I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 352 Alex's Dream

The five incarnations of the Knights of the Round Table...

At this moment, Manolan only felt that his whole body was cold, and his hands and feet were uncontrollably stiff.

Cold sweat oozed from his forehead, then slid down his cheeks.

Together with the members of the tea party behind him, they all held their breath, with expressions of bewilderment.

There was a dead silence in the living room, and the atmosphere was eerie and depressing.

damn it!
Manolan roared inwardly.

How did things turn out like this? !

Three consecutive divinations have been interfered with!
So many high-ranking people shot together, distorting the prophecy I got——

Be misled!

I ran into this damn trap!
He clearly knew that he had no chance of winning against the five incarnations of saints!Even if you still have the manuscript left by the president, it still won't help!This is completely one-sided combat power crushing, no matter how hard you struggle, there will be no change!

The most critical point is that the space here is disturbed, and they can't use the cloud leap to escape at all!

The road ahead must die, and the road back is cut off.

It's over!

Including myself, all the members of the tea party present are finished!
"I heard that you want to recruit Jack from our club?"

At this time, a burly Knight of the Round Table spoke with a calm and forceful voice.

His height is close to two meters, and his body is full of explosive muscles. He is fully armed with retro armor, and a black cloak wraps around his neck and chest. Only his head is exposed, with a serious and rigid expression on his face.

Through the introduction of Knight Mulenga, Chen Lun knew that the knight of the round table was named Ginsburg, and the other two knights whom he met for the first time were named Bindu and Yasmin.

Among the knights of the round table, those five knights who admired and valued Chen Lun were the five knights present.

"This... this is a misunderstanding, Your Majesty the Knight."

Manolan opened his mouth, his voice dry.


Another female knight, Yasmin, clasped her elbows and said coldly.

He wore a half-open knight helmet on his head, and his face shield was turned up, revealing a fair and delicate face, and the strange long gray hair behind his head was braided into three braids.

"Don't take us for fools. Since you choose to intervene in the competition for seats within the Mutual Aid Society, you should be clear that the Brotherhood of the Black Knife and the Murder Club are sworn enemies... Standing on the opposite side, and trying to poach people in vain, none of you today Don't even think about leaving!"

Knight Yasmin's murderous intent was Ling Ran.

Manolan felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his hands and feet were cold.

The tall Bindu knight turned his head with a smile and said to Chen Lun:

"Jack, didn't you say that the evening tea party will come with what you need?"

"Yes, Your Majesty Bindu."

Chen Lun was holding a silver cane, took off his hat and smiled.

He explained to the other party and the other four knights of the round table present that he had been stuck in Sequence 6 for a while, but he lacked the extraordinary knowledge for subsequent promotion, and the evening tea party was the organization of extraordinary people in the path of destiny, and had what he needed.

"However, detaining Andersson and Weiss and letting the evening tea party bring extraordinary knowledge and gold pounds to redeem them is just a delaying tactic... to buy time and convey the news to the knights."

Chen Lun bowed slightly.

The expressions of the five knights of the round table changed subtly, and they all smiled kindly immediately.

"You're very nice, Jack."

The tall Ginsburg laughed.

The appreciation of the knights of the round table is very obvious. First, because Jack was dedicated to his duties, he was not tempted by the evening tea party to betray the club, and even chose to turn his face on the spot and detain Andersson and Weiss.

The second is that knowing that the other party has promotion knowledge, he held back his own desires and desires, and truthfully reported the situation to them... In fact, Jack could have reached an agreement with the evening tea party in private without their knowledge. According to the agreement, the two detained people were released on purpose.

But he didn't.

Jack's series of operations deeply won the favor and appreciation of the five knights of the round table.

"This is a loyal cadre with great potential and who knows how to assess the situation."

They silently gave such an evaluation.

If one more sentence is added, then it is:

"Worth focusing on training!"

On the other side, Manolan and the others seemed a little at a loss.

The scene fell into dead silence again.

Their hearts are restless. Although they don't know what will happen next, they know that there will be no good results.

"What about the 'ransom' that Jack asked you to bring? Hand it over."

Bindu Knight was the first to break the deadlock, and turned to Manolan and said.

"Although I won't let you go because of this, I will be a little more polite to you in the 'communication session' later... The two things that extraordinary people are best at in the conspiracy path are murder and interrogation. You probably don't want to try it yourself Our means?"

He said with a smile on his face.

Bindu, who is a knight of the round table, doesn't mind spending a little more time talking about an outstanding cadre like Jack.After all, even if the club rewards Jack, he still can't produce the extraordinary knowledge of the destiny path he wants.

The only way to start is at the evening tea party.


Manolan's face suddenly twisted.

The strong uneasiness made him fall into a daze.

When he led the team to set off, he never thought about "redeeming people" at all, so no matter whether it was the extraordinary knowledge of Destiny Sequence 5 or the gold pound, he didn't bring it with him.

