Chapter 371 Bloody War!
Time turned, five days later.

Yanbang scale wall city.

This is one of the three main cities of the Red Disaster in the "No. [-] War Zone" that Chen Lun is in charge of.

He is standing in mid-air at this moment, looking at the city group in front of him calmly.Beside him were the three Gold Cup members of Frey, all of whom manipulated the shadows to turn into cloaks and floated in the air like Lord Consul Jack.

On the ground behind him was a crowd of people.

At the front are ten silver cup councilors and more than 20 ordinary councilors, followed by high-playing teams such as Dongyang Chenxi and Polaris, and circus players... At the end are more than 1 ordinary players.

The players held exquisite long-handled flintlock guns in their hands, and a spare trumpet short gun on their waists, and some of them wore mechanical gloves on their hands.In addition, almost every player is carrying more or less ink bottle bombs.

Their expressions are eager to try, full of anticipation and excitement.

These people present were following Chen Lun's main force and were used to wipe out the main city... while the rest of the people were divided into two groups to attack the remaining red-stricken cities under the jurisdiction of Linbi City at the same time.

Chen Lun ordered Floy, Maggie, and Golov to be one road, and Noah and Antonio to be the other road. He allocated fifteen black crystal craftsmen and two Gold Cup councilors to the two roads, and the rest of the councilors and several Ten thousand players rowed into these two lanes on average and followed the team.

In this way, Chen Lun used a sharp knife to hit Huanglong directly.Floyd and Noah wandered on the flanks, helping to wipe out the red-stricken city in the main urban area of ​​the film.

Although the tactics are not clever, they are extremely efficient.

It can even be said to be simple and rude.

His confidence lies in these tens of thousands of players!
Each of them is a "dead soldier" who is fully armed and can be resurrected!
The war zone is huge, and the Red Apple Church has countless depraved believers and low-level priests. Only by relying on the player group can the fallen red disaster area be wiped out in the shortest time.

It was already a week late for Chen Lun to take action. The progress of the other nine consuls was not slow, and each of them had achieved something. Only he has not made any progress.There was even some excitement within the Generous Council, and there were more and more voices against him.

But Chen Lun didn't care.

Because he knew that most of those who mocked and clamored came from the consuls such as Houston Landa, and the public opinion in the parliament was largely deliberately provoked and guided by them.

The speaker did not express his position. Ginsberg and other consuls who supported him received a message of encouragement and support the day before yesterday, telling him not to be impatient and follow his own plan.

What Chen Lun needs to do now is to lead the players to fight this battle well.

By the way, slap those people hard in the face!

The members of the circus have the "Pale Mark" on them, while Chen Lun's body is hidden in the spirit world, and he leads the team only with the avatar of deceit, so that he can use the cloud leap to save the scene at any time.

At this moment.

The avatar turned his head and glanced at the crowd, gathered his breath, and shouted in a deep voice:
"The matter of action has already been discussed with you by each group of silver cup members, but I will repeat it again! First, when encountering all personnel of the Red Apple Church, without further ado, kill them directly, but do not massacre the surviving residents at will, and those who violate the rules will be severely punished!"

With an indifferent face, he continued:

"Second, don't panic if you encounter combat strength above the rank in the Red Apple Church. The silver cup councilors from each group will respond in time. Even if they are temporarily held back, I and the three gold cup councilors will take action to solve it!"

At this time, the gloomy sky was covered with light snow.

The gray robe on Chen Lun's body was blown up by the wind and rattled, revealing the shiny armor underneath.

"Third, the members of each group should be team-based, follow the command of the Silver Cup member, and must not act rashly or leave the team on their own... If any confusion or loss is caused by individuals, I will liquidate them one by one afterwards!"


He explained the eight rules one after another, his voice was firm and firm, even more bitter than this cold wind!
"Yes! Your Excellency the Consul!"

Tens of thousands of human voices shouted, resounding throughout the universe.

Chen Lun raised his arms and called out.



The crowd poured into the entrance of the main city, and even the ground trembled.

