Chapter 293 Sin Sinks
Peacock City.

Eastern port.

Under the night, a huge cargo ship docked quietly at the pier, inconspicuous.

Dozens of men in blue denim vests and peaked caps were scattered in different locations in the area, smoking or chatting.From time to time, they raised their heads and glanced around, their eyes full of vigilance and scrutiny.

These are members of the Blue Sail Gang, who are being ordered to guard the outside of the freighter to prevent suspicious persons from approaching.

Although there are some power-and-money transactions between the high-level and the public security office, there is no need to worry too much about being inspected by the authorities, but the minimum precautions are still necessary. After all, the people who boarded the freighter to participate in the "treasure hunt" are all prominent figures.

If something goes wrong, the consequences are extremely serious.

At this time, a carriage came slowly.

Several men in blue vests strode forward and stopped it cautiously.And put his hands on the back waist, ready to pull out the flintlock gun at any time to deal with accidents.

The coachman seemed to be no stranger to this place. He skillfully took out a boat ticket and handed it to a blue vest below.

"There is no problem with the ferry ticket. May I ask which gentleman came to the 'Sea Treasure Hunt'?"

After the blue vest checked the ticket carefully, he handed it back to the coachman.

The coachman stuffed it back into the inner pocket of his suit and smiled faintly:
"Lord Hodgson Lord."

After finishing speaking, the curtain of the carriage was pulled away from the inside, revealing the face of a young man with a mustache.He grinned, casually threw a handful of silver cups out of the window, and said:
"Everyone has worked hard, this is a tip for you."

The blue vests were overjoyed, squatting on the ground to pick up the silver coins, and said:
"Good night, Your Excellency Baron Hodgson, I wish you a happy treasure hunt!"

They bowed respectfully and bowed their heads.

The curtain was lowered, the carriage continued to drive forward, and the rest of the blue vests returned to their "posts", continued to patrol, and lamented that the big man is rich.

The carriage finally stopped by the gangway of the freighter, and Baron Hodgson got out of the carriage alone, leaning on his black hat and sticking a silver cane, and boarded the freighter.

After the coachman watched the owner board the boat, he drove the carriage away.

It's just that there is Baron Hodgson in the compartment that no one saw!

He was being tied up and collapsed on the ground in embarrassment, and he had already fallen into a coma.A ball of stinky socks was stuffed in his mouth, but he didn't know if he would spit out the overnight meal after waking up.

Chen Lun walked straight into the cabin, and to his surprise, there were layers of cards inside. Fortunately, he had the illusion of [extreme beauty] appearance, and these ordinary people had no doubts at all.

After three rounds of inspection and verification, Chen Lun finally entered the huge restaurant area.

It's not like what a freighter should look like inside. The decoration is magnificent, and it's not an exaggeration to say that it is a luxurious palace.The marble round tables are fixed in order, and there are countless exquisite food and high-end wines on them. The gentlemen and ladies are chatting and laughing, pushing glasses and changing glasses.

Chen Lun found a remote corner and sat down to avoid encountering Baron Hodgson's acquaintances, then smiled and observed everything in the hall.

On the upper deck of the cabin, in a luxurious bedroom, Viscount Harrington and several leaders of the Black Knife Brotherhood were drinking. They were facing a huge one-way floor-to-ceiling glass, observing the high-class crowd in the dining room.

"Your Excellency the Viscount is indeed the uncrowned king of Peacock City. We have gathered enough goods in just a few days, and our treasure hunt can also be held as scheduled... This time, there seem to be a little more guests than before. Presumably, today's harvest will be even bigger." rich."

A thin man laughed.

He picked up a glass of red wine and motioned to Viscount Harrington.

"Hehe, I just hope that you don't lose the chain next time. It makes me work hard every time."

The Viscount smiled faintly, and also took a sip of the red wine.

"How about the little favor I asked you to do earlier?"

"There was a surprise."


Viscount Harrington frowned slightly, and handed the wine glass casually, and the tall and tightly wrapped bodyguard beside him took it.

"We sent over [-] Blue Sail gang thugs, and two brothers from the gang... But none of them came back, and they all died."

The skinny man said in a deep voice.

"The Viscount, the young man in your mouth is really not simple... He is definitely a transcendent, and he is not a fledgling little character."

Viscount Harrington was very annoyed by the news. He was silent for a few seconds, then raised his head and said to the person in charge of the Black Knife Brotherhood:

"I've already told you that he is very likely to be a superhuman... Forget it, it's useless to say this now. Since the enemy has already been established, the only way to avoid future troubles is to kill him. What are you going to do?"

"When the treasure hunt is over, I will ask the three 'black knives' from Peacock City to do it myself. It is because of them that the shelter dare not touch us easily..."

"That's fine."

