Chapter 363
Chen Lun strolled on the streets of Huaqing Town.

Feeling the peaceful and lively atmosphere, he smiled knowingly.

Before I knew it, I came to the square area.

There are many hawkers here, most of them are residents who went bankrupt due to the red disaster, and after the town returned to peace, they started small businesses to make ends meet.

The most popular one was a commercial carriage, and many people gathered around it.

A man wearing a top hat stood beside the car, negotiating with several mine owners, as if he was purchasing a local specialty stone.Four or five guys are directing the workers to neatly stack the large wooden boxes full of green rough rough stones in the open space beside them.

Chen Lun lowered the brim of his hat, stood in the distance with a silver cane, and watched the scene silently.

He cast a peek at the top hat merchant who bought the rough stone, and in the next second, the other party's information was displayed on the panel.

'[Conspiracy Faction Sequence 8 - Locksmith], a member of the Rotov family. '

Chen Lun chuckled lightly.

This is the information he spent several hours obtaining after arriving in Huaqing Town.

The remnants of the Rotov family hid their identities here and turned into a small chamber of commerce, specializing in the purchase of local cheap rough stones... claiming that they would cut and finely process the stones and make them into cheap jewelry for sale.

In fact, it was just a cover-up to avoid being chased by the Generous Council.

At the same time, it is also to avoid official liquidation.

The confrontation between the Black Knife Brotherhood and the Murder Club has come to an end. They no longer have the capital to "live in the sun", but have become the "culprits" of many mysterious and harmful incidents caused by the former mutual aid society.

It is completely different from the treatment of the club becoming a "generous parliament" and securing a seat in one of the seven righteous god churches. This also perfectly confirms what it means to be "the winner and the loser".

Everyone who loses power shouts and beats, that's all.

Chen Lun had no sympathy for them, and even wanted to do it now.

But he held back.

A good hunter is always patient.

Another two hours passed.

The members of the Rotov family who were in charge of purchasing the rough stones handed over the handling work to the hired men, and got into the carriage and left from the side of the square.

Chen Lun changed his appearance, like an ordinary gentleman, trailing behind the carriage.

In the process, he discovered that the member of the Rotov family left the carriage halfway, used the ability of [lock opener] to shuttle through the window of the carriage, and disappeared from the window of the house on the side of the road.

Chen Lun stopped and watched the carriage go away, while he approached the unremarkable house.

There were many pedestrians around, but no one noticed it all.

He was outside the house wall, separated his fingers, and a small white snake transformed from his index finger climbed into the window and entered it.Through the general knowledge of the five senses, Chen Lun shared the senses of the little white snake and saw the scene clearly.

The top hat merchant went up to the second floor, arranged a prayer ceremony in a room, and immediately took out a black ritual dagger and opened the space.

'It turns out that the real stronghold is hidden in a corner of the spirit world, similar to the cemetery where Mr. Byers often lives... This small town is just an area where they are active outside. '

Outside the wall tens of meters apart, Chen Lun thought to himself.

Just when the top hat merchant was about to step into the pitch-black space, the little white snake on the ground jumped up and burrowed into the back of the opponent's neck without a sound.

This person didn't realize it, and walked into his stronghold with this snake parasite.

With a smile on his lips, Chen Lun leaned against the wall, silently monitoring.

But at this moment, he felt a warning from his spiritual intuition, and an unknown danger was approaching him...


Chen Lun frowned slightly.

'The Rotov family is still hiding their strength? shouldn't be them. '

While observing through snake parasites, he took out playing cards for divination to detect the source of danger.

Spirit world.

some hidden corner.

In the dark cave.

Two men in black blouses sat on wooden chairs, a bonfire was lit in front of them, and there were seven or eight members of the Middle Sequence family standing beside them.

"Master Thorin, Lord Mexis..."

The top hat merchant walked up to the two of them and saluted respectfully.

"How is the situation in the present world?"

The middle-aged man on the left asked in a deep voice.

"There is no movement for the time being... The Generous Council is busy holding a meeting, gradually participating in the settlements of various parts of the empire, and the shelter united with the wild superheroes to attack the red disaster area, and has no time to control us, but the Church of the Sun has already controlled the entire gem state, and now it is easy found by them."

The top hatter took off his hat, lowered his head and said.

The old man on the right coughed twice, and after panting for a while, he ordered:

"It's better to be more cautious. The power of the family has been exhausted in this seat competition. The remaining six saints have all gone to the end of darkness, and we are left to work in this world... In the event of an accident, Luo The Teff family will completely lose their sources of information in the present world, and will be very passive."

"Yes, Master Mexis."

The top hat merchant responded solemnly.


The old man named Mexis suddenly got up, his expression changed slightly.

The middle-aged man Sorin at the side also noticed the abnormality, and immediately raised his hand, the dark shadow on the ground turned into a swamp, instantly wrapped the top hat merchant, and grabbed him like a big hand.

"Two adults?!"

The top hat merchant was terrified, and he didn't know why the two senior members of the family suddenly attacked him.

Sorin and Mexis both face sinking.

Suddenly, a spot in the Shadow Swamp bulged up, turned into a sharp knife, and pierced the top hat merchant's neck. The suffocation of death immediately made this low-sequence transcendent of the Rotov family scream.


