I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 374 The Player's Hunting Moment

Lord Jack.


At this time, members of the circus, such as Floyd and Noah, approached and saluted Chen Lun one after another.

Behind them, there are Gold Cup members such as Akbin and Frey.

Chen Lun slightly nodded at them, and then looked further away to one side.

The sky is still snowing, and the temperature has dropped below zero at this time, and the ground in this area is covered with a layer of silver.

Countless figures gathered together in a black mass, like a pool of irregular ink stains on a white cloth-all of them were players.

During this period of time, the recruitment entrusted by Chen Lun to the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce has not ended, and there has been a steady stream of players being transported over.

For this, Chen Lun spent nearly [-] gold pounds in commission fees.

This matter required a lot of manpower and material resources, and the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce served him with full firepower from top to bottom, not only because of Chen Lun's friendship with the chairman Rosa, but also because of his current status and status.

The high level of the Orthodox Church and the Consul of the Generous Council, Mr. Jack Speight, are working hard for the stability of the empire... The Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce has no reason to refuse no matter in terms of interests, friendship or general situation.

The enthusiasm of the players even exceeded Chen Lun's imagination.

Except for the Lost Name Guild who did not participate in his recruitment due to joining the Red Apple Church and the History and Ceremony Association, among the three major guilds, Yingling Pavilion and God's Love, as well as many small and medium-sized guilds such as Chuxi and Xiaoyinhu, all sent Yanbang Members from the territory were dispatched to join Chen Lun's command.

Including casual players, their number is close to [-]!
All gathered here, waiting for Chen Lun's order.

'This is a force that cannot be underestimated...,
Chen Lun thought to himself.

In his previous life, he was just one of the many players, but now he has become the leader of the players and one of the commanders of the Scarlet Battle.

The formation of the players was not neat, it could even be said to be extremely chaotic, but Chen Lun did not ask for this.He doesn't need the players to order and ban them like the army, that would be too embarrassing for the players, and it's not realistic at the same time.

Has your team assembled yet?
Chen Lun asked calmly.

Floyd and Noah each expressed their affirmation, and then the accompanying Gold Cup members of their two teams spoke at the right time:
Mr. Jack, the previous actions did not damage too many manpower. In total, only 29 ordinary councilors and seven silver cup councilors were injured. They have recovered from their injuries under Miss Maggie's medical treatment...

The Jinbei member who reported this situation was called Herb, a middle-aged man with a beard, and his expression was extremely respectful at the moment, as were the several Jinbei members beside him.

They have more and more admiration for Lord Consul Jack in their hearts.

Because the matter of recruiting undead aliens was originally not favored by others, there were many voices of opposition and ridicule in the Generous Council... But now it seems that Master Jack's move is extremely clever, but those people are short-sighted .

It is precisely because of the help of the undead strangers that the members of the council were not killed. Under the condition of ensuring their own safety, the overall efficiency is still frighteningly high... So far, Master Jack is the first to advance to the second seat of the war zone. The city's consuls!

He was almost a week late to start!

Such an honor makes the MPs under Chen Lun feel honored and proud.

Just in the past few days, the public opinion in the Generous Council suddenly changed direction. The clamoring and mocking voices disappeared, and were replaced by praise and approval.

Frey, Herb and others were extremely disdainful of this.

Even the other nine consuls, and even the official asylum, the Church of the Sun and the Church of the Moon, began to follow Master Jack's example and recruited undead foreigners as troops.But obviously none of them learned the essence of Master Jack, they just used the undead stranger as cannon fodder.

Efficiency and morale are far inferior to their own.

Master Jack
Out of their own pockets, they sell excellent equipment and props to undead strangers at extremely low prices, and they are always ready to fight every battle and rescue them in time... This is something that outsiders cannot do.

He can naturally win the support of the group of undead strangers.


Chen Lun nodded.

He then said to the subordinates around him:
The purpose of concentrating the combat power this time is to take the lead in conquering Rongshan City and destroy the fortress of 'hate... Only in this way can the other cities advance smoothly.Has the information I told you to pass on before been implemented in every group?

It has been conveyed, Mr. Jack.

Everyone expressed their affirmation.

The information Chen Lun mentioned is naturally the way to deal with the Fortress of Abomination... His strategy is roughly the same as before, dispersing the teams in the city, letting the players hunt and kill, and the team leader is responsible for tracking and supporting.

At the same time, let your own high-end combat power behead the Red Apple Church.

But the only difference is that he ordered his subordinates and players to stay as far away from the huge red fortress as possible. Once he saw it rising from the ground and was ready to move, he would besiege and charge.

This is Chen Lun's plan based on his knowledge of the fortress of hatred.

When it is in a fixed state, it can exert the strongest power, and its range of action is about one kilometer. You should avoid its edge, and act as if you are unaware but very cautious, hunting as usual outside its range of action... ...When the Red Apple Church couldn't sit still and put it in a moving state, it was time for Chen Lun to make a move.

He took a deep breath and said solemnly:

You count the manpower and lead your respective teams to march!
yes!Master Jack!

Everyone answered quickly.

In the open land in the distance.

The players were bragging and farting while looking forward to the start of the next event.

I really didn't expect that the rewards of these missions in the past few days have surpassed my hard work for more than a month... Tsk tsk, I have been directly promoted to two levels, how dare you believe it? !
A bald player was checking his ammunition bag and said to his friend.

