Chapter 326 Charity Dinner
Two days later in the evening.

Chen Lun was looking at his clothes in front of the full-length mirror in the corner of the room.

In the mirror, the extremely handsome young man was wearing a high-end black suede dress, a brand new top hat, a clean white lining, a red bow tie, one black and one brown leather gloves, and shiny leather shoes...Chen Lun stood upright with a silver walking stick He took off his hat and nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, I feel that I am a little too handsome now... It's a pity you can't see it, Floyd, otherwise you will be fascinated."

he said jokingly.

Floy was standing quietly behind him, covering her small mouth with a chuckle.

"Although I can't see it, I agree with your point of view."

She blushed and whispered.

Chen Lun turned around and admired Floyd's appearance up and down.

Because Floyd had been informed in advance that he would bring her to tonight's charity dinner, Floyd specially prepared a dress for the past two days.

She was wearing a black one-piece dress, but she didn't follow the trend of putting bustles inside. According to her, she just didn't like the bloated feeling.

The skirt is covered with multiple layers of petal-shaped folds, and there are fine and shiny purple gemstones at the waist and vest, and the short black felt cloak that Chen Lun once gave her was worn on the outside, and black suede is worn on a pair of small hands. Leather gloves, light golden long hair coiled up for the first time, a small black top hat worn at an angle, with a purple chrysanthemum pinned to it, the overall appearance is extremely beautiful.

And it fits well with Chen Lun's dress.

"It's almost time, let's go."

Chen Lun secretly admired Floyd's appearance, and said softly.

Floyd seemed to feel his admiring gaze, and was very happy in her heart. With a hum, she took the initiative to take a step forward and took Chen Lun's arm.

The two arrived at an auction venue in the city center in a carriage driven by Golov.

This place was originally the property of the Harrington family. After some decoration, it was used as the venue for today's charity dinner.Numerous carriages were parked by the guardrail outside the bronze gate, and a dozen clean and tidy male servants in uniform red vests were busily arranging and receiving them.

Many noble and wealthy businessmen from Peacock City came tonight. It can be said that the Harrington family and the Simon family have strong appeal, and it can also be said that the preferential policies given by the parliament are quite attractive.

All in all, these great figures showed up with great dignity.

Chen Lun took Floyd and walked in unhurriedly. As soon as he entered the gate, he saw Mr. Hoyle and Miss Tracy greeted him personally at the side of the passage.All the guests who arrived earlier were amazed by the enthusiasm of the two, and were even a little flattered. After all, these are the two most powerful families in Peacock City.

But all the guests didn't know that the person Hoyle and Tracy were really waiting for was the young gentleman in front of them.

"Welcome aboard, Mr. Jack."

"And this beautiful Miss Floyd."

The two warmly greeted Chen Lun and Floyd. After shaking hands, Hoyle walked in the front and led Chen Lun and Floyd inside.

He also reminded in a low voice:
"Tonight's charity dinner is highly valued by the higher-ups. Not only did seven or eight congressmen come, but even the asylum, the Madman School, and the Hailing Regiment sent people to come."

Chen Lun's eyes froze.

"The shelter and the Orthodox Church have also come... It seems that the living conditions of the low-level civilians are already so bad that even the official superpowers can't sit still. '

He and Froy were led to an independent luxury box on the second floor, from which they could see the auction stage below through the single-sided floor-to-ceiling windows, and the sound could also be transmitted through the sound transmission device and the speaker on the ceiling of the box. .

At this moment, many distinguished guests have already arrived and seated, and the young and beautiful waiters walked around the round tables with trays, putting down the food and red wine for the dinner.They can more or less receive "tips" from these big shots, which are said to be tips, but they are definitely several times or even ten times more than their usual weekly salary, which makes the waitresses devote more to the work at hand. Enthusiasm, even turning a blind eye to the slightly offensive gestures of some distinguished guests.

After Hoyle and Tracy delivered Chen Lun and Floyd to the box, they exchanged a few words and then left.

In the box at the moment, only Chen Lun and Floyd were left.

Chen Lun asked Floyd to sit on the sofa to rest, and he poured her a glass of red wine in a very gentlemanly manner.

"Please, beautiful lady."

He shook the goblet lightly, then handed it to Floyd.

The latter took it with a smile, and said in a pleasant voice:

"Thank you, sir."

Chen Lun also poured himself a glass of red wine. Although he didn't like drinking, he didn't want to spoil the atmosphere at this time, so he lightly clinked glasses with Floyd.


The two took a sip and smiled at each other.

Soon, the charity dinner began. Hoyle and Tracy invited an experienced host to start auctioning collections or personal belongings donated by nobles and wealthy businessmen according to the procedure.

