I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 329 The Circus Makes its Official Debut - Part XNUMX

Chapter 329 The Circus Makes its Official Debut - Part [-]

Chen Lun did not expect that after Mengna was transferred from Amber City to the Imperial City, she would push him and recommend him to the Imperial Jury...

The Imperial Inquisition can be regarded as the highest-level extraordinary law enforcement organization in the asylum. There are a large number of elites in it. The selection requirements are at least the captain of the executioner team, the top combat power of various branches, or the extraordinary officers of the empire.

Its leaders are the nine presiding judges, the first-class ones.

However, Chen Lun had never heard of a precedent for recruiting members from outside. This is a military organization that only belongs to the Sun Royal Family, so it is extremely harsh on the background of its members.

He secretly guessed that the reason why he was able to be included in the investigation list was not only because he had saved Mona's life, but also because of her gratitude and appreciation for defeating the Red Apple Church's conspiracy several times in the past, but also because it was the official The node where the struggle between the internal "conservatives" and "radicals" is the most intense.

Perhaps the conservatives urgently need the intervention of an "outsider" to break the precedent and prove their idea is correct, that is, "incorporation and wooing" is more conducive to the stability of the empire.

'So, this should be a critical time for me...'

Chen Lun made guesses and comments on this.

Perhaps in the eyes of conservatives like Mona Yamos, letting Chen Lun join the Imperial Jury is a mutually beneficial and win-win matter, but he does not have a strong desire for it.

Because such a high-standard extraordinary organization is subject to many rules and restrictions, it obeys the orders of the Sun Royal Family and the nine chief judges.In contrast, Chen Lun is more inclined to push the Murder Club to become the new Orthodox Church.

At that time, I will change myself and become the middle and high level of the Orthodox Church, and I will be more free.

Moreover, the matter of the Imperial Jury has not yet been written off, and Chen Lun is only on the candidate list for nomination, so he does not have any hope.

"Thank you very much for Miss Mona's appreciation, and Mr. Amos for your attention...I can only say that I will do my best. It just so happens that I am going to lead a team to participate in the suppression of the Red Apple Church during this time."

Chen Lun was holding a silver cane, and his tone was very humble.

Amos smiled instantly, very pleased with his attitude.

"Since this is the case, that would be great. The empire is facing a red disaster. If Mr. Jack can wipe out the power of the Red Apple Church as much as possible, the higher-ups will have a better impression of you, and the chances of joining the imperial jury will be better." It will be much bigger."

He held out his hand again and said:
"Thank you very much for your reply. I think that the Imperial Tribunal will soon have another competent person, Mr. Jack."

"It's nothing, as a citizen of the empire, I also want to contribute to the stability."

Chen Lun shook hands with him and said politely.

"Then I won't bother you too much, Mr. Jack, if you need anything, you can come to the building at No. [-] Teminglai Street in the city center, where the Peacock City Asylum is located."

"Yes, Mr. Amos."

The two parted and bid farewell. Amos put on his hat and turned to leave.

Chen Lun looked at his back, but he was thinking about how the shelter would react if he knew that he was the "S-rank wanted criminal Qiao Ke".

He smiled and shook his head.

"Even if you know it, it doesn't matter. The main reason why Qiao Ke was wanted was because he killed an incarnation of Terrence from the Church of the Sun. Other than that, he had no bad deeds... The shelter has always been dissatisfied with the Church of the Sun. They Most likely won't hate me for it. '

Chen Lun also stepped forward and walked towards the carriage.

'Furthermore, with Qiao Ke's identity, he is a member of the Gold Cup of the Murder Club, and he is now in an important period of contention for the seat of the Orthodox Church. It is impossible for the authorities to take action against me... unless I fail in the end, then I will be in danger. '


After Chen Lun took Floyd back to the winery in a carriage, he immediately called a meeting.

He told everyone about his plans and decisions.

"It turns out that Mr. Jack is still the Gold Cup Killer of the Murder Club?!"

Noah said in surprise.

As the young owner of the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce, he has a lot of knowledge about things in the mysterious field. He knows exactly what kind of organization this is, and he understands how high the level of the Golden Cup Killer is.

In the living room, most of the expressions on the faces of the people were very surprised.

Only Alex looked disinterested, Connie looked puzzled, and Antonio hummed a melody that only he could understand.

Chen Lun touched Noah's head with a smile, and then said to everyone:
"This is a rare opportunity, and it is also the real debut of the circus...Don't worry about the rest, I will take care of it. You just need to help wipe out the extraordinary combat power of the Red Apple Church. If it succeeds in the end, then We will all benefit greatly.”

"Don't worry, Captain, we won't hold you back!"

Golov was the first to express his opinion, and said with a serious expression.

The same is true for Patton and Morey on the side.

Noah and Maggie are a little excited. This may be the first time they have fought side by side with the regiment leader after being promoted to the middle sequence, and they are full of expectations.

