I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 452 Reversal of the plot

Chapter 452 Reversal of the plot
With the defeat of Anlong's defenders at Hercule Bridgehead, a large number of imperial troops have gradually occupied various areas, and even began to clean up the battlefield.

Regardless of the dissuasion of his adjutant and other high-level officials, General Vance insisted on entering the bridgehead for inspection.

The rain in the sky had gradually stopped, and the priests of Kuni and the priests of the Hailing Regiment returned to the queue and offered to accompany General Vance into the bridgehead.The leading nun of the Moon Church stayed in the rear barracks to rest because of the previous fight with the streamer and suffered serious injuries.

A group of people walked into the bridgehead, and all they could see were scattered rubble and burning ruins, and some blood-stained medical bandages were scattered at their feet, and the corpses of many enemy soldiers were being ordered by the Imperial Army Converged and piled up in corners, it seems that they intend to be incinerated uniformly.

The surrounding environment is full of strong smells of gunpowder smoke, coke and blood, intertwined and very pungent.The adjutant seemed to be used to this smell, holding a report in his hand, and said to General Vance beside him calmly:

"General, Anlong's army originally planned to evacuate from the underground passage they dug in advance, but this act seems to have been discovered by Consul Jack. He sent extraordinary men to intercept them in time. The Human Legion also participated in the pursuit, and the result was a complete victory... Even the enemy's General Mersa was captured on the spot!"

The adjutant's tone was very pleasant.

But he soon noticed that General Vance's complexion was not very good-looking.

The adjutant instantly realized that the general has always disliked the Church of the Seven Gods, and even less liked the interference of the clergy in the battle situation. Although the behavior of the Consul Jack has benefited the Imperial Army a lot, it can even be said to have helped a lot, but it obviously touched the general's heart. bottom line.

So he hastily added:
"Cough, Miss Floyd, the 'adjutant' of Jack Consul, promptly notified several legion commanders who were fighting in the bridgehead at that time, and our army also surrounded them afterwards. It is possible to escape the siege...because the situation was urgent at the time, I couldn't inform you immediately."

General Vance raised his hand and stopped the adjutant's words.

He just said indifferently:
"Well, I see."

At this time, a small troop of imperial troops rushed over, led by a captain.Dozens of them carried flintlock guns on their backs and a miniature binoculars hung on their chests. They came to the general neatly and stopped to salute.

"No. 11 Legion Royal Support Battalion, Second Fox Battalion Reconnaissance Team, have met Your Excellency the General."

"Captain Harlowin."

General Vance recognized the person coming, and nodded with his hands behind his back.

"Did you find anything?"

"Report to the general, yes."

Captain Harlowin nodded solemnly.

He immediately asked his subordinates to take out a stack of reports that had just been sorted out from the backpack, and handed them to the general. On them were some written records and black and white photos taken with a portable camera.

"Our soldiers searched carefully in the various buildings of the bridgehead and found some secret doors leading to the underground area... After in-depth exploration, we found that thousands of high-explosive gunpowder barrels were buried underground in the bridgehead. Even under the supporting pillars of the Hercule Bridge, there are similar explosives."

General Vance's pupils shrank slightly, and he carefully read the report in his hand, which also included the assessment made by professionals within the Imperial Army. The results showed that these explosives could not only level the entire Hercule bridgehead, but also blow up the bridge. , and even destroyed all the imperial troops within a few kilometers of the bridgehead.

"General, please leave the battlefield as soon as possible and return to the rear, this place is too dangerous!"

When the adjutant heard the captain's words, he broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly persuaded him.

General Vance, however, just waved his hand.

Although he was aware of the horror of this incident, he did not panic. Instead, he looked at the captain and asked aloud:

"The report said that the reason why those powder kegs were not detonated was because of an abnormal situation?"

"Yes, General."

The captain nodded.

"According to our inference, the enemy originally planned to evacuate and detonate explosives to destroy the bridgehead, bridge and our troops, but the powder keg failed to detonate due to unknown reasons... Here are some gunpowder we collected, please check .”

As he spoke, he handed over a small paper bag the size of a palm.

General Vance took it with a frown and opened it. Inside was a pinch of black gunpowder powder, which looked quite normal.

But the general observed carefully for a while, and suddenly found that the gunpowder seemed to have some deep dark green luster flowing, wriggling, and even exuded a faint smell of corruption.

The well-informed General Vance recognized at a glance that this was the influence of mysterious power.

"Supernatural means..."

