After Philip agreed to the proposal of the Knights of the Round Table, Knight Bindu personally shot and killed all the tea party members hanging in the air.

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and with a bang, the "black cocoon" woven by the shadow gradually spread upwards, covering the faces of the tea party members, and immediately wrapped them into a ball amidst their terrified shouts.

After a burst of violent wriggling, all the "black cocoons" returned to calm.

Philip folded his elbows and watched the whole process with a smile.

"Your Excellency, then we will take our leave... After the meeting of the Knights of the Round Table is held, we will convey your wishes to the rest of the Knights of the Round Table and the Commander of the Knights. At that time, the Commander of the Knights will personally come forward and have a private talk with you."

Mulenga smiled, put his hands on his chest, and bowed slightly towards Philip.

The latter nodded slightly, pondered for a while, and added:
"Well, but please hurry, my time is precious."

"of course."

Mulenga laughed.

"This matter is important, and the few of us are happy to facilitate this cooperation."

When the five Knights of the Round Table left, they called Chen Lun who was standing silently beside them.

They looked at this outstanding cadre with a satisfied look, and they seemed to appreciate it very much.At the same time, it is also very clear that if the club can finally reach a cooperation with the evening tea party, then the battle for seats in the Orthodox Church will be more assured.

Among them, Jack played a key role.

After all, Mr. Philip, the acting president of the tea party just now, made it very clear that he was willing to lead the tea party to terminate the cooperation with the Black Knife Brotherhood and turn to the club for Jack's sake.

Such a great credit, of course, is indispensable for Jack.

"You're really nice, Jack."

Ginsberg kindly raised her big hand and patted Chen Lun on the shoulder.

This is the second time he has said that.

"From any point of view, you are a rare talent."

Yasmin on the side also spoke highly of it with a kind smile on his face.

The two knights Mulunga and Bindu also nodded, while Peggy giggled, picked up the black top hat in Chen Lun's hand, put it on and straightened it for him.

"Well, such an excellent man makes me like him even more..."

Peggy touched Chen Lun's cheek lightly with her fingers, and said provocatively.

Chen Lun didn't change his face, but lowered his head slightly.

"Thank you for the praise from the Cavaliers, this is just what I should do."

Ginsberg was very satisfied with his humble attitude, and immediately laughed in that majestic voice:

"Jack, we have seen everything you have done. If things go well... the rest of the knights of the round table will look at you with admiration, and your rewards will be indispensable. Of course, we will try our best to fight for your promotion. required extraordinary knowledge."

Immediately afterwards, the three Knights of the Round Table, Ginsberg, Bindu, and Yasmin, presented their personal tokens one after another. Chen Lun suppressed the joy in his heart, and after receiving them with both hands, he calmly stroked his chest and bowed, expressing his gratitude again. Respect and thanks.

At the same time, he also received a prompt from the panel.

The favorability of the five Knights of the Round Table has all reached the "close" stage.

They turned to look at Philip again, and they looked at each other.

The knights of the round table could see that the other party seemed to have something to say to Jack, so they nodded tactfully and left first.

The five people turned into shadows and disappeared in place.

In the living room of this villa in the spirit world, only Philip and Chen Lun were left.

More than twenty "shadow cocoons" above the head gradually melted away, and the strange things left inside slowly fell and floated into Philip's hands.

He looked back at Chen Lun, smiled and said:

"Sit and chat?"

Chen Lun took a deep breath and nodded.

"it is good."

The two sat opposite each other on the sofa.

Philip sorted through those weird things, and finally left two of them, which were placed on the coffee table.

They are a rusty key and a wooden doll the size of a palm.

"This is the remnant of the two vice presidents, Manolan and Andersson. It should be of some use to you, so I will give it to you."

While talking, Philip took out two goblets out of nowhere, poured himself a glass of red wine, and poured a glass of milk for Chen Lun.

Chen Lun watched the other party silently, with even more doubts in his heart.

In a sense, this blond man with the back of his head is his guide. Not only did he help him embark on the path of the fate faction, but he also left behind a lot of "inheritances" that allowed him to grow rapidly.

The reason why I can come to this day can be said to be inseparable from the help of the other party.

However, Chen Lun has never seen Philip's true face from the beginning to the end. He only got to know this "tragedy protagonist" who is also a teacher and a friend through the other party's diary and a few words from others.

