I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 528 God's Choice Team

Polaris and the others frowned.

Through investigation, Lan Shi's level is actually 75!
Like Dongyang Centaur Kuang Ben Kuang, he took the Sun Path, and is currently a Sequence Seven [Ascetic Monk], but his strength must be much stronger.

The level of a man and a woman next to him is even higher, 78 levels, respectively, the seventh sequence of the moon series [Requiem Master] and the seventh sequence [Shark Fighter] of the deep sea series.

These two people obviously belong to the undisclosed high-level players who have hidden information, and they don't know where they popped up. They have never heard of it before... But these two people don't seem to be members of the "Lost Name" guild, more like It is a friend that Lan Shi met in private.

As for the rest of the players, their IDs all had the words "Missing Name" on them, and nearly half of them were promoted to the middle sequence, with an average level of around 50.

"Don't help me! I want to kill this grandson with my own hands!"

Goutoujin gritted his teeth and said.

He was a little annoyed. The younger brother of his own guild had surpassed himself after deleting his account and re-practicing. No matter how he thought about it, he felt like a slap in the face in an online story.

The most embarrassing thing was that what I got was the villain's script!

"Don't be brave, you can't handle it by yourself... Besides, Rotten Persimmon went too far at the time and was wanted by the circus, so we helped arrest him."

Dongyang said.

"There is nothing to say, let's see the real kung fu directly."

Polaris coldly pulled out the metal staff and sword, and went straight to the female player on Lan Shi's left, the [Shark Fighter] whose ID is "Sugar Baby".

The weapon in the opponent's hand was extremely strange, it was a hard live fish!It looks like some kind of mutated swordfish, with a dark brown body, protruding snout, like a sharp sword, and fins like scimitar-like blades!

Tang Bao grabbed the tail of the swordfish with his hand, and struck Polaris' stick and sword with the protruding tip of his snout, making a clang.

However, the live fish suddenly opened and closed its mouth, twisted its body, and with a bang, it bypassed the metal rod and sword, and stabbed Polaris in the chest.

"What kind of weird thing is this..."

Polaris groaned inwardly, frowning.

He didn't choose to resist, but turned his legs into "antelope hooves", kicked on the ground, and quickly retreated to avoid it.

"Brother Beizi, let me see your true skills."

Tang Bao swung his sword in the air, his long hair fluttering, and an expectant smile appeared on his delicate face.

"In our 'God's Chosen Squad', there are quite a few people who want to fight you... After all, you are the 'No.

Polaris frowned, ignoring the other party's words.

I remember this "God's Chosen Squad" in my heart, secretly guessing what kind of guys they are, and I have never heard of them... But what is basically certain is that their members must not be simple. After all, if they dare to challenge themselves, they must The level is not low, as can be seen from the female player in front of him.

He jumped into the air, raised his hand and threw a few card throwing knives at Tang Bao, who didn't dodge, giggled, the swordfish in his hand spit out water jets, and she raised her hand to cut out two waves of water, smashing the cards rush away.

Polaris, a "big change into a living person", switched places with the cards, and appeared beside Tang Bao, with a cold face, and his left arm turned into a crocodile's big mouth, and it bit down on her with one bite!
"If you want to play, then play with you."

Water splashes everywhere.

Tang Bao's hair flew upside down in a mess, and then barely stood up, and raised her head, the smile on her face disappeared, and turned solemn.

"As expected of Brother Beizi...then I have to be serious!"

The next second, Tang Bao's body was filled with water mist and electric arcs, as if she had received some blessings and boosts, she held the swordfish in her hand, and rushed towards the Polaris again without fear.

the other side.

Lan Shi's hands were burning with flames, and she was fighting with two tall tauren, rumbling.At first glance, he appears to be the underdog under siege, but in fact he is beating Gobsoujin and Wang Wangwuji violently throughout the entire process.

"Brother Gouzi, forgot boss, is pride blinding your eyes? You two are progressing too slowly, and now you are nearly [-] levels behind me! I will make the president of the 'world' regret it. Kicked out of the guild..."

Lan Shi's face was full of resentment, and she punched out again, hitting Wang Wang Wuji's chest, breaking several bones, and flying out.

The high-temperature air wave spread, and his shirt was burned to ashes, exposing his muscular upper body.

Immediately afterwards, he kicked Goutoujin's arm away with his superb physical skills, and raised his hand to take out a long-handled hammer. The head of the hammer was a watermelon-sized sphere covered with spikes.

The whole sledgehammer suddenly ignited flames, Lan Shi swung it backhand, and hit Goutoujin's waist, making a muffled sound immediately.

Goutoujin howled in pain and fell to the ground.

Lan Shi seems to have figured out the characteristics of [Ascetic Monk], using physical strength and extraordinary flames to the extreme, and even with the blessing of several passive skills, she managed to easily crush the dog-headed gold duo who are also Sequence Seven.

Lan Shi pounded the sledgehammer on the ground, blasting out a burning pit, then stood upright like a god of war, and grinned.

"This weapon is a C-level monster that I forged with my own hands. It's called [Burning and Humiliation]. Do you think it's suitable?"

In the next moment, he jumped up dragging the sledgehammer and smashed it down violently.

"My battle for fame starts with the two of you! Die!"

boom! !

The violent vibration was accompanied by countless sparks flying around.

