Chapter 334
Coleridge and Tobyn saw the rivalry between the Black Knife Brotherhood and the circus.

But they did not mediate aloud, and it seemed that they did not plan to intervene.

Chen Lun glanced at Roxanne. This tall woman was looking at herself with cold eyes, as if she was looking at a whole piece of pork.

He knew very well that the hostility of the other party came from the struggle between two factions within the Mutual Aid Society-the Black Knife Brotherhood and the Murder Club had the same source, but the two parties had long been in a relationship of mutual hostility and competition.

"The Twilight Tea Party should have been in contact with the Brotherhood of the Black Knife long ago. The reason why this woman knew about my other identity is most likely because the extraordinary people of the destiny faction gave them information about me behind the scenes..."

Chen Lun thought to himself.

From this point of view, Roxanne did not hate "Jack Speight", but hated "Joe Ke", a Jinbei member of the Murder Club, because Chen Lun's other identity was their enemy...the enemy who competed for the vacant seat in the Orthodox Church!

"Since Mr. Jack and Ms. Roxanne are unwilling to act together, how about we split up?"

Coleridge said slowly.

"Our shelter and Ms. Roxanne headed straight to the Red Apple Church. Mr. Jack, you and the Bishop Tobyin of the Moon Church are in charge of supporting them. If you find any traces of the Red Rose team, you will restrain them as soon as possible."

"Okay, I agree with the proposal."

Chen Lun nodded slightly.

Neither the old man in black robe nor the woman in wide-brimmed hat had any objections, and acquiesced to this plan.

At this time, Bishop Tobyin took out an old wooden hourglass, held it in one hand, and made a prayer gesture of the Moon Church with the other.

I saw the lavender moonlight blooming from the hourglass, the old man reached out and grabbed it out of thin air, and a handful of fine sand appeared in his palm.He then stretched out his hand and spread it out, and the fine sand slowly floated up.

"Each person takes a grain of sand and carries it with them, so that they can be protected from the influence of the 'night field'."

Bishop Tobyn said so.

Everyone nodded one after another, and each took a grain of fine sand from his hand.

Chen Lun squeezed the fine sand between his fingers, and got a prompt from the panel. The hourglass in the hand of the black-robed old man is the [A-level creepy thing-Quiet Night Quicksand] of the Moon Church, and the night in the fence beside him is created by it. from.

The skin of his fingertips suddenly cracked a thin crack, swallowing the sand, and then healed, as if the sand had disappeared out of thin air.

After a while.

When everyone was ready, Bishop Tobyin held up the hourglass and led the way through the fence.

Under the faint purple light of the hourglass, those extremely sturdy and towering railings twisted and moved away, leaving a "door" for everyone to pass through.

Chen Lun let Maggie, Connie and Alex stay in the carriage, and also arranged eight black crystal craftsmen to guard them.Immediately, he took the rest of his companions and followed Coleridge and others into the enclosure.

At this time.

His spiritual intuition sent an omen, and a faint warning began to light up in his heart. Chen Lun reflexively looked at Roxanne and his gang of black-knife killers. As expected, the woman was looking back at him, with smiling eyes, Mixed with inexplicable meaning.

After Roxanne looked away as if nothing had happened, Chen Lun cast "mind sharing" expressionlessly.

In the hearts of the trio of Floyd, Noah, Antonio, and Golov, Mr. Jack's chilling voice suddenly sounded, and he said:
"If there is any change in the members of the Black Knife Brotherhood later, kill them directly."

Everyone in the circus was stunned.

After seeing the signal in Chen Lun's eyes, he immediately realized that this was the extraordinary ability of the head of the group.

They nodded imperceptibly to show receipt.

After entering the enclosure, the surrounding light suddenly dimmed.

Although it is not enough to stretch out your fingers, it is also equivalent to a night when the stars and the moon are covered, and the environment is drowsy and dead.

This was originally the center of Songsha City, the busiest and busiest area, but now it has become a place of death.Not only is it filled with a large number of fallen believers, but also the extraordinary monks of the Red Apple Church are hunting, kidnapping and offering sacrifices to living people.