Until today when we met for the first time...

However, Chen Lun always felt that something was wrong, and the confusion in his mind became a mess, which made him unable to figure it out.

First of all, whether it is the message written by Philip himself in the diary or the facts relayed by Maggie, it all proves that he should be dead...Secondly, how does the other party know him?It also spans such a long time and space, guiding myself to grow step by step.

Even as soon as we met, I knew that I didn't like drinking and preferred milk.

And that book "Philip's Adventures in Wonderland", which re-enacted the dream world and gave birth to an independent world in the book, how did He do it... And at the beginning, He and Howard teamed up to ask the two people's common teacher Clough Mr. initiates a challenge, is it successful in the end?
With all kinds of doubts, Chen Lun didn't know how to speak for a while.

However, Philip seemed to see what he was thinking, sighed naturally, and said:

"I know you have a lot of questions you want to ask me, Jack."

He raised his wine glass and gestured towards Chen Lun.

"And this is why I found you the first time after I regained my short-term freedom... Don't worry, I will explain all this to you slowly."

Chen Lun let out a long breath and nodded.

Immediately, he picked up the goblet filled with milk and clinked glasses with Philip lightly.


After the two drank their respective drinks, Philip burst out laughing, which made Chen Lun stunned.


Philip leaned back on the sofa, looking up and smiling.

"I can finally sit down with you and chat like friends, and have a drink, don't know how long I've been looking forward to this day."

He shook his head, sighing.

"Since the guidance of fate came, I have foreseen you more than ten years later... You will be my best friend, my student, and my hope... However, all these have been separated by a long time and space, and I can only While struggling on the path of God, I will leave clues and information for you."

"The guidance of fate?"

Chen Lun heard this familiar sentence again.

Although he has been using this sentence to fool players, he is also very clear that in this world with a true god, the guidance of fate is not a joke, but a real existence... just like the warning that Bia Lishi gave him back then, it came from the opponent Enlightenment received in dreams.


Philip nodded, his expression becoming serious.

"I don't know how to explain this kind of guidance to you. It's illusory but very strong. With my current sequence and position, I can't trace it to its source...but I know that it comes from the end of our destiny path."

"You mean, God of Destiny?"

Chen Lun couldn't help cheering up, his heart beating faster.

Philip chuckled and shook his head.

"The God of Destiny...we don't call him that. Just like the true gods of the other nine pathways, they all have respectful titles given to them by living beings. The same is true for the pathway of destiny. His name is 'Huan Gong'!"

Chen Lun held his breath and listened carefully to the secret information Philip told.

Philip took another sip of red wine and continued:

"Besides, there are honorable titles such as Lord of Fate, Supreme Fortune, and Origin of Beginning and End...these can all point to Him, and in the past few epochs, Duke Huan has always existed in a certain corner of the world, but there is no People can know, no one can measure, only the existence of angels and above can indirectly spy on the clues of His actions from the great historical changes and nodes."

"The true god of destiny... Duke Huan. '

Just hearing this secret name, Chen Lun seemed to feel a strong sense of fate rushing towards his face, as if a monstrous gray mist emerged from the far end and drowned it.

At this time, Philip pretended to be mysterious, bowed slightly, and said in a low voice:
"Take the Trisur Empire as an example. It is said that the end of the Fourth Era and the beginning of the Fifth Era, this key historical node, was driven by Duke Huan behind the scenes... In other words, the beginning of the Sun Era , that is to say, the Trisur family united the mainland and established an empire, which is actually accepting the guidance of fate."

Chen Lun couldn't help holding his breath.

"The establishment of the Cuisul Empire was due to the help of Duke Huan?He...why would he do this?And what about Lie father, the sun god worshiped by the royal family of Trisul?What kind of attitude?Could it be that there was some kind of tacit consensus reached between the two gods? '

He was shocked by this, and then shook his head self-deprecatingly.

This kind of thing is too far away from me, guessing now is useless, just asking for trouble.

"However, more than four thousand years have passed. Since the beginning of the fifth era, Duke Huan has never responded to believers, and he has not seen any miracles... It seems that He has never appeared. This indirectly leads to people who know His existence, Fewer and fewer, and the records about him are gradually disappearing."

Philip sighed.

