I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 322 New Members and Features

Chapter 322 New Members and Features

"Mr. Jack!"

Antonio suddenly yelled.

Chen Lun followed the prestige, and saw that the cow walked upright on two hind legs like a human, and then the skin of the whole body was tightened, and the muscles bulged out, full of explosive power.

"After taking what you called 'sin blood', I feel great, and I can even initially borrow the power of the bad guys in my body!"

Antonio spoke cheerfully, and raised his left foreleg again. Under Chen Lun's surprised eyes, it slowly twisted and grew, and turned into an extremely strong human arm covered with black and white stripes.

The five fingers moved dexterously, and a jade-like bone sword edge grew out of the palm.

"Hehehehe... hum!"

Antonio smiled, and with a wave of his hand, his left arm with a white bone sword directly cut through the tamped concrete wall, and countless broken red bricks collapsed, exposing the dazzling sunlight outside.

"Sunshine! Fresh air and the smell of grass! Antonio is happy!"

Its emotions seemed inexplicably excited, and it kept slashing the wall of the passage with the bone sword, as if venting its anger, destroying it extremely thoroughly.At the same time, Chen Lun actually saw a shadow of superb swordsmanship from Antonio's movements.

This made him suddenly understand one thing.

"Antonio has begun to gradually master the power of the Holy Sword of Blasphemy, and even comprehended swordsmanship by himself... It may be possible to resist the pollution by pure will, but it cannot completely remove it. The power of the sword, but also tortured. '

Looking at the weird scene in front of him, Chen Lun was deeply moved.

The muscular cow that walks upright wields a sword of bones, wantonly destroying the passageway of the cage that humans built for it.

"The Antonio I knew in the previous life went to the Kingdom of Beelzebub alone and tried his best to slaughter the Rose Royal Family... It is very likely that it has a tendency to self-destruct, hoping to complete liberation while taking revenge. '

Chen Lun looked at the empty crystal cup in his hand.

"The blood of sin... is not so much helping Antonio resist pollution, but rather helping him quickly grasp the power of the Holy Sword of Blasphemy without obvious side effects. '

[Completed the A-level serial mission: Sword Fighter!The second ring! 】

[Task rewards: 100000 experience points, 200 gold pounds, and Antonio's favorability! 】

[Antonio's affection for you has increased!Currently for close! 】

A prompt box popped up to complete the task, and Chen Lun happily accepted the reward.

What follows is the last mission!

[Trigger A-level chain mission: Sword Fighter!The third ring! 】

Mission description: The holy sword in Antonio's body contains extremely powerful pollution and obsession, and a higher concentration of sinful blood is needed to completely remove it.

Its destiny has been doomed from the beginning, and that is sword fighting!
Only fighting swords can hold a sword!
Objective of the mission: the third ring - find the blood diamond, and help Antonio fully grasp the power of the holy sword.

Mission rewards: 200000 experience points, 400 gold pounds and Antonio's favorability.

'Blood diamond... high concentration of sin blood? '

After Chen Lun took over the task, he took a deep breath.

He felt that he had one more goal.


Chen Lun called softly.

When the muscular cow heard the call, it immediately stopped its violent activities, turned around and walked back.Immediately, the changes on his body were released, and he returned to his normal cow form, standing on all fours in front of Chen Lun.

"What's the matter, Mr. Jack?"

In its dark eyes, the excitement of being free still remains.

"What are your plans for the future?"

Chen Lun pulled up his black hat, wielded a silver cane, and asked straight to the point.

"The plan, of course, is to go back to the past..."

Antonio suddenly fell into confusion.

It originally wanted to talk about returning to its former homeland, but since it awakened its intelligence, all its memories are only the darkened warehouse and the glass pavilion in front of it.

Where is there any previous homes.

If there was, it was just another farm fence.

"So it's not freedom, it's just that the fence is too wide, with no end in sight, and the ignorant Antonio mistook it for freedom... And those same kind, they are too stupid, Antonio doesn't want to live with them."

Antonio muttered in a low mood.

"Antonio just wants to graze freely on the grassland, bask in the sun, and walk with the wind... What's the plan? Mr. Jack."

It lifted the bull's head, leaned close to Chen Lun, and rubbed his arm.

"It would be better if Mr. Jack would like to come with me."

Chen Lun smiled and patted Antonio's head as a sign of comfort.

Although the other party has a leader template, and after initially mastering the power of the Holy Sword of Blasphemy, his strength is comparable to that of a senior mid-sequence transcendent... But in fact, his mind is still very immature, probably comparable to Noah.

"Would you like to come with me, Antonio."

Chen Lun said softly.

