Chapter 399 Father Jack
The superstructure of the Pearl Bamogo is quite complete. In addition to the various cabins, there are also entertainment areas such as a large restaurant and an opera house. There are many parasols on the deck for gentlemen and ladies to sit and chat.

In the lower warehouse area, coal and a small amount of goods are stored. Of course, the lower-class cabins of ordinary boat passengers are also arranged here. It is crowded and dirty, and the environment is harsh, but the 60 silver-noble lower-class cabin tickets are only like this treatment.

Unlike the gentlemen and ladies in the upper class, they can go to the big restaurant to enjoy three meals a day, and they can even arrange special delivery. These ordinary passengers must bring their own rations and water, and they can also spend money to buy from the waiter. In short, inferior The cabin is just a cramped shelter, and the Pearl Bamogo will not pay too much attention to them.

Chen Lun led the cadres of the team to the two staterooms.

Pushing open the door and entering, a fresh fragrance hits the face, which is obviously the effect of some kind of fragrance.

The room is spacious and bright, with large glass windows and good lighting.The tables, chairs, sofas, and beds inside are neat and clean, and the materials seem to be excellent.

"Todd can still do business. These two staterooms are enough for us to stay."

Chen Lun held his silver cane and chuckled lightly.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head to look at the crowd.

"Floye, Maggie, and Connie will stay here, and the other men will squeeze a little bit and go to another stateroom."

"Yes, Mr. Jack."

"No problem, Commander."

The circus cadres responded one after another.

After everyone had packed their luggage, Chen Lun took them to the restaurant area for dinner.

In the huge dining room, there are already many gentlemen and ladies sitting down to eat at this moment.On both sides of the restaurant, there are seven or eight long square tables, on which are piled up various kinds of food, as well as some drinks and alcohol, for the guests to use.

Waiters in white uniforms rush back and forth, either pushing the dining cart to replenish food, or delivering cigarettes and alcohol to the guests, in a hurry.

Golov found seats for everyone, and respectfully opened the chairs for Chen Lun.

"Captain, please sit down."

"Thank you."

Chen Lun nodded and sat down slowly.

After everyone was seated, Chen Lun stopped another waiter and asked him to bring over some food and drinks.

"Is there anything special you need, sir?"

The waiter took out a small notebook, as if he was going to make some records.

"Have some beef! Steak or fried beef meatballs are fine! And a bottle of red wine!"

Maggie said immediately.

The waiter wrote it down, and the other people on the side also expressed their needs.

Afterwards, the waiter left, and came back with a dining cart after a while, and placed the food and drinks ordered by everyone on the dining table in person.

"Misters and ladies, please enjoy... If you need anything else, you can call me anytime."

The waiter stroked his chest and saluted.

Chen Lun made a gesture, and Golov understood his meaning, took out four or five silver cups, and handed them to the waiter as a tip.

"Thank you, generous sir."

The waiter said happily.

After he left, Maggie shook her head in disappointment after taking a bite.

"Hmm...not as delicious as Miss Froy's."

"I heard that the chef hired by this passenger ship is a famous chef from the north. I think it is already very good."

Noah gave his own evaluation.

"But there is really no way to compare with the food made by Miss Froy."

"Thank you for your compliments."

Floy smiled slightly, and said after taking a small bite of the vegetable salad.

"Mr. Jack, have you been to Wangcheng?"

Connie suddenly asked Chen Lun.

Chen Lun looked at her, put down the knife in his hand, and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

These foods are indeed not as good as Floy's.

"Never been."

Chen Lun shook his head.

He had been there in his previous life, but he only stayed there for a few weeks, so he was not very familiar with it.

"I haven't been there either. I don't know what kind of city Tourmaline Kloster is... After all, it is the royal city of the Trisul Empire, the heart of the Sun Royal Family. It should be very prosperous there, right?"

Maggie said.

Other cadres also spoke out and participated in the discussion on this topic.

But without exception, no one has been to Wangcheng.

They are both curious and longing for it.

