I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 318 The Cow of the Boss Template

Chapter 318 The Cow of the Boss Template

Chen Lun came back to Alex with a smile that was not a smile.

He sat on the original chairs of the two workers, and then looked at the corpses that had been decomposed into black dust on the ground.

'They mutated into monsters like fallen believers. Is it because of the jerky they ate just now?Beef cattle bred by Dolim, dried meat made after slaughter...'

Chen Lun thought to himself.

He popped out a card, cut off the rope on Alex's body, and asked:
"Why do you say you can't be caught?"

Alex stood up and moved his hands and feet, smiling awkwardly.

"Hey! I still have a lot of great things to do, how can I spend my life in prison?"

Chen Lun looked at him with meaningful eyes.

Alex then picked up the harmonica on the ground and patted the dust off his body.

"The great bard Alex, he has only completed half of his journey, so he can't just stay where he is... How about Jack, do you want to follow me around the world, when the time comes, your name will be recognized together with Alex The world proclaims it."

Alex's expression was very excited, and his tone was slightly fanatical.

Chen Lun directly ignored the other party's words.

The smile on his face also turned cold slightly, and the silver cane turned, and the spiral snake tail spike at the end stopped at Alex's throat.

"Why do you know my name? I don't seem to have told you... And you are not afraid of the monsters that the two workers just turned into. Why? Intuition tells me that you don't seem to be familiar with all of this. strangeness……"

Chen Lun asked lightly.

Alexis laughed dryly. He tried to raise his hand to remove the cane from his throat, but found that he couldn't move it at all, as if the silver cane in Chen Lun's hand was embedded in cement.

'This bard is obviously just an ordinary person, but it always gives me a feeling of incongruity... What secret is hidden in him? '

Chen Lun was secretly puzzled.

Seeing the indifferent expression on Chen Lun's face, Alex finally sighed, raised his hands, and said helplessly:

"Dream! It's a dream... told me, whether it's your name or anything else, I have seen it in my dream."


Chen Lun was a little surprised.

He thought of the "Dream Divination Method", but in fact, this is not a divination ability exclusive to the Fate Path. Paths such as stars, nature, and magic can also use dreams for divination, because sleep is inherently mysterious, and it is a very A good medium to use.

It’s just that he was surprised that, as an ordinary person, Alexis couldn’t find any traces related to mystery on his body, why he could obtain all kinds of predictions and guidance through dreams... Could it be because he was gifted, or possessed some kind of common sense? No particularity?
"Hey, Jack, let me tell you quietly... Actually, I already knew that there was a problem in this agricultural area. The farmer named 'Dolim' was involved with a cult called 'Chrysalis of the End' At the same time, they keep breeding beef cattle, but they also have a deeper purpose."

Alexis whispered with a mysterious face.

"This involves the Red Apple Church... Just to remind you, the Red Disaster will soon enter a critical stage, and it is also the most critical stage for the empire. Countless people may die in this disaster."

He shook his head with a look of emotion.

Chen Lun slowly retracted the cane that was stuck to Alex's throat, frowning slightly.

'This bard really knows something...just as he said, these are completely different from the memories of my previous life...Dolim is actually involved with the chrysalis of the end, and the big move of the Red Apple Church is also true. It shouldn't be so fast... How could the progress of the mainline be so much ahead of schedule? '

He stared at Alex again, and asked softly:

"Then let me ask you another question, what is the purpose of your coming here?"

Chen Lun looked directly into each other's eyes.

"Since you can accept the prediction of the dream, it can be regarded as the guidance of fate to a certain extent... I don't believe that you didn't see me in the dream."

Alex's expression suddenly became a little hesitant, he opened his mouth, and finally said:
"Well... I don't know either, but I always feel that I have to come here to meet you, Jack... and then remind you of some things, such as the picture I saw in my dream."

"You mean, you're actually waiting for me here on purpose...?"

Chen Lun frowned.

After thinking for a few seconds, Alex nodded hesitantly.

"It can be said that... Cough, but being discovered can only be regarded as an accident."

Chen Lun once again felt this familiar atmosphere. If we use clichéd words, it would be called "damn sense of fate" or some kind of "déjà vu sense of mission".It was as if Oscar had told him back then that the reason why Howard's incarnation died in the Awakening of Insects bookmark was because of his fate.

"Would you like to join my team, Alex."

Chen Lun suddenly sent out an invitation.

Alex was taken aback for a moment, then a proud look appeared on his face.

"Aha? Jack, are you inviting the great bard to join your little group?"

He waved his hands, laughed and said:

"Forget it, I don't want to mess with you, because I have more important things to do... If you choose to follow me, I will not refuse."