The crowd didn't go far, and they divided into two teams to act separately.

Chen Lun led the team and the six members of the Moon Church walked along the street. Except for Bishop Tobyin, the other five black-robed monks were all middle-sequence Transcendents.From their attitudes, it can be seen that the Moon Church is one of the few in the Orthodox Church who is willing to contribute to the fight against the red disaster, which makes Chen Lun secretly sigh.

"It was like this in the previous life. In the face of the 1.0 version of the empire's red disaster, only the sun and the moon contributed the most... The History and Ritual Association and the Hailing Group paddled all the way, while the stars and the Madman School remained neutral, and only occasionally helped out at certain times . '

When approaching the church area, the old man in black robe Tobyin suddenly said:
"Mr. Jack, I sensed the aura of the moon god from you... Besides you, there is also that blind lady who also has the aura of my god."

He opened his half-drooped eyelids and looked at Chen Lun.

"To be fortunate enough to receive the blessing and favor of the Moon God, you must be a friend of my religion. I hope you will be careful of those people from the Black Knife Brotherhood... I have detected evil intentions from them."

"Thank you for the reminder, Bishop Toby, I will pay attention."

Chen Lun smiled.

After Tobyin finished speaking, he returned to his half-asleep and half-awake appearance, lowered his head slightly, and slowly led the way.

The same was true for the five black-robed monks who followed behind him. They didn't speak a word from the beginning to the end, they just walked silently.

Not long after, the crowd arrived at the church area.

Suddenly there was a violent noise ahead, and even the ground began to tremble.

"It seems that Coleridge and the others have already encountered a battle ahead of time, let's hurry over there."

Bishop Toby said.

Everyone quickened their pace, and after passing through several tall Gothic buildings, they came to a spacious open space, the size of two football fields, which seemed to have been rebuilt after some renovations... There were still some There are many unfilled potholes, and huge stone slabs are stacked on the edge of the open space, waiting to be laid.

In the central area, a huge stone statue with a height of [-] meters stands. This is a faceless woman, wearing a luxurious robe, standing quietly in place, holding a rose in her raised right hand.

This is the true God believed by the Red Apple Church, Madam Rose.

At the foot of His statue, there are three circles of erected stone slabs, covered with carved patterns, but at this moment they have been soaked in blood. Hundreds of corpses are piled up in the gaps between the stone slabs, which is horrifying.

Under the dim light, the statue of Mrs. Qiangwei exudes a coquettish red light.

"This is a sacrificial square...the damn Red Apple Church!"

Seeing this scene, Toby couldn't restrain his anger.

Everyone looked up.

I saw that the two parties were fighting fiercely in the distance, and there was a loud rumbling noise.

Extraordinary monks in red robes, priests who turned into giant ghouls, and old bishops with ferocious bat wings fought against the asylum investigators led by Coleridge and black knife killers such as Roxanne.

Even with the ebb and flow of the "Night Realm", Coleridge and others are still at a disadvantage!
Just as Bishop Tobyin was about to step forward to help, the battle over there changed drastically.

I saw the red-robed bishop flying in the air, and the five priest ghouls on the ground suddenly exploded and turned into hundreds of bats, creaking.

The bats gathered together and transformed into a huge, strange pattern made of three overlapping triangles in mid-air.They seemed to have triggered some ceremony, and the red light on the statue of Madame Rose became more and more dazzling.

The stone rose in His hand was stained with a layer of scarlet luster, becoming like a real flower.It even started to flow thick and deep sinful blood from the stamens, one drop after another, continuously volatile and rising, blooming a dazzling strange color.

Crash...! !

A scarlet rain of blood suddenly descended, containing terrible pollution and corrosive power, pouring over Coleridge and the others overwhelmingly.

The short Coleridge's face changed slightly, he waved his hand violently, and sprinkled a little bit of starlight containing purple, green and light blue—it was a mixture of several extraordinary perfumes.

Chi Chi Chi! !

Four or five house-sized mushrooms rose from the ground, using their bright and thick umbrella-shaped tops to shield Coleridge, Roxanne and others from the blood rain.