"The prosperity of the Royal City is beyond doubt. After all, it is the capital of the empire... However, there are not only branches of the Seven Great God Churches located there, but also shelters and 24-hour surveillance by the Royal City Guard. When you arrive at the Royal City, it is best to keep a low profile."

Chen Lun said slowly.

"Yes, Mr. Jack."

The cadres replied.

After the meal, everyone returned to the cabin to rest, while Chen Lun went to the deck alone to get some air.

At this moment, the sky was already dark, the setting sun had completely sunk into the sky, and the sky was covered by night.

The passenger ship whistled, followed by a jingle of bells, announcing the official departure of the Pearl Bamogo.

Chen Lun leaned against the guardrail, feeling the sea breeze blowing in his face, watching the scene of the pier in the East District of Kongque City gradually moving away, feeling complicated.

He didn't know exactly what would happen in the next trip to the royal city, but the results of several divinations indicated that it would not go well.

'There are several purposes for this trip... First, disembark at Orange Red Bay first, and stop by to complete the task of delivering the Meteor Tower.Second, after going to Wangcheng, sit in the branch of the Generous Parliament and arrange things properly.Third, meet the prince and join the imperial jury... Well, try to get everything done within the three months of the version update. '

Chen Lun was thinking.

A fashionable lady walked slowly to his side.

"Sir, I seem to have drunk too much and I don't have much energy...can you light a cigarette for me?"

The noble lady held a slender lady's cigarette in her ruddy mouth, and handed Chen Lun a carved brass kerosene lighter.

Chen Lun looked at the other party. Under the lady's feathered wide-brimmed hat, she showed a pretty face, her cheeks were flushed, obviously she had just drunk wine.

He suddenly realized that the lady was accosting him.

"Smoking is bad for your health, ma'am."

Chen Lun didn't take the lighter, but said with a chuckle.

"But smoking also takes away worry, doesn't it?"

Seeing this, the lady didn't force it, so she pressed the lighter on her own, but failed to ignite the fire several times, and the only successful one was blown out by the sea breeze.

She cursed angrily, then glanced at Chen Lun again, smiled, and took off the cigarette from her mouth.

"Well, you're right that smoking is bad for your health."

The lady leaned sideways on the guardrail, and looked at Chen Lun's face aggressively.

"Sir, I think you look like a friend of mine."

Chen Lun secretly rolled his eyes.

Is it possible that the pickup quotes from the bad street in the previous life are so popular in this world...

And for someone as handsome as myself, where can I find another...

He slandered a few words, but there was a polite smile on his surface.

"Oh? Yeah, that's a coincidence."

Chen Lun prevaricated.

He was about to find an excuse to leave and avoid too much entanglement with this woman. If Floyd saw it, it would be bad.

The lady, on the other hand, brushed her hair sadly.

"Sir, I feel that you make me very close, and I can't help but want to confide in you... You wouldn't mind a sad lady, chatting with you?"

Chen Lun just wanted to say he minded.

But the lady said to herself:
"I was born in a noble family, but I have a worthless husband... He and my friend recently planned to start a company and go to Wangcheng to do business. Although I also know that he wants to break out of the so-called I don’t want my natal family to look down on my career, but I’m not very optimistic about it. The sun, that’s Wangcheng, it’s not so easy to do business there! But no matter how I persuade him, he won’t listen to me. Makes me very distressed."

Chen Lun did not speak.

He knew very well that the reason why this lady was so familiar with her parents was that a large part of the reason was her high charisma value.Of course, there was indeed a backlog of troubles in her heart, and she was eager to confide in others, so she took advantage of the alcohol to talk about these things to Chen Lun.

The lady kept on talking, until she mentioned that the nobleman she was born in was actually related to a distant relative of the Sun Royal Family, and Chen Lun became a little interested.

"It seems that this couple intends to settle down in Wangcheng, and has a little relationship with the Sun Royal Family..."

Chen Lun thought to himself.

This relationship may play a role in the future.

"Fana, so you are here!"