To be honest, there are only hundreds of gold pound vouchers in the wallet, and a bag of no more than fifty silver nobility...

"Sorry, Your Majesty."

Manolan took a deep breath, lowered his head and said.


Bindu frowned slightly.

Peggy on the side sneered, pointing at the evening tea party and said:

"It seems that they didn't plan to negotiate with Jack from the very beginning, but planned to use force to save people... If possible, they would even force Jack to sign some kind of contract and force him to be introduced to the evening tea party."

The faces of the other four round table knights were indifferent.

"In this case, we have no choice but to go to your stronghold to find it ourselves."

Bindu said lightly.

"Tell me everything you know, the location of all strongholds, the specific plan with the Black Knife Brotherhood, and the list of tea party personnel..."

His body began to exude a strong murderous aura, and the black shadow behind him rose and swayed like a flame.

The expressions of everyone at the evening tea party changed drastically.

An overwhelming sense of oppression surged.

Manolan's heart was like a small boat struggling in a storm on the sea. He gritted his teeth and began to pray silently to the president and the acting president.

Pray that they will hear their voices...

In an empty dream.

In an unknown and prosperous kingdom, it is full of voices at the moment.

The most spacious street is crowded with people, and colorful confetti are dancing in the sky.

The men on the side of the road crowded each other, blushed, raised their fists and shouted the hero's name, while on the balconies of the houses on both sides, the women leaned against the stone guardrail, waving the gorgeous silk in their hands, their eyes were fascinated, and their cheeks glowed. Red, screaming and cheering loudly.

In the middle of the street, teams of knights sat on tall horses, their armor shining brightly in the sun.

Behind them, hundreds of strong coolies pulled a huge iron-paneled wooden cart, which carried a huge dragon corpse.

On the head of the evil dragon, there is a big sword inlaid with many precious stones.

A handsome young man with blond hair was sitting on the dragon's head, leaning on his back with a big sword, and waved to the surrounding civilians in response.


"Our hero!"

"The savior who slays the dragon!"

Listening to the shout, Alex was immersed in joy and elation.

The colorful confetti falling from the sky fell on him, as if it were the colorful clothes for the coronation, and the cheers of the people seemed to be a tribute to him, an epic tune that will last forever.Looking at the long staircase not far ahead, he seemed to see the beautiful princess he was about to marry standing at the gate of the palace at the end.

But he didn't notice at all that on both sides of the road, among the crowd of men, there was a cloaked man hiding in a dark corner.

The mysterious man hidden under the cloak chuckled and said with emotion:

"I didn't expect you to have such a side..."

The story of the hero Alexis slaying the dragon and saving the country spread throughout the kingdom, and the whole city cheered.

The king personally crowned him and betrothed the princess to him on the spot.

That night.

At the bonfire party in the courtyard of the palace, Alexis was dancing with the beautiful princess, and others applauded enthusiastically.

Alexis felt his heart beating faster when he looked at the girl who was so close.

Smelling the fragrance from the tip of his nose made him mesmerized.

But he soon discovered something strange, that is, when he looked over the princess's fragrant shoulders, he could see a man in a cloak among the onlookers, staring at him fiercely, neither applauding nor cheering, It looked extremely weird and suspicious.

Alex comforted the princess softly, stopped dancing, pointed at the man with a frown, and said in a tone that only ancient nobles would use:

"Who are you? I don't remember seeing you in the palace."

The cloaked man took a step forward, stroked his chest and saluted.

"I'm just a poor man lost in a dream..."

He pulled down the hood of his cloak, revealing the face of a man with many vicissitudes.

The golden hair was combed back evenly, but there were two strands of hair messily falling on the forehead, in a meticulous and uninhibited way.The man looked haggard, with deep dark circles under his eyes, and he looked like he had been chronically deprived of sleep.

The person smiled bitterly, lowered his upper body even lower, and then spoke:
"Philip apologizes for straying into the world under the crown by mistake."

Alex's expression became even more puzzled, and his brows were frowned.

"What exactly are you talking about?"

The blond man named Philip's eyes were fixed, revealing a hint of confusion.

It seems that the other party's performance is different from what I expected.

But right now.

The cheerful laughter and applause all around disappeared in an instant, the expression of the princess in front of Alex was frozen, and everyone present was motionless except the two of them.

It was as if time had stopped at this moment.

In Alex's eyes, a round of silver rings slowly appeared, his expression became indifferent, and he quietly looked at Philip in front of him.

a long time.

"Oh it's you……"

Alex finally spoke, but his voice seemed to be different, solemn and indifferent, both near and far away.

"It seems that you haven't escaped the imprisonment of Madam Sigh, but why did you come here?"

"Your Majesty..."

Philip opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

In the end, he just shook his head helplessly.

"There were some accidents in the dream world, and I was only temporarily out of trouble... I originally planned to find Jack and tell him something, but I didn't expect to be forcibly dragged into this dream world that belongs to you."

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