I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 422 Preparations Before Action

Chapter 422 Preparations Before Action
After the meeting in the secret room was over, Chen Lun did not stay long. He made an appointment with the jury members of the first team to meet at the headquarters tomorrow morning, then returned directly to the banquet hall, and left the Sun Palace with Floyd.

The prince kindly asked the carriage to take the guests back, so Chen Lun and Chen Lun took the carriage and returned to the generous church area.

On the way, Chen Lun told Floyd that he might be very busy in the future.

"Did the prince give you some mission?"

Floy cleverly guessed the answer.

Chen Lun nodded.

"Well, since we have joined the Imperial Tribunal, we have to sacrifice our lives for the Empire. There is no other way... In the past, as an extraordinary force in the wild, although we were free, we were walking on thin ice. A little carelessness would cause all kinds of troubles .”

He said with some emotion.

"Now that we have the Generous Parliament and the Imperial Jury as our backing, we can do a lot of things with this identity, and we don't need to worry too much... But everything has a price. As the leader of the team, I have to be responsible for every member. initial commitment to them."

"No matter what you choose, I will always stand behind you."

Floyd smiled slightly, and covered the back of Chen Lun's hand with her small hand.

Her eyes showed admiration and admiration. The man in front of her had shouldered a lot of burdens, but he was also leading the team forward under difficult circumstances.

Perhaps this is also his charm, which makes Floyd unable to extricate himself.

"Thank you."

Chen Lun laughed, and lightly held Floy's palm with his backhand.

Floyd slowly leaned on his shoulder, and the two stopped talking, enjoying the rare time alone in silence.

Soon, the carriage drove into the generous church area and stopped at the entrance of the cathedral.

"Sir, here we are."

The royal coachman took off his hat respectfully, bowed his head and said into the curtain.

Gentlemanly, Chen Lun opened the curtain for Floyd, led her out of the carriage, and immediately turned around to give the coachman a tip of five silver barons.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"You're welcome, honorable and generous sir, these are the prince's orders."

The coachman accepted the tip and said happily.

"Praise Trisul."

Chen Lun stroked his chest lightly, and the coachman quickly said a prayer, expressing his respect for the royal family.Afterwards, the coachman drove away in the carriage, and Chen Lun took Floy back to the residential area.

He immediately summoned the members of the circus and his councilors.

Everyone gathered in the conference room and sat quietly.

"The prince has issued a mission to the Imperial Jury, and I have to leave for a while to investigate the cause of the turmoil in the depths of the spirit world... I will leave this to you, if you have anything important to tell Floyd, she will pass 'Pale Seal' conveyed to me."

Chen Lun said to his subordinates.

"Yes, Mr. Jack."

Everyone responded.

"Head, don't worry, we will do our job well."

Maggie laughed.

Chen Lun hummed, and then said to Frey Akbin and other members of Jinbei:
"During this period of time, you are all familiar with the work of the church. From now on, the four of you will serve as the 'priests' of the Wangcheng Generous Church. As for the specific weekly schedule, you can discuss it yourself...except for special circumstances that require you to go out, other times Just sit here."

"Thank you for your trust, Mr. Jack, we will do what you tell us well."

Akbin glanced at each other, then stood up and saluted.

Chen Lun nodded, and then took out a huge iron bucket with a capacity of [-] liters from the blood poem ring, and smashed it on the ground with a bang.

"This is the 'Fountain of Immortality', which has the effect of curing injuries and diseases and prolonging life. It can be used as the 'Holy Water' of the Generous Church in Wangcheng for believers and special guests. Floy, I will keep these holy water for you."

He turned his head and said to Floyd.

The nun smiled and nodded in agreement.

"The four of you, Akbin, can apply to Floyd if necessary."

"Yes, Master Jack."

The four Gold Cup MPs answered.

Chen Lun then explained many matters one by one, so that the circus cadres had things to do. The whole team was like a precision machine, and under the action of his clockwork, it began to operate.

late at night.

Chen Lun sat alone on the sofa in his room in the residential area.

He pondered for a moment, then slowly got up and walked to the window, looking at Ziyue outside.

'Spirit World Investigation Project, Dark World...'

Chen Lun took out the Orchid Statue, Mr. Byers' keepsake, sighed secretly, and immediately activated it. He followed the guidance and took a step into the hidden area of ​​the spirit world——

Mr. Byers' Night Graveyard.

Looking at the silent tombstones around him, Chen Lun slowed down his breathing, walked forward, and came to the huge tombstone in the center.The names of Byerswolf and his beloved wife Ogt are engraved on the tombstone. Under the tombstone are a broken sword, a set of damaged black armor and a bunch of fresh orchids.

