Chapter 29 Outer City

"That rascal……"

Chen Lun thought deeply.

I have never heard the name of Alex in my previous life, he should be just an ordinary bard.But when he called out his pseudonym, he always felt something was wrong.

Looking back from the window of the carriage, there was no sign of Alex on the road.

"what happened to you?"

Feeling Chen Lun's emotions, Floyd asked aloud.

Chen Lun sat back and shook his head silently, and immediately added:
"Nothing, just met a strange guy."

Floy didn't ask any further questions, so she changed the subject:
"Are you arriving at your destination tomorrow?"

"Well... I will arrive in Amber City tomorrow."

Chen Lun didn't think about it anymore, the most urgent task right now was to find Dolly in Amber City, and obtain [High Sequence Flesh Faction Mysterious Substance] from him to maintain the pollution balance on Floyd's body.

By the way, while completing the third ring of the hidden mission, I hope to find [Philip's Legacy].

These are the boosts that can enhance his strength.

I have some expectations in my heart, and more of a prospect for the future——

Become strong and gain ground!
Be strong enough to reach a certain height before the 1.0 version beta players come.Only in this way can Chen Lun have enough sense of security.

Without the player-specific panel, he actually doesn't know if he can come back from the dead.Although I am an NPC, I still retain the ability to receive tasks and view item information...

But resurrection, a privilege only available to players, he dared not gamble on.

There is only one life.


amber city.

This metropolis in the eastern part of the empire is much more developed and prosperous than the small and backward place on the edge of Emerald Town, and it covers a much larger area.

According to the administrative division of the entire continent, one empire and three subsidiary kingdoms.

Not counting other small countries that have become their own kings, the Cuisul Empire has six states besides Tourmaline King City.

Each state has ten cities.

Each city is composed of the main city, seventy-two cities, and countless small towns.

Amber City is a relatively high-ranked metropolis among the seventy-two cities of Gemland Fossil City, famous for its culture, nature and art.

When the carriage gradually approached Amber City, the main road of the gravel road gradually turned into a neatly paved stone road.There are also square stone pillars and black iron street lights on both sides of the road.

Whenever night falls on these street lamps, a lamp holder will come to light the kerosene and keep them bright all night.

kick kick...

The carriage moved slowly.

The tall city wall in the distance became clearer, and the two sides leading to the city gate were densely packed with low bungalows.

"It smells like stewed beans..."

Floy lifted the curtain, sniffed it with her small nose, and said softly.

This taste is very familiar to Floyd, because she often ate it when she was a child.

Sitting in the carriage, Chen Lun could see many women wearing aprons and headscarves cooking and washing.They work at the door of their small house, and from time to time there are a few children playing around them, and then shuttle between the densely packed houses around them.

"Most of their men will go to work in the city during the day, and then go out of the city to go home after work."

Then Walsh, who was driving the carriage, spoke.

Chen Lun is also very clear about this, the civilians living here are all poor families who are not qualified to live in the city.

They are also an integral part of keeping Amber City running.

Among the people preparing to enter the city, there were not a few carriages.But more are passers-by with bags on their backs, and hawkers selling fresh fruits and vegetables in baskets.

Walsh showed the caravan certificate and the entry fee of 5 copper kro per person, and several imperial soldiers waved them away.

Passing through the long passage of the city gate, in the dark environment, Chen Lun could see the notices and arrest warrants plastered on the walls.But most of them were yellowed and damaged due to the scouring of time, and because no one cleaned them up, they kept stacking up, forming a thick backlog.

Soon, the noise from all around suddenly came to my ears.

Entering the city is truly entering Amber City. There are two worlds here and outside.

Carriages slowly passing by with bells ringing, newsboys running and selling cigarettes and newspapers, vendors setting up stalls in the huge square, and church monks preaching loudly.

Floy seemed very excited, constantly listening to the sounds of the new world.Only at this moment did she show the image of a girl at this age.

"Your Excellency Jack, the destination has arrived."

Walsh called out.

The carriage quickly stopped in front of a three-story building, which was the location of the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce in Amber City.But this is not the inner city area. Although there is another branch in the inner city area, Chen Lun only needs to stop here.

It wasn't that he didn't want to go to the inner city for activities, but that it belonged to the rich and powerful, and the law and order was quite strict.

With Chen Lun's current status as a black householder, plus there is still a Floyd who needs to be taken care of, it is difficult to move an inch there.

So he planned to settle down in the outer city first and make some plans for the time being.

"Thanks, Uncle Walsh."

Chen Lun got out of the carriage first, then turned around and held out his hand, but he suddenly remembered that Floyd was not really blind.

Just as she was about to withdraw her hand, Floy's little hand came up first.

Chen Lun was slightly taken aback.

Floyd gave him a sweet smile.

"Your Excellency Jack is really an admirable brother."

Walsh took off his round cap and held out his big hand.

"This entrustment to our Yinlong Chamber of Commerce has been successfully completed, and the cooperation is pleasant. I hope that I can share your worries with you next time."

"Pleasant to work with."

Chen Lun stretched out his other hand and shook it with him.

Walsh suddenly felt a little cold in his palm.

When he spread it out, he saw two shiny gold pounds.

"Your Excellency Jack, this..."

"It's a tip for everyone, a guard was injured for my brother and sister, I feel very guilty...

Well, goodbye, Uncle Walsh. "

Walsh looked up and saw that the young man had led Miss Floy away.

He couldn't help but feel that His Excellency Jack is really a generous gentleman.

I haven't paid yet.


The two walked a long way down the street.

Chen Lun originally wanted to let go of Floyd's hand, but failed.

Floy's little hand was tightly pulled, she leaned closer and whispered:

"Wouldn't it be remarkable to see a blind girl left alone?"

"Huh...? It seems to be the same."

So Chen Lun stopped worrying about this, and began to look at the surrounding environment to see where it was suitable to settle.

Soon he saw a notice of rental housing at the door of a flower shop.

Chen Lun led Floyd to stop in front of the notice, and noticed that there was an iron plate embedded in the wall.

Seven Denton Street.

After looking at the rental notice for a while, he looked through the glass window of the flower shop next to him and focused on a woman in the shop.

Across the pots of flowers of various colors, an elderly woman with gray hair is carefully taking care of the flowers in the store.

Tuk Tuk...

The glass was knocked twice.

The lady turned her head, showing a kind face.Although there are wrinkles on the face, traces of the former beauty can still be seen.

When she saw the young man holding the blind girl's hand, she smiled and waved, and mouth-shaped:

"Come in, boy."

(End of this chapter)

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