Chapter 302 Robbery Acts
Four carriages drove all the way.

Starting from the Simon Museum in the center of Peacock City, head east along the Lingyu River. After crossing an arch bridge, turn south and drive out of the gate of Peacock City.

After crossing the Weilingzhi River through the long giant suspension bridge, he directly entered the main road in the suburbs, as if he was planning to go to the next city.

The four carriages formed a straight line and were not traveling fast.

When they passed through a field, the horses pulling the cart suddenly stopped uncontrollably, as if they were frightened, they kicked their hoofs in place and snorted extremely restlessly.

The coachmen were very surprised and puzzled, but no matter how much they shouted and shook the reins, the horses were unwilling to take even a step.

At this time, a group of more than a dozen people, including men and women, slowly walked out of the woods on both sides.

They are dressed like ordinary middle-class people, with dresses, hats, and long skirts. They look very reminiscent of rich people who go out for an outing, but their expressions are exactly the same indifferent.

"Gentlemen, what can I do for you?"

The coachman sat on the top of the carriage and asked the people who surrounded him suspiciously.

But the group of strange men and women did not answer.

A middle-aged man in the lead stared at the second carriage, smiled faintly and said:

"Mr. Tang Maren, I know you are in the carriage, why don't you come out and have a chat."

The two sides were silent for a few seconds.

The curtain of the second coach carriage was lifted from the inside.

A fat middle-aged man in a top hat and tuxedo walked out with a wooden cane.With a face full of frost and anger, he went straight to the group of strange men and women, and scolded:

"Osmond! You really are a bunch of damned flies, annoying people! What the hell are you trying to do?!"

"Hehe, Mr. Tang Maren, don't be so excited."

The leader named Osmond chuckled lightly.

"We only need three of the exhibits. It's not a big deal. They are only a small part of your countless collections, aren't they? And we don't take them for free, we will give you money .”

"It's ridiculous!"

Tang Ma En's palm was only holding a cane, and he slammed the ground hard.

"You have no sincerity at all. You want to buy my treasures for twenty gold pounds. Do you think I am short of money? Or do you think I am a beggar? You are humiliating me!"

He took a step forward without fear, and faced Osmond face to face.

"It's my freedom to give them all away, and you don't even want to get them!"

"Why is this necessary?"

Osmond still had an unscrupulous smile on his face.

He shook his head and raised his hand as a gesture.

"We don't want to do this either, who told you to be too stubborn...don't worry, we won't hurt you, just use those three things to do a little research."

The men behind Osmond immediately stepped forward and dragged the drivers of the four carriages down, then moved out the wooden boxes in the carriage one by one, pried them open and rummaged through the contents.

The coachmen were so frightened that they squatted on the ground trembling with their heads in their hands, not daring to resist.

The actions of these strange men and women are extremely rough, and they don't seem to care that those valuable antiques and famous paintings will be damaged.

"Stop! You bandits!"

Tang Maen yelled angrily, but no one listened to him.

In the end, he couldn't bear it any longer, and took out a delicate gold-encrusted flintlock gun from his waist, pointed at Osmond's face in front of him, and threatened:

"Tell your men to stop! Otherwise, I'll start a robbery!"

"Mr. Tang Maren, you should be clear that this kind of firearm has no deterrent effect on an extraordinary person."

Osmond turned a blind eye to the gun pointing at him, and said slowly with the corner of his mouth raised.

The blue veins on Tang Maen's forehead were exposed, he took a deep breath, and directly pulled the trigger.

A loud gunshot pierced the quiet countryside.

But the bullet was empty.

With great speed, Osmond dodged the bullet and appeared on Tang Maen's side, punching him in the abdomen, knocking him down.

Tang Maen let out a cry of pain, collapsed on the ground, clutched his stomach, and curled up into a ball.

", you bloody bandits! As a member of the Orthodox Church, but doing such a thing is no different from the beasts of the Red Apple Church!"

The fat middle-aged man retched twice, tears mixed with saliva, and he couldn't speak clearly.

Osmond, the vice-chairman of the History and Ceremony Association, stood quietly in front of Tang Maen, as if he didn't hear his curse, and focused all his attention on the men who were rummaging through the wooden boxes.

"Has the times really changed...Even the Orthodox Church no longer protects the world, but has become the persecutor...Empire! Cuisul Empire! Can it go back to the past...?"

Tang Maen was disheartened, and suddenly choked up and cried.

When he was a child, his grandfather told him that the Simon family was actually a member of the nobles hundreds of years ago, but they declined later and became merchants.

Tang Maen still remembers his grandfather's wry smile and helpless words at that time... The reason why the nobles are nobles is precisely because they made great contributions at the beginning of the empire, and they were the first batch of extraordinary people who followed the Sun King in battle.

At that time, almost every noble family had its own mysterious inheritance and could cultivate its own superhumans... But with the promulgation of the Sun King's decree, supernatural knowledge in the empire was wiped out and cut off.

Chaos and rebellion began to ignite in that era, and the independence of the United Kingdom of Anlong, tracing its roots, was also the reason.

Over time, the rule of the empire stabilized.

But for four thousand years, the nobles have gradually left the mysterious realm, leaving only the glory of their ancestors.Although there are still a small number of nobles who rely on their status and wealth to pursue mystery and seek transcendence, but there are even a few who can truly comprehend the true meaning from transcendent knowledge and be promoted to transcendence.