The general murmured something, but the subordinates around him heard it, and they all seemed quite surprised.

Thoughts flashed in General Vance's eyes, and after a while, his face changed slightly.

At this time, he has realized that the enemy's behavior of constantly moving those powder kegs on the high wall is actually just a cover to stimulate and lure them to attack the bridgehead. The bridgehead was blown into fly ash together.

"Damn chops!"

General Vance swore angrily.

Although he guessed that the enemy would set a trap at the bridgehead, he did not expect such a terrifying "self-destruct" explosion. He would rather ruin this strategically important military fortress than be like a vicious dog. Bite them hard.If these explosives were not interfered by some extraordinary means and could not be detonated, the imperial army would have suffered heavy casualties at this moment!
After a few seconds of silence, the general spoke out with difficulty:

"Someone is helping us..."

The adjutant, several accompanying high-ranking officers, and the scouting team were all very surprised. They couldn't help frowning slightly, trying to think about the general's words.

"What's going on with Consul Jack?"

General Vance suddenly turned his head and asked the adjutant.

The latter came back to his senses and quickly pointed to the top of his head behind him.

"Another reconnaissance team sent a message more than ten minutes ago. It seems that Jack Consul has ended the battle and successfully killed the enemy's Transcendent!"

As the adjutant spoke, he couldn't help showing a look of admiration on his face.

He was very clear about what happened behind the bridge at that time. The nuns of the Church of the Moon revealed the identity of the attacker, who was the embodiment of a saint-level high-end military force... It was really strong for Consul Jack to kill him single-handedly. His demeanor not only ensured the personal safety of the general and the high-level command staff, but also removed a major hidden danger for the imperial army.

"Come on, let's go and see."

General Vance thought for a while, then turned and walked towards the stairs leading to the high wall.

"Yes, General."

The entourage hurriedly followed.

After a while, with the help of his subordinates, the general climbed onto the dilapidated high wall platform with difficulty. The adjutant kept reminding him that he hoped the general should be careful of the gravel under his feet so as not to fall and fall.

And the supplementary bodyguards of several strong men also followed closely beside the general at all times, scouting and escorting him.

"Don't think of me as a three-year-old! I've fought in countless battles in my life, not a weak Boy Scout!"

General Vance angrily shook off the support of his bodyguard, and almost drew out his gun. The bodyguard and adjutant apologized in fright.

After the general calmed down, he snorted coldly and walked towards the young man in black hat who was sitting casually on the edge of the broken wall not far away from the crowd.

The other party seemed to be silently overlooking the bridgehead, with one hand gently stroking the silver cane that never left his body.

When General Vance and others approached, before speaking, the other party spoke first without looking back:

"Your Excellency, the battle is over."

"um, yes."

General Vance didn't feel offended because the other party didn't get up, but just nodded calmly.

"The bridgehead has been occupied by our army, most of the enemy's troops have been lost, and the rest have been captured. This battle of the Hercule bridgehead is our victory..."

The general took a deep breath, took off his military cap solemnly, and saluted the gentleman in the black hat with a standard Trisur Empire military salute.

"Although I don't like the Church of the Seven Gods intervening in the war, I am still very grateful for your help to the military this time...Your Excellency saved many lives, including mine, but this is not the main reason for gratitude. It was Your Excellency who allowed the empire to successfully win the bridgehead. In the future, the empire will pass through here and continuously send troops to the hinterland of the Principality of Yaco, which will play a vital role in restraining the main battlefield and the entire battle situation."

He said pointedly.

The people around the general found it a little strange that even though Consul Jack had contributed a lot, it was not enough to make General Vance respect and praise him so much.What's more, the general has never treated anyone in the Church of the Seven Gods with such an attitude, even if the other party is the Pope!

Chen Lun got up slowly, turned his head to look at General Vance with his silver cane, and chuckled lightly.

"How did the general know that I did it?"

General Vance just shook his head.

"It's just intuition... The three churches that participated in this battle with the army, Priest Kuni and Sister Suha, have never been like Your Excellency. I have an unfathomable feeling. I think... except you, no one can do it." After all, no one dared to hide it from both the enemy and us, and killed this big explosion that would have affected the entire war invisibly."

Although he never admitted his misjudgment and mistakes from the beginning to the end, Chen Lun also knows that the high-ranking people of this era seldom admit mistakes. In General Vance's words, there is actually a trace of chagrin and frustration, The other party is willing to lower his figure and give up a little face of the imperial general. Saying these words is enough to show the respect of the other party.

