Chapter 523 Daydream
"I see. Thank you for your answer, Your Majesty Oscar."

Chen Lun looked thoughtful, and immediately saluted the other party.

He thought to himself, perhaps the amount of mastery of the "unique divinity" also determines the strength gap between god-level angels and gods. After all, this means the strength of authority...

The "Serpent of Destiny" Oscar in front of him probably has more than two "unique divinity" in his body. He is very likely to be quite close to the god position, and belongs to the level of the king of angels.

’ But why didn’t He choose to become a God himself, instead entrusting the great cause of Duke Huan to me... I’m afraid it doesn’t make sense just to say that His Majesty Oscar was once the God of Duke Huan. '

Chen Lun was a little puzzled.

Because if it were him, he might not be able to refuse the temptation to become a god, and instead support others... There must be foolish and loyal people in this world, but they definitely cannot be angels of the path of destiny.

Oscar nodded slightly.

He seemed to see Chen Lun's confusion, and explained with a sigh:
"You are the 'Man of Destiny', Jack, the 'accident' that Duke Huan saw in the last era, the 'point of dissonance' that broke the cycle... Now that you have completed the destiny challenge, prove that Duke Huan's The prophecy is true, because He himself used to be such an existence, but in the end he was still a little short of success..."

Chen Lun half-understood, always felt that Oscar was acting as a riddle.

'It seems that I do have some kind of specialness...that Oscar didn't want to take on this responsibility, and gave it to me instead?But why does He think that I can become a god in the end and accomplish things that Duke Huan cannot do...'

He felt a little ridiculous.

But thinking about the way of fate, it is estimated that this is the virtue, and even I often talk about it in front of others, so I am relieved.

"Jack, this great cause is extremely difficult. For you, it is a near-death experience, and now I am trapped in the Far East, unable to escape, and cannot help you much...Alexis is a fictional character of mine. Although he is just a mortal, But the body is indestructible, and possesses the projection power of the 'God's Relic', named [Daydream], in its dream world it can be called a creator-like existence, you can use this as a boost."

Oscar smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

Chen Lun suddenly realized.

"No wonder there was an assassin who died in a dream, and it turned out that it was all done by Alex... From this point of view, although his ability is somewhat limited, he is correspondingly extremely powerful in the dream... Maybe the circus cadres can cooperate with Yalishi This kind of power of the wrestler, complete a certain sense of collocation, thus trapping the enemy in his dream? '

In an instant, he thought about many ideas divergently.

A candidate was finally identified.

'Well, this idea is very feasible... Noah can use [Gallery of Bones] to capture a group of Galaxy Sequence Five [Summer], or Deep Sea Sequence Six [Kraken], so as to hypnotize and delay the enemy. Enter Alex's dream to complete the lore. '

It's not that Chen Lun hasn't considered his hypnotic necklace [Siren's Song], but this B-level monster is damaged, and it won't take effect for targets with willpower higher than 25 points... This basically declares that it is not enough to participate in the battle. Battles above the sequence.

But using it against ordinary people is still very useful, so Chen Lun still intends to take it with him all the time to deal with some daily situations.

"If I had known that on the Pearl Bamogo, I would have saved the hand of Bai Liye alive, and asked Noah to give him a portrait..."

Chen Lun thought secretly.

Withdrawing his thoughts, he bowed to the other party and immediately put on the black hat.

"Thank you again, Your Majesty Oscar."

"I wish you an early promotion, Jack."

Oscar kept smiling and nodded.

Immediately, the silver rings in His eyes slowly faded until they disappeared.Everything that was "suspended" around it resumed operation, and everything "live".

The wind carried the flowers and flew over. Alex shook his head, a little confused about the situation, but he didn't care about it at all. Instead, he smiled and said to Chen Lun:
"Mr. Jack, why don't you have a good time here? I have seen all kinds of noble ladies, and I can create exactly the same for you... Don't worry, Miss Froy won't know, how about it?"

"Have fun by yourself."

Chen Lun shook his head, and patted Alex on the shoulder in turn.

Before leaving, he asked without looking back:
"But be careful...if the ladies in the team see you washing your pants, it will be embarrassing."


Alexis was startled.

Chen Lun chuckled and opened his eyes.

When he woke up from the dream, he found that the surrounding area was still in the gazebo, and there was a piece of silvery white snow on the surrounding lawn.

Alex in front of him turned over and trembled all over, as if he had some nightmare.

Chen Lun shook his head, turned and left.

He returned to his room non-stop, then took out the gold cup token and flicked it with his fingers.

It didn't take long.

The spirit messengers of the Council of Generosity emerged from the air.

The faceless waiter still looked the same, with a white towel and a tray in one hand, and the other behind his back, bowing slightly towards Chen Lun.

"I have met Mr. Jack Speight, the Consul, what do you need?"

It lowered its head and asked respectfully.

"Use the highest-level intelligence system of the parliament to give me the latest developments of the extraordinary force 'Berry's Hand'."

Chen Lun sat on the chair, took out a notebook and spread it out, and said without looking back.

