Chapter 542
"Ha ha……"

Seeing Feliciano's funny look, Lucy couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

She put down the barbecue tools, took off the gloves, walked to Ahsoka's side, gently embraced the little girl's shoulders, and comforted:

"Don't be afraid of Ahsoka, the seniors and sisters are just teasing you, the teacher is not a person who likes to kill."

"Really, sister Lucy?"

Ahsoka seemed to trust her very much, and confirmed in a low voice.

"Well... In fact, I was almost used as a sacrifice and killed by the Red Apple Church. It was Mr. Jack who saved me and gave me the opportunity to learn and be a dignified person."

"Then, is Mr. Jack really a saint?"

After listening to Lucy's words, Ahsoka's fear eased a little, and then he asked curiously.

"Yes, he is a saint, and he is honored as the 'Dragon of White Scales' by the supernatural beings in the mysterious realm... It is rumored that when he is angry, he will turn into a pale dragon and easily destroy the enemy."

Lucy whispered reverently.

Ahsoka pursed his lips and fell silent.

Not long after, there was the sound of hurried and chaotic footsteps, accompanied by gasps of pain.Everyone turned their heads to look, only to see Feliciano running back with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"What's wrong with you?"

Sunny and light rain asked.

"'s nothing, I accidentally fell, the ground is too slippery."

Feliciano turned sideways, trying to cover his disfigured face, but he wanted to hide his disfigured face, and everyone surrounded him one after another. Among them, Polaris said in a deep voice:
"Who beat you?"

"Oh, it's okay, just some small conflicts... I'm just sorry, I forgot to take the ingredients."

Feliciano said with a wry smile.

"What ingredients are you still worried about? You are being bullied! We are all students of Mr. Jack, and we will not let you be wronged. Say, whoever hit you, I will avenge you!"

On a sunny day and light rain, Fan, who had a big sister's head, was obviously two heads shorter than Felice Anuo, but he patted him on the arm justly.

Felice Annuo gasped in pain. He slowed down. Looking at the concerned expressions of the four students, he couldn't help feeling a little moved. Finally, he had to say:
"It's those guys from Pask. Their family has been at odds with my Melt family. Last week, because of a big business, Earl Bello and my father had a quarrel... When passing by just now, Pask took this You humiliated me, and even scolded my father...Damn it! It’s all because I’m too weak, and I haven’t been promoted to a transcendent until now, otherwise I must make him look good!”

"Pask you said, how many people do they have, and what strength?"

Polaris asked calmly.

Feliciano looked at the senior, feeling inexplicably safe in his heart, thought for a while and answered truthfully:

"Six people, all of them are Transcendents, of which Pask is a Sequence Eight [Magic Apprentice], and the other five are [Scholars]..."

"Well, it's not a big deal, so there's no need to bother the teacher because of it... But it can't just be left alone, I'll help you settle them."

Polaris patted Feliciano on the shoulder lightly and said.

"There are seniors coming out, don't worry, those guys who bullied you will definitely kneel down and beg for mercy..."

Sunny and light rain said from the side.

However, Ahsoka was a little worried, and said cautiously:
"Isn't this not very good... After all, the academy stipulates that fighting is not allowed. If you use extraordinary power, you will be expelled, right?"

"Don't worry, it's fine if you don't do it in the academy."

On a sunny day, light rain gave her a reassuring look.

After a while.

Under the guidance of Felice Anuo, the crowd found six young men in green robes who were gathering here beside a scenic river on the east side of the college. Funny look when running away.

"I'm so stupid, I would have used the 'photo scroll' to record the appearance of that idiot, and then let Chris and the others appreciate it..."

"Wouldn't the Mateo girls be upset if they saw that the silly boy they liked had his pants down?"


A group of people burst into laughter.

Immediately, someone noticed the arrival of Polaris and others, and the leader Pask immediately sneered, glanced at the disheveled Felice Anno, and said loudly:
"Melter's girls, what's the matter? Called your brother and sister to help you out?"

Polaris never spoke harshly, so he turned his head and gave Qingtian Xiaoyu a look. The latter smiled tacitly, and then threw out a scroll.

The scroll spread out in the wind, and the incantation words engraved on it lit up. Immediately, the surrounding scene changed, and the azure blue vision was like the edge of a burnt paper, instantly engulfing the present world.

"This...what is this place?"

Pask and the others turned pale with shock, and one of them looked around and said in doubt.

"Spirit world! They plan to do something!"