The dull crackling sound came from above their heads, and the rain of blood slapped on the mushrooms, as heavy as bullets.The shattered blood mist spread to the surroundings, slowly falling and filling the air. The investigators and black-knife killers who accidentally inhaled the blood mist suddenly felt numbness and pain all over their bodies, and their sanity was fading rapidly.

"Hold your breath, these blood rains contain strong pollution!"

Coleridge growled.

He once again swayed the light blue perfume, the surrounding air was refreshed, and the blood mist was purified to a certain extent.

At the same time, the huge mushrooms that received the "perfume nutrients" suddenly contracted and expanded, and sprayed out countless granular light blue spores. After absorbing the blood rain from the sky, they counteracted and collapsed by themselves.

But the creepy squeaking noise and the continuous noise of the canopy being corroded have been challenging the nerves of Coleridge and others, and they feel great pressure.

The strength of the Red Apple Church far exceeded their expectations.

But right now.

A group of bats forming a triangular pattern in mid-air suddenly swarmed away to one side.

Coleridge, Roxanne and the others raised their heads and looked in the direction they were flying away... The expressions of the investigators suddenly changed drastically.

"Lord Coleridge, they are flying towards Bishop Tobyn and Mr. Jack!"

The subordinate next to the short man shouted.

"It turns out that this group of damned red lunatics had this idea! They deliberately trapped us with blood rain, but in fact they wanted to intercept and suppress other reinforcements! I was too reckless, and I shouldn't have entered this area in advance...the other party has already Knowing our arrival, they deliberately set a trap."

Coleridge's face was gloomy, and he immediately sat down cross-legged, with a pile of extraordinary materials and concoction vessels in his hands, and ordered his subordinates:

"You and Ms. Roxanne are on alert. I need three minutes to improvise a perfume before..."

At this time.

A group of eight or nine red-robed monks appeared from the other side of the open space, behind the Church of the Moon and the circus. The Church of the Red Apple surrounded them, blocking the direction of action of Chen Lun and others.

"That's the 'Red Rose Squad'... Bishop Tobyin and Mr. Jack are in danger!"

Coleridge's pupils contracted.

He was just about to turn his head to talk to Roxanne, but found that all the members of the Black Knife Brotherhood had disappeared.

Only her words remained in the air:

"We follow the shadows, not afraid of the rain of blood, so we go to support first."

Chen Lun looked around.

The swarm of bats flying in front gathered together and turned into a red-robed bishop and five priests. Behind him, the captain of the red rose team led seven elite monks to block the way and surrounded them.

They all had cruel smiles on their faces, as if they were winning.

On the side, one after another elongated shadows were walking close to the ground, running towards their side. It was the black knife killer group led by Roxanne.But it doesn't look like support, because even Bishop Toby can feel the strong malice in the shadow, blowing towards his face.

When the shadow stopped a hundred meters away, they stood up from the ground and resumed their human form.

The leader, Roxanne, was covered in pitch-black shadows, as if wearing a layer of black mud armor. She only showed her face, with a sneer on her face, and there was both gloating and undisguised killing intent in her eyes.

She is lip-synching and looks like she's saying:

"You're dead, Joke."

Chen Lun first calmly glanced around the Red Apple congregation, then glanced at the Black Knife Brotherhood and others in the distance, finally shook his head, and said lightly:
"Only this few people are not enough."

He decided to preemptively strike and waved his hand directly.

A storm of cards suddenly blew up around him, and hundreds of high-speed spinning cards surrounded him like a tornado.

Chen Lun lowered his black hat, grasped the silver cane like a baton, and spun it around gently.

The storm of cards diverted in an instant, turning into two torrents at the same time, rushing towards the front and back enemies!
"Jack! You bloody heretic! Stop struggling! You're just..."

The red-robed bishop sneered.

But his face changed drastically in the next second.

In the card storm that hit, there were ten pitch-black and translucent flying cards, each of which suppressed terrifying energy... It shocked him, and he felt a strong sense of danger spontaneously.

(End of this chapter)

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