The faceless waiter nodded upon hearing this.

"please wait."

After it finished speaking, it took a step back and disappeared directly into the spirit world.

Chen Lun looked at the blank paper in front of him with deep eyes.

With his current strength and status, he doesn't need to go out to find the target himself. He only needs to rely on the forces behind him to find out a little bit of information, and then he can create a coincidence through [Hide and Seek] and his [Desperate Joke], so that the target will automatically Deliver it to your door.

Most of the superhumans of the Star Path are gathered in the Qunxing Sect, Chen Lun is not easy to attack, so he set his sights on this superpower in the wild... It just so happens that this organization is also on the list of the most wanted by the empire, so he doesn't need to worry about it .

After a while.

The faceless waiter returned again, carefully placing a stack of documents by Chen Lun's hand.

"It's hard work, there's nothing else to do, let's go."

Chen Lun smiled slightly, and put two gold coins in the messenger's tray as usual.

"Yes, Master Jack."

The messenger responded respectfully and left immediately.

Chen Lun then opened the file and looked up the information about "Berry's Hand"... He knew little about this organization in his previous life, but now he has a clear understanding through the detailed information collected by the Generous Council.

At the same time there are some surprises.

This organization does not believe in the "Sea God's Eternal Sleeper" like the Hailing Group, but believes in another deep sea angel, "Dagon" Garcia Peter.

According to legend, he used to be the God of the Eternal Sleepers, but since the fifth era, the Eternal Sleepers seemed to have fallen into silence and stopped responding to believers. Dagon left the side of the main god and disappeared.

Chen Lun is very clear that the silence of the Eternal Sleeper is due to Duke Huan's original layout. Even before his fall, Duke Huan personally went to the extreme east to seal and suppress it to this day... what His Majesty Oscar said was "to escape Unable to open the body", it is very likely that it is also related to it.

Garcia Peter has many honorable titles. In addition to the well-known "Dagon" by believers, he also has names such as "Berry's Seeker", "Sleeping Star" and "The Seabed is Deeper Than the Abyss", etc. name taboo.

This is also the origin of the organization's name "Hand of Berliet".

When Chen Lun saw this, he couldn't help thinking of the opening CG of version 1.0 public beta, in which the narration of Anna's voice mentioned this angel, and gave a fleeting scene... At that time, it was a lost palace deep under the sea Here, the deserted and dilapidated throne was empty, except for a figure crouching in front of the throne, motionless.


Chen Lun murmured the name.

Immediately chuckled.

Fortunately, like most esoteric religious organizations, the "Hand of Berliet" who believes in this deep-sea angel has not actually received much favor from him, not to mention miracles, and even the number of responses is only a handful So much so that Chen Lun was not worried about being missed by Dagon.

He called out the ivory white pen transformed by [Hide and Seek], and wrote directly on the paper.

The rustling sound is endless, and it fits perfectly with the sound of the cold wind outside the window.

The east coast of the empire.

A merchant ship departing from Yanbang, carrying silver ore and shellfish seeds, is sailing towards Huabangrongju City.

On the deck, some hitchhikers were leaning against the railing, enjoying the gentle sea breeze and the bright sunshine.

However, in the cockpit, a quarrel was taking place.

"You bloody idiot!"

The bald captain slapped the iron table angrily, causing the water glass on it to rattle and almost fall along the edge.

"How could you drink too much and forget to update the latest ship's log?! Such a low-level mistake, how could you, a second officer who lived on the ship for seven or eight years, make it! The navigator's information was not received in time, and it has already sailed It took two days before I knew there was going to be a storm... you will pay for the lost time and gold pounds? I really want to be mad at you, you damn fool!"

"Sorry Captain! I...I shouldn't have listened to that chick, the wine was too strong, I didn't expect to sleep for so long! Damn me!"

The second officer was a thin, short man with his head lowered, hesitating.The first mate, the third mate, and the bosun all kept silent, not daring to offend the captain at this time.

"Hurry up to notify the chief engineer and ask the crew to contact the nearest port to berth. If this trip loses business, you will get out of here! Get out!"

The bald captain's forehead was full of veins, and he roared with a thick neck.

Everyone scattered like birds and beasts.

Panting heavily, the captain picked up the water glass and took a sip.

But before he could put it down, the hatch was pushed open again, and the hurried footsteps almost made him faint.

Just as he was about to get angry, the bosun was already sweating profusely and said:

"It's not good, captain, the crew on the observation deck said that a fast ship is coming behind... I suspect it's the 'shipwreck' that has been making a lot of noise recently!"

The captain's pupils shrank suddenly.

This is a name circulated in the shipping circle. It actually refers to a group of pirates who have plundered and murdered frantically recently. They have committed countless cases and are even wanted by the imperial officials.

But because the other party is good at hiding, and each attack is quick and ruthless, he has not been sanctioned yet... The well-informed bald captain certainly had suspicions, it is very likely that it is a pirate force composed of extraordinary people!

Thoughts were fleeting, the bald captain just roared out from his throat:

"Maximize the load on the boiler room and head north with full force!"

(End of this chapter)

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