Chapter 521 Cloud Travel
at dusk.

Chen Lun sat quietly in the room.

During the day, I asked the avatar to meet the two local saints. It was a meeting to get an impression of each other, so that we can contact each other if there is anything to do.

Fortunately for him, neither Farik nor Suraya belonged to that kind of radical personality. They were happy to be peaceful and each had their own pursuits.

Perhaps this is also the reason why the two are willing to sit in Linbang Lengye City.

Chen Lun is very satisfied with this status quo.

Right now, he just needs a quiet time to settle down, and to put into practice some of the ideas in his mind to improve his strength after being promoted to a higher position.

"Now [Joker] has reached level 40, not far from the full level of 60, we should also consider [Dramaist]'s mythological knowledge..."

Chen Lun was thinking ahead.

"Unfortunately, after the death of Philip Howard, I lost the source of knowledge of my path..."

He sighed secretly with a headache.

But soon, he thought of Oscar again.

"As an angel of destiny, His Majesty Oscar must have the corresponding mythological knowledge... Maybe as long as I agree to his request and choose to accept Duke Huan's unfulfilled last wish and great cause, I will be able to get everything I want. '

Chen Lun was lost in thought.

He is not afraid of the so-called gods.

Since the beginning of the time travel, I have already experienced countless life and death crises, smoothed the bumps along the way, and finally completed the extraordinary transformation and was promoted to become a mythical existence.

Then he defeated Philip Howard in the Battle of Fate, and took control of his own destiny...

If there is no ambition to become a god, it is impossible.

But Chen Lun has concerns.

Among the Seven Gods, the Moon God had no ill intentions towards him, and once even mentioned him and gave him blessings... What's more, he guessed that there was some kind of connection between this Moon God and Floyd, maybe it was blood, maybe What other origins, in short, can be regarded as "allies".

The other is Mr. Jingyao. From the information obtained in the past, it can be seen that this true magic god probably belongs to the Huangong camp, and Ms. Frederick also followed him.

If he really wants to inherit Duke Huan's last wish and great cause and kill the Seven Gods, then these two will eventually become his enemies.

Chen Lun suddenly felt heavy.

'Wait... The seven gods mentioned by His Majesty Oscar at the beginning are not necessarily the seven gods believed by the Church of the Seven Gods, but more likely, the seven hostile gods of the era in which Duke Huan lived. '

He quickly frowned again.

'But even so, Luna is an unavoidable hurdle. '

Just as Chen Lun was in distress, there was a light knock on the door.

Tuk Tuk...

He just turned his head and glanced, and he knew who was outside the door.

After taking a deep breath, Chen Lun stood up and went to open the door.

"Dinner is ready, do you want to go down and have some?"

Floyd said with a smile.

Her lavender eyes reflected the man's upright figure.

In fact, Floyd knew very well that after being promoted to a high position, the other party no longer needed to eat like ordinary humans, but the two of them have been performing this kind of interaction tacitly.

Perhaps in Floy's heart, there is nothing more ritualistic than letting a loved one enjoy the delicacies cooked by himself.

And Chen Lun also likes this process very much.

Especially after every meal, Floy looks forward to the subtle eyes of her praise and the quiet smile after being recognized.

These can give his mind a short-term comfort and peace.

Love is the most expensive anchor...

The words of Mr. Byers are still echoing in Chen Lun's heart, and he also fully recognizes and faithfully believes in this creed.

"Of course, I'm looking forward to today's dinner, Floyd... This can be regarded as the most formal first dinner for everyone after moving to a new place."

Chen Lun smiled and walked out of the room.

Floy hummed, and took the initiative to take his arm, and then went downstairs to the restaurant together.

At the dinner table, the cadres of the circus, Frey Akbin and other Gold Cup members were all present.In order to celebrate the next new life, Chen Lun, as the head and consul, toasted to everyone.

But this time, the subordinates were surprised to notice that Mr. Jack's glass contained red wine instead of milk.

This shows His importance.

"To Mr. Jack!"

Noah was the first to raise his glass to respond, his shy face was filled with joy.

"Respect, Commander!"