"My house is quite big, with a large grassland. You can sleep directly when you are tired from playing."

"Really? Mr. Jack! In this case, Antonio chooses to go with you!"

Antonio looked very happy, and hummed and sang again in a song that only he knew.

Chen Lun was also in a good mood when he saw another general join his ranks.

He took Antonio out of the ruins and went outside. One man and one cow stood under the sun, feeling the cool breeze.It's just that Chen Lun still couldn't figure out why the Holy Sword of Blasphemy appeared in Antonio's body.

"Perhaps something happened inside the Red Apple Church that I don't know about..."

After a little guesswork, he put this question to the bottom of his heart.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand to stick to Antonio's body, and performed "Cloud Leap", and one person and one cow immediately disappeared in place.

After returning to the winery.

Everyone in the circus gathered around Antonio, obviously surprised by this new member.

"Mr. Jack, it... will it be our companion in the future?"

Connie covered her small mouth and asked in disbelief.


Antonio felt that he had been questioned, and suddenly got a little angry, and stood up like a human being, scaring Connie back again and again.

Golov, Barton, and Morey stood in front of Connie in a very gentlemanly manner, and confronted the "crazy" cow with their heads up.Their expressions were stern, but their foreheads began to sweat, because they could clearly feel a strong threat from the cow in front of them.

It sounds ridiculous, but it is the truth.

"Okay, Antonio, Connie is not malicious, they will be your companions from now on, you have to learn to control yourself... just like you control the bad guys in your body."

Chen Lun patted Antonio on the back and said funny.

"Yes, Mr. Jack."

Antonio seemed to only listen to Chen Lun's words, nodded obediently, bent down slowly, and landed on all fours again.

But others couldn't understand what it said, they could only hear the mooing of the cow.

The communication between Chen Lun and Antonio has always been in animal language, so the other circus members just feel confused.

"Since you have initially mastered the power of the bad guys, you should be able to freely control your own body and simulate human vocal organs... Then you will be able to communicate with everyone in human language in the future."

Chen Lun continued.

After Antonio heard this, he waved his ears reluctantly to show his consent, and then there was a squirm in the lower part of his throat, and he stuttered and said to everyone:


Connie, Golov, Barton and Morey exclaimed.

Noah, Maggie, and Alex were also surprised, while Floyd kept smiling and stood quietly aside.

"Hi Antonio, my name is Noah, nice to meet you!"

Noah adjusted the round-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, stepped forward shyly and stretched out his hand.

Unexpectedly, the cow tilted its head and glanced at Chen Lun first. After seeing his gesture, it stretched out its forelegs and shook Noah's hand politely.

"Hey, my name is Maggie, I like you very much, Antonio..."

Maggie leaned forward all of a sudden, and clasped her hands tightly on the cow's body. If it weren't for the saliva flowing from her mouth, her attitude might have been more sincere.

"I don't...don't like female humans, you go away."

Antonio shook his head and directly pushed Maggie away.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help laughing.

There is a cheerful air all around.

That night.

It was only then that Chen Lun remembered that Antonio was a mutated supernatural creature, so he tried to use "animal imitation" on it. He didn't expect to get any good results, but unexpectedly obtained a powerful supernatural creature characteristic from it .

[You have used the skill "Animal imitation LVMAX+5"! 】

[You learned from the extraordinary creature "Antonio" and imitated its characteristic - "indefatigable"! 】

The effect of "Indefatigable", as the name suggests, is to increase the upper limit of physical strength, greatly increase the speed of physical strength recovery, and increase the stamina attribute point.

This effect is very strong. It fully increased Chen Lun's stamina by 10 points and the upper limit of his physical strength by 1000 points.And because stamina affects stamina, an additional 100 points of stamina are increased.

Now Chen Lun's highest basic attribute is stamina, 132 points.

And his upper limit of stamina has also become 2600 points.

'No wonder Antonio kept sowing seeds every day without obvious tiredness. It turned out to be naturally durable... At that time, I deliberately coaxed the cow to talk to me, and it seemed that I was a clown. '

Chen Lun shook his head with emotion.

"The ten extraordinary biological characteristics have finally been collected. I don't know the effect of the new version of ten in one... But before that, I can increase the number of black crystal craftsmen." '

[Hope Workshop] The upper limit of the number of black crystal craftsmen produced by the [Hope Workshop] is linked to the physical strength value, and every [-] points of physical strength can support one craftsman doll.Now Chen Lun can turn the original fourteen into twenty-six!
Just do it.

He went to the warehouse area of ​​the winery overnight and worked in it alone.

Until dawn, the sun rises.

The newly born twelve black crystal artisan puppets are shining brightly in the morning light.

(End of this chapter)

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