I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 54 Be sure to take her down

Chapter 54 Be sure to take her down (read more!)
"Welcome, Professor Yulei."

The living room on the first floor of the villa is very spacious and bright.

The decoration inside is also very luxurious.

A blond middle-aged man with a mustache got up from the sofa. He came to Mrs. Youlai, took her hand gracefully, and kissed the back of her fingers.

At this time, two women, one large and one small, came to the side. They were Mrs. Pompey and her daughter Rebecca.

Rebecca was sitting in a wheelchair, being pushed by Madame Pompey.

"Mrs. Yuley, good morning."

They met Mrs. Youlai face to face respectively and greeted each other in a friendly manner.

"Good morning, His Excellency Viscount Pompey, the beautiful Mrs. Pompey and the lovely Miss Rebecca."

Mrs. Ulay responded politely.

Viscount Pompeii turned to look at the young man beside her.

"Who is this?"

"Oh, Your Excellency the Viscount, this is Mr. Jack, a good friend of mine..."

Mrs. Ulay began to introduce Viscount Pompeii.

During this period, Rebecca, who was sitting in a wheelchair, was secretly looking at Chen Lun.

"He's so pretty..."

She thought to herself, blinking her moist eyes, and fluttering her long eyelashes.

"Better looking than the other young nobles."

After Mrs. Youlai's brief introduction, Viscount Pompeii nodded slightly.

"Welcome to Pompeii Manor as a guest, Mr. Jack."

He held out his hand and said.

Viscount Pompeii's voice was flat, without any pretense or enthusiasm.

"Since you are a friend of Mrs. Youlai, you must attend the breakfast later."

"It is my pleasure, Monsieur Viscount."

Chen Lun shook hands with him, with a polite smile on his face.

But the seriousness in his eyes was fleeting, and he glanced at the ring on the Viscount's ring finger without any trace.

Viscount Pompeii nodded, quickly let go of his hand, and gestured to Butler Binoz.

"Then how about we chat while eating?"

"As the guest pleases, Mr. Viscount."

The old butler Binoz understood and called the maid to prepare the breakfast.

Some maids went to the back kitchen to inform the cook, and some maids began to decorate the restaurant, everything was in order.

When everyone was seated and before the meal was served, Mrs. Pompey said:

"Mrs. Ulay, Rebecca's studies for the next few months will be handed over to you."

"I haven't had time to explain it to you, Mrs. Pompey."

Mrs Ulley had taken off her wide-brimmed hat and handed it to the maid.She straightened her coiled hair and looked apologetic.

"Please forgive me, I'm not feeling well recently, I'm afraid I won't be able to do this job..."

Mrs. Pompey and the Viscount looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of doubt on each other's faces.

If this is the case, it is impossible for Mrs. Yulai to accept the invitation.

Viscount Pompeii frowned slightly.

As far as he knew, Mrs. Yulai was in good health, so what he said now was obviously an excuse.

"For this reason, I found Mr. Jack, he is not only my friend, but also a scholar I admire...

Mr. Jack has just arrived in Amber City, but his ability is beyond doubt. "

Mrs. Yuley said, smiling.

"It just so happens that he is good at literature, history and natural knowledge, so he is the perfect candidate to be Miss Rebecca's tutor."

Hearing her words, Rebecca's eyes lit up.

But Viscount Pompeii and his wife's faces darkened at the same time.

The Viscount looked at the young people at the dining table and said bluntly:

"I've met a lot of young people who are eloquent and can talk about everything, but are actually action idiots."

His words were no longer euphemistic, Mrs. Youlai and Chen Lun could hear the distrust in it.

"I don't think that's quite right, Mrs Ullai."

Mrs. Pompeii didn't trust Chen Lun's talent, she was more concerned that this was a young man.

If he was allowed to serve as Rebecca's governess, it would inevitably affect her daughter's reputation.And he is so handsome, which is a red flag for Rebecca.

Facing the resistance from Viscount Pompeii and his wife, Chen Lun's expression remained unchanged, with a smile still on his face.

He glanced at the diamond-encrusted gold ring on Viscount Pompey's hand.

"That ring... is a spiritual protection [creepy thing], it's going to be difficult now."

I can't use [Siren's Song] for hypnosis, so it may be very difficult to convince Viscount Pompeii with eloquence alone.

While secretly thinking about countermeasures, Rebecca said:

"Let this gentleman try, father and mother."

She was sitting upright in a ladylike manner, coquettishly holding Mrs. Pompey's arm.

"I am also very eager to learn. It is too boring to be bored at home."

"But, Rebecca..."

Mrs. Pompey showed a hint of embarrassment.

But seeing her daughter's lovely face and pitiful look, she finally relented.

"Okay...then let this gentleman try."

She glanced at her husband, who pouted.

Just at this moment, the maid brought it up earlier, and the butler Binoz opened the lid.

Viscount Pompeii put a tablecloth on his chest, picked up a knife and fork, and prepared to start a steak.

"In that case, Mr. Jack will give Rebecca the first lesson after the breakfast."

He said something indifferent.

But he made up his mind in his heart, after today is over, this guy will not be used tomorrow.

The etiquette of the nobility still needs to be in place, and Mrs. Youlai's face cannot be swept away on the spot.

The breakfast banquet at the Viscount's house was very sumptuous, and the dishes were also very high-end. Everyone ate as if the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

After the breakfast was over, Mrs. Ulay said goodbye and left.

Perhaps because he was worried about his daughter being alone in the room with a strange man, Chen Lun was arranged to teach Rebecca in the garden.

A large parasol was propped up on the lawn, and pure white carved wooden tables and chairs were placed underneath.

Chen Lun sat across from Rebecca, holding a copy of "Cui Suer Literary Anthology" in his hand, and narrated it according to the script.

Looking over the book in his hand, he saw Viscount Pompeii walking in the garden with his wife.The eyes of the two shot over from time to time, for fear that they would do something that exceeded the rules.

"Mr. Jack, where are you from?"

Rebecca was obviously not listening, but asked curiously.

Butler Binoz, with his hands behind his back, was standing not far from the two of them, carrying out the mission of "supervising".

"Hey, my hometown is in the remote Yanbang Bronze City, Peacock City...

Miss Rebecca, please take the class seriously first, otherwise I may not be able to teach you tomorrow. "

Chen Lun smiled, and Rebecca's eyes widened immediately.

The sun shone down and shone on the face of the black-haired young man, shining brightly.

She couldn't help blushing.

"No, I will tell my father that you teach well..."

The old butler Binoz couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Is this when he doesn't exist?
He despised Chen Lun more and more in his heart, just now he was reciting verbatim from the textbook just now, is this level a scholar?
Just find anyone who can read and write on the road, and you can do better than him!
"Miss Rebecca, what do you think of literature?"

Chen Lun withdrew his attention from Viscount Pompeii and his wife, and asked Rebecca softly.

He made up his mind to start with this girl.

Be sure to take her down!

(End of this chapter)

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