"Please invite the next batch of 'treasures' to come on stage, ladies and gentlemen who want to dig treasures, you can start bidding!"

In the restaurant, the lively atmosphere has gradually reached its peak.

On the steps directly in front, a host in a suit and leather shoes was explaining enthusiastically. Several strong men in blue vests carried iron cages onto the stage.

These cages are filled with naked women, and they are placed on the stage like animals for people to taste.However, their heads, chests and abdomens were all wrapped in a simple white cloth, as if they did not intend to let the guests see the "truth" easily, thereby arousing their "thirst for knowledge".

Chen Lun sat in the corner, watching this scene with great interest.

"The population auction has also played well. I really admire the lower limit of these people..."

He looked away from the shivering women in the cage, looked at the black glass above, and showed a sneer.

Ladies and gentlemen present, the bidding began. They seemed to have taken off their usual disguises in the city, and turned into wild beasts at this moment, bloodthirsty in pursuit of "delicacy in the cage".

Chen Lun narrowed his eyes suddenly.

He received a mission prompt at this moment.

[Trigger B-level mission: Sin sinks! 】

Mission description: An auction for trafficking in women is being held on the "Sea Treasure Hunt", and countless high-ranking dignitaries are crazy about it. Behind all of this, there are crimes and atrocities.You can choose to block it, or ignore it.

Mission objective: investigate the behind-the-scenes of the "treasure hunt" and prevent the auction from proceeding.

Mission rewards: 20000 experience points, 50 gold pounds, and favorability with Peacock City Shelter. (This task contains hidden rewards)
"The shelter in Peacock City, as well as hidden rewards... It seems that there are more things behind this auction than I imagined." '

Chen Lun accepted the task, then slowly stood up, intending to turn around and leave the restaurant area.

'But it doesn't matter... Investigate who is behind the scenes?Block the auction?I don't see any need to...'

Just as he was walking to the door, a bald man with a beard suddenly came to meet him. The man was fat and his gentleman's attire looked a little funny on him.

The bald head looked at Chen Lun in surprise.

"Hey, Baron Hodgson, didn't we agree to come together? Why did you arrive first..."

"I'm so sorry, I just couldn't wait."

Chen Lun smiled and opened his arms.

The bearded and bald man laughed straight, showing a manly look, and hugged Chen Lun naturally.

Like a true friend, Chen Lun patted the other person's shoulder lightly, then pushed him away and left.

The bearded and bald man was taken aback for a moment, then he walked into the restaurant dully, and took a glass of spirits from a passing waiter.He took a few steps forward again, broke a candle on the dining table beside him, and lit the strong wine in the wine glass.

Then, under the terrified eyes of several gentlemen and ladies, they threw the wine glass forward fiercely.


The wine glass shattered, and the burning liquid flew across, setting the surrounding carpets and tablecloths on fire.The orange flames began to spread, and there was a clanging noise, followed by screams and shouts of terror.

Chen Lun completely ignored the chaos behind him, and went straight up the stairs to the upper floor.

A few blue vests were patrolling the corridor, smoking a cigarette while watching the night scene.Although they heard the intense noise, they didn't react at all. Obviously, they were used to such noise and didn't take it seriously.

But at this time, they found a gentleman walking slowly at the end of the corridor.

"Hey sir, may I help you?"

A blue vest asked respectfully.

"Help me go to the sea to see if there are any of your graves."

Chen Lun approached slowly and said softly.

Those blue vests froze suddenly, not knowing what the gentleman was talking about, and thought he was drunk.

next second.

call out!bang bang! !
The silver cane waved at will, and several blue vests were smashed on the spot, their jaws and necks were smashed, they jumped over the guardrail, and fell into the sea, making a few light plops.

"Sir, what are you doing?!"

Seeing this, several blue vests who were slightly behind immediately took out their flintlock guns and shouted sternly.

Chen Lun kept smiling and strode forward.

The blue vests gritted their teeth, ready to pull the trigger.

But the silver cane was faster than expected, directly smashing their wrist bones, and fell on their faces in the next second.

Bang bang bang!
The remaining few blue vests all fell into the sea, and there was no place to bury them, and the corridor was also emptied.

Chen Lun came directly to a pressure cabin door.

Before he could open the door, it was opened from the inside first.

A skinny man looked at him, looking extremely surprised, even stunned for a moment.But this person reacted very quickly. In the next second, he took out a sharp knife from his arms and stabbed at him.

pong! !

Just as the sharp knife was shot, a silver cane hit him hard on the forehead with lightning speed, making a loud noise.

The skinny man's body flew back into the room, lying on the ground like a puddle of mud.His head was deformed and distorted, and a huge pit was sunken in his head, and it was even split in two, with thick scarlet paste overflowing.

(End of this chapter)

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