Chapter 392

After completing this mission, Chen Lun and the other five consuls did not stay long. After cleaning up the battlefield briefly, they returned to the headquarters of the Generous Council to report.

However, the speaker was not there, not even his incarnation remained.

From the mouths of several Jinbei members who stayed behind, it was learned that the speaker left the headquarters due to an emergency, and it seemed that he was going to personally go to the war zone near Wangcheng...

"The Red Apple Church has entered the final stage of resistance."

From the simple information, Ginsberg saw the essence behind it.

Everyone sat and chatted at the marble round table in the secret meeting room on the second floor.

"Even the speaker personally took action, most likely because the current Pope Luisa showed up..."

Mulenga took out a bottle of extremely precious mythical wine, poured a glass for everyone present, took a sip, and said slowly.


Bindu picked up his wine glass and chuckled lightly.

"His ambition is even worse than that of his elder brother, Dolomie Purniss. This woman is responsible for most of the reason why the Red Apple Church has fallen into the current situation."

"It is said that the two of them, brother and sister, bear the blood of the Field Rose royal family... It is not difficult for people to understand that they have led the Red Apple Church to this step."

Yasmin's drinking posture was very elegant, which also allowed Chen Lun to see the charming side of this saint. He was lazily leaning on the high-backed chair, licked his lips with a wine glass, and shook his head.

Chen Lun was silent as he listened to the exchange of the consuls.

He took a sip of the wine in his glass and raised his eyebrows quite unexpectedly.

[You have taken the mythical wine "Grace's Smile", the upper limit of health is permanently increased by 200 points, the upper limit of physical strength is permanently increased by 100 points, the charm is permanently +2, and the mystery resistance is slightly increased! 】

"Is this the circle of the consuls, take out the mythical wine and drink it..."

Chen Lun was a little emotional.

He raised his glass to Mulenga, who also raised his glass in return.

"By the way, Jack, what happened to your mysterious accumulation?"

Mulenga spoke.

"We are looking forward to your promotion to a high position. It will be a great event to celebrate, both for the Generous Council and for us."

"I was just promoted to Sequence Five some time ago, and I'm afraid it will take some time to accumulate mysteries. As for the extraordinary knowledge and rituals of sanctification, I don't even have a clue."

Chen Lun put down his wine glass, shook his head and said.

"Mulenga, I think you are a little preconceived... In fact, it has only been two years since Jack stepped into the mysterious field. It is already shocking to reach the level he is today. As for sanctification, not to mention that most extraordinary people are Stuck at this step, even our fastest time took more than ten or twenty years.”

Bindu spoke up.

The other consuls seemed to have just remembered the facts, with complicated expressions.

Chen Lun's various amazing performances made them subconsciously ignore this point.

"In the knowledge inventory of the Generous Council, there is no knowledge of fate above Sequence Six. We can't help you with this, Jack..."

Ginsburg said.

With a slight apology on his face, he then made a suggestion:
"We have already heard from the speaker that this is the first time that the imperial jury has included you with an 'unorthodox background' in the candidate list, and the speaker personally recommended it. Perhaps we can try to start from the shelter to obtain subsequent sanctification knowledge and rituals."

"That's right, if there is any knowledge of the fate path in the current empire... I can only think of official asylums."

Bindu added with a smile.

"The 'Dawn Tea Party' was kicked out of the Orthodox Church seat back then, just like the Red Apple Church today, it was besieged and suppressed, and their accumulation was most likely taken by the Sun Royal Family."

"Thank you for your advice, Ginsburg, and Bindu."

Chen Lun raised his glass with a smile to show his gratitude.

In fact, he was not sure in his heart whether he could find the mythical knowledge of [Fate Faction Sequence 4] in Wonderland...Of course, looking for Philip directly is also a way, but the hope is not high.

After all, Chen Lun couldn't be more clear about that guy's virtue...

Moreover, after winning the seat of the righteous god from the Murder Club, Philip suddenly disappeared, and he didn't even answer his prayers.

Now Ginsberg's proposal is also a good plan and choice.

Everyone continued to sit in the meeting hall for a while, and then left the meeting, deciding to meet again after the speaker came back.

Chen Lun returned directly to the winery in Peacock City.

Floy and the others are still fighting outside and have not returned, leaving only Connie and Alex in the winery.

Connie was busy making firearms and ammunition in the warehouse area, directing 32 black crystal craftsmen to start working with all her strength, and she didn't even notice Chen Lun's arrival.

Chen Lun didn't bother her, leaving behind a glass of extraordinary wine he made and a note to leave a message, then turned and left.

This glass of wine has the effect of eliminating fatigue and moisturizing the skin.

Come quietly, go quietly.

As for Alex, he was bored and lay alone on the lawn in the back garden, playing the harmonica.Beside him, there are also some papers filled with special symbols and words, which looks like he is creating poetry.

Chen Lun stared at him silently for a while at the corridor window of the main building of the villa, then shook his head and went up to the third floor and entered the study.

The first thing he did after sitting on the sofa was to spend all the experience points and points accumulated on the panel.