Like a drop of ink falling into a pool, they gradually spread out, fighting each other in groups of dozens of people.It didn't take long before there were loud gunshots, fierce fighting and shouting. It was when they encountered fallen believers wandering between buildings and on the street.

Chen Lun flew over the urban agglomeration with three Jinbei councilors and headed straight for the Red Apple Church area in the depths.This is to use the beheading action, first to concentrate the strongest members of one's own side, and to wipe out the opponent's high-end combat power.

During the flight, he overlooked the battle situation everywhere and nodded secretly.

Although the players were not high in level, they formed a group of dozens of people and armed with circus-produced equipment, they could very well hunt down those fallen believers with little IQ.

So far, there have been few casualties.

A small number of groups unfortunately encountered extraordinary priests of the Red Apple Church, but with the support of the councilors, they were able to encircle and suppress these monks in no time.

"The flintlock rifle developed by Connie is really good. After loading the black crystal ammunition, ordinary low-sequence transcendents will burp after taking a few shots. '

The corner of Chen Lun's mouth raised slightly.

The price of a handful of '60 Silver Lords is extremely affordable for players. They also know that once they miss this large-scale mission event, it will be difficult to buy in the future, so almost everyone has a handful... But the ammunition is not cheap, black A box of crystal bullets costs 5 silver nobility. '

He calculated the harvest of the circus selling weapons and equipment to the players this time, excluding the cost, the net profit reached more than 6 gold pounds.So much so that on Chen Lun's current panel, his personal assets are 16 gold pounds!

Chen Lun is very satisfied with this.

at this time.

He stopped suddenly.

"Master Jack?"

Frey asked aside.

The other two Golden Cup members also showed doubts.

"The Red Apple Church has reacted."

Chen Lun sneered, turned around and said to them.

"They sent two Red Rose squads, and a dozen mid-sequence priests... The three of you go to intercept, behead the captains above Sequence 6, and hand over the rest of the enemies to the Silver Cup councilors."

The reason why he was able to know the information at the first time was due to the credit of "detecting the snake group".

These are dozens of hundreds of thin snakes that Chen Lun split in advance, let them fly at low altitude, and patrol and monitor the entire city.Just now, two thin snakes suddenly lost their senses, and he relied on [multitasking] to spy on the last moment of the scene in time.

Chen Lun flicked his fingers, and his index finger fell off, turning into a little white snake and flying into Frey's hands.

"It will show you the way. Go."

"Yes! Master Jack!"

The three of Frey responded in deep voices.

Immediately, their bodies turned into invisible with a whoosh, but they rushed to the battlefield at an extremely fast speed.

Chen Lun stood in vain, looking down at the vast city buildings. After a long silence, he suddenly chuckled and said to himself:
"It's very cunning. Knowing that it was discovered, it will be broken into pieces... But I can't let you slaughter the players. Their resurrection times are used up. How should the battle continue in the next few days?"

Dongyang, Chenxi, Polaris and other high-playing teams of more than a dozen people acted alone, and Chen Lun deliberately assigned them a middle-ranked silver cup member as the team leader.

The strength of this player team can be said to be the strongest in the entire player circle at present!
They walked all the way just now, regardless of whether they encountered fallen believers or low-level priests, they all pushed past them, which made them feel that the difficulty was relatively low.

But now the situation has changed suddenly.

Because they were being targeted by five priests in red at the same time!

"Damn the generous parliament... stepping on us, willing to become the lackeys of the empire, and now recruiting these ants-like immortal foreigners as cannon fodder."

"No need to talk nonsense, a quick battle, kill them and there are other places that need support!"


The five priests burst into clothes instantly and transformed into five huge and ferocious ghouls.

Among them, the leader is even taller, with a pair of tattered and disgusting bat wings on the back!

Four [Sequence 7-Ghouls] and one [Sequence 6-Bloods]!
"I stopped the strongest priest, you have to hold on... I believe that the consul and the Jinbei councilor will react soon!"

The silver cup member who is the team leader is named [Sequence 6-Shadowless], he disappeared after he finished speaking.