Chen Lun nodded, but said indifferently:

"The general praised it. This is just some reckless and risky attempt."

"Excessive modesty is utter arrogance, Mr. Jack Speight."

General Vance obviously doesn't like this, he can now be sure that the ability of the black hat youth in front of him far exceeds his superficial understatement.

Being able to reverse the entire situation of the battle with his own power, this person is by no means easy.

In the future, the other party will definitely go to a higher and farther position.

Relying on his years of experience and vision, Vance firmly believed in this guess.

"After the war is over, if you have a chance, you can come to my mansion as a guest. Although the house is a bit old, I believe that some fine wines I have collected will satisfy you."

General Vance put on his military cap again, and smiled rarely.

Everyone looked at the general in astonishment.

Chen Lun also looked a little surprised.

He didn't disappoint by saying that he didn't like drinking, he just nodded, put the silver cane on his left arm, bowed slightly, and readily agreed.

"Of course, it is my honor to be able to visit the general's residence."

Inside the bridgehead of Hercule, the Imperial Army cleaned up the battlefield in an orderly manner, and the players, with satisfied smiles, followed some wounded back to the base camp behind the bridge.

Among them, the team headed by Dongyang Chenxi has attracted the attention of many circus players. Almost all of them have focused their attention on the young man walking in the front. .

"Fuck! It's true!"

"Polaris is promoted to the sequence?!"

"You still dare to call the boss by his first name? Be bold! Call him 'Brother Beizi'!"

"It's too exaggerated! I took the harvest of this bridgehead battle, and now I barely rose to level 35. He has already reached Sequence Seven, and I can't even see the level. There is a piece of horizontal bars, like the red name of snakeskin soy sauce. Elites are weird..."

"So, Brother Beizi is at least level 55?!"

The hissing sounds of sucking in cold air were heard endlessly, and everyone only felt that it was so terrifying.

Feeling the burning eyes of others, Polaris looked indifferent.

The Dragon King walking beside him looked like a qualified dog leg, bowed his waist, leaned his head carefully, and asked with a smile:

"Hey, Brother Beizi, how does it feel to be promoted to the Middle Sequence? Do you have the feeling...that you are full of strength and can blow up a planet with one punch?"

"You've read too many online articles, Aaron, here I suggest you take some brain fragments to treat your secondary delusions."

Goutoujin curled his lips and complained.

"What's wrong with reading online articles? Cultivate your sentiments and broaden your horizons! It's better than some people who spend all day in "Virtual Girlfriend" except for "Secret Age". Doc, fix your 'infusion line'."

The Dragon King shook his head and said something strangely.

Goutoujin was furious immediately, and almost turned into a tauren to fight with the other party. Fortunately, his friend Wang Wang Wuji stopped him, otherwise the two might cause a commotion and be warned or even punished by the accompanying military personnel.

At this time, Polaris looked at the two of them, shook his head and said:

"I really feel that my body has become a lot stronger... No, it should be said that it has been reborn. According to Teacher Jack, this is an extraordinary qualitative change. The specific description may not be as exaggerated as you said, but playing ten 'before me' should not question."

"So outrageous?!"

Everyone's eyes widened.

Dongyang asked curiously:
"Then are there any new skills and new features? You said before that [Seer] is a functional sequence, but [Magician] shouldn't be?"

"how to say……"

Polaris scratched his head and pondered for a while.

"It's difficult to define this sequence, but I always feel that its ability is more weird and changeable, with a lower limit and a higher upper limit...Although there is only one skill, it has great potential for development. I would like to ask Teacher Jack for advice later."

"Seriously, Polaris, I really envy you... This time you got the No.1 extra mission, the reward for Jack to teach the skills himself, no one is more suitable than you, if we are not doing the mission together, It's hard not to wonder if Jack's got you down."

The horse man laughed.

Then, he sighed again:
"I hope I won't be thrown too far away by you in the future, otherwise we will all feel ashamed to play with you..."

"In short, if you work so hard to become stronger, you will have no friends."

Wei Yin suddenly added a sentence from the side.

Everyone couldn't help laughing, Polaris also smiled.

Soon, everyone returned to the base camp. From a distance, they saw that Mr. Jack was walking with General Vance of the Imperial Army, and the top military officials were still following behind them.

"It's really a card..."

The Dragon King couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's find Jack to receive the award later."

The horseman suggested.

Everyone looked expectantly.

(End of this chapter)

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