Chapter 517 Excited (Ask for a monthly ticket!)

The young man seemed a little wary, but he still stretched out his hand to hold the North Star, and introduced himself in a low voice:


Observing closely, Polaris was a little surprised to find that Mr. Jack didn't have that perfect handsome face at this time. At present, the other party looked like an ordinary young man who was slightly handsome.

"What's the matter with you?"

Young Jack asked in a deep voice.

"We plan to escape from here, do you want to go together?"

Polaris said.

"get away?"

Young Jack's eyes lit up immediately, but soon fell into silence, and he could only hear him ask in a low voice:
"Are you sure? This is the dungeon of the Red Apple Church!"

"Of course there is..."

Polaris has not yet finished speaking.

A guard outside the prison angrily tapped on the railing with a dagger, making a bang bang sound.

"What are you talking about secretly? Who allowed you to speak! Believe it or not, I will tear your mouths apart!"

"Golden dog head."

Polaris turned his head and rolled his eyes.

Goutoujin understood immediately, he walked forward with a smirk, stretched out his hand through the iron railing, grabbed the guard's head in the fur coat, and then pulled back violently.

A loud bang.

Under the violent impact, the church guard's head was deformed directly, his eyes were round and protruding, blood oozed from his mouth and nose, his whole body twitched a few times and then became silent, dead beyond death.

"Damn! What do you want to do?!"

The other guard turned pale with fright, and hastily drew out the dagger from his waist.

"What? Fuck you!"

Goutoujin imitated the villain in the novel, Jie Jie smiled strangely, threw the body away, then held the iron railing with both hands, and pulled it to the left and right——

Accompanied by the sound of creaking and creaking, the solid prison iron bars were forcibly pulled open a big hole!

In the guard's ghost-like expression, Gou Tou Jin rushed over like a tiger and smashed his head with a punch!
The blood and thick slurry splashed all over the ground.

The young men and women in the prison screamed in terror.

"There is a noise from Prison No. 5! Go over and have a look!"

"Hurry up!"

At the end of the aisle, shouts and footsteps were soon heard, and it seemed that more guards would arrive soon.

Polaris ignored these, he still kept smiling, and said to young Jack:

"Well, do you want to go with us?"

Jack was startled for a moment, then gritted his teeth and nodded.

"it is good!"

Looking at the resolute look of the other party, Polaris secretly laughed.

He can finally show off in front of the teacher once!

Reaching out to help the weak young man up, Polaris straightened his blue top hat, turned his head and said to his companions:

"Let's go! Go straight out!"

"Hahaha no problem, Brother Beizi, I'll just wait for your words! These ordinary guards are inferior, not enough for me to kill with one hand!"

The Dragon King laughed boldly, stepped forward and kicked the door of the cell open with a bang.

Facing a small group of church guards coming from the aisle, the Dragon King showed great power, his hands turned into eagle claws, and easily and freely tore their bodies apart.



These ordinary guards were no match for the Dragon King of Sequence Eight, but in just a few breaths, they left behind corpses and broken limbs all over the place.

Blood was splashed all over the dilapidated wall, and the young men and women screamed non-stop, and then they were frightened to make a sound by Goutoujin's roar of "shut up".

Polaris led the young Jack straight out of the prison, killing all the way out.

They didn't seem to be captured as sacrifices at all, they were more like a group of devils who killed the guards of the Red Apple Church without mercy.

Soon, the church also reacted, headed by Brother Will, leading several guards with heavy armor and halberds, and a group of rotten hounds in red robes.

Beside Brother Will, the Polaris team also saw that familiar figure, Floy!
But at this time, like Mr. Jack, she is just an ordinary person, with a blank face and dead eyes, as if she has no belief in survival, just a walking dead.

"Do it."

Polaris pinched the brim of his hat and said in a deep voice.

"Be careful not to hurt Floyd, let's try to rescue her too."

"Understood, Brother Beizi."

Dragon King, Tutu and others agreed.


Chen Xi threw out an acid scroll, and the dark green liquid rained down on the heavily armored guards. Their thick metal armor suddenly emitted green smoke and made a chirping sound. It was rotten.

Honey Grapefruit shot two arrows in a row, instantly killing two heavily armored guards.

The three of Dongyang, Ma Ren, and Kuangben Kuang rushed forward, and with their golden fiery fists, they smashed through the rotten dogs with a single encounter.

When Pumpkin Girl, Goutoujin and others rushed forward, Brother Will was already frightened out of his wits. He yelled "heretical", turned around and ran away.

However, Polaris just flicked his fingers, and a high-speed spinning card passed through the back of his head.

Brother Will didn't have time to scream, he jumped forward and died on the spot.

In this way, the Polaris team rescued Floyd again, and led them all the way to the outside of the dungeon.

However, it seems that the final boss of the dungeon, the priest named Carter, has been waiting here, but before he could say a few opening words, he was interrupted by a flying card from Polaris.