Floy smiled and remained silent.

But the movement of her quietly standing behind Chen Lun has already revealed her unwavering attitude.

"Antonio doesn't like killing..."

The cow stopped singing and suddenly turned to look at the crowd.

It shook the bull's head and continued:
"But Antonio hates the Red Apple Church and is willing to help Mr. Jack."

"Thank you, Anton."

Chen Lun smiled at it and revealed its nickname.

This made the cow very happy, and said thank you again and again, and repeated the nickname.

"Anton, Anton...it sounds so nice."

Two days later.

A huge carriage was slowly driving in a city in a red-stricken area in Yanbang.

On the outside of the carriage, there is a large black "J" letter printed and surrounded by four cards of different suits. This is the team logo painted by Noah himself.


The wheels tied with thick rope rolled on the icy road, making a rhythmic sound.

After the ravages of the Red Apple Church, the street has long been dilapidated, with garbage and dirt piled up, hardened by the severe cold, many street lamps have been broken and collapsed, and it seems that no one has cleaned them for a long time.

The windows of the residential buildings were almost all nailed to death with wooden boards, only a few were damaged, and the cold wind blew in, indicating that the people inside either died or fled.

The huge carriage came to a stop in front of a temporary isolation zone made of stones and wooden piles. Soon, a group of guards surrounded the carriage and looked at the carriage vigilantly.

The leading guard squad leader was about to question him, but was stopped by a few tall men behind him.

"Lord Odyssey."

When the captain saw the person coming, he immediately saluted respectfully.

Odiman is the leader of the shelter in this red-stricken city. He led the investigators to fight and fight in the first moment of the Red Apple Church's rebellion, and organized manpower to maintain order. He was respected and supported by everyone.

"Excuse me, who are you? This place has been blocked, and entry and exit are temporarily prohibited."

Odimon has the same beard as Golov, but this man is more rugged.

He seemed to recognize the logo on the carriage, but he was not sure, so he asked the carriage in a deep voice.

A few seconds later, everyone saw the carriage door open, and a blind woman in a long black dress walked down slowly.

She didn't wear shoes, and she stepped on the cold ground with her bare feet. Her long pale golden hair was blown up by the cold wind, flying in the air like fairy silk, presenting a noble and mysterious beauty.Almost all the guards were attracted by her beauty, and were surprised that she was only wearing thin clothes in such a low temperature environment.

I saw the blind girl in the black dress come to Odimant, showing a certificate of extraordinary power.

After Odimang looked at it carefully, his pupils shrank slightly, and he secretly said that it was true.

"It turned out to be Mr. Jack Speight's team."

He stretched out his hand to signal, and the surrounding guards immediately put down their weapons and returned to the team.

Immediately afterwards, Odimon asked again:

"May I ask what is the important thing for you to come here? The red plague is spreading, the isolation zone is full of fallen believers, and there are even extraordinary monks from the Red Apple Church wanton killing people... If it is not necessary, please don't go in."

"Master Jack's purpose is very simple, that is..."

The blind girl in the black dress spoke slowly.

"The Church of the Hunt."

The ethereal and emotionless voice spread, and the members of the shelter headed by Odimon, as well as the many guards around, were startled.

Church of the Hunt?which church?
Could it be the Red Apple Church inside? !
The terrible red disaster that ordinary people can't avoid, they came here for it? !
The blind girl in the black skirt continued:

"This is the first stop of Jack's Circus, and then they will travel through the red-stricken areas of Yanbang Ten Cities, eradicating the Red Apple Church one by one... Please open the passage, sir."

Odimon took a deep look at her, but without much hesitation, he directly ordered his subordinates to remove the obstacle.

It wasn't until the giant carriage slowly drove into the isolation area and disappeared from everyone's sight that the senior investigator on the side asked:
"Leader, just let them in like this, will it be okay?"

Odimon laughed lightly in relief, and slapped his subordinate hard on the shoulder, causing the other party to cry out in pain.

"What do you know, kid!"

He took a deep breath, thinking of the information passed down from the upper echelons during this period, the information about Jack Speight... The new round of selection by the Imperial Jury is coming soon, and this extraordinary person has attracted much attention.

Odimon naturally knew the past deeds of this person, and thus gave birth to a glimmer of hope.

In the past two months, the originally bustling city has become a mess, countless civilians have died tragically, and the other two Orthodox churches have not worked hard, and they have been watching from the sidelines. Only I lead the shelter to fight wits and bravely with the Red Apple Church, but I am also physically and mentally exhausted .

"Perhaps his arrival will be a redemption."

Odimon sighed softly, full of anticipation in his heart.

The Red Apple Church is so powerful that even the head of the shelter feels powerless.

After hearing the team leader's soft emotion, the subordinates around Odimon felt a strange emotion. Can the Red Apple Church, which even the shelter can't compete with, be solved by the people in the carriage? !

Who are they? !
(End of this chapter)

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