Between the bone burst and the blood flying, the two white lights dissipated one after another.

"Golden Goutoujin and Wang Wang Wuji are dead!"

Honey Grapefruit, who was holding a bow and arrow and shooting at the backbone players of the Lost Name guild, suddenly shouted.

Dongyang frowned, and he threw out both fists, striking the back of a big knife.

The male player with the ID name "Forget-me-not" took two steps back, then raised his hand, and the black distorted light was wiped on the back of the knife by him, and then he slashed at the pumpkin girl on the side.


The pumpkin girl's level is 69, which is not much different from the forget-me-not. After transforming into a ghoul, her basic attributes are even higher... But even so, after being stabbed by the opponent, she still screamed in pain, The blood bar dropped a bit.

Even the upper blood limit has been deducted.

"Disgusting [Requiemer]!"

Pumpkin opened its ferocious mouth and cursed angrily.

"Thank you for the compliment, beauty... oh well, you don't look beautiful at all, haha."

Forget-me-not said with a smile while holding a big knife.

"By the way, your level is higher than everyone else's. Are you interested in joining our 'God's Chosen Squad'? It's full of top-notch casual players... Don't rush to refuse. To be honest, the leaderboards are all fake. There are more than 20 members of our team, as long as the information is disclosed, we will definitely be able to squeeze out the top [-] people!"

"Don't go!"

The pumpkin scolded angrily, and then continued to pounce on him.

The rumbling movement lasted for nearly 10 minutes.

The Polaris team and Lanshi's side suffered casualties.

The backbone of Lost Name basically died in the end, only Lan Shi and forget-me-not were left, and Tang Bao was solo killed by Polaris.

Before she died, she did not forget to invite Polaris to join the "God's Choice Team", but she was ruthlessly rejected by him, and her head was cut off with a sword.

Brother Bei Zi then went to support his teammates with a blood-stained face cold.

Except for Goutoujin and Wangwang Wuji who were killed first, the less powerful Dragon King Tutu and others were also unfortunately killed, turning into white light and going to the resurrection point in this world.

Only Polaris, Dongyang, Pumpkin and Chenxi confronted Lanshi.

"Tsk, if I had known, I would have called two more people..."

Lan Shi shook her head regretfully.

He glanced at the forget-me-not male player next to him, chuckled lightly and said:

"Let's go. Killing Goutoujin and Wangwang Wuji have relieved their anger. Polaris is really strong. I'm not sure I can defeat him..."

"I can't blame you, 'Pour Coffee' and 'Frost Star' were supposed to come with you, but you ran away disgusted."

Forget-me-not said helplessly.

Immediately afterwards, he pointed his broadsword at Polaris and said with a smile:

"Brother Beizi, let's make gestures next time. I hope you won't be thrown away by us... The number one position, you have to sit firmly, haha."


What responded to him were two card throwing knives!

Forget-me-not hastily dodged, his movements slightly awkward.

"Mom, bullying me has little stamina, right... Fortunately, I can hide quickly, or I will almost be killed!"

As he spoke, his figure gradually became transparent.

"Lan Shi, I'll slip first—"

However, before he finished speaking, a hand grabbed his neck first.

The golden light on Polaris' body flashed several times, and he looked down at the forget-me-not calmly, and said in a deep voice:

"Did I say I would let you go?"

"Zhuo... What the hell are you, Sequence Six?!"

Forget-me-not's eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

"I also have to thank you for allowing me to complete the promotion task of 'Extreme Flash'... No one who kills my team can leave!"

After Polaris finished speaking in a cold voice, the stick sword pierced his throat instantly.


Forget-me-not death!
Polaris turned his head to look, and Lan Shi seemed to have realized that the situation was not good, and planned to withdraw from the spirit world, and his figure became translucent.

But the Polaris is faster.

Without any warning, a teleportation appeared next to Lan Shi, and he slashed out with a sword without fancy, interrupting the opponent's state.

"What a..."

Lan Shi made a rough sentence, and then decisively used a precious one-time life-saving tool... I saw him crush a yellow glass ball, and immediately turned into a golden light and fled away behind him.

He also didn't expect that Polaris would be promoted suddenly, his level broke through to level 84, and he even mastered the "teleportation" that Jack only had!
Lan Shi felt that she was still careless.

He should have taken people away after killing Gou Tou Jin and Wang Wang Wuji. It might be difficult to leave now, and it is very likely that he will have to hang up once.

Like a ghost, Polaris appeared in front of Lan Shi again, and handed over a sword expressionlessly.

Lan Shi stopped the pendulum, took several steps back, then frowned and said:
"Brother Beizi, to put it bluntly, it's also the grievances and grievances between me and Goutoujin that I forgot. What are you doing?"

"They are from my team."

Polaris seemed to disdain to explain too much, and just said something lightly, then he kept moving, and the fast and ruthless sword flashed a few cold lights, and struck again.


Lan Shi gritted her teeth.

Since he couldn't escape, he had no choice but to go forward and fight with him.

But he was not the opponent of Polaris in the first place, and after the opponent was promoted to Sequence Six, this disadvantage became even more obvious.In less than ten rounds, Lan Shi was hit with four or five card throwing knives, and was immediately gnawed off by Polaris with his crocodile mouth.

It's just that before Lan Shi died, she specially sent a private message to Polaris:

"Your number one position will be mine sooner or later...wait."

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