"It's not up to you."

Chen Lun said lightly.

Alexis was startled suddenly.


The next second, Chen Lun snapped his fingers.

The [Siren's Song] on his chest activated a hypnotic effect, directly controlling Alex, and then he grabbed the opponent by the back collar, and using the "cloud leap", he instantly appeared at the entrance of the main villa of the winery.

Soon, the three of Floyd and Golov all felt Chen Lun's undisguised aura, and walked out quickly.

Chen Lun threw Alex to their feet and said:
"Take a good look at this guy. He is a new member of our circus, named Alex... Apart from being good at dream divination, his only specialty may be bragging, so don't be fooled by his words."

The reason why Chen Lun chose to bring Alex back was actually because the other party had many mysteries that he couldn't see clearly, and it seemed to have a very important connection with him... But since he is just an ordinary person, it's easy to handle, just catch him and take it easy. Just observe.

"Jack! I don't like bragging! You slander me!"

Alexis let out a cry of pain, rubbed his buttocks, and shouted:
"And why did you arrest me?! Thanks to my good intentions, I risked my life to give you some important reminders...I didn't expect you to treat me like this!"

"I'm helping you too..."

Chen Lun glanced at him and said lightly:

"Didn't you see in your dream that you yourself would die in the agricultural garden?"


Alex showed a surprised look, and then his face changed.

"It's impossible, you're just lying to me, how could the great Alexis die in such a stinky corner... Even if I die, I will only die on the real big stage, a heroic sacrifice!"

Chen Lun looked at Alex quietly, as if observing the details of the other's expression.

He didn't lie, because through divination and spying, Chen Lun did see some of Alex's fate. If he didn't take him out of the agricultural garden, the other party would die within today.

But the strange thing is...

Although Alex will die tragically today, his future destiny has a long way to go!
Very weird.

"You don't seem to be afraid of death..."

Chen Lun suddenly said a word.

The chatter in Alex's mouth stopped immediately.

"Of course! How could the great Alexis be afraid of death...Hmph!"

He had a heroic look on his face.

Chen Lun suddenly smiled.

"That's not what I mean... What I mean is that you seem to be sure that you will not die, as if you have something to rely on. Well, you should understand that if a person has an immortal body, then his attitude towards the whole world It's all very casual... In fact, you look a lot like me now."

He looked at Alex's face.

"Actually, no matter how you pretend, you can't escape the manifestation of your subconscious mind."

"Jack...what the hell are you talking about?"

Alex showed a puzzled expression, which didn't look like a fake.Froy and the others were beside them, and they seemed to be unable to understand Chen Lun's words.

'Am I mistaken? '

Chen Lun stared at Alex for several seconds, then smiled.

"It's nothing."

He told Floyd again, let her lead Golov and others, keep an eye on Alex, and don't let him run away... Treat him as a member of the team, eat and drink, but can't Let it run wild.

Amidst the promises of Froy and others, and Alex's unwilling yelling, Chen Lun performed "Leaping Through the Clouds" again, left the winery, and returned to the agricultural area in the western suburbs.

He still has one important matter that he hasn't investigated clearly.

That is Dorim, whether he is the farmer he is looking for, and whether there is a third chance for the other party... As for what Alex reminded, the plot of the Chrysalis of the End and the Church of the Red Apple, he instead Didn't care that much.

This time, Chen Lun went straight to the beef cattle breeding area where Duolimu was.

Surprisingly, this place is isolated by barbed wire fences and fences on three floors inside and three outside. Ordinary people can't get in at all, and they can't find out what's inside.If you try to break in, you will encounter several teams of security guards with guns. They are sternly warned that this is a confidential forbidden area in the Jit agricultural area, and they have the right to kill illegal intruders on the spot.

But for Chen Lun, this is not a problem at all.

With an instant movement, he passed through layers of protection and entered the inner area.

The first thing that catches the eye is a male cow locked in a closed glass pavilion. Like a king, it rides on another female cow and performs breeding activities.

On the side, dozens of cows are lining up outside the glass pavilion.

What is just horrifying is that the eyes of the bull cow were filled with pitch black, like the eyes of a devil, unable to see any color.And on its head, there are goat-like horns that bend backwards.

After Chen Lun saw this scene, his pupils shrank, and his gaze unconsciously fixed on the male cow, because he felt very familiar with it.

Peeping life is cast directly on the male cow, and the prompt on the panel that pops up in the next second is:
[Target Name: Antonio! 】

[Identity: Extraordinary creature! (Continuing to be polluted)]

[Template: Leader! 】

'Sure enough it is...'

Chen Lun suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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