"But I know that He must still be in a certain corner of the world, quietly watching the passage of time, sitting and watching the changes of the times, and occasionally guiding the fate of those key people who can affect the trajectory of the world..."

He looked up at Chen Lun, smiled and said:

"Like you, and me."

After listening to Philip's brief overview of the God of Destiny, Chen Lun roughly understood what kind of supreme being is at the end of his path.

But he didn't agree with Philip's last words.

Chen Lun is very self-aware. He never thinks that he is a chosen one, a savior, and he is not a "key person" who affects the fate of the world.Except for the excuses he made up when he was fooling the players, he has never actually received any so-called "fate guidance", which is also the most evidenced point.

After the two chatted a few more words, Philip brought the topic back to himself.

"You should be wondering why I'm not dead yet, Jack."

Philip laughed.

"Actually, I've always been looking forward to it. What kind of expression will you have when you see that I'm still alive... Sure enough, I'm not disappointed. I feel your shock and puzzlement!"

"Well, I was really surprised."

Chen Lun did not deny it, but nodded.

"Judging from the diary you left behind, you should be dead...Even Her Majesty Maggie told me that you failed to challenge fate."


Philip suddenly fell silent.

Chen Lun noticed that his already haggard face showed longing and pain, and his eyes became a little dim under the deep dark circles.

"Jack, I have one thing to ask of you."

Philip's voice was low and hoarse.

Chen Lun realized that his words seemed to have aroused his sentimentality, so he said:

"Sorry Philip..."

The other party shook his head and stared at him with tired eyes, as if waiting for a response.

Chen Lun took a deep breath.

"What's the matter? Tell me."

"Don't tell Maggie that I'm still alive..."

Philip grinned.

But Chen Lun couldn't see any joy in his smile.

"Back then, my best friend Howard and I challenged teacher Clough together... In the end, we succeeded, and the teacher fell under our joint efforts, and his spirituality turned into a [Super A Grade Monster-Human Comedy]... It was a black pen with the power to manipulate the fate of others, but I didn't fit in with it, and it was left to Howard in the end."

Philip said slowly.

"On the other hand, in fact, we have not been completely successful, because we have paid too much... Howard was seriously injured, and the whole person began to become a little strange, and I am full of expectations that after challenging fate, I can get rid of my dream. The entanglement in the world has not been has even become more and more serious!"

His tone became weak.

"Every time I sleep, I will be dragged into the dream world forcibly, and every time I go in, I will appear in a different place... From the forest of nature to the plain of haze, from the river of blood to the crystal mountains, I leave the dream uncontrollably The deepest part of the world is getting closer and closer, as if an invisible hand is pushing me in, and one day I will reach the end directly."

Philip took a deep breath.

"I have a strong omen that there is a true god living at the end of the dream world. Once that day comes, I will be doomed... So I have been resisting falling into the dream all these years, and every time I fell into the dream, I resisted waking up, prolonging the time as much as possible , waiting for hope to come."

He looked directly at Chen Lun, and said word by word:

"And this hope is you, Jack! The guidance of fate tells me that only you can save me!"

Chen Lun suddenly realized all this.

What he said to Philip was strongly shocked.

After digesting for a while, Chen Lun asked in a deep voice:
"So your guidance and help to me is actually a way of self-help?"

"you can say it this way……"

Philip nodded in acknowledgment, but shook his head and said:

"But I have no malice towards you, let alone take advantage of your thoughts, Jack... I just try my best to help you, and at the same time, I also put all my bets on your 'friend' who has been separated by more than ten years. In the end, you chose to stand by and watch, and I won't blame you, after all, this matter..."

After he said this, he fell into silence again.

Chen Lun also did not speak.

He realized how difficult the whole thing was.

At the same time, I also understand why the other party didn't let me tell Maggie the news that he was alive. In such a desperate situation, it is better to let the other party accept the fact that he has already died instead of worrying about the loved one.

"You don't have to tell me your options now, Jack."

Suddenly Philip smiled again.

"Because I know that this is too difficult for you now."

Chen Lun was slightly stunned, and immediately said softly:

"Thank you."

He thought for a while, took a deep breath and added:
"I'll do my best, Philip."

"Okay, then I will try my best to persist until that day."

Philip's smile brightened.

Just like Chen Lun saw the smile on A Nuo's face at the end of the darkness.

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