I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 343 The Secret of Wonderland

Chapter 343 The Secret of Wonderland

Just a few seconds.

Chen Lun discovered that the statue of Maggie added more than [-] points of sanity to him, which meant that his observation of the "Gantry Inverted Tree" was constantly depleting his sanity... Those knowledge are too complicated, and at the same time contain With strong mysterious pollution.

To use a more vivid description, it should be said that the "Giant Inverted Tree" is like a huge source of pollution, causing radiation pollution all the time, but the pollution is mixed with a very small part of extraordinary knowledge... and this part of knowledge has almost surpassed Chen's. tolerable range.

When the massive intellect transmitted by the statue of Maggie was offset by the pollution, Chen Lun was able to retain that knowledge...

'[Natural Faction Sequence 6-Berry Picker] already gathered the extraordinary knowledge? ! '

After Chen Lun glanced at the record on the panel, he was surprised.

In a few breaths, he collected a complete Sequence 6 knowledge!

Not only that, but the [Sequence 9-Savage], [Sequence 8-Healer] and [Sequence 7-Ranger] of the natural faction have all been completely instilled. Although he has already mastered these, it is a repetition, but it does not prevent Chen Lun from paying attention. This incident produced an even greater shock.

What is that "giant tree"? !

Chen Lun felt that there was something more terrifying hidden deep in the vast expanse of branches and leaves covered with strange patterns, and his spiritual intuition was constantly warning him, don't get close!

Don't get close!

Terrible things will happen!

Chen Lun froze for a few seconds, his mind spinning rapidly. Finally, he took a deep breath and did not fly over hastily, but he did not leave either. Instead, he chose to stay in the distance, staring at the "giant inverted tree"...

Although the pollution is still radiating, knowledge is also continuously instilled along with the pollution.

He wants to observe as much as possible for a while, and pry into more knowledge!
Soon, the extraordinary knowledge of [Natural Faction Sequence 5-Perfumer] began to emerge in my mind!
But at the same time, those strange giant birds circling around the "Giant Fallen Tree" found him, and one of them neighed loudly and made a strange howl, attracting the attention of many strange birds.

Dozens of giant birds the size of a bungalow flew straight towards Chen Lun with a loud noise like a thunderbolt, passing through layers of white mist!
'A very powerful polluting creature, the physical body alone has reached the limit of the mid-sequence... My time is running out. '

With a short glance, Chen Lun obtained roughly the information of the strange bird by spying on his life.

If there were only two or three of them, he could still deal with them with confidence, but there were dozens of strange birds flying over, even if he entered the "Pale Knight" form, he might not be able to defeat them...

Chen Lun planned to use this time to stare at the "giant inverted tree" as much as possible before the strange bird flew over.

Another ten seconds passed.

Chen Lun's heart beat faster, and sweat poured out of his forehead uncontrollably. He found that the knowledge he could receive had reached the limit, and the strange birds also came in front of him.

He could even clearly see eight pairs of deep scarlet eyes on the heads of the strange birds, which were covered with dense yellow silk threads, and dark brown beaks the size of a carriage, with countless hook-shaped barbs standing up.

They exude an extremely strong stench, and even the rising yellow-brown smoke can be seen with the naked eye.After a short sniff, I felt dizzy in front of my eyes, and my sanity plummeted again.

'return. '

Chen Lun was not greedy, suppressed his desire and thirst for profound knowledge, made a decisive decision, communicated with the wooden house in his mind, and chose to teleport.

The sight around him changed instantly, and he returned to the room of the wooden house a second before the giant bird pecked him.


Chen Lun knelt down by the table on the spot, his head was swollen, and a strong sense of nausea was born spontaneously. He clasped the edge of the table tightly, bowed his head and retched a few times.

After resting for a few minutes, I felt better.

After taking a long breath, Chen Lun climbed onto the bed and lay down, kneading his temples, and checking his condition.

'In less than [-] seconds... the more than [-] sanity points accumulated by the statue of Maggie lost a bit, and nearly [-] sanity points were consumed! '

Chen Lun was speechless secretly.

Soon, his feeling of reluctance and heartache eased a lot, because he found that the low-sequence and middle-sequence of the extraordinary knowledge of the natural faction that he had collected were complete...【Sequence 5-Perfumer】Comprehensively mastered.

Not only that, even the high-level knowledge of the natural faction has glimpsed a part!

'【Sequence 4-Explorer】?It's a pity that it's only about one-tenth...'

Chen Lun took a deep breath and slowly sat up from the bed.

He stared at the wooden guardrail at the end of the bed, a little lost in thought, and couldn't help thinking about what kind of secrets were hidden behind the fairyland.

"Philip's Adventures in Wonderland" is a mythological book that reproduces Philip's experience in the dream world... The fairyland I am in is actually a duplicate version of the dream world, so what exactly did Philip encounter in the dream world?He said that there are gods living in the dream world, so the giant inverted tree above the forest of nature, could it be the handwriting of the gods?Or, is that God? ! '

Chen Lun felt a little groggy, and countless perplexities kept circling in his mind.

