Chapter 536 New Students

The next day.

It was just after nine o'clock in the morning.

Chen Lun was planning to go out to the big library to start today's study, but just as he got down to the first floor, he heard a knock on the door.

Tuk Tuk...

As soon as he raised his eyes, he knew that Ms. Julie was coming from outside the door.

"Teacher, let me open the door for you."

Polaris, who was eating breakfast at the side, had sharp eyesight, put down the sandwich in his hand, and got up while talking.Seeing Chen Lun nodding, he quickly stepped forward and opened the door of the apartment.

"Good day, Your Majesty, sorry to bother you."

Julie first glanced at Polaris who opened the door, smiled at him, then looked over his shoulder, looked behind him, the gentleman in black hat who was standing at the stairs, and said salutingly.

"It's okay, what's the matter?"

Chen Lun waved his hand with a smile, and then motioned for her to come in.

"Come in and sit down and talk."

"Thank you."

After thanking the dean, who still had the charm, he walked in gracefully and sat down gracefully on the sofa in the living room.

After Chen Lun also sat down on the sofa beside her, she took out a small stack of documents, raised her head and explained:

"Your Majesty, yesterday I added the private class you offered to this year's list of professors. The students were very enthusiastic about it. Even in just one day, 29 students chose your course."

She seemed to be worried about Chen Lun's misunderstanding, so she explained specifically:
"We have not disclosed your identity information, and the students who signed up know nothing about you... And among these students, there are also many talented people, you can choose to accept or not, of course, even It’s okay to be unhappy with them.”

Chen Lun glanced at the dean with a half-smile.

He knew very well that to be able to attract the attention of so many students in one day, the college must have put a lot of thought into the recruitment list.

But he doesn't care.

Now that he has agreed to the college's request, he will naturally fulfill his promise, but in order to avoid trouble, he intends to accept only three students who sign up.

Julie was glanced over by him, feeling as if she had been seen through, and she couldn't help but feel a strong sense of unease... Fortunately, the other party didn't intend to delve into it, so she picked up the document and read it by herself, and then she secretly breathed a sigh of relief .

It has to be said that although the Jack in front of him is gentle and elegant, Julie always feels that the other party is like a cloud of fog, not only elusive, but also seems to be extremely dangerous.


In the quiet living room, there was only the sound of the black hat gentleman flipping through documents.Julie, Polaris, and Qingtian Xiaoyu didn't dare to interrupt rashly, but just watched silently.

half an hour.

Chen Lun frowned.

His fingers that flipped the pages quickly stopped, and on the student information he was holding, there was a picture of a young girl posted impressively, and his dark green hair was particularly impressive in his memory.

"Lucy Payne..."

He didn't forget this "charming girl". The opportunity he had in Peacock City, which was one of the volumes of "Carmen's Letters", and the extraordinary biological characteristic "extreme beauty", were all obtained from her.

Lucy's natural high charm, and after being rescued by herself, the lucky attributes that kept skyrocketing left a deep impression on her.

Later, Chen Lun asked her to continue her studies at Omto College, but she never expected to meet her again here...

I remember that before parting, he had left a silver snake ring as a token, through which Lucy could leave messages for himself... At first, Chen Lun would pay attention to Lucy from time to time to see her messages and recent developments, but most of the content was Some trivial daily life, mixed with explicit thoughts and words of love.

It wasn't until he went to Wangcheng that a series of incidents happened, which made him no longer pay attention to Lucy's situation, and he didn't know anything about what happened in the middle half a year.

"Lucy is a recommended student of Omto College in Peacock City, Yanbang, and she is sent to St. Byron College... Her background is innocent, she is an orphan who survived the Red Disaster, and because of her special blood, she has a great understanding of mysticism. With a strong talent, in just one year, he was promoted to the rank among the stars almost without anyone teaching him, relying on his own understanding of knowledge."

At this time, Ms. Julie explained and spared no effort to recommend.

Her eyes were full of admiration and approval, as well as a trace of regret, perhaps because she regretted that this girl did not take the magical path.

"At the same time, this girl's character is also very good. In addition to her daily classes and studies, she will work in the 'Sapphire Restaurant' to make a living. It's a pity that there is no professor of the galaxy department in the college. She has always taken social courses, such as Aristocratic etiquette, eloquence, linguistics, etc..."

The Madman School does not only train students of the Magic Department, but also dabbles in other ways, which stems from their fanatical pursuit of knowledge... Chen Lun would have chosen to let Lucy stay at Omto Academy instead of joining the Stars Sect Have selfish plans.

After all, the Madman School does not place much importance on knowledge other than the magic department, so Lucy will be a little more free to study there... instead of being forced to sign some "prostitution" contracts and serve the church for life.

But the Madman School also has the biggest problem, that is, the professors and scholars responsible for imparting mystic knowledge are basically from the magic department, so that most of the students from other paths adopt a "free-range" education.

To put it bluntly, these students are left to fend for themselves.

Just like Lucy.

Apart from providing her with extraordinary knowledge, the Madman School has hardly cared about her... Of course, she will still have to repay the academy in the future.

What the madman school pays attention to is a principle of equivalent exchange.

You should pay for what you gain.

Gifts should have a price.

"very good."

Chen Lun nodded lightly, took out this message from Lucy, and put it aside.

Seeing this, Ms. Julie narrowed her eyes happily.

Polaris and Qingtian Xiaoyu on the side looked at each other, and then communicated on a private channel:

"—I didn't expect that waiter yesterday to become our junior sister!"

"——I said that she is not simple... This must be the benefit of the 50-plus lucky points. Do you think anyone can worship under Teacher Jack?"

