Chapter 379 Pale Rage (Two in One)

Yanbang Rongshan City.

The battle has reached its fiercest stage.

Although the high-end combat power of the Red Apple Church was completely killed and injured, the incarnation of Jermaine was left unmatched.He stood alone with one shot at a time. Even if the eight Jinbei councilors and the circus cadres besieged him together, they couldn't hurt him at all. They could only barely support in front of him.

boom! !

Jingle Jingle!

Jermaine shot back and swept across, directly colliding with the air, wiping out several sparks.

The four Jinbei councilors who had escaped into the invisible appeared and flew backwards. Although they all used the "shadow coffin" to enshrine themselves and were covered with a layer of shadow armor, the shot still severed many of their grown arms.

The muffled groans continued, and several people vomited blood and fell to the ground, making a loud bang.

Jermaine was about to pursue him, but he was blocked by two mad cows and four sick dogs, and a cloud of diseased insects flew over his head.

However, his face was calm, and he just turned the bone spear in his hand for a circle, held it upside down, turned around and swung it sideways, and the pair of huge bone wings on his back easily slapped the giant bulldog in front of him, and even the sharp edges smashed it into the air. Three cut off at the waist!


Blood is flying everywhere!


Just at this moment, Maggie gave a low drink suddenly.

The cow carcass cut into two by Jermaine suddenly made a faint sound of glass breaking... That was the toxin and disease medicine she had hidden in the mad cow in advance!

The dark green smoke exploded suddenly, and the overwhelming mosquitoes, flies and moths were not only not affected, but seemed to have entered the home field, with a much faster speed, appearing extremely active.

Jermaine sneered.

He raised his head to the sky, opened his mouth suddenly, and then sucked in.

Whoosh! !

Whether it was a swarm of diseases or a terrifying poisonous mist, they were all inhaled into his body by him!
Four weeks is one of the new.

"Extraordinary disease? Huh..."

Jermaine shook his head and praised the deliciousness.

Spreading his bone wings, he rushed forward dozens of meters with his whole body, leaving behind a dark red poisonous mist in the trajectory he crossed... Jermaine used all the extraordinary power he "eaten" for himself!
At the same time, the bone spear in his hand stabbed fiercely, intending to kill the injured four Jinbei councilors!
call out!
The shadows on the ground formed a mass, enveloping the Jinbei councilors like a big net, and quickly dragged them away.Noah raised his pen to draw in the back and rescued his companion.

But in the next second, his face changed slightly.

Jermaine's slender figure rushed in front of him!

His face was expressionless and his eyes were indifferent.

Noah had no time to marvel at the speed of the opponent's reaction, so he had to change into his own sequence form, and the huge ghoul rose from the ground, raising its claws to block.

puff! !
The ghoul's entire arm was chopped off.

Noah only felt a sharp pain in his arm, but before he could react, he was pierced through the chest by the bone spear again!He vomited blood in his mouth, gritted his teeth and activated the power of [Gallery of Bones], borrowing the characteristics of [Bloods] contained in "Red Bishop", turned into countless bats and scattered with a bang.

Jermaine was originally a high-ranking person in the flesh and blood path, and he was very familiar with Noah's power.

He opened his mouth slightly, and exhaled a thick dark red smoke, which was accompanied by strong toxins and extraordinary diseases...

The swarm of bats screamed, festering and falling.

Just when Noah was in danger.

"Painter, here I come!"

A rampaging muscular cow is on the rampage!

Seeing that his companion was in danger, Antonio snorted, then raised the bone sword in his palm and slashed down.

Moreover, Floyd appeared on the other side of Jermaine at some point, slashing at his neck with a scythe.

Jermaine's eyes flicked slightly.

boom! !

The bone wings on his back slapped several times in an instant, first parrying the two's slashes with clangs, and then slamming on Antonio and Floyd.

One person and one cow flew out backwards, vomiting blood continuously.

"It's over... There is no hope at all..."

"When all the high-level NPCs under Jack are killed, it will be our turn!"

"The resurrection point is just outside, we can't run away, all the number of resurrections have to be accounted for here... When the cooldown is over and we go online again, I'm afraid this task will be too cold!"

The onlookers were inexplicably horrified, their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley.

Look around.

That gigantic fortress of hatred, relying on countless "long legs" of flesh and blood, was still moving slowly, wreaking havoc on the battlefield.It continuously emits a red halo, drowning the players on the main battlefield.

Either it rains blood, or stimulates a column of blood, between one increase and one decrease, the players suffer unspeakably.After the "death" of Mr. Jack, everyone's morale was low, and they lost their initial desire to fight against the tide of depraved believers and red-robed priests.

They are now only thinking about how to retreat and minimize losses.

bang bang bang! !

The violent roar once again drew the attention of the onlookers back to the field.