He suddenly thought of another question.

A question that has never been noticed before——

The book "Philip's Adventures in Wonderland" seems to be too high-end. It actually records the entire real world, even including many lives and high-level beings that exist outside... such as Kazite Town, Arnold, and the cat god.

It can even reproduce the two angels, Arnold and Maggie, and even their thoughts are free...

Is Philip alone really enough to create all this?

Chen Lun expressed extreme doubts.

He believes that behind this incident, there is a real secret that he does not know.

'Besides, since there are giant inverted trees above the Forest of Nature, will there be similar wonders in other areas?Just like the pollution wave that the town of Kazite encountered, the source came from the haze plain...'

Chen Lun frowned slightly.

He made reasonable speculation and imagination——

'The pollution in Wonderland most likely comes from that spectacle!The inverted giant tree above the Forest of Nature belongs to the natural path, so the hazy plain should also have a pollution source representing the conspiracy path... There are also blood rivers and crystal mountains. These two areas may also have flesh and blood and magic path pollution sources ! '

The more Chen Lun thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

So after resting for a while, he teleported directly to the wooden house in the hazy plain.

He planned to search for it himself to see if the facts were as he had speculated.

This time, Chen Lun did not choose to enter the ground from the mine, but explored on the surface of the plain in a direction that he had never set foot before.

There was a deep, dark gray-black fog all around, and the visibility was extremely low.

Chen Lun tried to fly in the air, but the area was filled with dense fog even at high altitudes, and it was extremely easy to get lost. This forced him to go back to the ground and walk forward, and use divination to calibrate his orientation at intervals.

Half an hour passed like this.

Chen Lun's walking speed is not slow, which is equivalent to running at full speed of ordinary people. At this moment, he has reached the depths of the hazy plain.This is the opposite direction from the Abyss Rift, and it is extremely far away from the Blood River and Crystal Mountains.

Along the way, he was attacked several times by polluting creatures.

All of them are the rickety figures called "Moonless People". They often appear in groups, ranging from seven or eight to dozens of individuals.

In human form, their strength is generally weak, and they mainly rely on the black crystal weapons in their hands to attack. Only after transforming into werewolves can they have stronger combat capabilities... But Chen Lun often does not transform them Chance, a face-to-face will tear it apart with a storm of cards.

But soon Chen Lun discovered that the more he walked in, the stronger the "moonless people" he encountered, most of them completely lost their human form, and kept the posture of werewolves... There were even distorted giant wolves, three It is more than one meter tall and five or six meters long, with several deformed wolf heads on its top, or some weird sarcoma growing on its back.

This made him more sure that he was getting closer to the source of pollution.


At this time a gust of wind suddenly blew up.


Chen Lun stopped in his tracks. When he looked up, he saw the thick gray fog moving to both sides, and a deformed wolf head the size of a carriage protruded from the thick fog.

It has no eyes on its face, but it has densely packed small black holes, which are constantly opening and closing.The mouth was split to the back of the head, revealing hundreds of jagged fangs.

Chen Lun felt a powerful aura from this polluting creature. The threat far surpassed the "Desolate Giant" and reached the level of the strange bird above the Natural Forest.

The deformed giant wolf seemed to have noticed Chen Lun, all the black holes on his face suddenly widened, and then turned his head to aim at him!

Chen Lun did not hesitate, and directly cast the "Pale Hand".

There was a sound of piercing through the air, and dozens of white pythons took the lead in charging, lashing and biting the giant wolf's face.

boom! !

The giant wolf let out a piercing scream, and spilled a pool of dirty blood from the top of Chen Lun's head.

After seizing the momentum, he didn't stop, manipulating the group of snakes to weave into a ball, swinging like a battering ram, and hitting the giant wolf's head, neck and waist heavily.

Boom!Boom! !
After several heavy blows in a row, the huge giant wolf flew out horizontally, plowing long tracks on the blackened ground, and the air waves stirred up the dense fog around it.

hold head high--

The giant wolf dragged its deformed body, turned up from the ground, and rushed over frantically.

It didn't seem to feel pain, and it didn't care about its own injuries.

Amidst the whistling wind, the giant wolf suddenly disappeared, and suddenly appeared at Chen Lun's feet in the next second.It opened the shadow on the ground and opened its mouth to bite Chen Lun. The huge wolf's mouth was like a well full of jagged teeth!
Chen Lun teleported to a high altitude and stood there, dodging the attack, looking down at his feet.

'Shuttle through the shadows...do you have the extraordinary ability to conspire? '

he thought.

The giant wolf retreated into the shadows.

To Chen Lun's surprise, it emerged from the thick fog in the air in the next second, and struck again.


Chen Lun frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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