"——so we should have a good relationship with her when the time comes, maybe we will be lucky and encounter great things!"

"—you can try."

Just as the two players were communicating, Chen Lun began to look through the information of the other registered students.Soon, he unexpectedly found an acquaintance again.

I saw the same girl on another information sheet, but she was younger than Lucy, she looked only thirteen or fourteen years old, her appearance was weak and cute, and there seemed to be deep cowardice in her eyes.

"Ahsoka Moyle."

Looking at the paper, Chen Lun recalled the Western War.

At that time, after the imperial army broke through the Nabil Forest Castle, he personally intercepted and killed the evacuation team of the royal family of Moir, but under the obstruction of the saint Ibrain, he only took away three innocuous people. small role.

At that time, Princess Ahsoka was hiding in the carriage and peeping, and was almost forcibly taken away by him.

"Ahsoka was once the royal princess of the Principality of Yaco in the United Kingdom of Anlong. After the defeat in the Western War, King Tiha brought a small number of royal family members to the Kingdom of Byron to live in seclusion... in the name of Ibra, the Saint of the Stars. Under Yin Mianxia's entrustment, Principal Hugo agreed to allow Ahsoka to study in the academy, but fortunately, her magical talent is not bad, and now she has a preliminary understanding of extraordinary knowledge."

Ms. Julie still dutifully introduced him.

Chen Lun nodded, took out this information sheet with a smile, and put it aside.Although Ms. Zhu Li didn't know the selection criteria of the crown prince, she was very happy to see that two students had already been selected.

Chen Lun searched through the documents for the last student candidate, and finally settled on a young man named "Feliz Anomert".

There is no other reason. After Chen Lun saw this guy's photo and name, he felt a slight fluctuation in the fate line... After some quiet divination, he successfully confirmed that this person's fate was abnormal.

Chen Lun planned to see the situation with his own eyes when the time came, maybe he could find something interesting.

"He is the second son of Earl Melt, uh... the magic talent is average, but he is more playful, and he has been criticized by the instructor more than once..."

Ms. Julie hesitated to speak.

"It's okay, he will be the last one."

With a smile, Chen Lun also pulled out Feliciano's information, put it aside, and handed the three selected student lists to Ms. Julie.

The latter quickly took it, and after arranging it lightly, asked him:
"Your Majesty, do you need me to bring all three of them here later?"

Chen Lun laughed lightly, waved his hands and said:

"No hurry, I have to go to the library to read a book today, you can inform them first, and then let them come to the apartment before nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

As he spoke, he stood up with his white cane in hand.

Seeing this, Ms. Julie also stood up from the sofa, lowered her head and said:

"I see, Your Majesty."

Chen Lun came to St. Byron's Great Library again.

He went straight up to the fifth floor. Galio, the administrator at the registration office, didn't even raise his head this time, but just pointed inside with his finger, indicating that he was free, and continued to immerse himself in the reading of ancient books.

Chen Lun was also so happy. He took a step forward and went to the bookshelf that he hadn't finished reading yesterday, followed by the books he hadn't read, and continued to study.

The ivory white cane lightly touched the spine of a book, and he felt that knowledge, accompanied by joyful emotions, rose from his mind...

Time passed quietly in immersion.

Early the next morning.

Before 08:30, there was still light snow in the sky.

In the courtyard of Chen Lun's apartment, two girls came early, one was wearing a turtleneck sweater and a slim gray windbreaker, her gorgeous dark green hair was tied into a ponytail, and the other was younger Wrapped in a heavy, expensive fur cloak, with a lovely felt hat on his head.

The two stared at each other, and finally Lucy spoke:
"Are you also a student who came to visit Mr. Jack...professor?"


Ahsoka hesitated for a moment, but nodded obediently.

"Then we should all be the professor's students... let's get to know each other, my name is Lucy, where are you?"

Lucy stepped forward and said with a smile.


The little girl originally planned to reveal her full name, but she soon remembered that her mother had warned her many times not to tell others her surname easily, so she only said her first name.

"Sister Lucy, you are so beautiful."

Ahsoka opened his eyes wide and whispered.

"You're cute too, Ahsoka."

Lucy took her shoulders affectionately, took her to the eaves to avoid the snow, and waited for the door of the apartment to open.

She couldn't help turning her head and staring at the door, her eyes seemed to be filled with anticipation, apprehension and joy.

After an unknown amount of time, finally, the door of the apartment was opened.

However, to Lucy's disappointment, it was a white-haired girl who opened the door. She took a closer look and couldn't help recalling that she seemed to have met her at the Sapphire Restaurant yesterday.

"The two of you should be Miss Lucy and Miss Ahsoka, right?"

The white-haired girl giggled.

"Yes... May I ask who you are?"

Lucy nodded in acknowledgment, and then asked curiously.

There was suspicion in her eyes, and she secretly guessed the relationship between this cute girl and Mr. Jack.

"My name is Qingtian Xiaoyu, and there is a young man named Polaris inside, who is my senior brother... We are all students of Mr. Jack."

"I see."

Suddenly, Lucy let out a sigh of relief.

"Come in, it's still snowing outside... The teacher is already waiting for you in the living room."

On a sunny day, Xiao Yu completely opened the door and waved for the two girls to enter.Lucy and Ahsoka thanked each other, and then walked into the apartment full of tension and anticipation.

Just entered.

Lucy raised her eyes and saw the longing figure, sitting quietly on the sofa in the living room, casting a smiling gaze.That long-lost voice was saying:

"Long time no see, Lucy."

 The path of "Lucy Payne" in the previous article is the stars, and now it is "Sequence Seven Heart Thief".

(End of this chapter)

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