This is a charity auction, so the auction items are not of high value, but these nobles and wealthy businessmen still bid for face, and to a certain extent, they can be regarded as good relations with people in the circle.

For example, the first lot is an ivory dressing box of a noble lady, its actual value may only be tens of gold pounds, but another wealthy businessman will spend hundreds of gold pounds to take it, saying that his wife admires it very much This noble lady admired her taste very much.

In this way, the connection between nobles and wealthy businessmen was created by this trivial matter.

Chen Lun didn't spend too much energy on these auctions, and he didn't even want to take a look at them... He was willing to come this time, one is to give Hoyle and Tracy face, and the other is to donate a little gold pounds.

Although he is a time traveler and a transcendent, he still has a little sympathy for the miserable civilians in this other world. He will not do some acts of the Virgin that harm his own interests, but he is willing to contribute a little within his ability.

This is Chen Lun's bottom line, and also the humanity he sticks to.

At this time.

Chen Lun hooked his hand slightly, and his index finger fell off by itself, turning into a small snake the size of an earthworm, and crawled out of the box.

Noticing Floyd's slightly puzzled expression, he explained with a smile:
"Next door is a large box, and people from the local shelter and the two Fangzheng Churches are in it..."

Floyd nodded knowingly.

Chen Lun intends to listen to the corner to see what the official people mean.

When the little snake got into the box next door through the crack of the door, it quickly hid under the dining car at the door.Through the general knowledge of the five senses, Chen Lun shared the senses of the little snake and saw the scene inside clearly.

In the luxuriously decorated large box, next to the expensive and exquisite coffee table, there were three long sofas. Four people came from the shelter. They are a deputy team leader and two senior investigators.

There are only three members of the Madman School, two men and one woman, who look quite old, with half-white hair, wearing a light blue robe, and have a strong bookish atmosphere. They are silent and rest their eyes with their eyes closed.

There are five members of the Hailing Regiment, wearing dark green uniform sleeveless uniforms, with a pendant with closed eyes hanging on their chests.

"I'm very glad that you Hailing group can participate in such an event together, Mobus."

The leader of the shelter, Amos, raised his glass.

The middle-aged rough man called "Mobus" is the dean of the Hailing Regiment, equivalent to the bishops of other churches. He smiled generously and returned a glass of wine.

"It's nothing. After all, I'm new here, and I can get a preliminary understanding of the situation in Peacock City through these daily gatherings."

The two chatted a few more words at the charity dinner, and the three members of the Madman School did not make a sound during the whole process.

At this time, the leader of the shelter, Amos, pondered for a while, and tentatively said:
"Well, it may be a bit abrupt to say that, but I would like to ask if the Hailing Regiment can melt the ice in the eastern seaport, so that the port can resume operations and the plight of the entire Peacock City will be resolved."


Mobus laughed, and he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"At the beginning we took over from the History and Ceremony Association and were assigned to Peacock City, which was also the meaning of the high-level empire... because this is a port city, isn't it? Our Hailing regiment is best at this field."

After hearing this, Amos' eyes lit up.

Everyone in the shelter around him also smiled.

But Mobus suddenly sighed and said in embarrassment:

"But such a large area of ​​ice is somewhat beyond my expectations... I need some time to report this matter and get support from high-level officials."


Amos frowned.

If it continues to drag on, the situation in Peacock City will only get worse. He has every reason to believe that the Hailing Group is not incapable of solving the ice problem in the port, but simply unwilling.

Perhaps because the price to be paid was too great, the other party chose to stand by and watch after weighing the pros and cons.

The reason why Amos thinks this way is entirely because most of today's Orthodox Churches have long since lost their previous creeds, and have turned a blind eye to the "Oath of the Seven Gods" and become extremely selfish.

If not, why hasn't the turmoil caused by the Red Apple Church been resolved?
It is these Orthodox churches that only talk but don't do anything. They are eloquent and righteous at the Supreme Conference.

"Their energies are now devoted to the election of the Orthodox Church..."

At this moment, the female elder from the Madman School spoke up.

"The Church of the Seven Great Gods, those lunatics from Red Apple were kicked out of the seat, and I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at the vacant seat..."

Amos suddenly realized.

The other three members of the shelter also looked at each other in blank dismay.

The five members of the Hailing regiment did not make a statement after listening, and Mobus, the leader, even smiled.

But Amos had already believed the Madmen's school of thought.

Chen Lun, who was separated by a soundproof wall, suddenly frowned, thinking of something.

"The election of the Orthodox Church...has this matter been brought forward? '

He immediately thought of a very important event and fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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