"And the circus and the Council of Generosity!"

The subordinates all raised their glasses with smiles on their faces.

"Go on."

Chen Lun took a sip of his wine and immediately motioned for everyone to eat.

With the permission of Mr. Jack, everyone began to use food.

Amidst the clanging of knives and forks, Chen Lun also took the opportunity to praise Maggie and Golov, expressing his approval of their work today.

"Thank you, Mr. Jack, but this task may last for a while, whether it is the 'pox spore' I planted, or the whole process of the ceremony, you need to wait patiently."

Maggie still maintains a clean and tidy image during the day, and said with flushed cheeks after drinking.

Everyone looked sideways. Maggie's different image today made them feel amazing, but they don't know how long this "nun's makeup" can last...

"Believe that you can succeed, time is not an issue."

Chen Lun smiled lightly.

Golov didn't say much, just silently picked up the wine bottle and filled Miss Maggie's empty glass again.Seeing his such witty behavior, Maggie patted him on the shoulder very relieved.

I just didn't say a word, and I will mix with me later.

After dinner.

Chen Lun took Floy for a walk in the church area, which was also a way to familiarize himself with the new environment.

Looking up at the purple moon hanging high in the night, Chen Lun suddenly became interested, turned his head and said to the beautiful girl in black skirt:

"I once said that I would take you to enjoy different scenery, but I have been in a state of urgency and busyness. Would you like to travel with me tonight? Beautiful lady."

As he spoke, the corner of Chen Lun's mouth raised slightly, and he stretched out a hand.

Floy's long pale golden hair was blown by the evening wind, and surprise appeared on her pretty face.She covered her small mouth with a chuckle, and then nodded solemnly.

"Of course I would, sir."

She held out her little hand and gently placed it in the warm palm.

Chen Lun took Floy by the hand, and then took a step, and the two disappeared in place in an instant.

Blink of an eye.

They have reached high altitude.

Looking down, the whole picture of Lengye City can be seen clearly, and the dots of lights are so shining under the night, which also adds vitality.

Floy's purple eyes reflected this scene, and the corners of her mouth could not be restrained, and she sighed with ethereal voice:

"It's a beautiful view... Could it be that this is the angle from which Grandma Yueguang overlooks us?"

With her hair fluttering, she asked softly.

"do not know……"

Chen Lun smiled.

He took Floy's little hand, looked up at the bright purple moon, and immediately said:
"Why don't we go up and have a look, so we'll know."


Floy raised her brows, puzzled in her eyes.

Chen Lun didn't answer, but with a smile on his face, he performed the air walk and flew straight up with her.Floyd exclaimed, and hugged his waist tightly with her hands.

As the two continued to rise, the air became thinner and the temperature gradually dropped, but the purple moon above the head was still hanging at the far end, hard to reach.

At this moment, Chen Lun's eyes froze suddenly.

'Um? '

He felt that there seemed to be an invisible and intangible "invisible barrier" blocking the way, and once touched, it was very likely to be dangerous.

'With my current mysterious weight, [Spiritual Intuition]'s warning will basically not go wrong... What is that barrier? '

He suddenly had some doubts and vigilance in his heart.

Chen Lun looked around, everything he could see was the danger from the "invisible barrier"... This high altitude, no, it should be said that the entire Sun Continent seemed to be shrouded and blocked by an unknown force, even if he At this time, as a saint, he still didn't dare to contact him rashly.

The strong sense of sight of death made his hairs stand on end.

However, outside that "invisible barrier", there seems to be something more terrifying than it waiting, as if once he breaks through the barrier, breaks free from the shackles of the world, and reaches outer space, it will trigger unimaginable terror ending.

Chen Lun took a deep breath.

He looked down at the girl in his arms, she was smiling slightly, her eyelashes and hair tips were covered with a thin layer of frost, she looked more pretty, but also pitiful.

In fact, as the [Black Knight], Floy's physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people, so she is naturally not afraid of the cold, but she still needs to breathe, so she is holding her breath now, and her cheeks are flushed.

Chen Lun smiled, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing to fly upwards.

