the market...?Could it be his power that has invisible influence on mortals?Blinded asylum investigators? '

He raised his head, took out a [Snake's Hand] scroll, and said with a smile:

"Polaris, you did a good job. This book is very valuable... This is a reward for you. In addition, there are 50 contribution points."

A look of surprise appeared on Polaris' face.

He quickly received the task prompt from the panel, and the side task "Investigation" showed that he had completed it once, and the circus contribution points were also entered into his panel in time.

"Thank you, teacher!"

After he took the [Snake's Hand] scroll, he saluted respectfully.

"Okay, there are still clues about him in the future, please tell me in time... you should go back first."

Chen Lun waved his hand.

Seeing this, Polaris didn't stay any longer, and turned around and left after obediently responding.

Sitting alone in the courtyard, Chen Lun flipped through the "The Adventures of Philip" in his hand.

It may be because it belongs to the "children's book", the text inside is very large, and each page is equipped with cute cartoon illustrations.

The content of the story is not long. It roughly tells the journey of a brave man named "Philip" who travels around the world to kill monsters in order to save the world.

There are two places that caught Chen Lun's attention. One is the world in the story. The biggest crisis comes from the "dark world", which exists deep underground and is full of terrible monsters.

One day, these monsters will run back underground and rule the world.

The protagonist "Philip" once went to the dark world and killed the demon king there.

'This dark world... reminds me of the dark world that Arnold said, and according to Mr. Bottle, it actually exists in the second layer deep in the spiritual world, but in this fairy tale, it is in the deep underground? '

Chen Lun didn't know if it was true or if it was purely fabricated by Howard, but he always felt that there was some connection between the two.

The second thing that caught his attention was the protagonist Philip, who had a woman who loved him deeply, named Princess Mimi.

Chen Lun easily connected her with Maggie Milna.

But what surprised him was that the story did not have a happy ending.

On the contrary, it is a complete tragedy.

Although the protagonist Philip defeated the demon king of the dark world and saved the world, but because of his battle with sea monsters in the Far Eastern Ocean, his old injuries relapsed, and eventually he became a monster covered with fish scales.

In order not to let himself become the "new devil" who would harm the world, Philip committed suicide by the sea, fell into the abyss of the sea, and fell into eternal sleep.

Princess Mimi also chose to marry the prince of a neighboring country because she did not wait for her hero to return.

A strange expression appeared on Chen Lun's face.

What is the purpose of Howard doing this... He wrote such a fairy tale with Philip as the main character, which also explained some things in the mysterious field.

But those are specious, and there is a sense of absurdity in it. '

Chen Lun turned to the last page of "The Adventures of Philip". In the column of the author's introduction, there was nothing more than the words "Howard the Tragedy Writer".

The source of review and publication is a publishing house called "Arkham Books".

Looking at the name, Chen Lun was silent for a long time with deep eyes.

Two days later.

A handsome young gentleman was walking in a remote alley in the outer city. He lowered his head slightly, and his face was covered by a black hat.

The silver cane was stuck on the ground, and it made a rhythmic sound with its steps.

Not far in front of the gentleman is an industrial area that has stood here for decades.

This person is Chen Lun who came to investigate.

After two days of searching, he has found a result that surprised him through various channels. The "Arkham House" publishing house had gone bankrupt decades ago, and even the former company building of this publishing house had become a deserted building.

But there are still those brand-new fairy tales circulating in the market, which is a doubtful point.

Chen Lun came here according to the divination.

Someone is still secretly printing and delivering them to various bookstores.

Just as Chen Lun expected, the whole incident revealed something strange, hiding a profound and extraordinary power, which blinded the asylum's cognition, and made them ignore this fact directly and turn a blind eye to these publications.

'Just let me see who is still printing The Adventures of Philip. '

Chen Lun walked slowly through the streets.

Some children dressed in poor clothes and with dirty faces saw him, and timidly hid behind the door panels and piles of debris, watching him quietly, with awe in their eyes.

Not knowing if it was the parents of the children, some adults hurriedly dragged the children into the room, and after scolding a few words, they turned around and bent over Chen Lun, not daring to lift their heads.

Chen Lun wore an expensive black dress, a large and exquisite windbreaker, plus that flat top hat and silver cane, and he looked like a big shot in the inner city.

These low-level civilians in the outer city did not dare to offend, and even spoke in a much lower voice, for fear of causing Chen Lun's dissatisfaction.

Chen Lun didn't take a second look at them, but just threw out a few copper coins, which fell into the hands of a few cute children precisely, winked at them, and left with a smile.

"Thank you!"

A girl smiled brightly.

Chen Lun felt that it was very cost-effective to exchange a few copper coins for a smile.

After entering the industrial area on foot, he followed the guidance of the stick and went straight to an old factory building.

There was no one around, as if no work had been started here for a long time.

But his powerful perception told him that in a certain room on the second floor, there was still the faint sound of machine vibration.

Climbing up the rusty stairs, Chen Lun came to the second floor of the factory building. In a room at the end, he saw a room full of paper and ink, and seven or eight workers with numb expressions, working mechanically.

Those "The Adventures of Philip" that were still warm were piled up in the corner of the room like building blocks.The works in the bookstore in Amber City are circulated from here.

Even when they saw Chen Lun coming, those workers turned a blind eye and continued to do their own business in a sluggish manner without being affected in the slightest.

'These people...their destiny was tampered with, printed day after day, became their mission. '

Chen Lun's eyes were full of mist, and he saw through the essence of the workers.

He sighed secretly, turned and left.

Because Chen Lun already knew about it, he had nothing to do.

He can be sure that this is Howard's handwriting, but he has not yet been able to eliminate the influence on the workers, nor can he change their fate.

This is Howard's high-level power playing with fate. Although he can see it, he can't do anything about it.

'Maybe only with Howard dead can they get back to normal...'

Chen Lun thought again, maybe this is just a microcosm.

In other parts of the empire, there are probably countless similar workers who are constantly printing stories for Howard and circulating them to the market for the general public to read.

Then a thought appeared in his mind.

'This is most likely a mysterious ritual...Maybe the influence of the work can give him strength, or the emotions generated by the work can be absorbed by him...In short, Howard will not bother to do this kind of meaningless things. '

Chen Lun took a deep breath.

Through this time, he saw the leopard through the tube, and roughly saw the tip of the iceberg of the power of the high-ranking man.

'There is still a long way to go to defeat him... But at least, I will not let him make trouble under my nose. '

Chen Lun made up his mind.

After he returned to Jack's Manor, he directly wrote a letter and anonymously delivered the matter of "The Adventures of Philip" to the asylum, the Church of the Sun, and the Church of the Moon.

In fact, Chen Lun is also very clear in his heart that even if the authorities wiped out these reading materials in Amber City, they are still unable to do so in other parts of the empire.

But this is only the first step in the counterattack. Although the strength is small, it also swears his determination.

  And everyone's monthly pass, thank you very much, I have seen every one of them!
(End of this chapter)

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