And most of them are just hovering in the low sequence.

The extraordinary knowledge of middle and high sequences has long been monopolized by the Orthodox Church.

What's more, the nobles were originally the group that the asylum and the Church of the Sun kept a close eye on. Once they were found to have supernatural beings, they would be suppressed immediately.

The management of various parts of the empire is under the responsibility of the local council and the public security office. Any dangerous incidents involving the mysterious field will be handed over to the imperial asylum and the church of the seven righteous gods for resolution and suppression.

In the beginning, everything was orderly, no matter nobles, wealthy businessmen or civilians, life safety and property could be guaranteed, and the empire was thriving.

However, the domineering style of the empire and the Church of the Sun left behind a lot of evils.

Four thousand years have passed, and chaos has begun everywhere, and order is developing into disorder. The seven churches of righteous gods, except the Church of the Sun, which is linked to the royal family, have all lost their original ideas and creeds, and began to let themselves go. The situation is no longer enough to suppress the entire empire, powerless.

The rebellion of the Red Apple Church, which caused turmoil in the empire, is the best example.

"Deputy Osmond, I found something."

At this time, two subordinates of the History and Ceremony Association, a man and a woman, walked up to the middle-aged man. The two ignored Tang Maren who was collapsed at his feet, and handed over the things in their hands.

A fragment of a stele, a parchment manuscript, and an ancient book.

"Well, well done."

Osmond smiled and praised.

But when he was about to take over the three collections, his expression suddenly changed.

The hairs all over his body stood up inexplicably, and a strong sense of crisis emerged spontaneously, as if he was in a world of ice and snow.


Osmond turned sharply and looked behind him.

A dozen subordinates quickly turned their eyes after hearing the violent shouting of the vice president.

Everyone saw a crooked figure covered in rusty black armor, walking slowly, dragging a terrifying silver broadsword in his hand, and the scarlet cloak behind him, hunting.

A fierce and tyrannical aura rushed towards us!

click, click...

The heavy greaves stepped on the ground, leaving footprints one by one.

"Passing by here, it seems that I found something interesting..."

A deep voice came from the dark cross hole in the knight's mask.

Osmond froze in place, his whole body stiff.

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead and back in the next second.

"Black... the knight of spades, Joke..."

A dry sound came from Osmond's throat.

As famous as the "Sword of the Ferry" Byers, the Obsidian Shuangqi, the S-rank wanted criminal of the Empire, once beheaded one of the twelve bishops of the Sun Church of the Sun Monastery, and an incarnation under the crown of Terrence, recently frequently destroyed the Red Devils. Apple Church Branch...

All kinds of terrifying names all point to this ferocious knight in front of him.

Osmond just wanted to escape from here now, he didn't want to waste a second, and he couldn't even summon up the courage to resist.

But he dared not act rashly.

He is afraid, he is afraid!

"Mr. Qiao Ke, what do you want?"

Osmond squeezed out a smile and asked aloud.

The dozen or so subordinates around him all showed shock and held their breath, not daring to make any noise.

Chen Lun stopped twenty meters away, slowly raised a hand, and pointed at the three things held in the hands of a man and a woman beside Osmond.

"Give me, live. Don't give me, all die."

His indifferent and deep voice, like a death sentence, was heard clearly by everyone present.

As a mid-sequence transcendent, Osmond's strong premonition told him that as long as he did some irrational behavior, his body would be separated in the next second, and the possibility of survival was almost zero!
He just felt creepy!

How did the Knight of Spades appear here? !
How could it be so terrible!
If there is a real fight, there is absolutely no possibility for our side to win...

"give him."

Osmond didn't dare to turn his head, lowered his eyes, stared at the ground in front of the Knight of Spades, and gave orders to his subordinates.

"Vice president?"

A man and a woman were a little confused and confirmed again.

"I said, give it to him!"

The sweat on Osmond's face had already begun to drip onto the ground.

Like a rusty machine, his neck was raised stiffly, with an expression that seemed to be pleading, begging:
"Mr. Qiao Ke, I offer things with both hands, please let us leave."


A man and a woman tensed up, took a step forward extremely nervously, put the three collections in their hands on the ground, and then slowly backed away.

Osmond raised his hand to signal.

This group of extraordinary people from the Association of History and Rituals started to retreat slowly in unison.

With a low smile, Chen Lun walked forward slowly, bent down to pick up the three collections, played with them a little, and confirmed that they were what he wanted.

Looking up again, Osmond and a dozen people have already taken steps to flee into the distance.

"Forgive me, I lied."

Chen Lun looked directly at the backs of the group of people.

"Give it to me, and you will all die... because I don't like you."

Tang Maen, who was lying on the ground, did not dare to move. He closed his eyes tightly, and he was startled when he heard the voice of this terrifying knight.

He mustered up the courage to open his eyes, but found that there was no one in front of him.

After getting up and looking around, he saw a terrible scene, and his expression was horrified.

With just one step, the knight crossed a long distance, behind Osmond and the others, and swung his sword in the air——

Just a sweep.

Osmond, together with several people around him, were all cut off at the waist.

Their expressions were still fixed on shock and fear.

(End of this chapter)

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