At this time, a man's voice came.

Chen Lun and the lady turned their heads and saw a man in a blue suit striding towards him. He looked tired, but his eyes were quite bright. It seemed that there was something that aroused his fighting spirit.

Beside the man, there was a young man in a white suit, who looked quite handsome.

What surprised Chen Lun was that this person had black hair, and his eyebrows and eyes were indeed two points similar to his own.

"Fana, Petel and I have searched for you. It turned out that you ran to the deck to have a wind...why didn't you tell me? It's a bit cold here, you only wear such little clothes, what should you do if you are sick? "

The man in the blue suit said with concern.

"Dear Johnston, I told you! Twice!"

The lady named Fana said excitedly.

"But you just talked about the business with Petel, you didn't hear me at all, and now you come to blame me?"

Johnston was taken aback for a moment, and then apologized to the lady apologetically.

"I just want to do this thing well, but I ignored your feelings. I'm sorry, Fana, I swear I won't do this again!"

"Hmph! This is your No. 13 swearing!"

Fana clasped her elbows and turned her head to look at the sea.

Johnston was a little embarrassed. After the two stalemate for a few seconds, he had no choice but to change the topic and look at Chen Lun.

"Uh, who is this gentleman?"


Chen Lun shrugged and said softly.

"Well, Mr. Jack, you know my wife?"

The man looked at him suspiciously.

"I don't know each other. I'm just here to get some air and have a chat with Ms. Fana."

Chen Lun laughed.

"If you don't mind, I'm leaving now."

"Oh, no, I didn't doubt what you meant, I just asked casually."

Johnston glanced at his wife, saw disdain in her eyes, and coughed.

"Mr. Jack, let me introduce you. This is the friend I told you about, Patel. Does it look similar to you?"

Fana smiled and stretched out her hand to signal.

Chen Lun looked at the man in the white suit, who smiled politely at him and stretched out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Jack, I am amazed at your handsomeness."

Chen Lun shook hands with him briefly.

In my heart, I said to myself:
"Extraordinary... Well, [Sequence Eight of the Stars Faction - Deceiver], no wonder the charm value is not low. '

Following the simple communication, Johnston felt more and more that this young Mr. Jack was not like ordinary people, and his words revealed the knowledgeable and aristocratic temperament, which made him want to make friends.

"I'm usually not good at words, but I didn't expect to be able to chat with you so happily."

Johnston said to Chen Lun.

"Excuse me, where are you planning to go on this 'Pearl Bamogo'?"

"Royal City Tourmaline Kloster."

Chen Lun replied.

"That's such a coincidence! If you don't mind, I would like to invite you to visit my company... Cough, although the location has not been determined yet, I think it will be done in less than two months. I hope Come and have a look."

Johnston said enthusiastically.

"If time permits, I will go."

Chen Lun nodded perfunctorily.

Immediately, Johnston pulled Patel back and chatted with him about the company and business, and briefly introduced that they planned to run a winery and provide some high-end customized jewelry services.

The words, the ambition, almost made Chen Lun mistakenly think that he had joined the MLM organization.

Through Johnston's words, let Chen Lun know that these plans and ideas are actually from Patel, a mutual friend of him and his wife, who kept praising him as a business genius. The firm has served as an executive and has extensive experience in the industry.

Even Johnston wanted to drag Chen Lun into the group.

Because he planned this business, he almost exhausted his family's wealth, and most of the funds came from his wife Fana's natal family... But even so, he was still two thousand gold pounds short of the [-] gold pounds budgeted.

"Hey, Mr. Jack, if you are interested in investing, I will give you a considerable share and dividends..."

Johnston said softly and eagerly.

"The wine industry and jewelry are the enduring industries of the empire, not to mention that there are many dignitaries and dignitaries everywhere in the royal city. It is difficult not to make money in their business...Take a step back, even if it is not prosperous due to various reasons, But not at a loss.”

Petel laughed from the sidelines.

"Interested in joining? Mr. Jack."