I saw black crystal smith puppets easily pierced by the terrifying white bone spiral spear, smashing into pieces like fragile paper shells.Jermaine's slender and straight figure is chilling and indifferent, shuttles and destroys in the field.

Players hold their breath, they know that big black guy very well, there have been detailed posts on the game forum... They are the "elite guards" of Jack's circus, one can easily wipe out dozens of ordinary people player.

And they are not even counted as cannon fodder in front of the "Ultimate Boss" of the Red Apple Church!

Jermaine seemed to have had enough of the entanglement of these weak people in front of him, he snorted coldly, the skin all over his body wriggled, bones drilled out, and was covered with a hideous but beautiful armor.

The bone wings slammed, and the wind blew violently.

His figure flashed in front of the four Jinbei councilors who had escaped before, and the bone spear swept across like a stick. Frey and Akbin who were standing in front of them were directly blasted away, and then the tip of the spear rained through the bodies of the four.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...! !



A sharp object entered the body, and blood flew everywhere.

Two Sequence 5 Golden Cup councilors were defeated on the spot by the "Shadow Coffin", their bodies were torn apart, and they lost their breath... The other two were luckier, but they also flew several meters away, lying dying in a pool of blood.

"Rio, sacrificed for the glory of the council!"

Councilor Frey got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and spoke in a low voice.

War is cruel, especially in the mysterious field where strength is the most important... As a high-ranking person, you must rush to the forefront and resist the most violent attacks and pressures.

As a former Orthodox church, the Red Apple Church has a terrifying background. This is just the incarnation of a ten-core archbishop of the "Scarlet Monastery", and he killed them, the mainstay of the Golden Cup councilors, to a halt.

But now that Master Jack is not around, they have no choice but to give up their lives to restrain them, otherwise those people below will be mercilessly massacred by the incarnation of the saint... At that time, the battle will also be defeated, and all the previous efforts will be in vain!
Even the Council of Generosity would be ashamed.


Frey let out a low growl, and the shadow mud covered his whole body in an instant. Holding a long black sword in each of his six arms, he appeared behind Jermaine and swung the sword at him.

"Akbin! Esther and Coleman will be handed over to you! Rescue them!"

"Senator Frey..."

As soon as Akbin took the medicine, his face changed slightly.

Jermaine turned indifferently, held the gun with one hand, and clashed with the afterimage of the black sword swung by Frey's six arms, clanging.

Then with a shake of his hand, the bone spear exploded with six shadow swords, stabbing Frey between the eyebrows.


Frey's eyes widened.

He knew that with his own speed, it was impossible to avoid this blow.

As a result, there is only death!
boom! ! !
A terrifying loud noise spread across the battlefield.

The earth trembled unceasingly, smoke, dust, snowflakes, and cold wind engulfed them, setting off huge waves that obscured their vision, and the players couldn't help but cover their ears.

"This is... what happened again?!"

As the smoke and dust drifted away, everyone finally saw the picture inside clearly.

I saw a pale knight who was nearly three meters tall, standing hunched over, dragging a terrifying silver giant sword in his hand, with a scarlet cloak fluttering on his back, and a thick white python with a diameter of half a meter wrapped around his shoulders. waist, standing on the shoulders.

And at the foot of the knight, he was stepping on that mighty "Ultimate Boss"!
"Who is that……?!"

The players were stunned, too shocked to speak.

At this moment, Dongyang, Chenxi, Polaris and other high-playing groups have also rushed to this main battlefield.Seeing the huge knight descending from the sky, they couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

"Jack...he's definitely Jack!"

"I knew that Mr. Jack would not die so easily!"

Polaris looked up at the knight, glanced at the "Pale Mark" still in effect on the panel, and grinned silently.

Taking advantage of this gap, Frey, who had escaped the catastrophe, returned to the ranks of the cadres, staring at the two strong men confronting each other in the field with lingering fear.

"Master Jack is finally back!"

He said with both joy and emotion.

The rest of the people nodded slightly and let out a sigh of relief at the same time.

It seems that Jack's return has made them all find their backbone, and the uneasiness in their hearts has disappeared, leaving only admiration and hope... I hope Master Jack can kill powerful enemies and avenge the dead comrades!And lead everyone to win this battle!
The two Jinbei congressmen who were seriously injured and dying were rescued in time, and they are receiving Akbin's emergency treatment together with Noah.The rest of the cadres were more or less injured, and Maggie could only take care of them briefly and drink medicine to stabilize the injuries.

The councilors and circus executives on the field, and even more and more players present, looked at the field together——

Jermaine's bony wings folded over his head, wrestling with pale greaves and boots.

Ka Ka Ka! !

But his figure bent down even more, and immediately plopped down on one knee.

The ground cracked and part of it sank.

Jermaine's face was ugly, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

"I knew... how could your strength be so weak! So this is your real body, Jack!"

His tone was angry and slightly surprised.