"Unfortunately, miss, it seems that we can't sit on the moon for the time being."

he whispered.

Holding Floyd's shoulders, another leap in the clouds immediately followed.

This time, the two traveled thousands of miles and came to the Xinbang Empire, which was the land of the former United Kingdom of Anlong, and stopped beside a huge lake.

The brilliance of the purple moon shines down, and there are floating purple reflections on the lake surface. The stars are dotted, echoing with some kind of luminous jellyfish underwater, and the surroundings are peaceful and beautiful.


As the breeze blew by, Floyd couldn't help being amazed by the scenery in front of him.

She turned to look at the man with bright purple eyes.

"I still remember the first dance I danced with you, also under such moonlight..."

Chen Lun heard the subtext, so he took her hand.

"Then let's dance again."


Floyd laughed happily.

Immediately, the graceful dance of the two spun around the lake, accompanied by the ethereal and melodious laughter of the girl, making everything look more beautiful.

all night.

Chen Lun took Floy to travel in the clouds, shuttled through several regions, and walked freely in the north and south of the Sun Continent, like a pair of time travelers, traveling and witnessing the wonders and beauties of the world.

In the dead of night, it seemed as if there were only the two of them left in the world.

No disturbance, no noise, only their peace.

They went to the night desert of the Kingdom of Beelzebub in the far west, and stood side by side, listening to the whining and crying of the night wind, and then arrived at the capital of Shuli in the far south, where they sat hugging each other on the vast plain, looking up. Looking up at the gorgeous purple and green aurora.

Chen Lun also took her to the Misty Sea in the far east, where they felt the sea breeze and waves on a reef that was less than ten flat, and finally kissed each other amidst the faint sound of storm and thunder.

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time..."

Floy stuck in his arms and said softly.

"I will never forget the darkness, loneliness and despair of the past ten years, but I will never forget the days with you. It is you who gave me freedom and excitement. Mr. Jack... It was Floyd who met you. The luckiest thing in my life.”

"Me too, Floyd."

Chen Lun smiled and sniffed her hair, the faint floral fragrance, accompanied by the unique body fragrance, mixed into the most familiar smell.

"I'm afraid no one will be luckier than me. With you always by my side... and no one will know that you are my anchor, my brand, and the quiet haven for me to stay awake and rational."

Floy raised her head and stared at him emotionally.

"Master Jack, let Froy give birth to a child for you..."

Chen Lun was startled for a moment, then shook his head with a smile.

Floyd was caught off guard by the sudden rejection and looked stunned.She frowned slightly, her eyes were extremely lonely.

"Isn't Floyd worthy?"

"No, it's just that I am no longer an ordinary human being, you cannot bear mythical creatures..."

Chen Lun opened his mouth, and finally changed his words tactfully:

"I'm going to hurt you, Floy."

In fact, he still didn't say a word. In the mysterious field, the reason why it is impossible for high-ranking people to combine with ordinary people, including middle- and low-level superhumans... The very important point is that the pollution of high-ranking people is too strong.

Rashly joining together will only cause the weaker party to lose control on the spot, or even die suddenly... Chen Lun's current "seed" can be regarded as a highly toxic substance of mysticism, containing terrifying pollution.

Once Floy gets too close to her, it is very likely to cause unimaginable tragic consequences.

"I understand, Lord Jack..."

Floy cleverly understood the meaning of his words, and lowered her eyes regretfully.

But in the next second, she felt that her chin was lifted by a hand, and then touched her warm lips.

Floy's pupils shrank, and immediately his eyes melted, turning into a gentle and secret joy.

The heart is even more firm in the belief that he must complete the extraordinary transformation as soon as possible and be promoted to a saint, so that he can always follow him, and...

Floyd's heart beat even harder.

Hongxia is covered by the night, just like the waves are covered by the heartbeat.

The two hugged each other for a long time.

 Chapter 520, naturally has a sense of ritual. After reading the feedback from the beauties at the end of the book, Shiwan Wan will make some minor revisions in the follow-up. In order not to keep everyone who is chasing the update waiting, let’s release today’s first update first!
(End of this chapter)

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