'Follow-up knowledge is still far away, and there is still a long way to go before the full level of [Acrobat] 50, so the points will not be saved for now, just use them up. '

Chen Lun's four basic attributes at the moment have reached the 150-point threshold of a Sequence Five Transcendent, and there will be reward penalties for continuing to add points.Although spending points in this situation felt somewhat distressed and reluctant, Chen Lun still gritted his teeth and turned them into combat power.

All 90W experience points were used up, and Chen Lun was promoted to level 4.


[You get 4 skill points and 4 attribute points! 】

【Acrobat LV19】

【Total Level LV139】

Immediately afterwards, Chen Lun evenly added the 44 attribute points on hand to the four-dimensional attributes, and allocated 13 special attribute points to the three items of charm, will and insight.

So far, his four-dimensional attributes have become: strength 159, dexterity 159, endurance 159, intelligence 159!

And the belief that has never been ignored is still 10...

The special attributes are: Charm 50, Will 75, Insight 65, Luck 10!

At last.

Chen Lun looked at the 1 point of blessing obtained from Rafa's kill reward on the panel, and added it to the blessing given by the King of Slaughter [Bloodthirsty LV2] without hesitation.

[Bloodthirsty LV3 (Blessing)]

Blessing effect: Greatly improve the control over one's own killing intent, strength, dexterity, endurance and will +6! (This effect is affected by the desire to kill, the stronger the killing intent, the stronger the effect, but the increase is not more than doubled.)

Chen Lun let out a long breath, feeling that he is in a very good state now.

He sat on the sofa and moved his fingers a little.

'Now the initial body panel alone has already exceeded the limit of Sequence Five... Based on this foundation and then entering the form of the pale knight, or even the strongest form of the blue snake, if you face the same situation as last time and Rafa Such a battle should last longer, right? '

Chen Lun thought to himself.

Floy and the others are still advancing in the war zone, and the avatar of fraud is in charge of the overall situation. There is no abnormality reported so far. He plans to take advantage of this time to visit Wonderland.

'It was fruitless to search for the source of flesh and blood pollution in the River of Blood area before, so I can search again this time...By the way, let's go deep into the Crystal Mountains and explore. '

Chen Lun spread his hands and summoned "Philip's Adventures in Wonderland" and opened it.

White light flashed, Chen Lun's perspective changed, and the surroundings became the interior layout of the wooden house.

He closed his eyes directly, and communicated with other wooden houses in his mind on the spot, and carried out teleportation.

In the next second, Chen Lun arrived at the initial point of the River of Blood area.

'Before, I went down the river and arrived at the Lake of Blood. I even searched the bottom of the lake... This time, let's walk up the river. '

He pushed the wooden house away, glanced around, and walked in the opposite direction of the previous path.

Along the way, Chen Lun encountered several attacks by flesh and blood plants called "corpse blankets", but with his current strength, he could kill them with a few magic flying cards, so he didn't pay much attention to them.

But the kill rewards are already outrageously low, only a few hundred experience points.

The desire to let Chen Lun do it has been reduced to the minimum.

Afterwards, he simply walked in the air, directly passed the polluted plants that suddenly emerged from the river beach where the nails and teeth were piled up, and flew forward quickly.


Chen Lun found that he had already flown out of the bottom of the canyon, and the two "continents" of the Hazy Plain and the Crystal Mountains were left behind.

What caught my eye was a sea of ​​blood!
The endless sea level was all glowing scarlet and dazzling, and the disgusting sea breeze, mixed with the extremely strong smell of blood, rushed towards the face.

Chen Lun directly turned off his sense of smell through [General Knowledge of the Five Senses], which made it a little better.

'It turns out that the upper stream of the river of blood is a sea of ​​blood!Fairyland... the grotesqueness of the dream world has always exceeded my expectations. '

He secretly sighed.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Lun spent half an hour flying back and forth several times along the coast, searching for the whereabouts of the pollution source, but found nothing.

There are countless fingernails and teeth piled up here, which is terrifying, but there is no trace of the source of pollution at all.

He stayed in mid-air and looked towards the end of the sea of ​​blood again.

Suddenly found something that I had overlooked before...

There is no sun, moon and stars in the sky, but the skyline of the sea of ​​blood is shining with light.

'So where does the light source come from? '

Chen Lun's eyes froze.

'Go and see! '

When he stepped on his foot, his whole body was like a sharp arrow that soared into the sky, across the sea of ​​blood, and flew towards the end.

This time, Chen Lun flew on the sea for more than two hours.

Until the spiritual intuition suddenly sent a warning.

He knew that the direction of his search was not wrong!
Ahead, a huge figure stood quietly above the sea of ​​blood... No, half of the body should be below the sea level, with only the upper body exposed.

The exposed part was even as high as the clouds, and the face was covered by layers of abstract clouds. Chen Lun could only see the chest and arms of the figure.

"Is this the source of pollution from the Flesh Path..."

Chen Lun's eyes narrowed, and tears couldn't help falling down amid the stinging pain.

 Celebrate the birth of the fourth leader of this book!

  Thanks to the leader of the fan, A Le, for the reward!thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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