Mid-sequence transcendents can also create avatars, which really puzzles him.

At the same time, Jack's strength far exceeded his expectations.

powerful!Too powerful!
How terrifying is it that a Sequence 5 Transcendent can suppress his incarnation to the point of being unable to stand up with strength alone? !

Jermaine just found it incredible!
At the same time, His words also caused an uproar among the unsuspecting players present.


"That pale knight is Jack! Zhuo!"

"Our boss is not dead! We can still win!"

"Jack Cow!!"

They discussed intensely, and forwarded these screenshots and things to the chat channel.

Whoa! !

The players in Rongshan City immediately cheered.

Morale is high!

The leader of the faction returned strongly, giving them a shot in the arm.

And brought a whole new hope!
This ups and downs of the mood, so that the players are deeply moved.

At the same time, they always pay attention to the chat channel, unwilling to miss any details.A large number of speeches passed by, constantly urging the players who watched the game to "broadcast" the specific situation quickly.

"—a fight! Jack, he..."

"What, hurry up, hurry up!"

"Oh, I'm so anxious, can you click the word faster?!"

"—Fuck! One sword! Just one sword!"

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Forget it, I'll go and see for myself! Brothers, I will withdraw first, you hold on!"

"I'm going too, I'm going too, what a fart! Isn't it good to see the big guys fighting?"

A large number of players "run away" and rushed to the main battlefield with their flintlock rifles, just to witness Jack's battle with the enemy's "Ultimate Boss".

boom! !

With a low cry, Jermaine broke free from the pale knight's stampede with all his strength, and flapped his bone wings to distance himself.With a loud bang, the knight's greave stepped on the ground, stepping out of the deep pit.


From under the pale knight's visor, came an extremely cold roar.

The arm armor was lifted vigorously, and the silver giant sword dragged on the ground slashed across a round and a half moon, and fell towards Jermaine from top to bottom!The two were obviously tens of meters apart, but in the blink of an eye, the silver moon came in front of him.


Jermaine's pupils shrunk, and he could only temporarily place the bone spear in front of him.

Clang! !

This sword slashed heavily on the spear, and then cut it off with a clang!

The giant sword hit Jermaine's shoulder with unabated momentum, cutting in half!
With a puff, the blood gushed incessantly, and Jermaine groaned, flapping his bone wings and retreating violently.

However, the pale knight's figure flickered again, and behind him, another sword swept across!
Woohoo! !

The violent whistling came. Although Jermaine's thinking came to his senses, his body was a little weaker, and he couldn't avoid it at all. He could only wrap himself with bone wings and resist the silver sword.

Clang! !

Jermaine's face was horrified, he coughed up blood, and the pair of bone wings on his back split into four pieces!

The sword wound was deep enough to reveal the bone, exposing his internal organs.


Chen Lun growled.

The anger in his heart seemed to be burning, the blazing pale anger wanted to burn everything, the fiery killing intent could no longer be suppressed, the sharp sword in his hand must drink blood.

kill!Kill these people!

And Jermaine in front of him is a good start!
Damn Rafa, damn Red Apple Church, since there will be an end sooner or later, it's better to be happy!
After Mr. Byers died, Chen Lun silently made plans on his way home.

He wants to design and kill Rafa himself!Even if this version is terminated early, it doesn't matter!
Everything is ready, just waiting for his next move!
Clang! !

Clang clang clang! !
Afterimages continued in the field, seven or eight pale figures seemed to appear at the same time, and the slashing blows full of anger fell on Jermaine's body like a gust of wind and rain.

The ten-core incarnation of the Scarlet Monastery has been torn apart and covered in blood.

The originally clean and indifferent face was covered with plasma, only the eyes were full of disbelief.

"I am the bloody ten cores! I am the servant of the Rose God! I am the will of God!"

Jermaine immediately screamed in rage, with a grim expression.

"The incarnation of walking in this world will not be destroyed by you, a mid-sequence transcendent! Die, Jack!"

With a bang, his body suddenly swelled, and he instantly turned into a five-meter-high bone ghoul, holding a huge double-headed bone spear in his hand, and rushed towards the pale knight.

"This avatar of yours is just the beginning... After Rafa dies, it will be your turn!"

The Pale Knight stuck the giant sword in the ground and raised his hand.

A faint blue flame rose, and a translucent playing card quietly flew out.

hum! !

Everyone on the battlefield felt that their eyes were dark.

Immediately the sound disappeared.

A dead silence and darkness.

next second.

Boom! !

Violent vibration and sound burst.

A gigantic black polyhedron suddenly appeared, and the houses, ground, guardrails, streetlights, and many finer things were all sucked in and crushed into nothingness.

The huge bone ghoul was like a frozen photo, looming in the polyhedron, and then torn into millions of pieces!

When the black polyhedron suddenly collapsed, it disappeared.

Just left a huge pothole in place.

The crowd remained silent for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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