But in the next second, with the neighing of snakes, a group of white snakes bloomed from behind his head, resisting the attack of the shadow knife, clanging.

"You damn trash! You don't even know you've been parasitized by outsiders!"

Thorin scolded.

The sharp shadow knife exploded suddenly, turning into dozens of thin black lines, wrapped around the snake group, and then shrank.With a few creaks, all the snakes were cut off, and the top hat merchant fell to his knees with a plop, crawling and trembling.

He finally realized what a disaster he had caused!
However, no matter how he recalled, he couldn't remember when he was plotted against by a strange transcendent, but this incident had already happened, which meant that the family's secret stronghold was exposed!
"All members of the family, act immediately, that strange transcendent will not be too far away, find him and kill him! We must not let him leak information!"

The old man Mexis said in a deep voice.


Among the seven or eight people on the side, the sequence transcendent replied.

boom! !

The house exploded suddenly, ten shadows came out from the door, and surrounded Chen Lun who was leaning against the wall.

Pedestrians around screamed in horror and fled in all directions.

The guards patrolling the street couldn't help being shocked, and retreated again and again after seeing this scene, whistling in their mouths, thinking that they must report this matter immediately.

This is the turmoil caused by the Transcendent!

"who are you?"

Sorin floated above Chen Lun's head and asked coldly.

The blouse on His body fluttered, and a shadow fell from it, dragging on the ground like a long curtain.Beside him is the old man Mexis.

"You two are the only surviving incarnations of saints in the Rotov family..."

Chen Lun raised his head slightly, with a polite smile on his face.

He glanced around, and there were eight members of the Rotov family standing on the wall and beside him, all of whom were Sequence Transcendents.According to the list given to him by the speaker, most of the combat power of these remnants are here.

"Gold Cup Member of the Generous Council, Tapia."

Chen Lun's face at this moment has been transformed, but the other party didn't recognize him, so he casually said the name of a competitor.

"Murder Club Flies..."

Thorin looked down at him indifferently, and waved his hand.

"go to hell!"

All the members of the Rotov family came to besiege, and the shadows directly enveloped the area, as if night had fallen.

Chen Lun pretended to be a little panicked, turned around and fled suddenly.

After narrowly dodging several slashes from the shadow guillotine, he slapped away the broken stones from the collapsed wall and ran wildly into the distance.

Sorin coughed twice, secretly said a damn wound, the whole person disappeared in place, and chased after Chen Lun invisible.Another incarnation of the saint, as well as the rest of the Rotov family members, also chased after him.

On the street of Huaqing Town.

Ryan and Tapia took a leisurely walk. When they passed an alley, the air fluctuated, and Kvass walked out of it and chuckled at them.

"Things went very well. I personally went to Fossil City and delivered the secret letter to the Church of the Sun... I don't think it will take long before Terrence's split body of light will drop in through the 'Day Obelisk' Come."

As he spoke, he took out a cigarette, handed one to Tapia, then lit one himself and started smoking.

"This is already the afternoon of the second day of the assessment. Jack, as an extraordinary person of the Path of Destiny, has probably arrived in this small town... But he probably never imagined that waiting for him is not just the two and a half disabled members of the Rotov family. incarnation of the saint."

Tapia swallowed the cloud and smiled faintly.

Ms. Ryan raised her hand to fan the smoke, frowned slightly, and complained:
"You two are really not enough gentlemen."

"Feel sorry."

Kvass and Tapia shrugged, but had no intention of snuffing out their cigarettes.

"Jack's going to have a good jug."

Seeing this, Ms. Ryan rolled her eyes and sighed calmly.

The two men next to each other smiled.

At this time.

The three of them all sensed something, turned their heads together, and looked towards the end of the street.

Countless pedestrians fled in panic, exclaiming, as if something terrible was chasing after them.

"what happened?"

Tapia frowned.

The other two shook their heads.

Soon, they saw a strange man running towards them, waving his hands and shouting:

"Senator Kwass! Senator Ryan! Come help me!"


The three didn't know each other at all, but the other party called out his name.

Eight dark shadows spread from the end and surrounded them in human form. At the same time, two men with unusually strong aura appeared directly behind them, striking out expressionlessly.

"The generous parliament! You all die!"

An indifferent voice came.

Gvass, Ryan, and Tapia finally woke up from their stupefaction, their expressions distorted, and they burst out with their own extraordinary power.

The Rotoff family!
Saint incarnate!
And that strange man...

Jack Speight!
They connected all this in an instant, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Damn Jack! Deliberately led the enemy to us!"

boom! !

Amidst the violent explosion, there was a sonorous clank.

Tapia was the first to fly backwards, spitting blood, and before turning into a shadow to avoid damage, he smashed several tables and chairs on the side of the road.

Gevas and Ryan were also not much better. They were attacked by the incarnation of the saint. They were also injured when they met each other, and each fell to the ground.

The next second, the three of them heard the disguised Jack shouting emotionally:

"Member Kvass! Representative Ryan! Cheer up! We will be able to eradicate the waste of the Rotov family! For the parliament! For the honor! Ollie!"

Except for the last sentence they couldn't understand at all, the rest were very clear.

This guy!
Deliberately fanning the flames here!
Damn it!
The three of them almost vomited blood with anger, but the attack from the incarnation of the saint struck again without giving them any time to breathe!
(End of this chapter)

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