This is what Chen Lun did for the Byers couple.

Because the remains of Mr. Byers and the remnant of Youlan [Cutting Acacia] were fused together and turned into a mutated A-level monster [Silent Oath], this tombstone is only a "clothes tomb" for a joint burial, which can be regarded as Chen Lun's worship. After the death of Mr. Ernes, he made up for the regret.

Chen Lun touched the tombstone and felt the cold and rough texture.

He sat on the ground, leaning against the huge tombstone, just like the posture of the other party when he first met here with Mr. Byers.

After a long silence, Chen Lun opened the last notebook that Mr. Byers left him.

'This is the record of what Mr. Byers traveled to the dark world in order to consolidate the mythical power of the saint... Maybe it will help me in my next actions. '

He had only briefly read it before, and he probably knew that it contained some environmental conditions of the dark world.

After a while.

Chen Lun stopped on one page, frowning slightly.

'There is almost no light at all, the environment is quite harsh, and it is full of countless half-human, half-worm polluting creatures...'

He thought of the dark end he had been to in the fairyland, and the situation there was as recorded in the handbook.And the kind of monsters they met were powerful worms, they were the sons of an ancient god named Didak.

As he continued to read, the shock in his heart became more and more intense.

'In the dark world, there are also multiple levels of space. Mr. Byers found a huge door, like a spectacle, through which you can reach a deeper space... The deeper you go, the stronger the pollution, and the more ferocious the monsters , and at the same time, some relics of the ancient era can be seen there. '

Chen Lun looked at the manuscript, and Mr. Byers said that he had only explored the fourth layer of the dark world, and he didn't know how deep it was.But Chen Lun knew that in the end it must lead to the end of darkness, which is the area where Arnold is.

It's just that the real end of darkness will not be like the replica of the fairyland... Arnold once told him that perhaps the real He has already died at the end of darkness.

"There is also the underground world that Mr. Byers recorded in the notebook. Somewhere in the dark world, there is a special area from which you can directly return to the present world, but it is the underground leading to the mainland..."

Chen Lun turned the notebook to the end, and he was surprised to find that Mr. Byers met a living person in the underground world, a human being who could communicate normally!

But the following content is blank, it seems that Mr. Byers has not had time to write...

'It seems that after Mr. Byers heard the news of his old enemy Terrence, he couldn't wait to return to the present world and started a revenge plan, and the manuscript was not completed. '

Chen Lun thought to himself.

'But these contents have helped me a lot...'

The next morning.

After Chen Lun washed up and had some breakfast, he asked Golov to drive the carriage to the headquarters building of the Imperial Jury.

It's not far from the Sun Palace, just near the long steps, and next to it is the headquarters building of the shelter.The two buildings are symmetrically divided, surrounded by high walls, and ordinary people can't see what's inside.

And this is also an official confidential place, and any residents who are close to [-] meters away will be driven away by patrol guards.

Golov showed his identity certificate to the guards, and he came to the court building unimpeded.

"Go back, don't wait for me."

Chen Lun told Golov.

"Yes, Captain."

Golov saluted him, then swiftly flew back to the carriage, yelled at the horses, turned the carriage and left.

Chen Lun turned around and walked into the gate.

The hall on the first floor of the jury is somewhat similar to a bank, except for the rows of seats, there are service windows separated by glass.Chen Lun didn't stay here, and went directly to the third floor, which was the senior office.

As soon as he went up, he saw some members of the Imperial Jury sitting in the corner rest area of ​​the spacious hall. These people were sitting on the sofa drinking coffee and tea and chatting.The members of his first team also arrived early and sat around a coffee table.

The team consisted of seven people, four men and three women, all of whom were Sequence Five Transcendents.

When he saw Chen Lun approaching, one of the youths greeted him with a smile:
"Captain Jack, good morning."

"Good morning, Rahn."

Chen Lun nodded slightly in response.

The information about these team members, his boss, McCawlane, had already shown him the files. The young man named Lahn in front of him was an easy-going guy with a mild temper and good strength. year.

"Jack, you are late as the captain, can't you justify it? You know we have been waiting for you for a long time."

Another middle-aged man spoke softly.

"Matison, this is actually not a big deal, it doesn't have to be like this."

Rahn smiled and waved his hands, trying to ease the atmosphere.

Chen Lun glanced at Mattison, knowing that this guy was quite dissatisfied with his position as the captain. There was another man and a woman with a similar attitude, Rocky and Meris, and the three seemed to be a small group.

