I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 385 The Aftershock Caused by Jack

Chapter 385 The Aftershock Caused by Jack

Rafa's voice gradually faded away...


[Your regional reputation has reached 97 points! 】

[You have gained a new 1 point of epic popularity!Currently at 3 o'clock! 】

[Your name has spread throughout most of the Trisur Empire, and most extraordinary people in the mysterious realm have heard about your deeds! 】

[You have received the attention of the higher-ups of the Cuisul Empire, and Sun Princess Anna Cuisul has increased her favorability with you, and is currently friendly!Fiona, the chief judge of the shelter, has increased her favorability towards you, and is currently friendly!The presiding judge of the Imperial Jury, Mecox Lane, has increased his favorability towards you, and is currently friendly...]

A series of panel prompt boxes popped up, making Chen Lun dizzy.

At the same time, the surrounding scenes also changed.

Dozens of stone pillars and connected iron chains surrounding the edge slowly sank into the ground one after another, indicating that Rafa had passed away, fulfilling the rules of the "Sin Arena" and breaking the blockade.

Chen Lun sat weakly on the ground, rubbing his temples.

"Coordinated kill... It seems that the blow in the form of the 'Green Serpent' caused a part of Rafa's body to be lignified, which was accounted for in the damage contribution. Although I was not the one who killed it, Azgil Chairman Luo is considered a friendly army, so I also share the kill reward. '

He let out a long breath.

Although the main force is Speaker Azgielo, he is just a bait and delay, a proper tool man...but he finally got rid of a big enemy!
The ultimate boss of version 1.0 was eliminated by his own design before its highlight moment, which is something to be happy about.

Chen Lun checked the prompt box on the panel again, and noticed the names of many important people appearing in the favorable impression prompt, which surprised him very much.

"The peeping that I felt vaguely before, it turned out to be from the Wangcheng side..."

He quickly thought that this was probably because the speaker had conveyed the important information about the "Scarlet Ceremony" to the top management of the empire, and they happened to pay attention just now.

'This wave can be regarded as an additional gain. It is not easy to obtain the favorability of the big shots... When there is a chance to go to the royal city in the future, many things will be easier to do. '

A smile appeared on Chen Lun's face.

He looked at the black-haired man in gray robe who was walking slowly, stood up with difficulty and saluted him.

At the same time, he recalled the scene just now, the giant hand stretched out from the turquoise vintage carved glass window... He vaguely remembered that after drinking the mythical wine "Red Invitation Letter", he went to the sacred place of the King of Slaughter. In China, the hands that have seen Him with their own eyes are also wearing white gloves...

"Could it be the King of Slaughter... The speaker's strength is really unfathomable, and he was able to use his power to directly kill Rafa in an instant through the 'sin ring'... Even among the saints in the entire empire, the speaker is the most powerful person in the world." Can you be in the forefront? '

Chen Lun thought to himself, and said respectfully to the speaker:

"Chairman Azgielo."

"No more politeness."

The gray-robed man smiled kindly and patted Chen Lun on the shoulder affectionately.

"You've done a good job, Jack. It's your contribution to the successful hunting of Rafa this time... I didn't expect you to last so long, it was beyond my expectation... But after all, it was my negligence that put you in danger. There were some discrepancies in the previous plan, so this weird thing will be given to you as compensation."

The speaker took out a wooden sign half the size of a palm, engraved with some weird patterns and words, and I don't know what was written on it.

"Rafa's body and his spirituality have been offered as sacrifices to the King of Slaughter... The only loot left is this trick of the Red Apple Church, but you have seen its power, believe you Will use it well."

"Thank you, Speaker, for your gift!"

Chen Lun took the wooden sign with both hands and said respectfully.

[A-level creepy thing - sin arena]

Item description: An item that contains the power of flesh and blood. Its appearance is a wooden sign of unknown material, with short sentences such as "the boundary between life and death" and "the only way out" written in Yanita script.

Suspected to be a warlike saint who died after a duel.

"The journey of life is a struggle. The loser is unknown, and the winner is born."

Item effect: Create a "decisive arena" with a diameter of [-] meters, block the area, and isolate everyone except the user and the duelist from entering and leaving, until one party dies.

Item price: A high-sequence flesh and blood mysterious substance or an extraordinary item of the same quality type. In addition, each time it is used, the item will fall into a [-]-day silence.

'is a powerful trick for trapping and hunting, and the price is not too harsh, very good! '

The panel description of [Sin Arena] was similar to what Chen Lun thought, and he happily put it away.

At this time, the speaker said softly:
"Next, we will use all our strength to destroy the 'Basic Fortress' guarded by Rafa...As the vanguard of the empire, we will deal a heavy blow to the Red Apple Church for the first time."

He took a deep look at Chen Lun.