Pask was well-informed and recognized this place at a glance.He turned his head quickly and looked at Polaris and Sunny Rain at the head, and he had already guessed in his heart that these two must be Transcendents with high ranks.

"What do you want to do? We are all students of St. Byron's College! If you use extraordinary power to fight without authorization, you will not only be expelled from school, but will also be severely punished by the Holy See..."

He said sternly, his hand has been quietly stretched behind his back.

"I am the eldest son of the Beiluo family. These are also famous nobles in the River Bay area. You should think about it clearly!"

Pask suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, the young man in the blue dress appeared in front of his eyes in an instant, and before he had time to react, the metal cane in the opponent's hand had already been swung towards him.

Pask felt dizzy, there was severe pain on his left cheek, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably.

The scroll in his hand fell to the ground and was stepped on by the opponent.

"Don't act rashly, or you will only be able to turn the pages with your mouth when reading in the future..."

Polaris raised one hand, holding a few cards between his fingers, his sharp eyes swept over the other five people, and immediately stunned them.

Immediately, he plunged down the cane, and the tip of the stick slammed into Pask's cheek, making him tremble in fright.

"Bah... what do you want?"

Pask resisted the pain and dazzle, and said in a deep voice after spitting out a mouthful of blood.Although he was full of anger in his heart, his reason told him that the opponent's strength was obviously crushing him, so he should calm down first.

"Including you, everyone apologizes to Felice Anuo."

Polaris kicked the scroll away, stepped on Pask's face again, and said calmly.

Not far away, Lucy Ahsoka and other four students were very relieved after seeing this scene.Especially Feliciano, he pulled his painful face, showed a hearty smile, and looked at the senior Polaris with gratitude and reverence.

Pask was lying on the ground, his head was stepped on, his face was distorted, his eyes were drooping, but he gritted his teeth for a long time, the Bello family gave him the dignity, and he was not allowed to spit out soft words.

The five people on the side were also silent one after another, with gloomy and unwilling faces.

"Don't talk? Everyone is dumb?"

Polaris looked around and said coldly.

"When you mocked my junior just now, why didn't you see you dumb... Okay, let's not say yes, then don't blame me for being cruel."

He kicked Pask's face first, and with a puff, the latter's head hit the ground, and another mouthful of blood was spit out from his mouth, accompanied by two teeth.

In the next second, Polaris appeared in front of the other five people, and he swung the metal cane in his hand.

However, at this moment, a distorted and blurred air barrier blocked the whipping of the cane, and with a muffled puff, Polaris was shocked back two steps by the force of the rebound.

He frowned and turned his head to look.

I saw a tall and thin middle-aged man standing not far away, wearing a suit and leather shoes, with his yellow-brown hair combed meticulously, and holding two thick tomes in his hands.

"Can any of you tell me what's going on here?"

The man said with a serious expression.

"Professor Kadir! They attacked us for no reason! They were all called by Feliciano, you must be the master for us..."

One of the green-robed youths shouted hastily.

When they saw their mentor coming, it was as if they had seen a savior, and they were full of confidence.

"This guy...he wants to kill me, Professor Kadir, suppress him quickly!"

Pask struggled to get up, his face swollen like a pig's head was full of hatred, and he said inarticulately.

With trembling hands, he pointed at Qing Tian Xiao Yu and the others.

"Also, they are all accomplices. They directly used extraordinary power in the academy and must be severely punished!"

After listening to their words, Kadir's brows became deeper and deeper.

"Professor, they insulted my family and father first, and then beat me up... Senior Polaris couldn't see it, so he helped me teach them a lesson."

Feliciano quickly explained.

"Well, I see."

Kadir nodded perfunctorily, and responded indifferently.

Although there may be hidden secrets in this matter, he will naturally be more inclined to his students in his heart... and anyway, what he saw with his own eyes is that only the other party has ravaged Pask and others with one-sided power. This is an indisputable fact .

"I don't know who your students are, and I don't want to know. According to the college's regulations, stop now immediately, and then go to the Academic Affairs Office with me...I believe Ms. Julie will handle this matter fairly."

Kadir glanced at Polaris coldly, and said.

"Also, how dare you use extraordinary power to commit violence..."

Polaris took a deep breath, he tightened the metal cane in his hand, and then relaxed again, but after a few seconds, he realized that something was wrong, and the other party stopped talking halfway...

Polaris looked up, and that Professor Kadir had disappeared.Everyone present had extremely weird expressions, because they didn't realize how the professor left.

The strange scene lasted for a while.

Polaris was startled suddenly, because he heard a familiar and plain voice from the bottom of his heart:

(End of this chapter)

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