"Yesterday's agreement didn't mention the specific time, so there is no such thing as being late, but since everyone arrived before me, I'm a little loose, sorry."

Chen Lun said with a chuckle.

Mattison wanted to say something, but Chen Lun raised his hand first.

"I will hand over to the receptionist later, leave a backup of the mission, and get some supplies and props before departure by the way... If you need anything, you can prepare it now, and then we will have a small meeting."

"Okay, Captain."

Rahn and another female team member nodded, got up and left, and walked towards a window, as if they wanted to apply for exchange for some supplies.

The remaining five people are still sitting on the sofa.

"Captain, I have nothing to prepare."

A male team member wearing a peaked cap explained to Chen Lun.

"Me too."

A female team member beside him whispered.

Her face was covered with a layer of black veil, so she couldn't see her specific appearance clearly, but she had an overall elegant temperament.

"Wells, Bessie, then you guys wait here for a while."

Chen Lun nodded towards the two of them.

Mattison, Rocky, and Merris glanced at Chen Lun casually, and then exchanged in low voices, as if they didn't take him seriously.

Chen Lun glanced at them, turned and left indifferently.

He first went to one of the windows, handed out his ID number plate to the staff, and then registered for the task.

"Mr. Jack Speight, this is the material package of your team. I wish you all the best in your next operation."

The female staff member in her thirties bowed her head deeply and wished him well.

"Thank you."

Chen Lun nodded in thanks, took the package and walked aside, opened it and looked at it.

There are three palm-sized anchor-shaped ornaments inside, which are heavy in the hand and seem to be made of all metal.

[Extraordinary Object - Spirit World Anchor (one-time consumable)]

Through the panel introduction, Chen Lun learned that this kind of thing can anchor a coordinate, and then point to this coordinate at all times like a compass. The purpose is to prevent operators from encountering accidents in the spirit world and getting lost.

In addition, there was a potion bag and odds and ends in the package. When the potion bag was opened, forty or fifty miniature reagents the size of little fingers were revealed, and the bottle was filled with lavender potion.

[Extraordinary - True Sight Potion (Seventh Improved Version of Shelter Workshop)]

Looking at the description on the panel, Chen Lun learned that this potion can effectively improve insight. Although it can only last for a few seconds, it can fully support the user to see the cracks in the spiritual world and enter the spiritual world or even deeper areas.

This is a potion specially developed by the empire for the spirit world, to help some transcendents who don't have enough insight, so that they can also enter the spirit world to perform tasks normally.

Through the letters of Mr. Byers and the internal files of the jury, Chen Lun already knew the specific threshold for entering the spirit world and beyond——

The spiritual world has 30 points of insight, the second level has around 40 points of insight, and the third level has around 50 points of insight... As for the dark world, at least 60 points of insight are required.

This is a pretty high hard target!

So even though the members of the jury participating in this investigation are mid-sequence transcendents, not everyone has the qualifications to enter the dark world. These "True Sight Potions" are the "keys" to help them open the door.

However, Chen Lun looked quite familiar with this potion.

'Eh... isn't this the high-end version of 'Spiritual Eye Drops'? '

He was a little surprised.

In version 2.0 of the previous life, the way for players to participate in the main mission was to go to the spirit world to resist the pollution tide, but with the player's level of strength at that time, it was almost impossible to reach the standard of insight.

Therefore, the government and all major forces will provide a prop called "spiritual eye potion" to help them enter the spiritual world.

Chen Lun looked at the pack of potion and suddenly thought about it.

'Can you get the formula?At that time, let Maggie research it, reduce the cost, and concoct a similar potion, which will definitely make a lot of money... After all, this is the hard currency of the next version, a necessity for players to participate in the main mission! '

With this in mind, he went to another window on the third floor and found the quartermaster.

Chen Lun applied to call out the exchange library, and actually found the "True Vision Potion Formula" in it, and the exchange price was "B-level meritorious service once".

'Have the opportunity! '

He is in a great mood.

Immediately, Chen Lun took a look at other things in the currency exchange.

'There are so many good things... It is indeed an official inventory. '

His eyes swept across the list, and he was extremely surprised.

Suddenly, his eyes froze and stayed on one of the columns——

""The Man Who Chases Knowledge, Nine Attempts of Lemonen's No.30", a mysterious book, author Lemonen Caronte, records a mysterious profession [Engraver], which has the ability to transcribe middle and low-sequence mysterious knowledge The power. Exchange price: B-level meritorious service once."

(End of this chapter)

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