"After you have wiped out the 'Yanbang No. [-]' war zone that you are in charge of, go back to the headquarters of the parliament. At that time, a corresponding secret meeting will be held to explain the situation to the other consuls of the Senate... In addition, you must be prepared, Jack, I will personally write a letter to the Imperial Jury to let you pass their review."

"The Imperial Jury...?"

Chen Lun was slightly taken aback.

"You are on the candidate list of members of the Imperial Jury, but the two factions inside the asylum have been arguing and have not finalized... This time you not only conquered the red disaster area one after another, but also set a trap by yourself to arrest Rafa, the ten-core archbishop of the Scarlet Monastery. Booby trap... with such a feat, there will be no objection."

The Speaker chuckled.

"I know you're confused...but the Council of Generosity doesn't have so many rules, and I won't restrict you from having other identities. On the contrary, I very much hope that you will join the Imperial Jury."

"But... Speaker Azgielo, why?"

Chen Lun looked confused.

He couldn't figure it out, if he was just a member of the Imperial Tribunal, he might win some honor for the Generous Parliament, but the speaker shouldn't care about such things...

"The spiritual world is in turmoil, and the Sun King intends to send his own army to explore the depths of the spiritual world. This is an excellent opportunity to allow you to go to a higher position... Moreover, the changes in the dark world are subtle, and even the Slaughter King Your Majesty, I have also mentioned this matter, I hope you can act as the eyes of the parliament and pass on the information from there as soon as possible."

The speaker's expression gradually became serious.

"The impact of this incident on the present world may be more serious than the red disaster."

Chen Lun suddenly realized.

'This is the plot of version 2.0. It seems that the empire has already started preparations...and does the speaker want me to join the team of exploring the dark world as a member of the imperial jury?Well, if possible, I will have two official identities, and I can also intervene in the main plot of the next version in advance! '

Tourmaline King City.

Inside the Sun Chamber.

As the star fog dissipated, the high-level or leaders of various forces were silent for a few seconds.

"Who was that young man just now?"

Prince Dazlet asked curiously.

The old man Tiffany on the side said lightly:
"One of the Ten Archons of the Generous Council, Jack Speight."

"Huh? Can a mid-sequence transcendent also become a consul?"

The prince was puzzled.

At this time, Fiona, the chief judge of the shelter, chuckled lightly and said:

"Jack's deeds are somewhat bizarre, but they are also quite interesting... He was originally born in a fisherman's family, but because he salvaged a strange thing, his family members were polluted and passed away. He became an orphan and was arrested by the Red Apple Church. Feed the offerings of the 'Unknown Creature'."

Fiona had obviously read the detailed report on Chen Lun, and knew all about his life experience.

"But later, during the period of being locked up in the dungeon, I reaped an adventure and was lucky enough to become an extraordinary person of the path of destiny... Not only escaped from the control of the Red Apple Church, but also burned down the local church, and even shot one after another, attacking the Red Apple. The church has dealt a series of heavy blows... The reason why the Generous Council can become the new Orthodox Church is due to this person's contribution."

"It turns out that he is a great hero under the command of Speaker Azgielo. No wonder he can serve as the consul."

The prince nodded, realizing something.

The silver-robed lady of the Stars Sect suddenly explained:
"Prince, the reason why Jack Speight became the consul is not only because of his outstanding contribution to the Generous Council, but also because his strength is not comparable to that of ordinary mid-sequence Transcendents...the Rotov family once had three saints The incarnation of this person was beheaded..."

As he spoke, he glanced at the Pope Tiferney of the Church of the Sun.

"Even one of Terrence's split bodies of light was destroyed in his hands."

The old man didn't respond, his face was calm.

After hearing this, many big shots who didn't know much about Jack showed great interest on their faces.Prince Dazlet even laughed and applauded.

"This Jack is truly a talent from the empire! No wonder he was able to hold on to Rafa for so long just now, until Chairman Azgielo arrived..."

Afterwards, he tapped his fingers on the table and turned his head to look in the direction of the Imperial Jury.

"Presiding Judge McCawlane, how about recruiting him into the Imperial Jury?"

The middle-aged man in military uniform chuckled.

"Prince, Jack Speight was originally on the new batch of candidate lists, but Judge Plamond and the others disagree with this decision... After all, Jack's background is not 'orthodox'."

After hearing this, Prince Dazlet shook his head with emotion.

"I think it's too pedantic to select members according to the past standards in the current era... But all outstanding talents who can serve the empire should make an exception to recruit them, otherwise it would be a pity."

The bearded and strong man next to Mecoxlane was also in military uniform, with a black blindfold over his left eye.

This person is none other than Plamond, the presiding judge of the Radical faction.

He glanced at McCawlin with one eye, and then calmly said:

"Since the prince has spoken, I also think this little guy deserves an exception."

"This is the best..."

Dazlet smiled happily.

(End of this chapter)

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