In the next second, several blood arrows appeared around the body of the bat-winged ghoul. The priest roared and swiped his claws to one side.With a bang, the Silver Cup Councilor briefly appeared, holding a golden scimitar to block the blow, and then disappeared into the invisible again.

The two strongest players on both sides have already launched a fight against each other.

And Dongyang and others also felt the pressure.

Last time they defeated three priests, it was because of Noah's help behind them.

Now that the "strongest assistant" in the circus is not here, how can they beat these four priests on their own?

"We'd better not die. This large-scale mission will take a long time. Once the number of resurrections is used up, we will miss a lot of opportunities!"

Dongyang said in a deep voice.

"Dongyang is right! Goutoujin, Forget Wuji, you two speed transformation, go up with me! Bald, Nana and Dragon King, you are supporting!"

Polaris turned his head and drank violently.

"Understood, Brother Beizi!"

Everyone responded.

I saw the good friends Goutoujin and Wangwang Wuji poured the "Beef Vigorous Bottle" with their heads up, and then used the sequence ability of [Butcher], and the two became two-meter-five bull-headed giants!Only half shorter than a ghoul.

Polaris turned his head up and turned into a "crocodile man", holding an exquisite straight sword in his left hand, and a crocodile head appeared in his right hand.Tutu and the other three [beast trainers] also showed their animal characteristics, and rushed up after Polaris.

boom! !

Two tauren tried to restrain a priest ghoul together, but they were shot flying several meters in a face-to-face, and fell heavily to the ground, with both arms broken and blood gushing.

The four Polaris didn't even have time to help, when they heard Goutoujin and Wang Wangwuji's miserable howls, and were immediately disrupted by another ghoul.

The priest ghoul jumped up and fell into the high-playing crowd on the spot, crushing the ground and stirring up countless gravels.The Dragon King and Kuang Ben Kuang couldn't dodge in time, and their blood bars were emptied on the spot, turning into white light and dissipating.

The strong aftermath even knocked Tutu, Nana, Dongyang and others into the air, and their health dropped a bit.

Only Polaris escaped the fatal blow by relying on the dexterity of the antelope's hooves.But after he fell to one side, he didn't dare to rush forward to attack with the straight sword in his hand, feeling extremely anxious in his heart.

"It's too strong! We can't beat it!!"

Dongyang shouted loudly, his tone extremely helpless.

Without Noah's help, they were immediately beaten back to their original form, and the dozen or so strongest players had only reached the end of Sequence 9.But the opponent is a red-clothed priest with a difference of two ranks, one rank!

at this time.

Everyone present heard a terrifying scream.

That is……

Breaking sound!
call out--! !

I saw a stream of extremely black light blinking and falling on the field.

Immediately, a black ball several meters in diameter burst into bloom!

The four priest ghouls who were originally extremely oppressive suddenly rose into the air and were pulled towards the big black ball!Just like a child's toy, it was thrown into the "washing machine", absorbed and stirred, twisted and rotated.


The four black and tall priest ghouls howled in horror, but no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't get rid of the terrifying black ball and were forcibly dragged inside.

chi chi chi...

The frightening sound of crushing and crushing sounded, and the skin and flesh of the priest ghoul exploded, and the bones flew away. They were actually entangled and intertwined, as if they were about to be kneaded into a big meatball!

The bat-winged ghoul roared, thrusting its hands into the ground, stubbornly resisting the attraction of the black ball, raised its head, and roared in horror:

" did you get here so quickly?!"

The silver cup councilor stopped his hands and retreated violently, landed tens of meters away, bowed respectfully to the person coming in mid-air, and said with a sigh of relief:
"Master Consul."

The players also raised their heads in shock, looking at the gray-robed figure in mid-air with joy on their faces.

"It's Mr. Jack!"

With a faint smile on his face, Chen Lun nodded to the players, then glanced at the bat-winged ghoul, and turned into a group of pale snakes with his hands:
"Go to hell."

(End of this chapter)

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