That's not true, this is a large-scale mission derived from the main line. Follow the large army to hunt down the red disaster area, and it is difficult to upgrade slowly... Moreover, Jack's subordinates will not be greedy for the mysterious substances and equipment dropped, and they will be distributed according to their contributions after daily settlement. Currency, I have a buddy who is making a lot of money, and he showed me his new personal terminal yesterday, all thanks to the rewards of this mission.

The player's friend was also a young male, pinched the face of an ancient god, and was amazed.


Holding the [Connie No. [-]] flintlock rifle, he pulled the bolt, shook the gun, and caught the bullet in one go.

Playing with the black crystal bullet the size of the index finger in his hand is like viewing a work of art.

Speaking of which, Jack is really a rare "benevolent person" among NPCs. I have never seen any faction that can have such benefits... These equipments are all standard configurations of circus organizations. I saw those bosses showing off screenshots on the game forum, and now I’ve finally played with it, it’s so damn enjoyable!The weapons I used before are all rubbish!
Hey, indeed!Remember the young lady I met last time when I took you to a party?She and her girlfriends have joined the Little Silver Fox Guild, but it is only a branch, far away from Huabang, so they can only choose to follow the large army of the shelter to participate in this bloody battle... There are no benefits, players It's pure cannon fodder, do you think every region is like Jack's team?

The bald player's tone was cheerful and congratulatory.

At this time.

The two noticed that the team leader of their own team, an ordinary congressman under Jack, returned from the high-level team in front and came to him.

Team No. 78 is assembled and ready to go!
The team leader shouted loudly.


Players who belong to this team
They all answered and ran over.

Calls to gather from the team leaders came from all around, and the players mobilized into action, gathering in a group of nearly a hundred people.

Then, under the command of their respective team leaders, they headed towards the entrance of Rongshan City.

Snowflakes were falling all over the sky, and nearly [-] players were walking in an orderly manner amidst the chaos.They held flintlock rifles, breathed white air, and were in agitated mood.

They are eager to fight, eager to hunt!

After a while.

When the respective groups entered the city and dispersed, and encountered fallen believers in the dilapidated streets and quiet alleys, the group leaders shouted loudly and directed the players to attack.

Immediately, gunshots rang out!
Bang bang bang...! !


The bald player raised his gun to shoot, and with dozens of companions around him, he set fire to a group of depraved believers who rushed forward.

The storm of bullets instantly tore apart those crazy believers!
The bodies of the few surviving fallen believers exploded and turned into moving tentacle pieces of meat, but the red arcs from the black crystal bullets instantly withered these pieces of flesh.

After receiving a series of prompts for killing rewards, the players beamed with joy.

While loading ammunition, he shouted excitedly.

Zhuo!So cool!I won't go to work tomorrow!

I also take leave of liver game!Such a large-scale decompression task, but also a frightening bird class!
Tomorrow's online class, the brothers will stop talking and get sick directly.

it is good!Same disease, same disease!

In Rongshan City, the sound of gunfire was dense and continuous, and the sound of clanging metal clashes was continuous, accompanied by shouts and shouts, lingering in the snow.

Some player groups were attacked by extraordinary priests, but with the timely response of the team leader, there were not many casualties.The lucky players even saw the circus cadres make a move with their own eyes.

The red-clothed priests, who turned into little giants over two meters high, were crushed by huge waves intertwined with black vines rising from the ground.

The black-dressed nun who was walking on the waves carried a tall scythe upside down, like chopping melons and vegetables, cutting out an arc of black light, cutting off the rest of the fallen believers who flocked to her.


Jack's nun! !

In the wild shouts and gazes of the players, the blind and beautiful nun disappeared into the street without looking back.

There is also a player group that suddenly received four or five BUFF bonus reminders, like a god possessed, causing terrible output to the fallen believers... Everyone present saw that on the tall building on the side of the street, a shellfish wearing a helmet The cute boy in Thunder Hat draws in the snow with a focused expression.

He even glanced at the players on the street downstairs and smiled shyly.

On the battlefields everywhere, circus cadres appeared from time to time...

Four or five meters tall, the muscular cow that walks upright wields a bone sword as pale as jade.A crazy girl rides a huge monster bull and throws horrible medicine bottles along the way, covering the whole street with green poisonous smoke.

There are also those three men in black, who flash past the window of the building from time to time, and when the gunshots rang out, the priest in red, who was an elite monster, fell to the ground and died.

Under the escort of such a powerful NPC, the players frantically hunted and killed.

Until there was a loud bang!
In the depths of the distant buildings, the huge red monster slowly rose.

The players stopped what they were doing and looked away.

I saw a red wall and a fortress full of flesh and bone spurs, with countless long feet growing underneath!Those long feet, which were stitched together like pieces of meat and several meters in diameter, were tens to hundreds of meters high, swinging densely, supporting the fortress above and starting to move.

Moved!The fort moved!
According to the order of the team leader, we will charge it next!

As long as you get rid of that fortress, most of this mission is completed!
The players showed joy and shouted excitedly.

Seeing this, the leaders of each group shouted in a deep voice:

'Fortress of Abomination, start moving, all charge! !
Go! !
What the hell!

Armed with flintlock rifles, the players stepped on the icy snow and resolutely rushed towards the bloody and hideous mobile fortress.

On the top of the fortress, the red apple churches on the top of the city wall and in the windows of the people all looked so gloomy and scary.

This group of damned undead strangers!How can there be so many? !

Damn heresy!Damn Jack!

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