Chen Lun gave this person a meaningful look.

Judging from the opponent's performance just now, he can already confirm that this guy is a liar.

During the chat, they basically didn't speak, only a few words that were neither serious nor important at the critical moment, but they strongly aroused Johnston's passion and detonated Johnston's desire for money and status.

Perhaps Fana and Johnston, two ordinary people, couldn't notice anything at all, but as a Sequence Five, Chen Lun easily saw through Petel's tricks.

'[Fraudster]'s extraordinary ability... Is this guy looking for money or doing a promotion ceremony?Or maybe both? '

Chen Lun shrugged indifferently.

"Well, I'm also very optimistic about this business, two thousand gold pounds? No problem."

He directly took out an Imperial Bank voucher, wrote the amount of two thousand gold pounds on it, and handed it to Johnston.

The latter didn't react, until he took the voucher and saw the amount on it, then he shivered.


Johnston was amazed.

Who is this Mr. Jack in front of him?

Two thousand gold pounds can be taken out so easily, without even frowning!
The lady Fana and the handsome young man Patel were very surprised.

Among them, Petel's eyes flashed a gleam of joy, which was easily captured by Chen Lun.


he thought.

Petel obviously didn't realize Chen Lun's identity as an extraordinary person. After all, the gap between the two sides was too great. He only thought that this guy named Jack was a rich man who took advantage of him.

"Mr. Jack, what is your job?"

Johnston's tone was obviously respectful.

"Oh, I didn't mean to inquire about your privacy, I'm just curious, it doesn't matter if you don't want to say it."

The lady Fana also cast a curious look.

"It's a clergyman."

Chen Lun thought for a while and replied like this.

After all, this trip to the royal city was mainly to sit in the royal city branch of the Generous Council.

"You are a priest?"

All three were a little surprised.

In this world, the status of the clergy is quite high, even on some occasions, they are more respected than the nobles.

"Well, so to speak."

Chen Lun nodded slightly.

"So it's Father Jack... May I ask, which god do you believe in?"

Fana covered her small mouth and asked tactfully.

Her subtext meant that she wanted to find out which church Chen Lun belonged to.

Chen Lun glanced at her, smiled lightly and said:
"I believe in Your Majesty the King of Slaughter."

"Oh! Sun! It's the Council of Generosity! You are the new priest of the Church of the Seven Great Gods!"

Fana and his wife were shocked.

Petel on the side had an uncharacteristically stiff smile. He seemed to have sensed something was wrong, and his heartbeat accelerated a lot.No matter which extraordinary person in the wild, when he meets the clergy of the Orthodox Church and plays tricks in front of him, he will be nervous and afraid.

Chen Lun glanced at Petel with a half-smile, and immediately said to Johnston:

"When you arrive in the royal city, you can bring your wife to worship at the residence of the Generous Council... My lord is in charge of the contract and witnesses fairness. He is quite a blessing to a businessman like you. If there is any problem in the business field, maybe he can help you. you."

Petel turned pale with fright when he heard these words, and wiped his cold sweat secretly.

"Of course, of course we'll go."

Johnston laughed, then patted Patel on the shoulder again.

"But I trust Patel very much, there shouldn't be any mistakes. Thank you for your kindness, Father Jack."

On the other hand, the lady Fana kept Chen Lun's words in her heart.

When everyone parted, she also specifically asked for Chen Lun's contact information, as well as various requirements for believing in the King of Slaughter.

Chen Lun chuckled as the three of them left.

 I woke up in the morning with a splitting headache and pain all over my body... I took out a thermometer and measured it, it was 38:[-] degrees. This chapter was written with a lot of effort. I'm sorry for all the beauties... I don't know if it's a sheep, I'll buy it tomorrow An antigen reagent test, if there is a sheep, it will be slapped in the face. It was said yesterday that there are no sheep... After taking ibuprofen, the fever has subsided a little, but there is still no mental fatigue. Try to keep changing the radish, but the words of the two chapters It should be impossible, alas!
(End of this chapter)

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