I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 43 The Man Who Loves Reading Is So Handsome

Chapter 43 The Man Who Loves Reading Is So Handsome (Thanks and Gadeng)

The next morning.

Chen Lun opened the door sleepily.

I was a bit tired physically and mentally after a fight last night.

He looked up and found a beautiful figure mopping the floor in the living room.

"Good morning, Mr. Jack."

Connie stood up, wiped the sweat from her brow, and gave him a big smile.

It can be seen that she is in a good mood today.

"Good morning, Connie."

Chen Lun responded and entered the bathroom.

After washing up, he came out again, just in time to see Floyd open the door and come back.

The dog, which had been washed clean, wagged its tail excitedly, ran out from behind Floyd, and threw itself at Chen Lun's feet.

"Did you dine at Mrs. Caroline's?"

Chen Lun stroked the dog's head and asked Floyd about it.

"Well... I learned some dishes from Mrs. Caroline, and I cooked them with her."

Floy was holding a dinner plate with some meatballs and pies, an apple and a cup of tea.

She pursed her lips and faced Chen Lun with expectation in her tone:

"I brought some over here, do you want to try it?"

Chen Lun took the plate with a smile.

"of course."

Floyd smiled.

She silently listened to Chen Lun's footsteps and stopped at the dining table.

Chen Lun put down the food and saw Connie who was still cleaning.

"Did you eat, Connie? Would you like to come over and have some?"

Connie seemed a little flattered, and quickly waved her hands and shook her head.

"No...no need, Mr. Jack."

She pointed in the direction outside the door.

"I'll go downstairs to make breakfast later, and I'll make one for my father."


Chen Lun shrugged and started eating.

He forked a ball, and under Floy's expectant "watching", he put it into his mouth.

The delicious gravy is overflowing, with a little mellow aroma of bacon and a hint of fruit.

"good to eat."

Chen Lun was surprised.

"It seems that you are very talented, Floyd."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Floy covered her mouth and smiled lightly, and sat down gracefully on the sofa.

It can be said that Chen Lun had a very comfortable breakfast today. I don't know if it is a psychological effect.But he could feel the intentions of the person who made this meal.

After the meal, Connie took the initiative to run over to clean up.

After Chen Lun wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, he took a sip of tea.

"Connie, I heard you are taking classes at a technical college?"

"Yes, Mr Jack.

I'm studying mechanical theory at Juniper Technical College in Amber, and I'm interested in that. "

The corners of Connie's lips curled up when she said this.

Chen Lun nodded silently.

He got up and went back to the room. After a while, he came over with two objects and put them on the table.

"Connie, take these two things and study them."

"This is... the weapon of those bastards last night?"

Connie picked up the mechanical gloves and the trumpet gun with a look of surprise, and then she looked at the utensils in her hands with some excitement.

"Although the workmanship looks rough, the idea is very unique!"

"As long as you are interested."

Chen Lun said with a smile.

Then he got up and walked towards the door. After opening the door, he turned his head and said to Floyd:
"I'm going out for a walk, I'll be back later."

"Well, be careful on the road."

Floyd whispered to him.


The news of Viscount Pompeii and Dolly has been handed over to Gary, and Chen Lun's efficiency alone is no match for the entire Iron Fist Gang.

They were originally underground forces in the outer city, and they were good at inquiring about news from all walks of life.

In addition, Gary is relatively familiar with the inner city and knows many important people. I believe that he will gain something in a short time.

Now Chen Lun plans to do something else.

For example reading.

After he went downstairs, he went straight to the door of the bookstore next to the flower shop.

Obtained "The Memoirs of Ken Burney the Recorder" from Kent, allowing him to successfully have the sub-profession of "Recorder".

This also gave Chen Lun a revelation.

That is to not let go of every opportunity to acquire extraordinary knowledge, maybe there is a treasure hidden in some inconspicuous book.

"Old Cripple Bookstore."

Chen Lun glanced at the wooden signboard, pushed the door open and entered.

An old man sitting behind the counter raised his head and glanced at Chen Lun, but did not intend to get up.

"Feel free, but don't get the book dirty or ruined."

He stroked his reading glasses, and continued to look down at the tome in his hand.

Chen Lun walked a few steps in and found that although the bookstore was small, there were quite a lot of books in it.

The bookcases on the three walls are full of books, and there is a bookcase in the middle.He went inside and saw a miniature spiral staircase leading to the upper compartment.

Chen Lun glanced back at the old man, and found that the other party was immersed in reading and didn't pay attention to himself at all.

So he stepped lightly on the spiral stairs to the upper floor.

It's very cramped and narrow here, and I can't even stand up straight, I can only bend over.

There is a window on the wall, and the light is not too dim.

Similarly, the bookcase against the wall here is also full of books.There are even some books that have no place to put them, stacked together and piled up in the corner.

"Then let's start from here."

Chen Lun nodded with satisfaction.

The larger the base number, the higher the probability that he will find the book containing the "treasure".

Time always passes quietly while reading.

I don't know how long has passed.

Chen Lun's attention was suddenly attracted by a familiar voice.

"Mr. Taut, I've come to return some books."

"Oh, Miss Caroline, if you please . . . By the way, you look very pretty today."

Then came Mrs. Caroline's chuckle.

"You're still funny, Mr. Totter."

"Sun Witness, I'm just an honest old guy."

Chen Lun put down the book in his hand and walked down the spiral staircase.

Mrs. Caroline, two books in hand, was chatting with the old man in spectacles behind the counter.

"Hey, little Jack!"

Mrs. Caroline was a little surprised when she saw Chen Lun, and immediately greeted her.

"I went up to look for you just now, but Little Floyd said that you were out, so you are here to read."

She walked over slowly and smiled kindly:

"In my hometown, Amethyst City, there is a proverb called 'A man who loves to read is like the sun, his light cannot be covered by two hands'."

"Miss Caroline was saying you were brilliant, boy."

The old man said from the side.

Mrs. Caroline gave him a white look, but the old man chuckled.

"Although it's a good thing to love reading, you can't miss the meal... just in time, we can still catch up when we go back now."

Mrs. Caroline put down the book in her hand and signaled Chen Lun to leave with her.

Chen Lun glanced at the sky outside, and it was already night.

"I am sorry to trouble you, Mrs. Caroline."

"You are so kind, little Jack... By the way, Little Floyd and I have learned a special dish, which is very suitable for dinner. You can have a good taste later."

"I am looking forward."

The two communicated simply.

He followed Mrs. Caroline out of the bookstore and walked into the corridor.

In my heart, I sighed secretly.

It's a pity that he searched through all the books in the upper compartment of the bookstore, but he couldn't find one that contained extraordinary knowledge.

Although this is in line with common sense, he still feels a little upset that he got nothing today.

"Let's see again tomorrow..."

 Thanks to the beautiful woman - Guchen Xinjun, Lianxi, Liu voted for a monthly ticket when he was young, and Wutongshu's 1 book coins as a reward
  Add another chapter, love you all (`ω)
(End of this chapter)

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