Father Carter was furious and turned into a little giant. In the next second, Polaris raised his cloak and changed form with the flying card, appearing behind him. A huge crocodile with a big mouth instantly tore off his upper body.

Blood gushed out like a fountain.

Everyone in the Polaris team received a prompt from the panel——

[Complete the main line of the dungeon: Helped Jack Speight escape from the dungeon]

[Complete the hidden branch of the dungeon: Rescue Sister Floyd Wolfe]

[Overall Evaluation: Speed ​​Pass (Level A)]

[Dungeon rewards: 10000 experience points, 5 gold pounds, 50 circus contribution points, and "Flesh and Flesh Sequence Nine - Butcher" extraordinary knowledge*1]

The scene was distorted and changed, and everyone came back to their senses again, and found that they had returned to the cobblestone path in the natural forest of the fairyland.

"Okay! Is this a speed pass? It's not too difficult!"

The Dragon King laughed happily.

Team members such as Goutoujin and Centaur also seemed very happy.

"There are so many rewards for clearing this dungeon once, and [-] experience points are more than enough for me to level up!"

"And this hidden dungeon actually produced extraordinary knowledge!"

The Dragon King was amazed.

"Although it's just entry-level knowledge of the flesh and blood system, it can still be sold for tens of gold pounds. It's a very good reward..."

"How about we play two more times? Then I can reach the full level of 50, and I can start the promotion task of Sequence Seven!"

Goutoujin said excitedly.

However, Wei Yin gave him a blank look, and said bluntly:

"I'm running out of sanity, go back to the apartment and rest first."

"Well, let's go back and rest for a while, and then come to the second week... And I found a problem, we will discuss it later."

Polaris also spoke out.

Everyone had no opinion, so they exited the fairyland together.

In the lower part of Wangcheng City, in the living room of a low-rent apartment.

The Polaris team drank the sanity-replenishing potion, and the leader, Polaris, took off his blue top hat and said:

"Hiding the contents of the 'Prologue' in the dungeon is actually not difficult. If we follow the normal process, we can achieve the mission goal by rescuing Mr. Jack... This time we also rescued the nun, and the score has increased, but even so, we quickly It only reached the A-level score after passing the pass, and there must be a lot of content that has not been excavated."

"According to the background story, didn't Jack become a superhuman in the dungeon... We are in the hidden copy, and the sanity value will not be deducted over time, so can we watch the plot first, maybe there will be more discoveries? "

Su Keying thought for a while and said.

"What Keying said makes sense. Let's take our time in the second week and try to discover other details. Maybe there will be greater gains."

Dongyang nodded and agreed with this statement.

"Since this is the case, everyone express their opinions. Let's make up for the omissions in the second week's plan, and try to find more clues."

Polaris smiled slightly and said.

Everyone seemed to have found the joy and anticipation they had when opening up wasteland again, and began to speak enthusiastically. After a while, when everyone's condition was almost recovered, Su Keying had already filled a piece of paper, which recorded the things that needed to be done in the second week. and things to watch out for.

"lets go."

Polaris put his hat back on and said.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

The Dragon King raised his fist excitedly.

The Polaris team once again entered the wonderland, and bought the entry ticket to download the book... They have figured out the unlocking conditions of the hidden dungeon, the entrance of the prologue, and need to defeat the "Path Warden", so everyone went straight to the natural world without the slightest hesitation. The end of the forest, that is, the cobblestone path.

On the way, apart from killing some monsters that they couldn't get around, they avoided as much as they could.

In this way, the Polaris team only took about 10 minutes to cross the natural forest, arrived at the colorful cobblestone path, besieged and killed the black cat Nada who was blocking the way there, and got the "prologue" manuscript paper again.

With the manuscript paper burning in the hands of Polaris, everyone entered the second week of the hidden copy.

This time, the Polaris team was fully prepared.

They did not push horizontally like Zhoumu, but chose to "stand by" and quietly observe the development of the plot.

To the amazement of these high-level players, Mr. Jack actually cried when he was weak... When he saw him curled up in a corner and confided sadly to Sister Floyd, Comrade Weiyin's heart melted on the spot.

If Polaris hadn't grabbed her, the girl with ponytails would have jumped on her and crushed Jack in her arms.

Then the plot changed.

In the blink of an eye, the scene and time changed.

The Polaris team followed the young men and women in the prison and was taken to a secret room, where they read a book one by one as "sacrifices".

Accompanied by the shrill screams and the out-of-control young sacrifice, the players instantly understood that this was a strange creature or extraordinary knowledge!
When it was Polaris' turn, he picked up the "Philip's Diary" and opened it. His expression was stunned, and then his eyes revealed ecstasy.

[You have discovered the extraordinary knowledge of the path of fate! 】

["Sequence Six - Trapeze" (1/10)! 】

(End of this chapter)

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